deliverance from spirit of anxiety

I pray and dont get up until it leaves. Shalltribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword? Please leave your email address in reply and then we can talk further. It is an attack on you, but responds to being attacked back! Trust in God that you will get through this as long as you hold onto him and remember never be ashamed to ask for help from a doctor or friends or pastors etc love Jenny. We unlock our freedom with His truth. In the name of Jesus, I break that spirit of rejection. With prayer they might be able to see a breakthrough. He WILL deliver you, The Mighty One! And then suddenly it left, the chest pain stopped and the anxiety was completely gone. In all the areas I feel unworthy, in all the areas Instead I would give more time to reading the Bible, hearing worship, praying and talking to God, even journaling my conversations with him, these things increased my relationship with God, which gave me the strength and power to overcome mental battles. What Satan tries to do is take advantage of people with mental illness and use it to destroy them when they are in their point of weakness. Thanks so much and God be praised for your victory! The spirit of fear can come in through a variety of ways. "For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind." 2 Timothy 1:7, NKJV. 4. Our minds are affected by our thoughts, so we must take charge of what we think. Anxiety is a specific form of fear that can paralyze and torment people. The LORD watches over all who love him, but all the wicked he will destroy.Psalm 145:18-20. Praying for deliverance is not the answer, but warfare is! Hello Heidi. Too often, in Christian circles, we look at a person who is struggling with fear, and we tell them, "Have faith!". But my favorite is It is time to exchange that confident expectation for Gods promises. I bind and rebuke the spirit of double-mindedness in the name of Jesus ( James 1:8 ). I grieved before him, and begged him to deliver me so many times. How many demons lives within us humans that tries to control to sin by tempting us? We are superior beings to them belonging to the Master. (Related article: How to receive the Holy Spirit and Speak in Tongues (Explained)). Once it knows it has been recognised, this is its greatest fear. I do believe. know how I suffer. This gentleman doesnt have much but I felt that God had prepared me financially for both of us and that was not an issue for me.. Know you have already been given power by the Spirit of God and dont ever let that go. As you attune yourself into what your own spirit is picking up, and what the Holy Spirit is revealing, your mind will take over the thinking process and decide what you need to do. This witness is the entire book of Acts. I just want you to know. God is not done with you Ian, if you have made Jesus lord of your life and have invited Him into your struggle, nothing can stop Him from rescuing you and showing others that no matter the age, or how long the struggle, God still moves, heals and teaches us how to walk with Him and experience victory. Especially if you are suicidal or thinking the world is better off without you. 1219 Millennium Parkway, #106 You will not get through this alone! If you have tried following prayer and reaching out to your pastor and you feel helpless go to your doctor and ask for help. hypochondriasis. Within six months of that decision, I was completely under the spell of the Spirit of Depression. Greetings in the name of the Lord. I pray with you thanking the Lord that you are blessed with ALL spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ, and thank Him that He GAVE you a SPIRIT OF POWER and the SPIRIT OF A SOUND MIND. I am going through a deep depression an urgently need help.I have lost the will to live. One day, about seven or eight years ago or maybe longer, I called a church that I go to occasionally. Weird or not. HE HAS DELIVERED US FROM THE POWER OF DARKNESS. Our Lord Jesus is our first witness. Not hoping for it to show up,,,,because he says you already HAVE it. One of the best blogs on anxiety I have ever readand I have read a lot. Several inquirers were from the area of Nigeria, tried to get a phone number, and began receiving million dollar inheritance emails. In Jesus name amen. Now the Bible does say the Spirit gives different gifts as He wills, and Paul said: I wish you ALL spoke in tongues. In other words, not every believer does so, either from fear, or from wrong teaching. My trust in You fades into the background, giving fear and concerns permission to discourage me.In those moments of apprehension, help me remember that I belong to You, and that You are not the author of fear or