Transfer within New York City: After 10 months of rental, your family is eligible to move to another unit within New York City. If not, does at least one person have legal immigration status (e.g. hbbd``b`$D1H00l`9Xb 173wL1sI v:W&FY@#? : The number of NYCHA apartments that are either occupied, vacant available for rent, or vacant off the rent roll. Serious conditions: There are conditions in your apartment that pose a serious threat to your family's safety. Most affordable housing is accessed through New York Citys Read more, Having a criminal history, poor credit or poor rental history can make it more difficult to find an apartment. Read more, affordable housing projects with 297 units for domestic violence survivors developed, units of affordable housing for domestic violence survivors in development, percent of domestic violence survivors stably housed and 99% violence free in FY 2021, adults and children receive onsite services, domestic violence survivors placed in permanent homes by HousingLink. Are you 18 or older, or are you an emancipated minor? hVms8+MlL3&w!Ijir~+&qN,vVl8-wm37|vOC 3g>{ 8WqfKpr&d,(\=Z!tU{Epo%n/C$HgQu. This process is known as portability. Portability requests must be made by the head of household. No documentation needed. hbbd``b` $Ab H0$B@) J$w"[buX=@BPDuM@v000Mg| 3 endstream endobj startxref Complaint Categories are the types of repairs requested by NYCHA residents. hUn8>&2NR4f]e*JIef830-TdC(hibN 56i{]]p%`'~_W}u%Kqm{YUn-G~7$tzQp%!;n ::V7L!_wFde1C+z>7/=|3^>g`({Uox2ajm|~/v58~~7u;|#~y]MV}|bhba2_}]Wc^7~<9_uW_w6o NYCHA has Senior and Community Centers, and programs that help residents find work and learn how to manage money and finances. If you have already applied for an apartment, find out how to check the status of your application, and update and verify your information. The number of public housing applicants waiting for eligibility interviews. |ag r?A; hmk0>n`KRh2J?xiy)?YRn6Y;IJ.&s "K &)!uRNE-}RF#(`#I"QiH!KH(x.q$|BR^k${"$rV gX|mt:J0QU 5:0QyR~q!I n=a@ %2*YRd}0":U#th1)=$i4 c>$[G?FQU%K L"I,RRvFB`ClY)`z4r\b.X(66 xF0e=t!YAP }{ R,8x(0K,R -2 Education and Prevention: New York City Housing Authority (NYCHA) provides decent and affordable housing in a safe and secure living environment for low and moderate income residents throughout the five boroughs. NYCHA Self Service: This site requires JavaScript. Get occasional emails about benefits news, upcoming enrollment periods, and deadlines. View > Zoom > Zoom In, In the View menu, select Text Size. If you get an interview, you will need to bring the following original documents with you. The ability to request a transfer is available regardless of sex, gender identity, or sexual orientation. To obtain a Transfer Request form please visit the NYCHA online portal at or contact the Customer Contact Center at (718) 707-7771. . ]VpPzGY\G_)T-mt%8d.LL 0 & 2023 All Rights Reserved, NYC is a trademark and service mark of the City of New York. You may also contact the Transfer Process Coordinator at (617) 988-4545 or the Occupancy Status Information Line at (617) 988-3400. If you are applying with someone (a spouse or domestic partner), are they 18 years or older, or are they an emancipated minor? Most browsers include functionality to let you increase or decrease the text on a web page. NYC Housing & Preservation Development and NYS Home & Community Renewal also operate Section 8 programs in NYC. FHEPS Transfers. We can send you a link to this page to help you get back to it when youre ready. endstream endobj 314 0 obj <>/Metadata 26 0 R/Outlines 46 0 R/PageLayout/OneColumn/Pages 311 0 R/StructTreeRoot 49 0 R/Type/Catalog>> endobj 315 0 obj <>/Font<>>>/Rotate 0/StructParents 0/Type/Page>> endobj 316 0 obj <>stream Accessible apartments are available for people with disabilities. Please do not include personal information or expect a response. eligible immigration status (at least one family member must have an eligible immigration status); standards for admission (HUD does not permit anyone with a lifetime sex offender registration requirement or a person convicted of drug-related criminal activity for the manufacture or production of methamphetamine on the premises of federally assisted housing to receive EHV assistance); and. Overcrowded Living in an overcrowded apartment. #Lgp$|XlsS.Iv0JMv^1 3] 2X-pvERpbQE!W/rZh*egoc4uYOfj(8t$#).b^MlTlPTHv]=u ==uB0Zg7lEb>W]3Rg %slsk%S Section 8 tenants should apply for an emergency transfer as quickly as possible. View > Text Size > Largest, In the View menu, select Zoom In. endstream endobj 22 0 obj <>stream 39 0 obj <>stream Check the status of a public housing application. Please do not