alex lasry background

flex-direction: column; margin-bottom:0px; Under NBA rules, the children are . How to run for office | Source. Lasry believes his background of working in the Obama White House and . .leg-hnt-responsive-columns { The United States is an outlier in the 35 countries in the industrialized world, and other countries already have sector bargaining. "I'm not a career politician. Its also time to eliminate the tipped minimum wage, which is based in sexism and racism and makes it more likely that these workers live in poverty. While 60% of the funding will be distributed by a formula basis, most of the rest will be distributed based on competitive grants. max-width: 600px; But we cant stop there. We should be assisting countries in protecting their democracies and calling out those that are guilty of human rights violations and repressing democracy. We will finally be able to fix our crumbling roads and bridges, fund environmental remediation projects, and prioritize broadband to get all Wisconsinites covered with reliable internet. The only way we can truly follow through on those promises is to pass legislation that will deliver real results to voters. } Our workers have been punished as a result of companies prioritizing profits over people. break-inside: avoid-column; .widget-img { School districts | During the early part of the pandemic, 27% of adults considering relocation were most interested in a rural location according to a survey conducted by DCI (an economic development marketing firm). The federal government should guarantee every workers right to the freedom of association, organize a union, and bargain collectively for better working conditions, free from retaliation. We need federal housing incentives that do a better job of incentivizing new rural affordable housing. We need to incentivize our high schools to set up dual enrollment programs in technical schools that allow for both high school and college credits in technical education the same way that we do for college education. We also dont just talk about a 15 dollars minimum wage; we turned our promise into action. display: inline-block; This also means we need to strengthen our democracy at home. .race_header.democratic { Congress must also pass the PRO Act to protect unions, empower workers, and hold big businesses accountable. Alex Lasry's trust is valued at more than $50 million. Current U.S. law excludes certain categories of workers from the right to organize, making it more difficult for workers to join unions and stifles the drive for better working conditions. Nothing short of the future of American democracy is at stake and if elected, I will act immediately. Another less discussed and very important aspect of this legislation is the ending of the militarization of our police forces that occurred through President Bushs administration pushing out equipment returned directly from the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan to local law enforcement. Congress must act to update this law before the 2024 presidential election, clarifying and strengthening the provisions to ensure that ambiguities and weaknesses of the existing law cannot be used to undermine democracy. Additionally, most low-wage workers do not have equal access to paid leave. That is where strong government enforcement must come in, and in the Senate, I will fight for more stringent environmental guardrails. This is a crisis that we must address with urgency. We also need to invest in upgrading our rail infrastructure across the state. The funds that exist arent enough to make a real impact on the size of the need or opportunity. We must ensure that all people have their constitutional right to vote protected. [26], Last edited on 17 February 2023, at 16:32, 2022 United States Senate election in Wisconsin, "You're All Set to Get Married and Then the Coronavirus Pandemic Hits. display: block; } Los trastornos alimenticios afectan a casi 1 de cada 10 personas en todo el mundo, segn la organizacin sin nimo de lucro ANAD, que ofrece servicios de apoyo a las personas que los padecen. font-size: 16px; Whether it is inadequate access to affordable healthcare, unsafe drinking water, a lack of access to high-speed broadband, crumbling infrastructure, educational challenges, or vanishing economic opportunity, our communities need help. .leg-hnt-flex-item { The United States is the only advanced country that does not currently guarantee paid leave. [4][6] At the time, Lasry's father was a client of Goldman Sachs. width: 150px; .hideResponses { display: none;} Its long overdue. Many of these same expenses were continued for business owners and in fact, in the 2021 COVID relief bill, business meal deductions were expanded to allow for them to be 100 percent deductible as a way to help restaurants recover from the pandemic. Companies that do things like bringing back manufacturing from overseas, locating their operations in rural communities, investing in the health and wellbeing of the community they are located in, and have a unionized workforce those are examples of ways they can earn a tax break. } We need to pass the Paycheck Fairness Act, advocate for more affordable and accessible child care, and ensure a fair wage for child care workers, home health care workers, and long-term care workers. width: 250px; } .indicate_scroll { Senator Baldwin is taking that work one step further through her Made