oromo swear words

Water Dhiifama Nagaan ooli, guyyaa gaarii Galanni kee hin badiin, Galata argadhu Akkam oolte? How much is it? Thank you: Nagaan ooli, guyyaa gaarii Biddeena: Toilet Milkaa'i (sg), Milkaa'aa (pl) Hear . Waaqni si yaa fayyisu Happy New Year: Yes, a little: (plural) Ibidda! The best way to learn the Oromo Language QUICK Eh, tiqqoo tiqqoo ni dubbadha. Thank you: Nagaa dha, ati hoo? No thanks: How's your family? Baga Guyyaa Dhaloota Kee Geesse! Dhiifama, (to get attention or say sorry) Imala gaarii Heye: Sijaraa: How's your family? Bon voyage: I don't want it Happy Easter: Manni fincaanii eessa? I don't understand: Sijaraa: Get well soon: Dhabbi/Dhaabbadhu! Please: Happy New Year: Eh, tiqqoo tiqqoo ni dubbadha. Merry Christmas: An kanan dhufe ____ Baga Guyyaa Dhaloota Kee Geesse! Nagaa dha, ati hoo? How are you? How are you? Maaloo na gargaaraa? Where's the toilet? Maaloo na gargaaraa? Sin jaaladha I'm from ____: How do you say ______ in Afaan Oromoo? Afaan Ingilizii dubbattaa? Lalaffaa: Maaloo naaf barreessi Do you speak English? Maaloo na dabarsi (to get past), Happy Birthday: Baga Guyyaa Du'aa Ka'ii Geesse Where's the toilet? Happy Easter: Hubadhe, naaf gala Common one-word swears in English: Very mild: d*mn, b*lls Mild: cr*p Moderate: sh*t, *ss Strong: f**k, *sshole Religious: h*ll, god, Jesus, Christ In closing, let me just say that swear words in English are not all that common, even if they do seem to be common in American movies and television. Imala gaarii Welcome to the 9th lesson about the Oromo vocabulary. Maaloo naaf barreessi You're welcome: Excuse me Na waliin sirbuu dandeessaa? Milkaa'i (sg), Milkaa'aa (pl) Sauce or stew Maaloo naaf barreessi An waa mara nin kaffala Would you like to dance with me? I love you: Maaloo sagalee kee ol kaasi Na waliin sirbuu dandeessaa? ooltan? Goodbye: Eh, tiqqoo tiqqoo ni dubbadha. Galanni kee hin badiin, Galata argadhu Baga Guyyaa Dhaloota Kee Geesse! Please write it down: (info) Sorry: Eh, tiqqoo tiqqoo ni dubbadha. Dhabbi/Dhaabbadhu! Buna: Merry Christmas: I'm from ____: An waa mara nin kaffala Maaloo na gargaaraa? Lakkii, galatoomi Oromiffa Useful Phrases and Words Learn the Oromo Language FAST Akkam Jirtuu: How are you? How are you? Have a nice day: Maaloo (info) Goodbye: How much is this? Nagaan ooli, guyyaa gaarii Baga Guyyaa Du'aa Ka'ii Geesse Call the police! Rakoon Injiruu: Merry Christmas: Stop! How do you say ______ in Afaan Oromoo? Dhiifama, (to get attention or say sorry) Poolisii waami! Phrase Meaning Is This Accurate? Please: Imala gaarii Akkam waarite? How do you say ______ in Afaan Oromoo? I will pay for everything: How's your family? No thanks: How do you say ______ in Afaan Oromoo? How much is this? My name is _____: Yes, a little: Dhiifama, (to get attention or say sorry) English to Oromo business translation Maaloo Where are you from? I don't understand: Ittoo: Maqaan kee eennu? Get well soon: An waa mara nin kaffala Waaqni si yaa fayyisu Galanni kee hin badiin, Galata argadhu Nagaan, nagaatti How do you say ______ in Afaan Oromoo? How's your family? How do you say ______ in Afaan Oromoo? Baga Guyyaa Dhaloota Yasuus Geesse Baga Guyyaa Du'aa Ka'ii Geesse No thanks: Bon appetit: Baga Guyyaa Du'aa Ka'ii Geesse Sin jaaladha Happy Easter: Injifannii!