include personal information or expect a response. Learn more at Transfer Reason Description Extremely Overcrowded Living in an extremely overcrowded apartment. This is the first of a series of videos to help visitors find quick answers to their questions. Menu > Zoom > +, In the View menu, select Zoom. City of New York, 2023 All Rights Reserved. View > Text Size > Largest, In the View menu, select Zoom In. Transfer tenants may choose to exclude up to two zip codes for safety reasons, regardless of which waiting list option they select, and they are not required to exclude their current zip code. The rule revised portability regulations and provisions relating to family briefings (24 CFR 982.301) and suspension of the term of the voucher (24 CFR 982.303). Once you submit the form, stay in contact with your Safe Horizon worker, District Attorney representative, Emergency Transfer Case Examiner, or Building Management Office for updates on the status of your transfer request. gD~O0YD.smd>-_lYEw3#pt=X>;[k{ KRh|Ldi{mJXN16&\j=0 C 1. Survey participation is voluntary. Tenants should contact a nonprofit FHEPS preparer for their borough for assistance in requesting permission to move. Family Services. %@]x`iebE1PS,R|n}. Upon approval you will be issued a portability voucher valid for 120 days. endstream endobj 11 0 obj <>>> endobj 12 0 obj <>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB]/XObject<>>>/Rotate 0/TrimBox[0.0 0.0 612.0 792.0]/Type/Page>> endobj 13 0 obj <>stream 70 :\P\G_OoIns#ckZtJ<3"2)!H6gjVCkXp,AqXd'v>: Learn more about the transfer process and your rights and responsibilities as a VAWA victim by reading theSection 8 VAWA Transfers Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs). Households must fall under the following income limits to be eligible to apply for public housing: Online Apply for public housing. endstream endobj 19 0 obj <> endobj 20 0 obj <> endobj 21 0 obj <>stream 37 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<62E9022A6EB0794F95B3873B2757E465>]/Index[18 30]/Info 17 0 R/Length 92/Prev 71941/Root 19 0 R/Size 48/Type/XRef/W[1 2 1]>>stream NYCHA's Emergency Transfer Program (ETP) is available to NYCHA residents who are victims of domestic violence, intimidated victims, intimidated witnesses, or child sexual victims. The listing is maintained by, the largest rental listing service provider for the Section 8 housing market. The easiest way to make a portability request is on the Self-Service Portal using a smartphone, computer, tablet, or other internet-enabled device. Use the self-service portal to check your status at any time. Take a short survey to see if you might be eligible for this or 30 other programs. CountyOffice Address. The number of corrective maintenance work orders created, closed, and cancelled during the reporting period. In Person These NYCHA Customer Contact Center Walk-In Locations require an appointment and are open Monday to Friday, 8 AM to 5 PM. After you apply, you will be assigned a case number and put on a waiting list for an eligibility interview. If the abuser is on the lease, it may be possible to bifurcate (split) the lease to allow non-offending family members to retain their housing assistance. Loaded through GM_DASHBOARD_SUMMARY query. 10 0 obj <> endobj endstream endobj 23 0 obj <>stream View > Zoom InMacintosh Shortcut: Command+. uS}{ES6mf2&D;: After the briefing, you will be issued a voucher and leasing/landlord package via email or mail. Menu > Zoom > +, In the View menu, select Zoom. Read more about the bifurcation process. As a voucher holder, you have the option to move to a new unit when your lease expires or is expiring within 60 days of your request to move. Emergency - see chart below for description of emergency reasons and documents required to qualify as an emergency 2. Emergency Transfers:Emergency transfers are only available for certain priority cases. Affordable housing options are also available through. 30 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<9FBE49C97A9DEC43A8A364574B69FA92><0BBEBD3B5D059549AFFD05707AE6EB40>]/Index[10 32]/Info 9 0 R/Length 93/Prev 30445/Root 11 0 R/Size 42/Type/XRef/W[1 2 1]>>stream 7Dl~!b*]\b?/25!RkYF. ;e^t680:+=az>9Jn$~n:PUJ)^_^T{3?E*`VY0Lk ' After you apply, you will be assigned a case number and put on a waiting list for an eligibility interview. Download your copy, save it to the cloud, print it, or share it right from the editor. The abuser or harming party will not be eligible to remain in public housing if the bifurcation is approved. hTMo0:$NX?;XlCqY{HGEnC?-ngCy yw=Y;san_?qewqVU]GsUt~gjC>s+D D(JPZ)'D5vjEdFt\4E\STpN ?Cy_ jA gAPE&?HTX!U A!xJ&kV hN'@2F"JYKLYh&7D+)I UuJKG'\H\p&fJ\I6vj8 .D= )(l ?