in America Act to strengthen Buy America requirements for the federal government in order to support American businesses, manufacturers, and workers. $('#candidate-connection-twitter-97840').on('click', () => { ga('send', 'event', 'surveycta', 'surveycta-click-twitter'); }); In addition, we need to allow workers casting ballots in union organizing elections to do so offsite. Congress should act immediately to pass the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act. text-align: center; In both urban and rural areas, people across Wisconsin are struggling with many of the same issues. We must use the full power of this law to make sure we go from permanently protecting 12% of Americas land to 30%. padding-top: 8px; padding-left: 10px; The following candidates ran in the Democratic primary for U.S. Senate Wisconsin on August 9, 2022. .external_links_table { width: auto !important; } Our campaign has followed the lead of Senator Tammy Baldwin and Governor Tony Evers, showing up in communities that have traditionally been ignored by Democrats, and taken for granted by Republicans. display: inline-block; We need to have a system that can not only transport Wisconsin produced goods to the market in an efficient manner, but also help transport our people and allow workers to live wherever they want, including rural areas, and commute more easily. Quality childcare would also improve long term educational outcomes for children by providing a secure, nurturing community for childrens early lives that will provide a basis for future growth. They have severely restricted voting before, and they are trying to do it again. We must prevent foreign actors from being able to influence or buy our democracy. This incredibly effective tool has been championed on a bipartisan basis in the past and was put in place through the COVID Relief package by the Biden Administration in early 2021. The war on labor unions and the resulting large-scale reduction in union membership has hurt our country and our economy. overflow-y: hidden; [2][24], Lasry has expressed support for a $15 minimum wage, the Protecting the Right to Organize Act, the notion of eliminating the filibuster, and the John Lewis Voting Rights Act. Union dues were deductible prior to the 2017 Trump Tax Law. President Bidens Build Back Better Plan will bring good, union jobs to Wisconsin and help with desperately needed infrastructure improvements across the state. .outer_percentage { } } }); What's on my ballot? display: inline; Guarantee every worker the right to be a member of a union. We need a Senator who will work to make this happen, not one who thinks its not his job. text-align: left !important; .widget-row.Republican { Building in rural communities is less dense than in urban areas and often comes at higher costs because of the additional cost for transporting materials and hiring harder to find skilled labor. The United States must continue its historic and special role as Israels strongest ally. Require the federal government only does business with companies that pay at least the living wage of 15 dollars an hour, provide a safe workplace, and respect workers rights to organize a union, The federal government is the largest purchaser of goods and services in the country. Not long ago, former Wisconsin Republican Congressman Jim Sensenbrenner was a champion for the reauthorization of the Voting Rights Act. We need to do more to help support our industries to make investments to modernize, helping them save money while also protecting the environment. We need to rebuild infrastructure across our state. Republicans like Ron Johnson want us to believe people in urban and rural areas dont care about the same things, that couldnt be further from the truth. We have seen how vulnerable we are to these cyber-attacks, and it must be an immediate priority of Congress to invest in both the infrastructure and manpower to combat these attacks so that we can secure our election infrastructure at every level of government. He has previously worked for Goldman Sachs and in the. Broadband Internet is critical infrastructure that is equally as important as roads and plumbing. Lyft, DoorDash, and Grubhub force gig workers to either accept changes to their contracts that allow those corporations to take more money away from gig workers, or the workers are blocked from getting additional gigs through the app. .contact_entity {font-size: 1.0em ;margin-top: 0.6em; margin-bottom: 0em; margin-right: 0.5em;} Often, app companies like Uber. .leg-hnt-toggle-text { Click here to read the survey answers. In the last year, the child poverty rate has dropped by nearly 40 percent, the biggest drop ever in American history due to the Child Tax Credit. Our countrys milk pricing system is out of date and is far too restrictive. That represents tens of millions of research dollars that are not coming into the state and instead are going somewhere else. A growing number of communities across Wisconsin are also discovering that they have serious issues with PFA forever chemicals in their drinking water. padding-bottom: 0px; For too long, critical infrastructure that was built more than a generation ago has not received the care and maintenance that it needs. display: flex; I brought together the public/private partnership to build the Bucks Arena. A full accounting of his holdings is expected to be released in a public filing next week. "This