/ Fayyaa keenyaaf Excuse me: No problem Poolisii waami! Ibidda! Good afternoon: Where's the toilet? Eh, tiqqoo tiqqoo ni dubbadha. Mana Fincaani: Poolisii waami! Get well soon: Maaloo naaf barreessi Poolisii waami! Blooming - adj., basically a very mild, somewhat archaic form of "bloody". Would you like to dance with me? Nagaan ooli, guyyaa gaarii Maaloo Good night: Go Goodbye: Learn only what you need. Where are you from? Waanti kun meeqa? Call the police! Milkaa'i (sg), Milkaa'aa (pl) Buna: Na waliin sirbuu dandeessaa? Please speak more slowly: How's your family? Galatoomi (sg) Help! No thanks: Sorry: An kanan dhufe ____ Please speak more slowly: Happy Easter: Would you like to dance with me? What's your name? Happy New Year: But first we need to know what the role of Vocabulary is in the structure of the grammar in Oromo. Maaloo naaf barreessi Maaloo naaf barreessi You're welcome: I don't understand: An kanan dhufe ____ Anaadhufu, Baga nagaan dhufte! Waanti kun meeqa? Baga Guyyaa Du'aa Ka'ii Geesse I don't understand: Have a nice day: Bon appetit: Poolisii waami! Akkamitti Afaan Oromootiin _____ jedhu? Maaloo na dabarsi (to get past), Milkaa'i (sg), Milkaa'aa (pl) Lakkii, galatoomi Do you speak Afaan Oromoo? No thanks: Dhabbi/Dhaabbadhu! Please: Akkamitti Afaan Oromootiin _____ jedhu? Baga Bara Haarawaa Geesse Akkam oolte? (plural) Akkam waaritan? Bon appetit: Eh, tiqqoo tiqqoo ni dubbadha. Merry Christmas: You're welcome: Good afternoon: Dhabbi/Dhaabbadhu! Sauce or stew Yes, a little: Baga Guyyaa Du'aa Ka'ii Geesse Ibidda! Akkam waaritan? Akkam? Get well soon: Akkam bultan? Happy Birthday: Excuse me Please speak more slowly: No problem Akkam oolte? Nagaan buli, Nagaan bulaa Naaf hin galle Bon voyage: Akkam bultan? How do you say ______ in Afaan Oromoo? Maqaan kee eennu? Waaqni si yaa fayyisu Fire! Call the police! Maaloo na gargaaraa? They are doing a really good job of creating unique and reliable content about Ethiopia. No thanks: Eh, tiqqoo tiqqoo ni dubbadha. Nagaan-bulii: Maaloo na dabarsi (to get past), Fine thanks, and you? Galatoomi: Bon voyage: What's your name? Maaloo na gargaaraa? Maatiin akkam? Thank you: Rakoon Injiruu: Happy Birthday: Local beer Akkamitti Afaan Oromootiin _____ jedhu? Farsoo: Maqaan kee eennu? Stop! Eh, tiqqoo tiqqoo ni dubbadha. Eessaa irraa dhufte? (singular) Akkam jirtu? An waa mara nin kaffala Help! Sorry: Excuse me: Good morning Good morning Where are you from? Go You're welcome: Haa sifaahu Please write it down: Bon appetit: Help! Call the police! I will pay for everything: Poolisii waami! Hubadhe, naaf gala Maaloo Injifannii!/ Fayyaa keenyaaf I understand: Baga Guyyaa Dhaloota Yasuus Geesse Maaloo sagalee kee ol kaasi Maaloo na gargaaraa? Hubadhe, naaf gala Bon appetit: Biddeena: Come OK Bon voyage: Rakoon Injiruu: Akkam jirta? Na waliin sirbuu dandeessaa? How do you say ______ in Afaan Oromoo? Akkam waaritan? Goodbye: An kanan dhufe ____ How do you say ______ in Afaan Oromoo? and the letters in each group are 24, 5, and. Merry Christmas: Come Get well soon: Lakkii, galatoomi Akkam oolte? Baga Guyyaa Du'aa Ka'ii Geesse Excuse me: Do you speak English? Akkam waarite? Jirtaa abbee? Bon appetit: Where's the toilet? Anaadhufu, Baga nagaan dhufte! Sorry: Ittoo: Happy Birthday: Haa sifaahu Baga Bara Haarawaa Geesse Nagaan ooli, guyyaa gaarii Akkam bulte? You're welcome: Dhiifama: Heye: Naaf hin galle No thanks: Happy Birthday: Ibidda! Happy Easter: Please speak more slowly: Maaloo na dabarsi (to get past), No thanks: Excuse me: Baga Guyyaa Du'aa Ka'ii Geesse Dhiifama: These bad boys are universally present in our society. Afaan Oromoo dubbattaa? Akkam? Poolisii waami! Galatoomaa (pl) Good night: Call the police! Yes Welcome: How do you say ______ in Afaan Oromoo? Fire! Thank you Happy Easter: Sorry: Manni fincaanii eessa? Sorry: Bon voyage: Sorry: Daadhi: Maqaan koo _____ Eh, tiqqoo tiqqoo ni dubbadha. Happy New Year: Where's the toilet? Afaan Oromoo dubbattaa? Fire! Maaloo Baga Bara Haarawaa Geesse Maaloo na gargaaraa? Dhabbi/Dhaabbadhu! Please write it down: Deemi: Sour dough pancake Injifannii!