(G~! The service level (in days) measures how long it takes NYCHA to respond and close work orders. As of September 2013 there are no longer restrictions on which areas survivors are allowed to move but, rentals are still subject to agency approval. You may also obtain a Voucher Holder Request for Transfer form by calling the Customer Contact Center at (718) 707-7771. Section 8 tenants are no longer required to have their landlord sign a lease release form if they are in the middle of the lease at the time of the transfer request; the agency can and will process transfer requests for tenants who are mid-lease without requiring landlord permission. This is a read only version of the page. Emergency Transfer Request for Certain Victims of Domestic Violence, Dating Violence, Sexual Assault, or Stalking - Vietnamese: HUD-54110: Pre-Closing Submissions Log: !z Transfer Application - Federal Housing (For current THA tenants ONLY) Transfer Application - State Housing (For current THA tenants ONLY) Taunton Housing Authority . Youll need to register and log in. 334 0 obj <>stream Call NYCHAs Customer Contact Center (CCC) at 718-707-7771 if you have questions about public housing. Partner Portal is an online tool that allows Emergency Housing Voucher (EHV) landlords to review information about their payments and tenants at their convenience, without having to call or visit the NYS EHV Program offices. In addition to navigating the portability process in the NYCHA Section 8 office, the Section 8 tenant will also need to make contact and determine the portability rules and process in the area to which she/he hopes to move. HCR Section 8 Transfers:Transfers are available to victims of domestic violence who can demonstrate a safety risk in their current housing. New York City has three agencies that administer Section 8: NYCHA, HPD and HCR. 10 0 obj <> endobj When requesting a transfer, tenants must make the request with the local agency responsible for administering their Section 8 assistance. Visit the NYCHA website for more information. Emergency transfer requests must be accompanied by specific documents based on the type of transfer they are requesting. Use the self-service portal to check your status at any time. 2023 All Rights Reserved, We will use your feedback to improve NYC311. H'2Z+N~ 2015 All Rights Reserved, NYC is a trademark and service mark of the City of New York. Youre offline. Participants in this survey will not receive further communication from the City with regards to this survey. #]6E4"~BmGqAQZNEe=qbUovAzVMf:z,-*U@PLYa6#gag Learn more about Digital Accessibility from the Mayor's Office for People with Disabilities. If you have any questions about creating or viewing property listings, please contact at 866-466-7328. . For a complete list of problems you can report using NYC311, please visit our. HP allows tenants who are victims of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, or stalking to request an emergency transfer from the tenant's current unit to another unit. You can compare how NYCHA is doing for each month of the past year. q6~#8nFH%R+dXRHw8I|*dGqqDhWQ6M&vzaEeIEp0t=_nzyy~_V_ Rz9E%fgg*G&L"==>ma9G,HhX+jL$ZM4b Z~X6fg\bR3b8wePPw FsyYy:-w9z5{trL:n=9Gy_a^z;TakaIU)y-K20J c~rs163,j+2@TBAqu|X5E|CEr}(o.o>tpMp/W;o]{UJ^jFCiq-$ tE{RIU?u`>lNoS /"ojQE/O+ 3tB{ J]U&%`-BN=iK-y5{NiWm^^ G0nBMbfIKH.Ve8q tz7gp"po76 p/]0%s~im]\C{ ~g&^s# d If you previously submitted a Section 8 application when the waiting list was open, log on to the Self-Service Portal to confirm the receipt of your NYCHA application. Section 8 Transfers apply for an emergency transfer; then transition the clients to DVAP. Most browsers include functionality to let you increase or decrease the text on a web page. The family currently owes rent or other amounts to the PHA or to another PHA in connection with Section 8 or public housing assistance under the 1937 Act. The program is intended to enhance safety for at-risk residents by providing case management and confidential relocation services to another NYCHA development. endstream endobj startxref City of New York. If rental arrears are collected on a NYCHA apartment, the transfer request could be denied. To change the text size on you can use your web browser's settings. To apply for public housing, you must submit an application on the NYCHA website. EHV funding may not be used for the repayment of debts or any amounts owed to HUD by HUD program participants including, but not limited to, those resulting from Office of Inspector General (OIG), Quality Assurance Division (QAD) or other monitoring review findings. hb```f``g`a`If`@ rPPh!A(f`(`g@kCF= Survey participation is voluntary. endstream endobj startxref Tenants residing in subsidized apartments experiencing domestic violence may have the option to transfer to a different, safe apartment while keeping their housing assistance if necessary. The number of emergency transfers approved during the reporting period. Application Status for People with Disabilities. This chart shows how many days, on average, it takes to process the emergency transfer application from the date it is received by NYCHA to the date of the determination of eligibility for the program. 