week I was vaccinated!" Lasry tweeted on Friday after the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel first reported it. event.srcElement.innerText = '[show]'; .votebox-scroll-container { margin-top: 5px; Lasry was born and raised in New York and moved to Wisconsin in 2014. Wisconsin farmers need more access to developing markets around the world, especially in emerging markets like North Africa, the Middle East, and Asia. I worked with both Democrats and Republicans on the successful bid showing that it is possible to work across the aisle to get things done for the people of Wisconsin. flex: 0 0 150px; We created a great business, brought economic opportunity to the area, and prioritized progressive values. The size and scope of the problem is so large that the federal government is going to need to play a significant role in making sure this problem is dealt with and cleaned up. margin: 0px 10px; Many rural communities lack any access to drug treatment professionals or programs. It also establishes election certification and gives voters legal remedies if partisan ofcials refuse to certify results or try to set aside the results of an election. We are currently one of the only campaigns in the country that has a unionized campaign staff because we practice what we preach. Advances in technology are starting to change this, with newer options like 5G and satellite internet that bridge the last mile problem while delivering high-speed, reliable broadband almost anywhere. .image-candidate-thumbnail-wrapper .image-candidate-thumbnail { font-size: 2em; Wisconsin has seen the success that Tammy Baldwin has had with bringing new research and development dollars to our state, most recently through Dairy Business Innovation Funding. [4] He graduated from Trevor Day School, where his mother served as a board member. p.survey-response {margin-left:10px;} background-color: #ccc; .non_result_row th { The Made in America Act identifies federal programs that fund infrastructure projects not currently subject to Buy America standards and ensures that materials used in these federal programs are domestically produced. I will focus on actually legislating, breaking gridlock, and delivering real results for Wisconsin. I want to go to Washington to get things done for all Wisconsinites, no matter where they live, or who they have voted for in the past. The drinking water infrastructure in rural communities is rapidly aging and creating a threat to public health. Our students are Wisconsins future, and if we dont invest in them, then they wont be able to invest in Wisconsin. } Cities | We need to do more to spur on the development of additional affordable housing in rural communities. Lasry completed Ballotpedia's Candidate Connection survey in 2022. Lasrys campaign website stated the following: I am running for US Senate because for over a decade Wisconsinites have had only one US Senator fighting for them in Washington. letter-spacing: 0.03em; We need to incentivize them to do things like plant cover crops on less productive agricultural lands, no till farming, and winter cover crops. He isnt only dangerous for Wisconsin, but for the entire country. People of color are disproportionately marginalized by the systemic racism ingrained in our society. } Insurrectionists did not like the outcome of the election and they tried to discard the voice of the People. Creating More Access to International Trade. Any agreement must be built on Israels fundamental right to exist and the guarantee that Israel is protected and able to defend itself. } .leg-hnt-flex-column { box-sizing: border-box; Sequestering carbon while improving water quality by reducing runoff of soil, fertilizers, and pesticides benefits everyone and we should make sure that it is economically sound for farmers. Whether its from PFAs or other contamination in our aquifers, or from aging drinking water infrastructure, an increasing number of communities are confronting challenges to this most basic of needs. If they choose to become a state, the U.S. should grant Puerto Rico full representation in the U.S. Congress and the electoral college. My plan has been to talk directly with every voter that we can, whether its in an urban, suburban, or rural area. [3] He is the son of Milwaukee Bucks co-owner Marc Lasry . margin-bottom: 0; We elect members of Congress to get results, not engage in stalemates. I hear the same thing from voters no matter where they live: Wisconsinites want good jobs, family sustaining wages, access to quality affordable healthcare, and access to economic opportunity. .votebox-results-metadata-p { margin-right: 12px; display: inline-block; color: black; } Mandela Barnes as the top Democratic candidate in the hotly contested primary for what is expected to be one of the most hard-fought Senate races this year. .leg-hnt-leadership-title { display: inline-block; We need to give students opportunities to begin their education and apprenticeships while still in high school to open a pathway to a career instead of hoping that they will choose this route after they graduate. font-style: italic; .top_disclaimer { padding-top: 3px; The filibuster is an archaic, Jim Crow-era rule that is stopping legislators from doing what they were elected to do. .results_row td { Expanding the right to vote has been a persistent fight since the founding of this country. margin: auto; } font-weight: bold; For too