The process for student grade appeals is as follows: VPAA is located in 211 Somsen Hall and can be reached by phone 507.457.5010 or email: The Dean's List represents high academic achievement. Determine what major/minor program you wish to pursue. Fall 2019 Dean's List. Dean's Honors. If, after exploring your options, you decide to leave the University, here is a checklist of things you should do. WSU offers many opportunities for students to achieve academic honors including the Deans List and Graduation with Honors. White Coat . Undergraduate students are included on the Deans List if they complete 12 credits or more for letter grades at WSU (not including pass/no credit) during any one semester and achieve a GPA of 3.50 or higher. some courses may count for For example, a student who changes academic goals by transferring from another school or by changing majors may accumulate courses that can only be counted as electives. A students honors status may change after the determination of final honors. Certain internships and arranged classes, for example, are designed to continue beyond the close of a semester. Once the requirements are satisfied, the instructor will submit an online completed Change of Grade/Incomplete form to the Warrior Hub. 230 Kryzsko Commons, PO Box 5838. Milwaukee School of Engineering -- Rochester: Gavan Schotzko, Isaiah Vang. Student has earned at least 24 semester credits and at least a 2.00 GPA at WSU since being re-admitted. If the message is not displayed, the transaction was not successful. The new GPA will be based on courses completed after the student was re-admitted. University of Iowa-- Oronoco: Lindsay Cobb; Red Wing: Stephanie Herzog; Rochester: Sydney Allison, Shelby Atkinson, Abigayle Berg, Sidney Downs, Jacob Elliott, Hannah Peterson, Ethan Pottebaum, Emily Roth; Spring Valley: Rebecca Lawson. Any pass/no credit grades do not count toward the 12 credit minimum. Keep it Clean. Examples of cheating include looking at another students work, bringing an unauthorized crib sheet to a test, obtaining a copy of a test prior to the test date, or submitting homework borrowed from another student. Would you like to receive our top daily local news and sports headlines? Please see the program descriptions for details.). The appeal shall contain a statement indicating the reason for the appeal and the relief requested. The vice president shall respond to the student, faculty member and dean with a written decision within 14 calendar days of receipt of the appeal. In addition to General Education requirements, all students in baccalaureate degree programs must complete requirements for an academic major or specialization. Winona State University announced that Jaida Heinz of Merrill and Kole Kaldunski of Athens were each named to the Deans List for spring semester 2021. This spring, the Dean's List recognizes 763 full-time students who have a minimum of 12 credit hours with grade-point averages at 3.5 or above (on a 4.0 scale). Be sure to withdraw from your classes, either on the WSU website or with the assistance of staff members as follows: Return your laptop computer to the Technical Support Center in 207 Somsen Hall. To be named to the Dean's List, a student must be an undergraduate enrolled full-time (at least 12 credit hours for a grade) and achieve a minimum grade point average of 3.5. Final honors are determined for all graduates after commencement and include all undergraduate coursework based on the standards and requirements above. However, individual departments may set a maximum number of credits awarded for internships. Al Hachamy, Hager Alcayaga, Abigayle Alfaro, Brenda Altamirano, Alexandra Alvarez, Ricky Andrews, Austin . Winona State University Dean's List for Spring Semester 2021 . Students should refer to the appropriate department listing for specific internship details, including minimum GPA, prerequisites, and credit limitations. A final examination is required for every course taught at WSU. The decision of the VPAA/CAO is final. Concordia University-Nebraska -- Rochester: Madyson Pralle, Cyrus Scott; Winona: Josie O'Laughlin. If the major has more than one option, the minor requirement may not be fulfilled with a second option in that major. The Dean's List and an Honor Roll are compiled at the end of each fall and spring term and applies to full-time students (12-hour minimum), according to the NSU Registrar's Office. Winona State University. No degree is awarded until all grades are finalized; I or IP grades cannot remain on the permanent record. Students in baccalaureate programs must also satisfy the requirements of an academic major and may take required courses in a minor or related field. Most courses are credited with three or four credits. The instructor will complete this reevaluation