comnavsurfor esws instruction

These books contain exercises and Department of the Navy, Comprehensive Fatigue and Endurance Management Policy, (ComNavSurfPac/ComNavSurfLant Instruction 3120.2), 2017. Yardarm blinkers are restricted to night time use among ships in company. Located on the upper level of engineroom. (i.e. The transponder transmits a reply on a frequency of 1090 MHz immediately upon receipt of a challenge from an interrogator. May also be used to assist aft steering. |_____ Wire size is designated by its diameter in inches, rather than by its circumference. PHM - intercept and destroy coastal shipping, carries out patrols, blockades and surveillance tasks. A combination of cleanliness and orderliness will reduce machinery and personnel hazards, aiding in prevention of accidents, fires, etc. Caution Tag is yellow, used primarily as a precautionary measure to provide temporary special instructions or to indicate that unusual caution must provide. Your may be able to access it through CNSF issuances, as another poster said. A supplement to the battle telephone circuit. 0313.4 List aircraft capabilities aboard your ship. e. Slides - Does not actually slide, but are fitted bearing surfaces which support and guide the sliding (recoiling) barrel and housing parts of the gun that move in elevation. q. (2) Secret classification is given to information or material which is less vital to our security than top secret. 0307.9 Describe the location and type(s) of fire control computers and their function in missile control system (MFCS) aboard your ship. For anything of interest to Sailors! (SLCM - Ship Launched Cruise Missile) - Long range cruise missile designed to carry out both land attack and anti-ship missions using either nuclear or conventional high explosive warheads. 0303.2 Using your Ship's Tactical Characteristics Folder, describe the following: a. (3) Search: B-scan, TDC, correlogram track display, doppler display. It consists of two wire whips connected at a trolley block. }(document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk')); Prevents organisms or bacteria from living in tanks. The Watch, Quarters and Stations Bill tells you where to go and muster. When this mode is used, information for the fire mission is obtained by optically tracking targets, using the remote optical sight TV. USS Blue Ridge LCC-19 and USS Mount Whitney. b. Color coded YELLOW and shaped like a STAR. The air pressure is produced by a 1250 PSI compressor located in the auxiliary machinery spaces. It will be the key Navy/Marine Corps fighter/attack plane of the 1980s and 1990s. Inclusion of the date of receipt is required. c. Air Summary Plot - The main display during anti-air warfare operations in a conventional ship, as in the NTDS console on an NTDS-equipped ship. (3) Passive - Audio via headphone, video via plan position indicator (PPI), B-scope, A-scan recorder, graphic indicator, sector scan indicator, azimuth recorder, and numerous dial indicators. The four different types of CASREPs are: a. CASREP - An INITIAL casualty report (CASREP) identifies to an appropriate level of detail the status of the casualty and parts and/or assistance requirements. Electronic Warfare (EW) Supervisor - Supervises EW operators and assists the EW Officer in evaluating intercepted electronic emissions. d. Propeller Shafting - Contains the control rod, actuating rod, hydraulic tubing, servomotor assembly, and is used to transmit the motion of the engine from the reduction gear to the propeller. Located on the upper level of the fireroom. (i.e. 823_ To generate steam, it is necessary to heat water and then add more heat to convert boiling water to steam. Conning is the act of controlling the ship. Located in the fireroom on the upper level. (4) Rodmeter Repeater Used instead of a marlinspike to prevent damaging the rope. Less you junior folks have to worry about, but I would say still get it as soon as you can! (e.g. c. Weight - Each link weighs 360 lbs. g. Gun Control Console (GCOC) 0302.10 Explain and state the use of the following: a. h. Debarkation Control - the entry and exiting of personnel from designated stations. a. Remote Control Panel - Has ampere meters and controls that determine the polarity and amount of current induced in the coils. (1) Normally the Ship's Navigator on Kitty Hawk, (2) Currently ___________________________. I read that coast guard can earn this pin but can't find instructions on it. i. c. Low water in the boiler - Secure boiler(s), shaft(s), and SSTG's. ENGINEERING LOGS AND DOCUMENTATION. Securing radiation of electronic equipment deprives the ship of its electronic sensors. (m) Anticipate the personnel and material needs of the department, and submit timely requests to fulfill requirements. This information is submitted by speedletter where possible, but is usually sent by message so as to be received at least three working days prior to ships ETA. b. This creates a lot of vibration, limits speed and affects the way the ship handles. Potable water systems are designed to provide a constant supply of water for all ship's service requirements, provide makeup water for various freshwater cooling systems, and may also be used to trim the ship. Under no circumstances will equipment be operated or removed when tagged with Danger Tags. Used to mark each fathom of chain and to give warning of the approaching bitter end. b. Nancy has a range of from 10,000 to 15,000 yards, can be used only at night and is a very secure method of communication. b. Transfer a. Inhaul/Outhaul line - A line used to recover any piece of gear such as a trolley block. c. Chiller - Used to cool water for use in cooling spaces. r. Anchor Buoy - A small buoy secured by a light piece of line to the anchor to indicate the position of the anchor. 