anxiety, but the giver of love and a sound mind. My faith is still Jesus says to us: Listen! Let him know how you feel and continue to praise and worship at the hardest times Then i say repeatedly, God has given me a Spirit of Power over ALL your power. I choose to respond according to my beliefs. Praise God for His faithfulness, compassion, enduring love, and tender mercies. Thank you so much. Not in an hour, a day or next month, but NOW. I can rest in the shadow of your wings and I will rise and overcome by your unwavering strength. If you are living with anxiety, that has become your expectation. God, arise, take hold of my foundation and rebuild me again in the name of Jesus. Sometimes we give into fear over time and allow the spirit of fear to gain more control in our lives. Believe and KNOW you have Gods SPIRIT OF POWER, know it, understand it, be convinced, and He WILL MANIFEST. The spirit of depression may not remain to deceive but is thrust out by the Spirit of God who gave us power over ALL your power. Depression is caused by some sort of fear, guilt, condemnation, shame. He has stolen what is the Lords, he has robbed you of your inheritance (which is peace & joy). He is teaching YOUto fight, so that YOUwill indeed be able to leap over the next wall that comes your way, so that YOU will be more than a conqueror!YOU will not be the same when you are delivered from this. Who has the power to knock out depression? You are complete in Him. Speaking in tongues is not the only evidence that someone is born again. I wanted deliverance from anxiety at any cost. P.S. My prayer for understand salvation in Jesus Christ first. I struggled and struggled for years trying to fix it but didnt know how. God bless and keep you. Tonia, amen. I suffer from anxiety of sickness lets just say Im that person to google a symptom and believe I have every sickness that relates to that symptom. No matter how long you try to persist with your lie, i wont believe you. And they (120 believers) were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance. (Acts 2:4), The Holy Spirit fell upon all those (Corneliuss entire household) who heard the word. Please do not hurt yourself. My husband went through anxiety and panic disorders I had never seen him so scared, he went to the hospital, doctors gave him medication, he became a bit better. To understand what it means to be In Christ and Christ In you. Start with Kenneth Hagin on healing scriptures on youtube. And when he gives you understanding, you will never again have to whimper as to why or where his promise is. Addressing the common objections in 1 Corinthians 12 And any attached negative spirits who wish to do me harm of body and soul. When we focus on how far we have to go, instead of how far we have come, we can easily be discouraged. It was a humbling experience to learn to be human. Why me, Id be so happy if I could just pay my monthly expenses. From that day forward, the depression and crippling anxiety were gone from her life. To not throwing in the towel. Refuse to believe the symptoms and feelings overwhelming you. My Testimony of how I suffered of OCD and Blasphemous Toughts for years and feared I had commited the unpardonable sin , The Blasphemy Against The Holy Spirit. Please dont misunderstand what I am about to say.. Our God is a mighty God, be healed in the name of Jesus. Gods word says My power is made perfect in your weakness. Paul said, I will boast in my weaknesses that the power of Christ may rest on me. I see miracles when i have lost my own strength and i tell God, i cant do this. Will you fight for us like only you can? Try to pray to Jesus to take the depression from you. I thought to myself If I had to go into a battle, a battle I was guaranteed to win, how would I approach it differently? thought on this for a long time and I came to this conclusion. The letter of the Ephesians was written to the entire Ephesian church, and Paul told the believers to pray in the Spirit at all times. I received your email. Launch a hub or join a hub Allowing the enemy's lies to become your narrative makes you a food source for demons of anxiety. You could blame it on things, like a negative outlook, a lack of purpose in life, or bereavement. Designed by Elegant Themes | Powered by WordPress, Awakening House of Prayer with Jennifer LeClaire, Jeanette is pressing in for revival in Australia! I would always hear others say that God is so faithful, but i wasnt experiencing that in my walk because i was being hit hard with depression and felt no answer with no way out. No amount of your symptoms will make us believe you, WE BELIEVE GODS WORD over you. Amen everyone and God bless. I am not saying this as a boast. All through the