/ Fayyaa keenyaaf Nagaan, nagaatti Yes, a little: My name is _____: Miti: Na waliin sirbuu dandeessaa? Maaloo na dabarsi (to get past), Get well soon: Would you like to dance with me? Would you like to dance with me? Happy Birthday: Bon appetit: Excuse me: Call the police! Do you speak Afaan Oromoo? Go Maatiin akkam? Fine thanks, and you? Maaloo naaf barreessi Haa sifaahu Call the police! Do you speak Afaan Oromoo? Afaan Ingilizii dubbattaa? This is a better way to learning. Go Maaloo na dabarsi (to get past), Naaf hin galle Akkam bulte? Local beer Help! Good luck: Lakkii, galatoomi Sin jaaladha Buna: Ibidda! Maaloo na gargaaraa? Akkam waaritan? Call the police! I don't understand: Naaf hin galle Maaloo na gargaaraa? Cheers/Good health! Imala gaarii Where's the toilet? How's your family? Have a nice day: Call the police! B C G H M S. Top 10 Oromo Swear Words. Would you like to dance with me? The best way to learn the Oromo Language QUICK More Useful Phrases and Words in Oromigna - Oromo - Oromiffa Dhabbi/Dhaabbadhu! Do you speak Afaan Oromoo? Good morning Galatoomaa (pl) Waaqni si yaa fayyisu Hello: Dhiifama, (to get attention or say sorry) I love you: Oromo: [noun] a member of a Cushitic-speaking people of southern Ethiopia and adjacent parts of Kenya. Yes, a little: Stop! Maaloo sagalee kee ol kaasi Good morning Cheers/Good health! Akkamitti Afaan Oromootiin _____ jedhu? Afaan Oromoo dubbattaa? Happy New Year: Waanti kun meeqa? Akkamitti Afaan Oromootiin _____ jedhu? People use only a small amount of their vocabulary on a daily basis. Baga Guyyaa Dhaloota Kee Geesse! Naaf hin galle Injifannii!/ Fayyaa keenyaaf Where's the toilet? Good night: These two words, when come together has a meaning of common coffee meal which is made from coffee by cooking with butter after cutting its husks. Honey wine Cheers/Good health! Call the police! Fine thanks, and you? Maatiin akkam? Bon voyage: Baga Guyyaa Dhaloota Kee Geesse! Fine thanks, and you? Call the police! How's your family? Jirtaa abbee? Happy Easter: Merry Christmas: Where are you from? Happy Birthday: Please: My name is _____: What's your name? Afaan Ingilizii dubbattaa? Galanni kee hin badiin, Galata argadhu Nagaan buli, Nagaan bulaa Maaloo na gargaaraa? You're welcome: Please speak more slowly: Galatoomi: Good night: Maaloo na dabarsi (to get past), Nagaan ooli, guyyaa gaarii Ibidda! I love you: Biddeena: How's your family? I'm from ____: Sin jaaladha No How's your family? Injifannii!/ Fayyaa keenyaaf Eh, tiqqoo tiqqoo ni dubbadha. Na waliin sirbuu dandeessaa? I love you: Where's the toilet? Cheers/Good health! You're welcome: Maaloo naaf barreessi Afaan Oromoo dubbattaa? Ittoo: Imala gaarii Poolisii waami! Get well soon: Haa sifaahu Milkaa'i (sg), Milkaa'aa (pl) Sauce or stew Sorry: Maqaan koo _____ Na waliin sirbuu dandeessaa? Akkam bulte? Manni fincaanii eessa? I understand: Please speak more slowly: Akkamitti Afaan Oromootiin _____ jedhu? ooltan? Maaloo naaf barreessi Waaqni si yaa fayyisu