why take strontium on empty stomach

Normal results from this test range from 10.0 45.0 ng/ml. am presently in my third year taking it. I take a PPI for stomach issues. take strontium citrate and calsium ect.. i changed to strontium citrate [ costs about a third of ranelate]about 3months ago after being on ranelate for 5years.. i had a bmd in january and it showed a small improvement which i am grateful for i`m 63yrs and excited to see next year`s results i am changing my calsium from Biogen Calmag Max Absorption[with120ug K2 ect to Real Thing Bone Revolution an organic sea veg calsium mineral mix these products we get in south africa.. further i take everthing in stride,,, had a couple of falls with no fractures perhaps i`m just lucky referring to other letters of people having a lot of fractures nice writing to you forgive the errors, english is my second language regards.. patricia. The only issue I have ever heard even anecdotally mentioned re MK-7 is that one woman wrote me that it gave her so much energy, she had trouble sleeping; she has to use MK-4, which clears out of the body much more rapidly than MK-7, for which reason, an effective dose of MK-4 is 45 milligrams per day! Though there was no noticeable adverse effect it was only 41 mg day-1, maybe long term supplementation at 16.6 times that much could pose an issue. If you tolerate 1 capsule, after several days of taking just 1, take 2, and see how you do. And your BMD score will also be impacted if the technician running your scan does not place your body exactly as it was placed on your prior scan. It will definitely cause inflammation in your body and as you know if you have read Your Bones anything that provokes chronic inflammation activates osteoclasts excessively and causes bone loss. Are you familiar with this brand? Hi Andrea, If you scan my post on strontium, youll see I discuss several studies done in Canada in which a half dose ( 1 capsule daily) of strontium citrate was used with excellent results. excellent responses to queries i would like to know in what dosages do one has to Strontium increases osteoblasts production of osteoid. Yes, as you will have noted in my blog on strontium, the patented/drug version of strontium, strontium ranelate has now been conclusively shown to produce numerous side effects, at least two of which, VTE and DRESS syndrome can be fatal. Strontium is a . Experimental results were 11.2 for the Discovery, 9.9 for the Prodigy, 8.6 for the Calscan and 6.3 for the Dexacare G4. I do have one suggestion for you you might get in touch with Cancer Treatment Centers of America. Were her blood calcium levels also measured? Doctors in our part of the world usually wont talk and discuss the issues much with their patients or bother to reply to their questions even after massive fee that they charge. Epub 2016 Oct 21. I eat the calcium-dense foods (e.g., yogurt, goat cheese, cottage cheese, soymilk enriched with calcium, tofu, spinach) at breakfast and dinner. Ill be following this research and will report the results. Mary. ; Children: A safe and effective oral dose of NAC hasn't been established.Don't give it to children unless directed to by a healthcare provider. According to the summary of product characteristics for strontium ranelate provided by Servier, the pharmaceutical company that created (and owns the patent on) strontium ranelate: There is no accumulation of ranelic acid and no evidence of metabolism in animals and humans. However, Ive been curious about taking calcium microcrystailine hydroxiapetite as a calcium source to increase my BMD .Everything I read is good about this form of calcium, and that it is the closest to the calcium we use to produce bone. I took the strontium citrate via a supplement through Orth Molecular called 0ro Bono. Also those on vitamin D and vitamin K2, both of which are essential for ensuring proper absorption and utilization of calcium and magnesium. Bottom line here truly worth keeping a food diary to see how much calcium your diet is giving you. We fell in love with Australia, both the land and the wonderful people. Hi Sylvia, Given your allergies, my best recommendation for you is to work with a knowledgeable physician who can run the tests needed to monitor precisely what is happening in YOUR body. I read all your information to other women and I try to learn what is best for me too. I will have my blood work done at the end of November for thyroid, calcium, Vit D, and cholesterol. Yes, strontium does overestimate a patients bone mineral density (BMD) on DEXA scans (as its denser than calcium), but all studies show strontium still increases bone density outright even after accounting for any overstatement due to the strontium content in bone. Take our quiz to receive a customized recommendation. The reason for this is that strontium is very slow to be absorbed by the body. Humans absorb about 25-30% of the elemental strontium consumed when it is administered alone. Hope this helps and that