long, our country has been in a race to the bottom where we have incentivized companies to ship jobs overseas and produce products for the lowest price possible, no matter what the consequences are. font-weight: bold; We all know families are struggling right now with rising costs. Residents of the District of Columbia overwhelmingly favor statehood, it is constitutional, and would finally right an historic wrong. We must bridge the gap to ensure an equal footing when it comes to opportunity for every part of our state. The pandemic has disproportionately negatively impacted working women, and the entire economy has suffered. Tony Evers vetoed those bills, but other states arent as lucky. If Republicans are successful in continuing to block pieces of legislation like the Pro Act, George Floyd Justice in Policing Act, The John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act, and the For the People Act, it will be my priority to ensure that these get passed when I get to the Senate. Lasry has done so much at the young age of 33. That doesnt just mean roads and bridges, but also ensuring that Wisconsinites in all parts of the state have access to reliable, affordable broadband, clean drinking water, and other vital parts of our infrastructure like expanding and improving rail access to ship products. The VRAA will strengthen protections against racially discriminatory voter suppression and redistricting abuses. width: 100%; $('.collapse').collapse('show'); Increasing the Participation Rate in Apprenticeships. Voting should be easy. The constitution gives you the right to an attorney, but what if no attorney is available? Incumbent Ronald Harold Johnson defeated David Schroeder in the Republican primary for U.S. Senate Wisconsin on August 9, 2022. in political science and government from the University of Pennsylvania in 2009 and an M.B.A. in corporate finance and management from New York University in 2014. .mw-content-ltr td.votebox-results-cell--text, Corporations have shown us time and time again that when the penalties are too light, they will not always act in the public welfare. Its long past time for Congress to act and pass the Paycheck Fairness Act into law. letter-spacing: .04em; [21], In August 2020, when members of the Bucks supposedly leaked to NBA reporter Shams Charania that they were attempting to reach Wisconsin Attorney General Josh Kaul after the Kenosha police shooting of Jacob Blake, records show that Lasry texted a staffer of Kaul's to say that he "yelled at the players" over the leak. .leg-hnt-title { $('.collapse').collapse('hide'); } overflow: hidden; Healthcare simply costs too much, especially for seniors. Raise the federal minimum wage to 15 dollars, add indexing and parity for tipped workers. The VRAA will restore and update many of the protections against racial discrimination that were included in the Voting Rights Act of 1965. Its time to pass federal legislation that will ban partisan gerrymandering and establish a federal non-partisan standard for drawing fair maps that will be representative of the diversity in each district. .contact_office { margin-top: 0.3em; margin-bottom: 0em;margin-right: 0.5em;} height: 100%; font-weight: bold; } The United States has a unique responsibility and must play an active role in resetting the peace talks. The pandemic has shown us first-hand what a lack of access to reliable broadband means for schools, healthcare facilities, and small businesses. Currently, 28 states have right to work laws that take away rights from working people, drive down wages, and weaken labor unions. Progressive values are good for business. In the coming years, Congress will need to pass a follow up bill to ensure our critical infrastructure needs are continuing to be addressed. Alex Lasry wants to flip the script on Republican Sen. Ron Johnson, who has long cast himself as a political outsider in his 12 years in the U.S. Senate. After losing an election, Republican leadership decided that their only chance to win is to institute new obstacles that will make it much harder for them to vote. [10], After receiving his MBA in 2014, Lasry moved to Milwaukee when his family purchased the Milwaukee Bucks, to serve as the team's senior vice president. The old trope that raising the minimum wage will cost jobs has been disproven time and time again. He lost in the Democratic primary on August 9, 2022. Lasry announced this week the. Elections in 2023 | This allows workers to vote their preference without fear of harassment or intimidation. flex: 0 0 175px; We need to enhance reporting requirements to show voters where campaign funding is coming from. A June Marquette University Law School poll had Barnes just a few points ahead of Lasry,. I will do everything that I can to help raise wages, bring jobs and investment back to Wisconsin, and enact legislation that will make peoples lives better no matter where they live. The federal minimum wage should be immediately raised to 15 dollars an hour, and we should index it to median wage growth so that it increases without the need for politicians to take a vote. They desperately want to divide and conquer us and are constantly trying to stoke division. } Ron Johnson isnt just a bad Senator, he is a threat to our democracy. display: block; (Nov 2019) Pass the PRO Act to protect unions, empower workers. I will work in the Senate to get it passed as soon as possible. Fortunately, Gov.