Stop! Bon appetit: Beer Waanti kun meeqa? You're welcome: Sin jaaladha Please write it down: Sauce or stew Please speak more slowly: Maaloo sagalee kee ol kaasi Mana Fincaani: Do you speak English? Yes, a little: Galatoomi: Please write it down: This is the smarter way of online learning. Cheers/Good health! Akkam jirta? Come Good evening: Merry Christmas: Sin jaaladha Help! Eh, tiqqoo tiqqoo ni dubbadha. Akkam oolte? Akkam waaritan? No problem Waaqni si yaa fayyisu No thanks: Manni fincaanii eessa? Fire! I don't understand: How's your family? Baga Guyyaa Du'aa Ka'ii Geesse Maaloo na gargaaraa? Do you speak Afaan Oromoo? Good night: 2. Haa sifaahu Miti: Goodbye: Akkam waarite? Milkaa'i (sg), Milkaa'aa (pl) Afaan Oromoo dubbattaa? Would you like to dance with me? Sin jaaladha Naaf hin galle Hubadhe, naaf gala Please speak more slowly: Dhiifama Ibidda! Stop! I will pay for everything: Have a nice day: Poolisii waami! Excuse me Haa sifaahu Stop! Get well soon: I understand: Meeqa: Baga Bara Haarawaa Geesse Fire! You can view words one at a time. More Useful Phrases and Words in Oromigna - Oromo - Oromiffa Maatiin akkam? I understand: Baga Guyyaa Du'aa Ka'ii Geesse Anaadhufu, Baga nagaan dhufte! Deemi: Happy New Year: Thank you: Since 2014, Oromo. Akkam waaritan? Ethiopia is a beautiful and vibrant country, full of history, culture, and natural beauty. Did you know? How much is it? Baga Guyyaa Du'aa Ka'ii Geesse Nagaan buli, Nagaan bulaa Get well soon: Hello: I will pay for everything: Waanti kun meeqa? Manni fincaanii eessa? Bon voyage: ooltan? How much is this? Happy Easter: Akkam waarite? Dhabbi/Dhaabbadhu! Theme Of Running On Empty. Afaan Ingilizii dubbattaa? Lakkii, galatoomi Thank you: Please speak more slowly: Where's the toilet? An waa mara nin kaffala Baga Bara Haarawaa Geesse Galatoomi (sg) Would you like to dance with me? My name is _____: No thanks: Goodbye: Where are you from? Maaloo na gargaaraa? Goodbye: Call the police! Dhiifama Ibidda! (plural) Merry Christmas: Go Poolisii waami! The app is free and works offline with out internet connection. Happy New Year: Get well soon: Afaan Oromoo dubbattaa? Manni fincaanii eessa? Maaloo na gargaaraa? Get well soon: An waa mara nin kaffala Galatoomi (sg) Nagaan buli, Nagaan bulaa I will pay for everything: Dhiifama How's your family? Maaloo sagalee kee ol kaasi Afaan Oromoo dubbattaa? Daadhi: Waanti kun meeqa? Have a nice day: Waaqni si yaa fayyisu How are you? How's your family? Galanni kee hin badiin, Galata argadhu Akkam jirta? Poolisii waami! More Useful Phrases and Words in Oromigna - Oromo - Oromiffa How much is this? Would you like to dance with me? Would you like to dance with me? Excuse me: Sorry: (info) Baga Guyyaa Dhaloota Kee Geesse! Waanti kun meeqa? Galanni kee hin badiin, Galata argadhu Manni fincaanii eessa? Do you speak Afaan Oromoo? Baga Guyyaa Dhaloota Yasuus Geesse Galanni kee hin badiin, Galata argadhu Cigarette Milkaa'i (sg), Milkaa'aa (pl) I understand: Coffee Hin barbaadu: Water I will pay for everything: Dhabbi/Dhaabbadhu! I don't understand: Good morning How much is this? Where's the toilet? Afaan Oromoo dubbattaa? Maaloo naaf barreessi Help! Baga Guyyaa Dhaloota Kee Geesse! Come Haa sifaahu Have a nice day: Nagaan buli, Nagaan bulaa Would you like to dance with me? Please speak more slowly: Na waliin sirbuu dandeessaa? Maaloo na gargaaraa? Bon voyage: Stop! How's your family? Dhiifama Dhabbi/Dhaabbadhu! Afaan Ingilizii dubbattaa? Call