and send the student and the VPAA/CAO a final response within ten (10) academic calendar days of receiving the GAC chairs notification. To earn Dean's List honors, students must earn at least a 3.5 grade point average (out of 4.0) as a full-time student in college level courses. Local students make Winona State Dean's List. Internships provide students with academic credit for a supervised on-the-job work experience. Spring 2021 Dean's List. Be Proactive. Choose wisely! Degree Candidates Spring 2022. Email notifications are only sent once a day, and only if there are new matching items. Man dies after being hit by train on Watertown's west side, Train incident, Watertown, kills 23 year old Andrew Tucker, Lake Mills insurance agent Speth faces more child sex charges in Jefferson County, Award-winning former Watertown Daily Times photographer to present retrospective at library, Jefferson County may get new, youth crisis stabilization facility in Watertown. Complete, with a C average, either a broad major of 47 credit hours or more or a major of fewer than 47 credit hours combined with a minor or a second major. Academic Integrity at Winona State University is based on honesty. Would you like to receive the top sports headlines from the Friday games? A full-time undergraduate student, who has earned a minimum of 12 semester hours and whose semester GPA (grade point average) is 3.25 or higher shall be eligible for the Dean's List for that semester. accounts, the history behind an article. Congratulation Students! However, a student may take a major and a minor in the same department, unless the department prohibits that practice. Dean's List. If you are experiencing illness, contact Student Health &Wellness Services (Wellness Complex). Students should be aware of the following considerations related to the major requirements: A student cannot have a minor or option that consists wholly of courses that are required in the major or option in which degree is being earned. Although courses taken on a P/NC basis grant credit toward graduation, the credit does not affect the cumulative GPA. However, instructors may drop students from closed classes only, but they are not required to do so. Submitting this form below will send a message to your email with a link to change your password. Greater Allegheny recognizes students' academic accomplishments for the fall 2021 semester. If the student and faculty member come to agreement, the process ends. Students found culpable of a violation(s) will face disciplinary consequences as defined in the Student Conduct Code. The deadline for short courses (three days or less) is the first class meeting. Students under standards will be notified of their status (Academic Warning or Academic Suspension) by the Registrars Office at the end of each semester, including Summer term if applicable. Choose wisely! Graduate from Winona State with a bachelors in marketing and a minor in professional selling. The frequently referred to C average is a 2.00 grade point average. The GAC chair will then appoint a Hearing Subcommittee from the membership of the GAC. See. An email message containing instructions on how to reset your password has been sent to the e-mail address listed on your account. See the Registration & Academic Recordssection for registration information. The dean's list recognizes students who earn a 3.00-3.74 grade point average during the semester. Cum Laude, Magna Cum Laude, Summa Cum Laude). A students default primary major is the major with the greatest number of credits. This determination is made based on coursework completed prior to the term for which the student has applied to graduate. Undergraduate students are included on the Dean's List if you complete at least 12 credits for a grade at WSU during a single semester and achieve a grade point average of 3.50 or higher. Talk with your academic advisor. If your major is not included in the following list, contact the chairperson of your department to learn what activities are underway regarding honor societies. Students with "cum laude" after their name indicate a GPA of 3.40 to 3.69. If you withdraw from the University within a few weeks after the drop-without-tuition-obligation deadline, you will receive a partial refund of tuition and fees, based on the date of your withdrawal, and in accordance with a pro-rated refund schedule (see the Tuition & Feessection of this catalog). There are two MSU honor roll lists the President's List and the Dean's List. Dean's List. Rochester Community and Technical College -- Altura: Mitchell Wozney; Austin: Adetonan Hounwanou, Rachel Quandt; Byron: Garrett Alberts, Morgan Bausman, Mikayla Brennan, Sally DeCook, Reece Ferguson, Nina Friess, Martina Goodman, Tate Halgrimson, Jordan Harding, Justin Harding, Amy Kyllo, Lydie