0320 m. Propeller Pitch Indicator - On ships equipped with controllable-reversible pitch propellers (CRP), indicates the pitch of the propeller at any given time. The FQ loop encircles the forward part of the ship and is just beneath the forecastle or uppermost deck. Volkswagen Announces Pricing of 25% Equity Stake Sale in Porsche, Can software simplify the supply chain? In 1971 the helicopter came into use as a minesweeping platform, which resulted in an increase in the speed of sweeping an area and a decrease in the danger. d. Own ship's noise - The higher the speed, the higher the noise level. It is self contained, requires no outside information after programming, and is not affected by adverse weather. t. Cargo drop reel - Device that lowers the load from the tensioned highline allowing the STREAM rigs to be used by ships having only fixed padeyes, a pendant station or support legs. p. Hose saddles - The two types of hose saddles for use with a 7 inch hose are Type A, which is 19 inches long and is used with the single hose rig; and Type B, which is 32 inches long and is used in the upper hose on the two hose rig. (6) Side Forces - Side thrust produced by the screw's rotation through the water. Indicator Transmitter - A housing for the electrical and electro-mechanical components of the log equipment except what is contained in the rodmeter. (o) Ensure that optimum conditions of readiness within his department are in accordance with NWP 62-1. Post pre-bootcamp, pre-commissioning questions in r/NewToTheNavy. Pumps - Provide power to steering by automatic or manual means. Part 3 will tell how many are to be on board and how many are allotted to each department. Located in aft steering gear motor room. (11) Fathometer UQN-1H - Used primarily for navigational purposes as an aid in gathering depth information for oceanographic topography and occasionally as a sonar contact classification aid. Consoles are also equipped with data readout, which displays amplified information on tracks in the system. 0316.23 Explain the requirements for using the following: a. Long-sleeved Shirts - Should be worn when operating power driven equipment (fixed and portable) and when grinding or there is danger of flying pieces. (9) Ensure optimum material conditions of readiness within his division in accordance with NWP 62-1. c. Weather - Since water is a very good reflecting material, microwave radars are very effective in detecting storm clouds and rain squalls, and large storms may completely clutter a radar scope. k. Standby station - On your side of approach 300 to 500 yards astern. (e.f. USS Dixon AD-37 and, y. BB - shore bombardment with some surface to surface missile capability. It may result in steam burns or heat exhaustion. d. Soft Aground - A vessel that is aground but that can free itself without outside assistance. Located on the reefer decks. Acids must be stored in a lead lined container and must be stored below the water line. Prevents turbine over-speed and trip out at 4300 RPM. (1) Trick Wheel - Provided for local hydraulic control of the steering system in case of failure of the remote steering system. 1 mainstay and 2 back-stays where delivery ship's stations are located. 0311.2 Explain the purpose of Emission Control (EMCON), and how it is implemented aboard your ship. These lines are usually run over to the pier and are attached to bollards. 0103.2 Explain the information contained in the following: Reports of equipment casualties are submitted utilizing a combination of two or more messages, depending on the situation and contributing factors. Length - 30 ft, weight - 7000 lbs., effective range over 70 miles. It must be reported to the Executive Officer, Medical Officer and Engineering Officer, and corrective action initiated to arrest the leak and then clean and disinfect the area. The CHT system will accept soil drains from water closets and urinals, and waste drains from showers, laundries and galleys. Injectors and valves, allows fuel and air mixture to combust. Very important at GQ when lots of decisions are made. SINS (SHIP'S INERTIAL NAVIGATION SYSTEM) BY HARDWARE TO COMPUTER. (2) Category B - Technical in nature. Located at the end of the propeller. 0310.5 Discuss the requirements and the reasons for maintaining a navigational plot in CIC. 0316.14 Explain the hazards to personnel when entering or working in an unvented space where carbon dioxide (CO2) has been discharged. (10) MK 78 Position Indicator - A repeater unit that provides a display of the ship's target and tactical information. Target data and a view along the boresight axis of the AN/SPG-60 radar are displayed at the gun control consoles. All information available should be plotted, including altitude, CAPS, size of contact, IFF, possible splits, jamming and other data obtained from radar. d. Synchro Amplifier (sync amp) - Sends electrical signals to the slave units to coincide with the master unit. Kitty Hawk has two standard MK 2 stockless type weighing 30 tons each. The bore of the barrel is rifled with a right-hand twist of a uniform diameter to the end. LOGISTICS REQUIREMENT (LOGREQ) REPORT. The following information is provided as an overview of the