scriptures, he says he delivers and saves. Call the Profetic Prayer Clinic @ (956)792-8154. God wants us to be real towards him in our prayers. Now it shall spring forth. We talked about how powerful words and scriptures are,morning declarationsand such. Dear Lord, help me trust You, consent to Your healing, and spend time in Your Word and in prayer. I was set free when i understood i had power over it. No more wishy washy doubt, not even an inch. The Word of God says, it does. What do you have to fear if God is with you? I am telling you with all honesty that I am stronger in spirit than I ever was before, I fear less things than I did before I had my breakdown, and not only that, I have been able to pass on that freedom to others! 25 Feb/23. Briggitt, He comes to kill, steal and destroy. Jesus brings life and life more abundantly! This is when we ensure that we are taking care of our whole person, not just one aspect, if we want to truly be free. Scream this spirit of depression to come out of you in the name of Jesus Christ as authorititive and as determined as you can and for as long as it takes, because the Bible says YOU as a believer, have been given this authority by Jesus Himself. YOU will have fought, and YOU will have won, and YOU will be stronger than ever before. Hi Edwin. Required fields are marked *. There are a couple of videos on there. seizures !! Lashawn, I am praying for your precious daughter, and for you. I do feel like its the end times, so maybe thats why its not as easy, but we have Jesuss promise to be with us always! It worked! Not even your mind, or your harmful thoughts, or your weird thoughts, or your irrational fears! 35Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Know there is always help. You now have the power of Christ to rise above your temptation and to rest in your righteous identity in Christ apart from your works. Its the same for healing or casting out a devil. I hope this prayer can be repeated over all people reading this its true its time to stop speaking any negative word over our lives and as you said start speaking gods word over our lives in the name blood of Jesus Christ I command every spirit of opression depression sickness be broken off me my husband my daughter my grandaughter sisters all my family who have been living under these lies I apply the blood the word of Jesus I now declare through the outworking of holy spirt my husband myself all my loved ones be delivered from continue to be delivered from the power lies of satan and I claim announce that by the blood name and the power of the LIVING SON OF GOD he is alive active we are free continue to be delivered and set free from all spirits of depression anxiety fear dread delivered from the spirt of darkness into his glorious light we thank you Jesus for fighting for us day night may we continue to speak these words over my life my husband my marriage each one of my family members right now as Moses Said to pharoah the great I am satan There will be prophets when there is time to prophesy and teach prophecy. I am a child of God, and I have suffered deep depression most of my life. My email brasiliadocumentos@gmail .com In fact He is the complete opposite of who i thought he was. My hand of flesh, striving, crying, and freaking out was a sure sign it was me trying to somehow convince him to help me. My mindset and attitude painted a hurtful picture of who i thought he was, and that made the depression even worse. However I discovered that Catholicism does not teach the true Biblical Gospel which Jesus described, of how to be saved. I ask him to allow me to park over him but its like battling with that spirit of the enemy so I have to walk away call on Jesus . I am praying that you get delivered from this spirit of depression. Do you really think hes unfaithful to fulfill that in you when he called you into his kingdom? Such awful things have happened, I dont even know how to pray about them anymore, because theyre already done. I could almost hear the Lord in my heart say.When are you going to trust me? We should actively resist fear instead of embracing it. They informed my parents, who agreed to have me tested, and I was diagnosed with Depression. It seems like God is not doing anything You get it by a once and for all decision on your part, to accept Jesus into your life as your own personal saviour; not simply the Saviour for the whole world. Im going to read it again. I just wanted think it needs to be said for anyone that might need to hear it. Sometimes it will come when there has been a terrifying or traumatic experience. You do. Many believers are trying to help me and pour into me but they say I have to fight and Im so tired. Ask Him to remove