2. u!p7Q,NSUo Return your briefing package to your nearest Walk-in Center. Emergency Transfer - Please refer to the chart below for descriptions of emergency reasons and the documents that are required to qualify If you submitted a Section 8 housing application before December 10, 2009, you can check your application status in NYCHA's Self-Service Portal. endstream endobj 11 0 obj <>>>/Filter/Standard/Length 128/O(zV=Zs fV)/P -1068/R 4/StmF/StdCF/StrF/StdCF/U(jv.!]kk )/V 4>> endobj 12 0 obj <>>> endobj 13 0 obj <>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB]/XObject<>>>/Rotate 0/TrimBox[0.0 0.0 612.0 792.0]/Type/Page>> endobj 14 0 obj <>stream All Rights Reserved. endstream endobj 25 0 obj <>stream Visit HPDs website for more information about moving with HPD Section 8 or call 917-286-4300. The Section 8 tenant should: Once the request is approved the Section 8 tenant should receive a transfer voucher within 6-8 weeks. HCR NYC Section 8 Voucher Waitlist Lottery. %%EOF Learn more about NYCHA's Fair Housing Non-Discrimination Policy. d`a`Vdc@ >+s|xu8/P30F2,Z,&;QN&y#e=?'AT10)/ N The portal allows people to see their priority code, interview dates and waitlist status. %PDF-1.5 % Your housing authority may be able to transfer you to another apartment in the following circumstances: Family size changes: If your family size decreases and the apartment is too large for your household size. You can get the status of a public housing application filed with the City in 1993 or later online, over the phone, or from the appropriate borough Housing Applications office in person. The easiest way to request a transfer is via the Self-Service Portal, which can be accessed through your computer, smartphone, tablet, or other internet-enabled device. Get back to this page: Common browsers are included in this page; mention of a specific browser does not imply endorsement or recommendation. Tenants eligible for an emergency transfer will receive up to two vacancy offers. 8/W3p?UU=[[Mi=pr2Lr\ZnQx&P,,e+,aQ!{{P,^@iGC:JQH;_SZAr&mmpNO/`p-m_;&o~Mj X@#r}!tO^:`~TW#t^i">Vl@d /2;b'bM?Ap6I!KjwrsX*O$F-bLJ#H/q permanent resident, refugee, or asylum status)? the submission of required documentation. Victims of domestic violence must meet specific documentation criteria, nonprofit FHEPS preparer for their borough, Victims under the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA): victim of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, or stalking, Individuals who need reasonable accommodation for a disability, Individuals whose subsidy has been suspended for Housing Quality Standards (HQS) violations, Individuals who are being evicted due to an expired lease in a non-regulated building, Bring documentation of domestic violence incidents to their local Section 8 office and worker, Make sure to get a receipt from the Section 8 worker verifying submittal of transfer request and documentation, Follow up and check the status of the voucher request on a regular basis. However, at least one person who lives with you must be a citizen or have legal immigration status. NYC is a trademark and service mark of the City of New York. hbbd``b`$e ""s? z "A-HiSO YK Review page 14, Move-in and Move-out Process of the NYCHA emergency transfer plan for more details. The completed application must be mailed to NYCHA, Post Office Box 19205, Long Island City, NY 11101-9998. Tenants requesting a third offer on the basis that the first two offers were unsafe will be required to submit additional documentation. &'+h>tXN39/:\}Jh{M!v"zk3balW*Eu$H When they open, it is free to apply. The percentage of emergency work orders completed within 24 hours. Persons with disabilities who have already applied to NYCHA and need further assistance can contact the NYCHA Services for People with Disabilities Unit at 212-306-4652 or TTY 212-306-4845. The total number of days between the last day the former tenant is charged through the first day the new tenant is charged from, calculated on a calendar year to date basis. All Section 8 mail must be addressed to NYCHA and sent to the PO Boxes below: The New York City Housing Authority (NYCHA) is no longer accepting new Section 8 applications. In addition, how can I make an emergency transfer? MiPEW"$Lh,o DuD{H|9L72+hSBl5~+Lk(tXXNU*:Z2HM+88Fq8GWbIV6>d]c*Z' \_)(J&Kl*B.W_O(^ugyy`*$,mx;vE$DCDqMCps-9W{2mJh=Nw!2`tz8tBz[}VZAFSCG\BR ?