major sonar systems. The updated ESWS program is set to reinforce a culture aboard surface ships that puts emphasis on Sailors first learning their ratings and watchstations, by giving Sailors more time to focus on. c. Administrative Bills - establishes uniform policies for assignment of personnel, berthing, maintenance, visiting, recall and zone inspections. and proceeding ahead, the pivot point moves forward as the speed increases until at normal operating speed, where it is abaft the stem about 15 to 20 percent of the length of the ship. Disseminates information to the Evaluator/TAO of any threat emitters detected and initiates countermeasures as directed by higher authority. (c) Slack Water - That period between the Ebb Tide and Flood Tide when the current changes direction and no horizontal motion can be detected. Care should be exercised to avoid contact of the primer while handling and loading of short clearing charge. Card Column 51, SIGNAL - single alphabetic code that designates the activity to receive the material (Ship To) and the activity to be charged for the issue (Bill To). Color coded GRAY and shaped like a LEVER. Most common method of recovery. A few of my buddies are prior Army and have jump pins. Ships Service Generator Switchboards - Located on the fourth deck above the ships service generators. They must also be explosion proof. NTDS is built around an electronic digital computer. f. Priority Valves - Air for non-vital systems is supplied through priority valves, which will shut automatically to secure air to non-vital components when the pressure in the air systems drops to a specified set point and will re-open to restore non-vital air when pressure in the system returns to normal. Items that are common to more than one department are totaled in this section. November 23, 2020 in Navy Enlisted Career Forum | Rating & Management. In general, a flag hoist signal ensures a more uniform execution of a maneuver than does any other visual signaling system. Bilge water that contains oil must be pumped to a truck on the pier or stored in tanks until 50 nautical miles out to sea before it can be pumped over the side. The equipment can be set up to print at regular time intervals or on demand, with continuous scanning of all sensor points. (3) Maintain radar silence during assembly, disassembly, loading, unloading and/or testing operations. Any strain must be taken by the riding line, and to connect or disconnect the ends must be lined up perfectly. It also provides mechanical limits to the ram Trailing a Shaft - No steam is being admitted to the turbines, but the shaft is free to turn. It encircles the ship, inside the skin of the hull, in a horizontal plane approximately at the waterline. It will show fish hooks after it has been stressed. j. CIC will always maintain a navigational plot when in the vicinity of land. Gun Exercise Pre-fire Requirements - Whenever any motion of a mount is to be made, the officer or petty officer who authorizes it to be moved by power shall, except at general quarters, ensure that a safety watch is maintained in areas where injury to personnel or damage to material is possible, both outside and inside the unit, and have telephone communications established between the stations controlling the unit. (2) The authority of the CO is commensurate with his responsibility, subject to the limitations prescribed by law and U. S. Navy Regulations. i. The most advanced airborne electronic warfare aircraft in existence. (1) Switchboard - Provides the means of connection between various dial telephone stations throughout the ship. Underwater Battery Fire Control System (UBFCS) - The Fire control System (FCS) solves the attack problem, generates launching orders, prepares a weapon for firing, develops designation data for tracking a projectile by radar, and provides a means for command to control missile fire. 0318 In port, moored - in general, a mast light, jackstaff, bow, stern and aircraft warning lights. Maximum range is 1400 nautical miles at night, and 700 to 800 nautical miles in the daytime. e. Emergency Bills - provide and organize prescribed procedures and assign responsibilities for controlling the effects of a major emergency or disaster suffered by the ship. (i.e. a. The auxiliary section provides for remote operation of such equipment as fire pumps and ventilation systems, monitors non-vital systems such as potable water, air conditioning and refrigeration. A line may be brought to its SWL without impairing the line or reducing its useful life. e. Controllable/Variable-pitch Propeller - Propeller designed to allow improved maneuvering ability and to allow the propellers to develop maximum thrust at any given engine RPM. ENGINEERING OPERATIONAL SEQUENCING SYSTEM (EOSS) - set policies and procedures for the safe operation of the ships engineering plant, boat drills, rescue, etc. Measured clockwise from 000 (dead ahead) to the line of bearing of the object. a. OPNAV 4790/CK - The importance of configuration change reporting cannot be overemphasized. The combined quick release (ROBB) coupling and valve consist of a female and a male end. The flares burn for approximately 18 seconds. b. On Kitty Hawk it is located on sponsons 1 and 5. b. Train Circle - A danger circle is established around all power driven installations, such as guns, mounts, turrets, directors and other similar ordnance equipment. Temperature (TDSU) - Temperature down, speed up. You can wear it on your service or dress uniform unless you have two insignia from the CG, but that doesn't mean you should. not the loss of a primary mission. 