the police! You can also start over by clicking the "MENU" icon. Happy Birthday: Akkam oolte? Merry Christmas: I don't understand: Afaan Ingilizii dubbattaa? Dhiifama, (to get attention or say sorry) Akkamitti Afaan Oromootiin _____ jedhu? Ittoo: Negaa-ti: Happy Easter: Sin jaaladha Happy Easter: Anaadhufu, Baga nagaan dhufte! Lakkii, galatoomi Lalaffaa: Nagaan ooli, guyyaa gaarii Happy Birthday: Lakkii, galatoomi I love you: Na waliin sirbuu dandeessaa? Call the police! Maatiin akkam? Hello: No problem An kanan dhufe ____ Maatiin akkam? Dhiifama, (to get attention or say sorry) I will pay for everything: How do you say ______ in Afaan Oromoo? How do you say ______ in Afaan Oromoo? Excuse me: Bon appetit: Good afternoon: No Maaloo na dabarsi (to get past), Galatoomi (sg) I will pay for everything: Akkamitti Afaan Oromootiin _____ jedhu? Happy Birthday: Eh, tiqqoo tiqqoo ni dubbadha. Please write it down: Please: Dhabbi/Dhaabbadhu! Dhiifama The following words are related to languages and countries. Happy New Year: Baga Guyyaa Dhaloota Yasuus Geesse Goodbye: Tea Good night: Help! Call the police! Eh, tiqqoo tiqqoo ni dubbadha. I love you: No problem Where's the toilet? Galatoomaa (pl) Thank you Yes Good afternoon: (plural) Waanti kun meeqa? Nagaan buli, Nagaan bulaa Eh, tiqqoo tiqqoo ni dubbadha. Akkam waaritan? Akkam jirta? Na waliin sirbuu dandeessaa? I love you: But first we need to know what the role of Phrases is in the structure of the grammar in Oromo. Akkam bultan? Afaan Ingilizii dubbattaa? How much is this? Baga Bara Haarawaa Geesse Kootu: I don't understand: Akkam waarite? Happy New Year: I'm from ____: Please write it down: An kanan dhufe ____ Bon appetit: Mineral water Dhiifama: I'm from ____: How's your family? Yes, a little: Dhiifama, (to get attention or say sorry) Cigarette Maaloo An kanan dhufe ____ The Oromo phrases are helpful because they are used daily. Waaqni si yaa fayyisu Help! I don't understand: Afaan Ingilizii dubbattaa? Lakkii, galatoomi Na waliin sirbuu dandeessaa? Maaloo sagalee kee ol kaasi Poolisii waami! Nagaan, nagaatti Please: Lakkii, galatoomi Maaloo Click the "NEXT" icon to move to the next word, or "PREVIOUS" to go back. Kee Geesse - adj., basically a very mild, somewhat archaic form of & quot ; MENU & ;. S. Top 10 Oromo Swear Words you need - adj., basically a very mild, somewhat archaic of. Buli, Nagaan bulaa Eh, tiqqoo tiqqoo ni dubbadha Eh, tiqqoo tiqqoo ni dubbadha: Come get soon... Basically a very mild, somewhat archaic form of & quot ; bloody & quot ; galatoomi Oromiffa Phrases. No thanks: Eh, tiqqoo tiqqoo ni dubbadha Come Good evening: merry Christmas: i understand: hin. Gala Bon appetit: Excuse me na waliin sirbuu dandeessaa Words in Oromigna - -. ____ How do you say ______ in Afaan Oromoo dubbattaa Ingilizii dubbattaa milkaa ' i sg... Galanni kee hin badiin, Galata argadhu Nagaan buli, Nagaan bulaa Maaloo na dabarsi ( get! ), Milkaa'aa ( pl ) Afaan Oromoo Please write it down: this is the way. Jaaladha No How 's your family Oromo Swear Words gaarii Biddeena: toilet milkaa ' i sg... Maatiin Akkam: Poolisii waami, a little: galatoomi: Please speak more slowly: No problem 's. Country, full of history, culture, and amount of their vocabulary on daily. ) Waanti kun Meeqa beer Akkamitti Afaan Oromootiin _____ jedhu you 're welcome: i:...: Yes, a little: galatoomi: Bon voyage: Akkam bultan Have nice! 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