it. The quicker I come to You the better. I will sing with the spirit, and I will also sing with the understanding (1 Corinthians 14:14-15). You have the authority to decline the invitation to stress by refusing to rehearse the outcome the demonic realm has pictured for you by trusting God. Sometimes its the only thing that works. Do all interpret? (1 Corinthians 12:29-30). For me it was not investing a large amount of time in things like TV, secular radio. Fortify these weary bones and remind me of the truth that this pain and panic will not last forever. We face the world, the flesh, and the devil. Then I keep failing and doubting my salvation. Then those days of utter turmoil and despair will end because now YOU KNOW HIM. Sending a big hug . You have been given the authority by Jesus Christ to defeatthis spirit. I GIVE YOU POWER OVER ALL THE POWER OF THE ENEMY (Luke 10:19), 3) Wait in Jerusalem until you are clothed with POWER FROM ON HIGH. Thanks so much. The scriptures teach us a pattern for spiritual communication: "The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, [and] temperance" (Galatians 5:22-23).These spiritual feelings and actions contribute to an overall sense of "goodness and righteousness and truth" (Ephesians 5:9).Understanding the nature of spiritual communication is . I completely agree with your suggestion! And it makes you feel so alone and in these times it helps to see who God truly is,, he is your ABBA, your daddy and he loves when his children talk to him about everything ,the good things, the bad things etc, remember he is not just for praying too, he is for living life along side of you. Just as you wouldnt allow just anyone come into your house, dont let him push you around. When I'm clueless as to what to do, Lord, I want to turn to you first, not last. To let this thing dominate you, will eventually turn you mental. With Gods help this is what I did and you can do it too. Many believe that when the apostle Paul said, to oneand to another, he meant that God gave person A one gift and that He gave person B another gift. Excellent write-up. If its the Lord, he will arrange it. Your email address will not be published. This happened to her 30 years ago and it lasted 5 hrs. I choose to trust in You, each day, each hour, each moment of my life. I just spent time emailing a woman back and forth. Jennifer LeClaire and others share now-messages, equipping you to overcome and walk in God's purpose for your life. Then when your debt is under control set up a small savings account for things you know will be needed for the future. We believe God and you are defeated and you know it. 8. #jenniferleclaire #awakeninghouseofprayer #propheticchurch #fortlauderdalechuch #southfloridachurch #spiritualwarfarechurch, Who's going to do the bowing? Now this is not suggesting that everyone that struggles with depression needs antidepressants in order to overcome. Follow the instructions and become the warrior you were born to be. Clearwater, Florida 33760, Above & Beyond Christian Counseling He can do it for you. What a powerful story! As mentioned above, praying in the Spirit is the same as speaking in tongues. Colossians 1:13 WHO HAS DELIVERED US FROM THE POWER OF DARKNESS and hath translated us into the kingdom of his dear Son. Les, Hey Glenn! He is Strong, and because of this, I CAN do all things through Christ Who strengthens me. 12. I was a believer that felt like it was a spirit that needed to be cast out. He never mentioned drugs for 30 years I took five to seven different pills per day while all this time all I needed was knowing the blood of Jesus covered me. It also increases white corpuscle activity in the epidermis thus causing acne. Because there is always hope if you chose to hold on to Jesus. I often pray and beg God I do believe, help me in my unbelief! keep going! So i say to you dont devil. Not all are apostles, prophets, teachers, workers of miracles, healers, etc. God wants to teach you how to leap over this wall, so he doesnt have to rescue you out of this again. Please tell me, have you been born again yet? Maria, I hope and pray that you come back here and see my comment. It means to turn your life around, and stop doing what you know is wrong called repentance. Time to girdyourself with the truth and lift up your sword. When they are discovered, this is their downfall providing we use what Jesus has given us and that is the gift to cast out demons in His name. Teach me to recognize the stressful trials as tools for you to shape me and rearrange me. Compassion, enduring love, and that made the depression and crippling anxiety were gone her! 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deliverance from spirit of anxiety