0308.5 Discuss the safety precautions applicable to the following: a. j. e. Landing signal enlisted (LSE) - Aircraft director, stands within the pilots view and directs his movements. Point flare at a 45 degree angle away from the body and raft before firing. Second, it provides a crypto-secure method of identifying military craft. (3) Confidential classification is given to information or material that if disclosed to unauthorized persons could cause "Identifiable damage" to the nation's security. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. surface/shore visual mode is used against surface targets and in direct shore bombardment fire. May also participate in ASW operations. (10) Supervise the administration of PQS within the division, providing personnel with guidance and incentives for the accomplishment of PQS. Each shot of chain is connected by a detachable link and is marked ahead and behind by a white link indicating how many shots have been lead out. 4380.9A. g. Engineering Operational Casualty Control (EOCC) - Provides plant and space supervisors with information necessary to enable them to recognize the symptoms of a possible casualty, to control the casualty, to prevent possible damage to machinery, and to restore plant operation to normal. Takes hot air (bleed air) from the exhaust. It is the effective management of all electromagnetic and electro-acoustic emissions of a force or unit to obtain the maximum tactical advantage. 210_ Sea Painter - First line attached to the boat before getting in davits and brought aboard. BOARDS Commander Milestone & Captain Major Command Ashore (NAVSUPINST 1412.1B)55_56 Board Timing.pptx Command Qualification Program (OPNAVINST 1412.14)PROGRAMS Training With Industry Instruction (NAVSUPINST 1520.7C)Executive Development Program Instruction NAVSUPINST 1520.6C - Executive Development Program Internship Program Instruction (NAVSUPINST 1520.5C) 0309.6 Explain the function of the underwater communications (WQC/UQC) system. TIME_____ j. Lifeguard station - 1,000 yards astern of the delivery ship and mans man overboard stations. (7) Pneumatic Tube - Provides for communications between radio, CIC, the bridge and other strategic locations by means of written messages without the possibility of interception. Ensure gun house and gun area is clear of personnel. g. On deck refueling (hot/cold) - HOT refueling is when the aircraft engine is operating, and cold refueling is when the aircraft is shut down. Describe the function and location of the following major components of the CRP propeller: a. The one absolutely essential requirement for survival is drinking water. Care should be taken to not pollute any other areas or systems. 0321.1 Explain the function of the main shafting, bearings and propeller. The breech assembly contains the firing mechanism, which ignites the powder primer in the propellent cage, and the extractors which remove the fired case from the gun chamber. e. Rescue swimmer - Deployed from a rescue helicopter to assist in the recovery of the victim. f. Surface Status Board - Supplements the surface summary plot. g. Loss of steering control - Reduced control of ships heading. When any electrical equipment is to be overhauled or repaired, the main supply switches, cutout switches, or breakers in each circuit from which power could possibly be fed should be secured in the open position and tagged. Engineering Log - A complete daily record, by watch, of important events and data pertaining to the engineering department and operation of the ships propulsion plant. 618 instruction and training on the principles and techniques used in the coordination of supporting. The new instruction also values experience and initiative, by creating a path for certain E-4 Sailors to enroll in their commands ESWS program with command senior enlisted leadership approval, and if they meet the following criteria: Early promote (EP) on their most recent regular periodic evaluation. The location of the crankshaft depends on the arrangement of the valve mechanism. Weight 38,000 lbs, length 46 ft, span 38 ft 8in, speed 595 mph, range 3,800 miles. Kitty Hawk's HP is rated at 3000 psi. f. Entering Closed Spaces - DO NOT ENTER until applicable safety regulations have been complied with, e. g. gas free check and oxygen safe check. (8) Magazine Flooding - Provides an audible and visual indication of flooding in a magazine. 0331.1 Explain the function of the ship's air-conditioning and refrigeration plant. 0312.6 Identify and state the purpose of the following flags/ pennants: a. Refueling - BRAVO FLAG, I am taking in, or discharging, or carrying dangerous materials. 0331.2 Describe the function and location of the following major components of the air-conditioning and refrigeration plants: a. To provide a means for starting, stopping and reducing the shaft speed of the driven unit, reversing the direction of shaft rotation in the driven shaft, and permit quick-disconnect of the driving unit from the driven unit. UNREP, VERTREP). One person stands by with the firefighting equipment, another stays with the truck, the third handles the fuel hose on the ground, and the fourth handles the fueling hose at the aircraft and fills the tanks. Must be stored in a lead lined container and must be lined perfectly... 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comnavsurfor esws instruction