|$mrq&]9uuu9GB++QsE6j9s")p/x:\KeS+O??`5Y/E8@048s*~#*7PykofJH}hV[s~j`^x%Y'>=g2nf_Y#k'KWz@w%f{//4=k)Lpd\1w^oA "v9rbmY#NXa--FJPt( To find out more about how the City might use the data you share with ACCESS NYC, visit the Terms of Use for, and Privacy Policy for Please enable JavaScript on your browser. The easiest way to request a transfer is via the Self-Service Portal, which can be accessed through your computer, smartphone, tablet, or other internet-enabled device. Be sure to complete the entire form, including the name, address, and contact person for the housing agency that you intend to port to. You may also check your application status by phone. View > Zoom InMacintosh Shortcut: Command+. Transfer tenants will have the option to be added to a NYCHA-wide waiting list that includes developments in all five boroughs or select a borough specific waiting list. HU0DC.wVtHg(? $(J95h$?|& i\ )RC?Zy18g0S)y 5" =C]v; qZ6^T^)r\5MO Check Application Status. Housing Owner's Certification and Application (Instructions) HUD-52670-A Part 1: Schedule of Tenant Assistance Payments Due - Part 1 (Instructions) HUD-52670-A Part 2 . The percentage of non-emergency (routine) work orders completed within 15 days. NYCHA Public Housing Transfers Persons in need of a transfer should contact theSubsidy Services Bureauat 25 Beaver Street in Manhattan to make the request and bring any documentation of the DV they may have. To obtain a Transfer Request form: Call the NYCHA Call Center at 718-707-7771 or visit any of NYCHA's three Customer Contact Center locations: Your request for transfer will be designated as one of the following transfer types: 1. Tenants requesting a non-emergency transfer may have to wait over a year for a transfer approval. Residents Policies & Procedures. Log on to the NYCHA Self-Service Portal to check the status of your Section 8 application. If a tenant does not have documentation, HCR will ask the tenant to complete a HUD form attesting to their status as a victim. Call 311 or 212-NEW-YORK (212-639-9675) for assistance. City of New York. To apply, go to the Management Office at your development and fill out a transfer request form. It is the policy of the New York City Housing Authority to provide equal housing opportunities for all qualified applicants and residents. )eQ>:3hsvAo1sU+ vVpK_|j Few non-emergency transfers are processed by Section 8. The receiving PHA will issue a voucher so you can start searching for an apartment in your desired area. The Emergency Transfer Program Disposition time is determined from the date the application is received by NYCHA's Family Services Department to the date of the determination of eligibility for the program. However, paper applications are available by mail. HPD Section 8 Transfers: Transfers are available to victims of domestic violence who can demonstrate a safety risk in their current housing. endstream endobj 16 0 obj <>stream The receiving PHA will notify you of your move-in date. Vouchers are active for 120 days after issuance, unless NYCHA grants an extension. endstream endobj 317 0 obj <>stream endstream endobj 24 0 obj <>stream How do I register/create a new account? Applicants requesting an accommodation may request NYCHA Form 070.002, Application for Public Housing. View > Zoom > Zoom In, In the View menu, select Text Size. 313 0 obj <> endobj u[c:6 2|kG]A|| NV#2>R"`]{2&U#M)|zK"r1TAn xkQs3RN_~&]hgy@[x;zAJnhu~2]')iV$Wa!v/]'Bf3Uwmomdld;)>Jg@)(`zeo$^ 74U*M# #Y B^F If a voucher holder finds an apartment where the rent is at or below the payment standard, the tenant pays a yearly rent equal to 30% of adjusted gross . Theyare closed on holidays. 0 41 0 obj <>stream %%EOF Customer Contact Center. If a tenant does not have documentation, HPD will ask the tenant to complete a HUD form attesting to their status as a victim. To request an emergency transfer, public housing tenants should notify the Property Management office of their building. They are closed on holidays. hbbd``b`Z$ $$A'"A` _@VI@HpL) ^@Bt*#B#1[? Pay Rent Parking Resources Programs. 18 0 obj <> endobj For example, to increase text size using: In the menu to the right of the address bar, select and set Zoom level. Your web browser 's settings listings, please visit our status information at. 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