you will sail through menopause and emerge even stronger and healthier also you may notice that your itis conditions significantly improve or even vanish with the help of AlgaeCal Plus and Triple Power. Estrogen exerts many anti-inflammatory effects, so as we produce less estrogen, our inflammatory potential goes up. Am I being foolish to be so conservative my next DEXA will be in about 4-5 months. You just need to take it at a different time of day from when you take calcium (as I have written in the blog and in response to questions here, calcium and strontium compete for absorption, and calcium is better absorbed, so if you take them at the same time, you will receive less benefit from the strontium.) In articles posted on AlgaeCal.com and in #AskLaras on our AlgaeCal Community, I always provide links to the studies that support what I am saying immediately after the statements made although in checking the post on AlgaeCal.com, I see some of the references I provided have been removed, so only some are given in the links. I feel this is safe unless a person is on an older anticoagulant medication in which case you must consult with your doctor to help you manage your drug dose so you can gradually increase your vit K without disturbing your INR because studies have been done showing that even much higher doses of MK-7 (over 800 mcg/day) not only caused no adverse effects but resulted in higher levels of activated osteocalcin. This is what I began doing for myself several years ago now after I read and reported in this post on AlgaeCal.com that a half-dose was effective for maintenance. "He didn't do it. Hi Kathy, Because strontium ranelate, not strontium citrate or other natural strontium salt was used in SOTI and TROPOS, thats why although BMD improved and fracture rates dropped, a few unfortunate individuals experienced a number of side effects, including very serious ones, i.e., venous thromboembolism and DRESS syndrome. Thanks for reaching out, Sharon! Take multivitamins or prenatal vitamins with a meal or snack containing fat and a glass of water. Approximately 50% of patients will have hepatitis (liver inflammation), 30% will have eosinophilia (high levels of white cells in the blood indicating immune system activation), 10% will have nephritis (inflamed kidneys), and 10% will have pneumonitis (inflamed lungs). While AlgaeCal Plus and Strontium Boost alone are clinically supported to increase bone mineral density, the mediation youve mentioned will likely be safe and beneficial to your efforts as long as the form youre taking is bio-identical, and youre properly monitoring how youre metabolizing your estrogens. Thanks. Various anti-osteoporotic agents are available for clinical use; however, there is still a need for drugs able to positively influence the coupling between bone formation and bone resorption to increase bone mass and bone strength. Just be sure the food does not contain calcium. Dr. said to increase VitD another 100o and I did. , Hello and thank you for sharing your wealth of knowledge on this forum. Regardless,, however, I urge you to NOT EAT GLUTEN-CONTAINING GRAINS! Reading your book and following all your posts has really helped me. Lara so to reiterate, strontium deposits primarily in trabecular bone, the inner spongy portion of bone, where metabolism is much more active than in cortical bone, the outermost hard, older portion of our bones. Biopsies of my colon showed lymphocytic colitis which is sometimes related to medication use. I will be getting a dexa scan in a couple of months. The very tiny amount of strontium ions that deposit in our bones prefer to do so in trabecular, not cortical bone. No studies have shown any adverse effects. However, since I have been taking strontium citrate for about 3 1/2 4 years I have decided to take only 1/2 the SC dosage (340 mg) because I am not sure if there are any long term negative effects from using SC indefinitely. Ive now heard from a number of women who find it simplest to take their strontium supplement right before going to bed so around 4 hours after their evening meal. In conclusion, the different studies performed on bone samples from monkeys and humans treated with various doses of SR showed that Sr was heterogeneously distributed between new and old bone but in a dose-dependent manner without alteration of the crystal characteristics and the degree of mineralization of bone tissue, even after long-term administration of often high doses of SR (the highest therapeutic dose used in humans is 4-fold lower than the lowest experimental dose administered to monkeys). I would appreciate your best scientific information Laura. 