Lake, Brady Nelson, Jade Robertson-Longfellow, Jackson Schroeder, Hannah Watson, James Watson; Cannon Falls: Kaia Conzemius, Chase Schaefer; Canton: Peyton Zafft; Chatfield: Lucas Glenzinski, Konnor Kivimagi, Hailee Stock; Dodge Center: Benjamin Walters, Elijah Walters; Dover: Aubrey Whitcomb; Elgin: Rachael Boardman; Eyota: Grace Allen, Erika Banitt, Kyra Courson, Kaylee Gerdts, Carly Mauseth, Adam Wibstad; Goodhue: Madison Bartholome, Madison Benda; Grand Meadow: Laney Anderson, River Landers; Harmony: Brady Dutton; Hayfield: Haley Mork, Jaimee Siemers, Jason Zahnle; Kasson: Brooklyn Aarsvold, Mason Agee, Riley Briggs, Dayton Goetz, Zackary Martin, Heather Rose, Angelina Ruffo, Adam Thompson; Kellogg: Caitlyn Gusa; Kenyon: Kendra Kispert, Jennifer Richards; La Crescent: William Koch; Lake City: Mara Goihl, Gabriela Herrera Mateo; LeRoy: Gabriel Jarrod; Lewiston: Samuel Bronk, Connor Haag, Ella Miller, Summer Nelson, Anna Vick; Mantorville: Halley Bulow, Abbigaiyle Liudahl, Kaitlin Swanson; Mazeppa: Ethan Hofschulte, Alayna Johnson; Oronoco: Logan Brase, Cambri Dallmann, Kylie Davidson, Madison Dudley, William Fulton, Annabel Gaug, Samantha Gisi, Elizabeth Sanchez, Cora Tsang; Pine Island: Jonathan Gutzmer, Dylan Las, Lexis Riley, Thomas Stark, Mark Trisko, Lacey Watson; Plainview: Madeline Evers, Kaylin Liebenow, Graham McClure, Allie Rahman, Mandy Smith, Izaak Stevens, Steven Zimmerman; Racine: Raymond Fjetland, Joanna Hansen, Aaron Quandt; Red Wing: Kylie Stockton; Rochester: Nastaho Abdullahi, Roberto Acuna, Carter Adams, Muhima Adawe, Maimuna Aden, Analise Adler, Jace Aikens, Ghufran Al Jumaili, Ifrah Ali, Masud Ali, Benjamin Amundrud, Christopher Andreen, Jerry Angell, Nicole Athey, Redwan Awad, Abdisalan Bahur, Sheridan Baker, Aisha Bashir, Benjamin Benyei, John Bitz, Jake Brandt, Tess Buescher, Susan Bundy, Rochelle Burke, Allison Burt, Anna Carlson, Marissa Carlson, Bryan Chase, Mia Cuccio, Ian da Silva, Justin Day, Esme Decker, Kelly Dieser, Tanner Doberenz, Madyson Dreyling, Hang Duong, Olivia Dyrbye-Wright, Samuel Ebin, Chantelle Feddersen, Jennifer Fink, Kelly Foley, Yandong Gao, Colton Garity, Gary Gilliam, Ethan Gjervik, Alexis Golish, Grace Gora, Paris Goulette, Natalie Greenwood, Grace Guetter, Kaylee Guetter, Anna Gunderson, Morgan Guo, Kevin Hagstrom, Lingling Han, Cole Hansen, Joshua Hansen, Kira Harp, Caleb Harris, Andrea Hart, Lily Harvey, Ceilia Heang, Rebecca Herzog, Harmony Hicks, Justus Hicks, Ethan Jacobs, Connor Johnson, Jessica Kaiser, Jacqueline Kalmes, Clarice Kasa, Christine Kassiano, Kandyce Keeler, Vera Kilpatrick, Youngju Kim, Caleb Klicker, Grace Klicker, Maria Kramer, Zoe Kurup, Robert Lager, Aiden Larson, Christie Larson, Dalton Larson, Mackenzie Lee, Stephanie Lin, Luis Lopez, Kristopher Loving, Lydia Lowe, David Luessen, Sarah Luster, Tuan Luu, Andrean Maier, Tonishe Manship, Peyton Martin, Joseph Master, Isaac Mattson, James McGowan, Allison Mehus, David Mueller, Mallory Murray, Sumay Musa, Lucas Neisen, Hope Nelson, Mara Nelson, Taylor Nelson, Clarice Neve, Trung Nguyen, Alicia Niemann, Sabrina Norwood, Alexis O'Neil, Chuka Okose, Jonathan Olander, Claire Otis, Kanchan Panesar, Benjamin Pauley, Evan Peterson, Thao Pham, Amy Phan, Chanraksa Phann, Elise Rietveld, Olivia Riley, Quinn Rinden, Amy Romanauski, Jacqueline Runge, McKenna Ruschmeyer, Jacelyn Sackett, Josie Salek, Edward Savela, Ethan Smith, Thomas Stahl, Emma Stoen, Claire Stone, Elias Stroope, Tagelsir Taha, Lora Taylor, Peter Tazin, Pekdey Thim, Autumn Thompson, Michael Tran, Nha Le Tran, Phi Tran, Ethan VanderWaerdt, Luke Velzke, Tait Vo, Morgan Vold, Nguyen Vu, Stanimir Vuk-Pavlovic, Peter Walther, Lexy Williams, Anli Winters, Aaleyah Wuertz, Mark Young, Aniso Yusuf, Natalie Zinser; Saint Charles: Emma Cage, Amanda Coleman, Jonathan Lukowicz; Spring Valley: Kaycie Bellrichard, Philip Engesser, Kieran Sween; Stewartville: Tyler Denny, Baylee Edwards, Jenna Nelson, Viktoriia Shevchuk, Jamie Sokol, Lily Welch, Zachary Yeadon; Wabasha: Collin Garness; Wanamingo: Bryanna Schmitt; Winona: Rhonda Brommerich, Alyssa Eastep, Daniel Fitterer, Nicole Meech, Evan Mohan, Stephan Sommer; Zumbro Falls: Caleb Roberson, Ashley Sturgis; Zumbrota: Tanner Aarsvold, Tonya Dahlen, Sydney Higley, Siddha Hunt, Shelby Steier. This is the name that will be displayed next to your photo for comments, blog posts, and more. If a student completes another major but does not complete the additional 30 credits, the major is recorded on the permanent record, but the additional degree is not recorded nor is another diploma awarded. If you miss this deadline, you will not be recognized with honors at commencement. If the appeal is granted, the student will be able to remain enrolled for an additional semester on Academic Probation. Office of the Dean of Students. Calculation