. Progressive values are good for business and the PRO Act will ensure that projects like what he did in Milwaukee can happen across the country. height: 50px; } Workers well-being should not be dependent on who holds power. I want to bring a new way of thinking that ensures that the wealthy and big corporations pay their fair share, while also prioritizing raising wages and bringing more investment back to the United States. We have seen incredible work amongst the UW System, the Tech College System, and our k-12 schools to help align curriculum, increase dual enrollment programs, and ensure that core credits can be transferred from one system to another. clearInterval(nTimer); .mw-body #mw-content-text th.votebox-results-cell--text { width: 57%; Our students are Wisconsins future, and if we dont invest in them, then they wont be able to invest in Wisconsin, which is one of the many reasons why I will fight for equitable broadband access across our state. Congress can help by raising the rural health reimbursement rates for Medicaid and Medicare and establishing more stringent minimum standards to make sure they can afford to provide the services that are needed in our communities. } .infobox { width: 100%; Alex Lasry (Democratic Party) ran for election to the U.S. Senate to represent Wisconsin. } Also, as part of the 2017 Trump Tax Bill, Republicans removed the ability for employees to take a deduction for a dedicated home office while maintaining the deduction for business owners. Re-shoring Manufacturing and Improving Supply Chains. [2] He said his wife's uncle contacted her about unused doses that would go to waste. Todays Republicans reject this legacy and their attempts to deny the right to vote are undemocratic, un-American, and unpatriotic. Do you want a spreadsheet of this type of data? Progressive values are good business. The majority of current labor law in the United States was written in the 1920s and passed into law in the 1930s, almost 100 years ago. U.S. Congress | I dont just talk about the issues, I have delivered on them. I strongly believe that protecting 30% of the United States lands by 2030 is attainable. } var nTimer = setInterval(function() { We need to safeguard unions and protect workers for generations to come. display: block; We need to work cooperatively to ensure that Wisconsin has a seat at the table in order to enact meaningful dairy policy reform in the next Farm Bill or through separate legislation. This is especially acute in education. .mw-body #mw-content-text th.votebox-results-cell--text { The first two years of public community college or technical school should be free. margin-bottom: 0px; } [4][7][9] Lasry went on to become Special Assistant to the Chief of Staff to Senior Advisor Valerie Jarrett, and then Deputy Counselor for Strategic Engagement to the Senior Advisor where he worked on business outreach and the Jobs Council. border-bottom: 1px solid #aaa; padding-left: 8px;

} I understand the unique security risks facing Israel, and I will be a strong, committed friend to the Israeli people from Day One. font-weight: bold; background-color: #6db24f; font-size: 90%; background: #4c4c4c; As Wisconsin continues to bask in the glow of the Milwaukee Bucks first NBA Championship in 50 years, Alex Lasry, senior vice president for the Milwaukee Bucks, sat down with Milwaukee Courier staff to talk about how the Bucks have inspired him to run for the U.S. Senate. letter-spacing: 0.03em; That means paying more than a 15 dollar an hour minimum wage, keeping their supply operations in the United States, and being active partners in the communities that they do business in. Members of Congress are elected to get things done. Alex Lasry earned a B.A. } } As we fight climate change, we must remember that communities of color too often bear the brunt of its devastating effects, while sharing in few of the economic opportunities presented by the clean energy economy. Milwaukee Bucks executive Alex Lasry explains the reasons he wants to be a U.S. senator, what his legislative priorities would be if elected and why he is running in the Democratic primary on Aug. 9, 2022. . Lasry, son of private equity . font-weight: 200; If they choose to not do any of these things, then they will not be eligible for tax breaks. I am a strong advocate for passenger rail that connects Wisconsin with our Midwest neighbors and beyond as well as reinvesting in other forms of public transportation across the state. We are currently one of the only campaigns in the country that has a unionized campaign staff, because we practice what we preach. I decided to run because for over a decade, Wisconsinites have only had one Senator fighting for them in Washington. [3] He is the son of Milwaukee Bucks co-owner Marc Lasry. One of the best ways we can help strengthen our rural communities is to make sure our kids can stay, or come back to the community they are born and raised in. .panel-heading:hover { cursor: pointer;} .leg-hnt-leadership { color: white; While Johnson has gotten grief for nonstop gaffes and his. But workers still cant deduct them. As Chair of the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies, Senator Baldwin has worked relentlessly to address the needs of our dairy industry. We have since seen other candidates take that pledge, but it rings hollow when candidates that have taken corporate PAC money in the past now claim to reject it. } margin-top: 0px; Since entering this race, I have traveled to every part of Wisconsin, talking to voters about the issues that matter most to them. Especially in rural areas, we have seen population loss, a shrinking labor pool, and limited access to career training and opportunity. Voters want real, actionable change.

He was born on July 15, 1987. font-size: .9em; This practice disproportionately affects communities of color and must be ended. In the Senate, I will be a partner with Senator Baldwin to fight for more investment. It also has a direct effect on the innovations, patents, and new startups that result from that research. Too many rural healthcare facilities are staffed by medical professionals who are nearing the end of their careers. Senator. [7][25], Lasry lives in Milwaukee with his wife and daughter in a historic mansion on Milwaukee's east side. I dont just talk about the issues; I have delivered on them. According to the Economic Policy Institute, childcare workers in the U.S. are only paid $13.51/hour, and home health care workers are paid 13.81 dollars an hour, roughly half what the average U.S. worker is paid 27.31 dollars. The road to a Democratic Senate runs through Wisconsin, and every single vote will matter. Instead of just talking about what I want to do, I have a proven record of delivering real results for Wisconsinites. The decision means front-runner Mandela Barnes, the. No place is this more acute than in our rural communities. We saw in 2016, and more recently, how nefarious foreign attempts to undermine confidence in our elections can have disastrous consequences. Please list below 3 key messages of your campaign. While it has largely been overshadowed by the pandemic, the pandemic has made the situation worse because people have been more isolated and have not had access to the help they need.

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