1) Boivin G, Deloffre P, Perrat B, et al. The key issue regarding the safety of natural forms of strontium is calcium intake, which to err on the side of safety, should be at least double that of the amount of strontium consumed. Expert Opin Drug Saf. Strontium is a mineral thats used to enhance bone mineral density along with calcium. Likewise, the most common over-the-counter supplements are chemically bound to different molecules, such as citrate, lactate, carbonate, and gluconate. Ive read that estrogens might decrease how fast the body gets rid of strontium and cause side effects. We recommend trying to increase the magnesium in your diet as a first approach and have a handy list here that can help. So the desired ratio of 2:1 calcium to strontium becomes harder to maintain. If you find that your diet is supplying you with a fair amount of calcium, I would still consider taking at least some AlgaeCal as it will provide you with insurance that you are receiving these trace minerals in amounts in which they work together naturally. It would be nice to just swallow one pill that would help bones and all else! A comparison of adverse event and fracture efficacy data for strontium ranelate in regulatory documents and the publication record. The expiration date for your supplement should be listed on the bottle. If the latter, I am happy to help you, but please do me the courtesy of citing my work. In the research, approximately 50% of the increase seen in BMD over 3 years of treatment with strontium was due to strontiums larger size, AND 50% of the increase seen in BMD was accurate. I am concerned because I want to understand my osteoporosis treatment and make sure it meets your recommendations (like taking twice as much calcium as strontium possibly 1360 mg? The SR SPC(23)gives a value for Fspineof 50%. Even 1 capsule per day is going to be doing some good for your bones. (And I disagree that dairy is necessarily bad. 2) Delannoy P, Bazot D, Marie PJ. Read more about Removing These Toxins Can Improve Your Bone Health, According to Dr. Trubow. Read labels! AlgaeCals plant-based calcium does what others cant stop bone loss. I take more vitamin D now. Because of my genetic inheritance, which includes faulty vitamin D receptors, I need even more vitamin D3 and therefore more K2 (D3 and K2 need to be in balance), so I take extra of these as well, also take some vitamin A (another fat-soluble nutrient that works with and must be in balance with vitamins D and K) and omega-3s (and try to eat salmon at least once a week). Few labs at this time are checking levels of unOC (uncarbocxylated osteocalcin) you want these levels to be low as uncarboxylated osteocalcin is the form in which osteocalcin is NOT activated to pull calcium into bone). Then Id recommend something like Zumba because it can not only be high impact (you can always modify the steps to be low impact), but is so much fun that compliance is a delight. my mission. I am concerned when I read that too much strontium can cause softening of the bones. Shaine, Hi Shaine, can I take just the AlgaeCal without Strontium? Please call us at 1-800-820-0184 if you have any questions, and any one of our Bone Health Consultants would be so happy to help , Hi Lara, I have read articles on the internet that say Strontium Citrate can cause hair loss. I typically spend 4+ hours each day reading the breaking research, and this is how I discovered AlgaeCal a little over 18 months ago now. No clinically significant changes in a 43-panel blood chemistry test were found, and neither group reported even one adverse effect. All tested doses were well tolerated; the 2 g/d dose was considered to offer the best combination of efficacy and safety. Shouldnt it be 250% and 200% correspondingly, or does it have something to do with calculated equivalences? DRESS syndrome is often severe and can result in death if not diagnosed early for which reason, youre urged to see your doctor immediately if you develop a rash after taking strontium ranelate. If you still have symptoms at this half dose, please ask your doctor about running a CDSA (Comprehensive Digestive Stool Analysis) or the OAT (a far more comprehensive test, the Organic Acids Test) to check whats in your gut. 2001 Sep;69(3):121-9. 5, pp.568577, 2010. What you want to do is take your strontium at a time of day when you are NOT consuming any calcium. Hi Robert, And I make sure my husband, who does not have bone density problems, but does have knee joint problems, takes both (he also takes just one capsule of Strontium Boost at night), so he can continue to play basketball. Sorry that I have not been able to find it on PubMed. I I have been using algae cal for about 8 months and I also use Drs. The research indicates a daily supplemental doses of 680 mg of strontium citrate and 1,200 mg of calcium are effective. Re exercise it should be weight bearing or resistance exercise and daily if possible. I hope that it would come to my email account listed. Im now 64 and hope to be taking AlgaeCal Plus for many years to come shooting for staying here with healthy bones until Im at least 100. You will not need your former calcium supplement. If you are taking AlgaeCal Plus and Strontium Boost, these supplements will automatically be providing you with optimal, balanced doses of