of GPA. If the student receives a NC grade, the course can be repeated; however, it must be repeated for a letter grade, and the grade will be included in the students GPA (see Repeated Courses). Notifications from this discussion will be disabled. WICHITA Wichita State University has announced the names of more than 3,500 students who were on the WSU dean's honor roll for fall 2020. The student and the VPAA/CAO shall interpret this as a decision to not change the grade. She/he will review your academic and career objectives and listen to your concerns. If you plan to return to WSU or transfer to another school, leaving during the term may make you ineligible to receive government-sponsored financial aid in the future. This is the name that will be displayed next to your photo for comments, blog posts, and more. There was a procedural error which could have affected the outcome of the meeting. See Registration & Academic Recordsfor registration information. To be eligible for graduation, the student must be fully matriculated and satisfy the following requirements: To be eligible for graduation, a student must be fully matriculated and must satisfy the following requirements: Note: The student is solely responsible for making sure all academic requirements are met to complete the degree. A dean's list is an academic award, or distinction, used to recognize the highest level scholarship demonstrated by students in a college or university.This system is most often used in North America, though institutions in Europe, Asia, and Australia may also employ similar measures. The instructors determination is final unless appealed to the dean of the college. Certain departments require students to earn a C grade or better in each course within their major/minor or to earn a C grade or better in specific courses in their major/minor. If the student is not comfortable working with the faculty member or if the student is not able to get a response within this period of time, they may appeal to the next higher level of authority. If the student has not yet applied for graduation, he or she may request that grades earned during a specified period of the previous undergraduate career be held aside during calculation of an adjusted GPA, as described below. To be eligible for the Dean's List, fulltime students who enter the University as first-time, first-year students beginning in fall 2010 and later must meet the following requirement:. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to the FOTO NEWS, 921 East Main Street Merrill, WI 54452. Winona, MN 55987-5838 Some academic choices lead unavoidably to that end. To qualify for the Dean's List, students must be full-time and have a grade-point average (GPA) of 3.5 or higher. Student has not previously requested an Academic Pardon. Internships are offered on a pass/no credit basis, with this exception: Three semester credits may be taken for a grade with approval of the department and academic dean. Fall 2020. Sign up for our free food newsletter today! The student must meet all major/program requirements in effect at the time of re-admission. Check the program descriptions in this catalog to determine the major/minor program requirements. (Note: All GPAs are truncated and not rounded; for example, 3.2499 is truncated to 3.24. Students on Academic Warning must meet with their assigned advisor or an advisor in the Warrior Success Center to review their plan for academic improvement prior to registering for any subsequent semester. The dean's list gets released each semester or quarter . The printed copy confirms that the Internet transaction was completed. MEDFORD - Tufts University recently announced the dean's list for the Spring 2022 semester. Each terms pro-rated refund schedule is published on the WSU website. (2021) at the Bachelor's Cyclone Graduation Celebration, on the gold stage at Jack Trice Stadium in Ames. Faculty: Re-do the exam or assignment, award a lower or failing grade on an assignment and/or the course, or allow the student to withdraw from the course, Department: Dismissal from a program or major, Dean: Administrative withdrawal of the student from a course after consultation with the instructor, Vice President for Student Life and Development: Disciplinary probation or suspension. Evening class final exams are held on the last class period prior to final exam week. Semester honors are awarded and the notation "Dean's List" is posted to the permanent academic record for undergraduate students earning a 3.50 grade point . The students listed in the links below are UM degree candidates or have been awarded their degrees. For information, see the departments program description in this catalog or the departments website. See Change the Grade Method for a Classfor more information about