calcium, magnesium and strontium one of many reasons I rely upon these supplements for myself. Please comment about this particular test and what we should be aware of with the results. Some people do require additional magnesium. J Bone Miner Res. Is there a toxic level for K2 (MK7)? However, unless these women were consistently taking their 680 mg strontium supplements with meals providing comparably large doses of calcium an unlikely situation they would receive some benefit from the strontium. I am glad that AlgaeCal has lots of Vitamin D in it, I completely agree that the D.V of 400 and the DRI of 600 is way too low. So, now I will take it on an empty stomach. FYI one tablespoon of ground whole flaxseed is going to provide you with about 25.5 milligrams of calcium. I always thought it just added to the calcium and helped strengthen. (Ill explain more in detail on how they differ shortly.). However, I just read a site from Dr. Peter Dobias about how its dangerous to give them to your dogs due to the strontium levels from Fukushima. And taking a half dose of AlgaeCals calcium supplement should also be quite safe. Hope that helps and that you feel better soon! It remains unanswered in response above! In fact, in the one and only study on PubMed I could find suggesing even a remote connection between estrogen and strontium a rat study involving ovariectomized rats (an animal model for human postmenopausal women) that were given estrogen, the rats metabolism of strontium normalized. I bought your book and I use it as a reference It has been so informative. If as much as 11.2% of the gain in BMD is an overestimation, you multiply 1.04 x .88 to see how much is an actual increase in this case, its 0.91%. Please feel free to contact our Bone Health Consultants 7 days a week at 1-800-820-0184 (USA & Canada, toll-free) or email [emailprotected] for more information and personalized support! 2X better mineralization of Osteoblasts than CaCO3 and Ca Citrate Hi, I have been taking calcium, calcium rich foods and exercising to keep my bones strong, but my bone density test still show low bone density in my right hip. Here s a link to Dr. Grouts website: http://www.arizonaadvancedmedicine.com Factors that raise a womans GAIL score are starting menstruation early (so more exposure to estrogens), age at first live birth (pregnancy and nursing lowers estrogen exposure for at least a year, longer if nursing), number of breast biopsies (checking b/c of indications of breast cancer), a history of atypical hyperplasia (abnormal excessive replication of breast tissue cells), and a history of lobular carcinoma in situ (breast cancer). I took it for a few weeks, but didnt realize that I should also have avoided calcium in food when taking the AM packet that contained the Strontium Citrate, so I now realize that I should have avoided eating my cereal and almond milk for breakfast, as it contained calcium. Try this and your taste buds as well as your digestive tract and bones will be delighted with you. Also, you need to check to see if the drug(s) you are taking interact adversely. This is a pristine environment, and AlgaeCal does everything possible to keep it that way. So, yes, I would take more vitamin K2. AlageCal is harvested sustainably as evidenced by IBD and IBAMA / Aquamin is not sustainable as evidenced by their move from Ireland to Iceland for harvesting Re your question above, best outcome would be if very little of either the strontium or the citrate were excreted. For those of us taking strontium citrate I personally find this article to be somewhat disturbing. It is ALWAYS best to trust yourself. In brief, check this persons credentials (where did this man get his medical training? There's a lot of misinformation in the posts above. Still take at least 5 drops a day. Epub 2010 Mar 16. Review. Yogurt is a healthful food supplying healthy intestinal bacteria as well as calcium. Theres a wee bit of disagreement as to how much somewhere between 40% and 50%. All three AlgaeCal Plans tested produced increases in BMD a marked improvement over just slowing the rate of age-related bone loss. ), X-ray crystallographic experiments have demonstrated that incorporation of strontium into the bone of cynomolgus monkeys treated with oral strontium ranelate for 13 weeks took place mainly by ionic exchange at crystal surfaces [Lara i.e., trabecular bone], and to a minor extent by heteroionic substitution (with a maximum of one calcium atom out of ten being substituted) into the crystal lattice [Larai.e., cortical as well as trabecular bone]. How you do as citrate, lactate, carbonate, and AlgaeCal does everything possible to keep that... On an empty stomach, check this persons credentials ( where did this man his... Do is take your strontium at a time of day when you are taking adversely... Vitamins with a meal or snack containing fat and a glass of water Australia. 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why take strontium on empty stomach