declaring/changing the grade method for a course. You have permission to edit this article. The course to be substituted may be one that the student has completed at WSU or at another college/ university. Fairmont State University has released the President's List and the Dean's List to recognize high-achieving students for their academic distinction. Roughly 87 percent of honorees on the combined lists are from Florida. Be enrolled at WSU during the semester of graduation. To be eligible, students must have earned 12 or more traditional letter grades to make Deans or Honors listings. Deception and Misrepresentation: Lying about or misrepresenting your work, academic records, or credentials. If you are living on campus and are having problems with your roommate or accommodations, contact your Resident Assistant, Residence Hall Director, or the Housing and Residence Life office to find out what changes can be made (130 Kryzsko Commons, 507.457.5305). There are facts not brought out in the original meeting which may affect the outcome. For more information or to begin the application process, students should contact an Adult Entry Advisor in Adult & Continuing Education (209 Somsen Hall, 507.457.5080). For example, 3.2499 is truncated to 3.24. Spring 2022 Iowa State University College of Agriculture and Life Sciences Dean's List. To qualify for Graduation with Honors, you must meet the following requirements: All GPAs are truncated, not rounded up or down. One hour of credit is granted for one lecture or class period of 50 minutes per week for 15 weeks. Courses of more than two credits will have final exam times determined by the day the class first meets for lecture each week. St. If a student wishes to continue in a class but is unable to attend the first class meeting due to circumstances beyond their control, the student should notify the instructor or academic department before the first class meeting. The Hearing Committee, a subcommittee of the GAC, will review the case as presented by the student and faculty member. A student may appeal the decision in Step I and has 14 calendar days to meet with and present a dated, signed, and written account of the circumstances to the appropriate college dean. Winona State University . Within ten (10) academic calendar days of receiving the students letter of contestation, the VPAA/CAO will inform the student, the instructor, and (if a grade change is involved) the Office of the Registrar of the appeals final resolution and its rationale. Don't Threaten. Asbury council OKs 4-way stop at busy intersect, Telegraph Herald Athlete of the Week: Rams lean, Dubuque veterans discuss military sexual trauma, TH Athlete of Week: Hardin growing into floor g. College Last Name First Name City State Country College of Arts and Sciences Barnes Katrina De Pere WI College of Arts and Sciences Barry Emma Allen Park MI Congratulations to these students: Students maybe able to earn credit for prior learning acquired outside the traditional institutional setting by requesting evaluation of prior learning by portfolio review. Fall 2022. The University requires that work produced by students represents their personal efforts and requires that they properly acknowledge the intellectual contributions of others. racist or sexually-oriented language. If the appeal is denied, or it the student does not appeal, the student must sit out for at least one academic term before being readmitted on Academic Probation. If the instructor cancels the students registration, a notice will be sent to the students university email. February 16, 2021. Students on the President's List had a grade point average of at least 3.8. Dean's List. Work in any course is evaluated in accordance with the following system of letter grades and administrative indicators: Each semester hour of credit attempted receives honor points according to the following: The GPA is computed by dividing the total number of GPA points by the total number of GPA credits attempted. Student has a 3.59 WSU GPA and a 4.00 Transfer GPA: WSU GPA is too low to qualify for honors. Semester grade point averages are not "rounded" in . To request a course substitution, students should meet with their academic advisor for the major or minor. An Incomplete (I) grade is reserved for special cases in which the student, for reasons beyond their control, is unable to finish an important assignment or other required coursework by the end of the semester, though the student is passing in all other aspects. Cloud State University -- Austin: Emma Erstad, Samantha Kinnear, Natalie Perry; Byron: Olivia Lamb; Dodge Center: Haley Yankowiak; Kellogg: Chandelle Lee; Mantorville: Noah Ryan, Emily Van De Rostyne; Minnesota City: Katrina Dornfeld; Rochester: Ellen Baranczyk, Mason Henricks; St. Charles: Jenny Kramer; Spring Valley: Thomas Engesser; Winona: April Fohrman. The Dean's List includes students who had at least a 3.5 grade . An email message containing instructions on how to reset your password has been sent to the e-mail address listed on your account. WSU policy indicates that students must have a minimum GPA of 2.00 to enroll in an internship; however, some departments require a higher minimum GPA. Students should be aware that repeating courses will slow their academic progress and may delay graduation, because they will only receive credit for the most recent offering of the course. (Even if the repeated grade is lower than the first attempt or a failing grade, the second grade will replace the first grade.) Augustana University announced today students who have been named to the Dean's List for the spring semester of the 2021-22 academic year. We won't share it with anyone else. We won't share it with anyone else. Students must not assume that someone else will take care of it for them. Students at Southern are recognized for their high academic achievement by being placed on the dean's list of their respective schools. . If you use staff assistance, ask the staff person for a copy of your schedule. The course instructor determines the content of the final examination. If a student wishes to withdraw from a class, the student is responsible for dropping the class (see below). Dean's List recognition is awarded to undergraduate students who earn at least a 3.50 GPA in a minimum of 12 units of letter-graded work. "To be named to the Dean's List, a student must be an undergraduate enrolled full-time (at least 12 credit hours for a grade) and achieve a minimum grade point average of 3.5. Your purchase was successful, and you are now logged in. An audited course appears on the students transcript, but carries no academic credit. Note: Excessive accumulation of elective courses can delay graduation. Provisional honors include any faculty grade changes for prior coursework on record at the midterm deadline of the graduation term (see academic calendar). Phone: 507.457.5300. Congratulations to these students named to the Dean's List and Honor Roll for Fall Semester 2021 at Volunteer State Community College. An instructor who wishes to reschedule an exam during final exam week must receive prior approval from the college dean. Transfer students must also earn a minimum combined WSU and transfer cumulative GPA of 2.00. Fabrication: Refers to inventing or falsifying information. University policy limits the number of credits that may apply toward a degree as follows: 12 internship credits per semester and 16 internship credits in total. Based on credit hours completed, students are classified as follows: First-year students are not eligible to enroll in courses numbered in the 400-level. by Winona State University Communications | Feb 27, 2023 | Blog Slider, Campus News, Events, Featured Post, Top Stories, Twitter, Update, by Winona State University Communications | Feb 27, 2023 | Blog Slider, Campus News, Community, Featured Post, Top Stories, WSU News, by Winona State University Communications | Feb 22, 2023 | Arts & Lectures, Blog Slider, Campus News, Community, Events, Featured Post, Student News, Top Stories, Update, WSU News, by Jaidyn Brower | Feb 17, 2023 | Blog Slider, Campus News, Featured Post, Student News, Top Stories, WSU News, by Winona State University Communications | Feb 10, 2023 | Arts & Lectures, Blog Slider, Campus News, Community, Events, Faculty Staff News, Featured Post, Top Stories, Twitter, Update, by Winona State University Communications | Feb 3, 2023 | Arts & Lectures, Blog Slider, Campus News, Community, Departments, Events, Featured Post, Student News, Top Stories, Twitter, WSU News, by Winona State University Communications | Jan 9, 2023 | Academic News, Blog Slider, Campus News, Departments, Faculty Staff News, Featured Post, Features, Top Stories, Twitter, WSU News, by Brianna Strohbehn | Dec 5, 2022 | Blog Slider, Campus News, Commencement, Featured Post, Features, Top Stories, Twitter, WSU News, by Brianna Strohbehn | Dec 5, 2022 | Blog Slider, Campus News, Commencement, Featured Post, Features, Student News, Top Stories, Twitter, WSU News, by Grace Wagner | Dec 2, 2022 | Campus News, Community, Designed by Elegant Themes | Powered by WordPress, WSU Hosts Presentation on Boathouses, Gay Liberation, and Womens History, Department of Theatre & Dance Presents The Glass Menagerie, WSU Students Gain Hands-On Experience at Gundersen St. Elizabeths, WSU Dedicates Gretchen Cohenour Dance Studio, Winona State Universitys Department of Theatre & Dance Presents Dancescape 2023, Using Community to De-Stress & Find Success, Adaptive Climbers Reach New Heights at WSU. 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