Northern Wisconsin State Fair July 12, 2023 - July 16, 2023 View Website Favorite (1) Northern Wisconsin State Fair 225 Edward Street - Chippewa Falls, WI 54729 Information: 715-723-2861 Event Date Detail Jul 12, 2023 - Jul 16, 2023 View Map Email Share Add to Calendar From food, to music, to games, to rides the list goes on and on! Zipper is also my favorite fair ride. For decades, the fair moved from city to city, including Janesville, Watertown, Fond du Lac, Madison and Milwaukee, until 1892, when it was first held at its permanent and present location at Wisconsin State Fair Park. Click here to shop Holiday Deals! But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Reminisce about all the places you've seen throughout the day and enjoy the relaxing ride around the grounds. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. and Sky Glider. Well does the drop ride lift you up to the top slowly and then drops you right when it reaches the top without stopping? Fairgoers will experience more than 10,000 animals Stick with a fair classic or try one the newest creative concoctions, honored each year at the Sporkie Awards. But I can try and find the manufacturer of the Drop Ride if I go again. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. Also, shop at the Central traveling on a Lamers bus, you voluntarily assume all risks sanitizer. August 7, 2009 in Photo Trip Report Archive. We have taken enhanced health and safety measures, It dose not have a sheet of metal above you, and It slows down near the top then it drops you very suddenly all the way down. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. The website timed out while searching for the departure dates. swine, llamas, alpacas, rabbits, poultry, and more. Celebrate 165 years of the original Summer Tradition at the 2016 Wisconsin State Fair! should engage in frequent hand washing and use of hand [10] In response, fair managers added a youth curfew and worked with civic and youth leaders to prevent a recurrence. In 2010, the Wisconsin State Fair introduced Comet 2, a forty-foot roller coaster. Located on Second Street at Central Avenue. SIGN UP TODAY: Get daily headlines, breaking news emails from FOX6 News. No Wisconsin fair is complete without those. throughout the Fair including cattle, horses, goats, sheep, We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. The Fair's amusement ride and game area, SpinCity, features more than 55 rides and attractions, including Fair favorites the swings, Ferris Wheel and Sky Glider. The ride operators check the rides every day. 610. The Wisconsin State Fair is an annual event held at the Wisconsin State Fair Park in West Allis, Wisconsin, a suburb of Milwaukee. attractions, including Fair favorites the swings, Ferris Wheel the State Fair. Tickets Click here to shop our Holiday Deals now --> $12 Tickets and more! You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. WEST ALLIS, Wis. (CBS 58) -- The Wisconsin State Fair opens Thursday, Aug. 4, and inspection on rides have officially begun to ensure safety. 2023 FOX Television Stations, Milwaukee Common Council president's niece killed near 27th and Grange, Milwaukee police chase, fatal crash; vehicle taken in armed robbery, Zachariah Anderson murder trial: Arguments over possible 2nd mistrial, Bayshore collapse a complete failure, former snow removal company says, Milwaukee County Jail death, woman's family voices concerns. Milwaukee: Wisconsin State Fair Park Public Relations Department. Its a flume. These cookies do not store any personal information. You can enjoy this year's fair. (Wisconsin State Fair). Zippers are my personal favorite fair ride as well. He spoke on the principles of free labor - farmers and their families working for themselves without the use of hired labor - and of the interconnectedness of farmers, merchants, and other businesses. I will NEVER ride one of those death eating machines again. But if youd like to enjoy multiple days at the fair and are traveling with an RV, park your vehicle at the. For the original Cobra, I've been on that too, and I would say it acts like a Sizzler, but it's not neck snapping, and the g's on that thing if the carnival workers put it backwards are amazing!! Participating shuttles are run independently from the Wisconsin State Fair and are subject to their own schedules and hours of operation. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. Third-party inspectors crisscrossed Spin City Monday, double-checking the nearly 40 attractions at this year's fair. options on 30 stages, so there will be music to Can't wait for the LA County fair in Sept. though! You can usually get some sweet airtime while flipping over the top of crest at least once or twice during a ride cycle! They have to be inspected before we open, you have to turn in a written inspection sheet before we allow them to open," said Atkins. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. From pig races to the 15-story-high Ferris wheel, the 11-day-long Wisconsin State Fair in West Allis, just outside Milwaukee, has thrills for all ages. By There isn't much too it in my opinion. Enjoy plenty of exciting attractions, interactive exhibits and activit. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. Take to the skies and see the whole park from the elevated vantage point. WEST ALLIS, Wis. - For Wisconsin State Fair vendors new and old, the days leading up to the start of the fair Thursday, Aug. 4 involve the culmination of months of planning. The Main Stage features headline performance every evening of the fair. North Americas largest traveling Ferris wheel is 15-stories high, featuring 36 colorful six-person gondolas and an amazing view of the State Fair and surrounding cities with each go-round. It just shocks me that they haven't sold one of them yet. Gates open at 10 a.m. Thursday, Aug. 4. Our ponies are not only our business, they are our way of life. Add in the sounds of prized livestock and the colorful sights of amusement rides, and you and your family will quickly realize youre in for a treat. travel if they are suffering from any symptoms of COVID-19. Disease Control (CDC), senior citizens and individuals with The Wisconsin State Fair Park Board of Directors is pleased to announce Shari Black, current Interim Executive Director/CEO of Wisconsin State Fair Park, has been named Executive Director/CEO. (additional charge for rides), Enjoy an action-packed day filled with shopping, food, animals, rides, and music from all around the world at It featured a 200-pound squash and a quarter-acre plowing competition with teams of horses and oxen. It's a Family Affair! Established in 1996 by the then ten member-wineries of the Wisconsin Winery Association, the Wine Garden features wines from dozens of Wisconsin wineries. One of the most popular family-friendly events in the state, it runs from August 4-14 at State Fair Park in West Allis. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Lets work together to Rides at State Fair . We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. Black has served in the interim role since October of 2021. One-way tickets are $5, and round-trip is $8. Whether attendees tour the barns, watch the shows and competitions or enjoy the excitement of the auction, the State Fair is a fantastic place for both children and adults experience Wisconsins agricultural heritage firsthand. 3% processing fee applies to all credit card encouraged to wear masks while traveling and all passengers This ride is great and progressively gets faster trough the ride until the very end! We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Is that drop tower made by ARM/Larson? This website uses cookies to improve your experience. These cookies do not store any personal information. On Thursday, they'll receive their burlap sack and enjoy the ride for 11 straight days. FILE - Wisconsin State Fair gate. Ticket sales and fair entry cease one hour prior to park closure. lead to severe illness and death. Read our, Exploring Wisconsin's Native American Heritage, Aug 3, 2023 - Aug 13, 2023. Well that's why I love Zipper! The Greater Milwaukee area has countless family-friendly hotels just a short trip from the state fairgrounds. Rides are officially back at the grounds and. Cookie Settings. When the second fair was held in Milwaukee in 1852, fairgoers took their carriages for rides around the Cold Spring Race Course. Please try again. game area, SpinCity, features more than 55 rides and The website uses "cookies", which are elements of data that a website can send to your browser, which may then be stored on your system. You and your kids will enjoy the countless agriculture, flower and art exhibits scattered throughout the fairgrounds. Below is a list of pick-up points available on this tour. By said Hackbarth. The annual Wisconsin State Fair is the state's largest agricultural showcase, offering endless family entertainment at an exceptional value. Think of it like the . Cookie Settings. So on August 6th I made a short little trip to the infamous WI state fair! And does it have a sheet of metal over your head to stop you from looking up to see when you'll reach the top? For Hackbarth, what was once a dream comes true on Thursday. In addition to the inspectors, the Department of Safety and Professional Services (DPS) comes out to do another round of safety checks. [8][9] Eighteen people, including seven police officers, were injured during the event. Mr. Ed's Magical Midway will deliver over 20 rides and attractions during the 119th Central Wisconsin State Fair in Marshfield. The 171st Wisconsin State Fair starts Thursday, Aug. 4, but before the doors open, one final safety check of the State Fair rides took place Wednesday. You and your kids will enjoy the countless agriculture, flower and art exhibits scattered throughout the fairgrounds. The carnival will be open from noon to 10 p.m. Wednesday and. She has held several positions at State Fair Park since joining the team in 2016 as Event . This limited time offer is not available during the State Fair! You can even pre-order cream puffs for your family the day before you arrive, then head over to the Original Cream Puff pavilion to pick them up. Did you ride the Old Mill? The drop tower is a Fabbri 'Jungle Drop.'. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. mitigate the risks of COVID-19 . Agricultural exhibits of horses, cattle, sheep, chickens and other animals are featured every year at the fair. The State Fair's "snowflake" logo, in use since 1972 to advertise the year-round use of Wisconsin State Fair Park, Learn how and when to remove this template message, "Wisconsin State Fair attendance reached new high in 2019", "Wis. State Fair Latest Target Of Violent Flash Mobs", "Witnesses describe mobs, some people claim racially-charged attacks", "Questions Arise Over Whether 'Flash Mob' Attacks in U.S. Cities Motivated by Race", "Wisconsin Teen Arrested for Hate Crime and City Blames Black Families: In response to the recent violent flash-mob attacks in Milwaukee, the Common Council uses African-Americans in the community as a scapegoat", "Crews make last minute preparations before State Fair gates open", "Wisconsin State Fair canceled for the first time in 75 years",, "Which State Fair Food Is Your Guilty Pleasure? Come for the family fun and stay for the food, animals and rides. For over a century, this summertime signature event has celebrated our state and its traditions. Third-party inspectors crisscross Spin City, double-checking the nearly 40 attractions at this year's fair. Tickets are available at each end of the SkyGlider near the Exposition Center and on North Grandstand Avenue near the SpinCity Entrance. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. for Wisconsin State Fair After a challenging 2020, the 2021 Wisconsin State Fair is back from August 5th to the 15th at the Wisconsin State Fair Park. or shopping! The Viper is a new Wisdom Rides design Based on the old Venture "Cobra". It's likely a Fabbri then. Other live shows spotlight animals, including the Sea Lion Splash, where a couple of the sea lions perform tricks and stunts. These cookies do not store any personal information. Presented by Meijer. Take a spin on a real-life pony! ", 2010 Wisconsin State Fair Attendance and Demographics, "1.1M people entered gates at Wisconsin State Fair in 2019, several days saw record attendance", Baits Trap with Cheese: State Products Sell Fair, Preserving the 'Big Picture' for Wisconsin: The 1948 Centennial Fair Murals, Wisconsin State Fair Park Foundation Website,, Tourist attractions in Milwaukee County, Wisconsin, Articles needing additional references from August 2014, All articles needing additional references, Commons category link is defined as the pagename, Articles with MusicBrainz series identifiers, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, Average hours spent at the fair: 5 7 hours. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. Not sure if this helps but here's youtube POV: I don't ever remember a ride like thatWe had a non enclosed log flume a few years back but I don't think we had anything like that. But Viper is a different story It feels like its going to die and my car didn't even swing like the others. BTW, here's a Cobra video that I found on YT; it's so retro-tastic! Your kids wont want to leave this exhibit. Check out our list of participating establishments below - stay tuned for more details coming soon. Besides a Watkins Rampage, Cobra is my most wanted flat ride credit. It's fair season,'" said Kyle Olson, Brad & Harry's Cheese Curds co-owner. Cobra is an awesome ride. Hop on a burlap sack and take a magic carpet ride. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. "This week is go time!" On the old Cobra design, the ride was always raised and tilted and the seats swung out further (the seats on the Viper are more fixed apparently due to the joints wearing out faster and they have those annoying OTSR's) it was like two little paratrooper rides at the end of a rectangular beam. It was reportedly the largest gathering in Wisconsin history.[5]. I was going to ride it when it was here last, but I hadn't eaten much, went riding, and my stomach wasn't doing well. As you make your way to the entrance, grab your kid's or partner's hand and explore every inch of the fairgrounds, where family time is all the time, at least for 11 days. The Giant Slide has been a State Fair icon for over 50 years. Any clue what type of ride Viper is though? Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. According to the Centers for The State Fair would not be the same without food Keep an eye Rides, free entertainment, big name grandstand shows, agriculture. What type of ride is Viper? Every year, the fair hosts a food competition called The Sporkies and the winners and finalists receive the honor in the form of a trophy. Or is it Fabbri? This website uses cookies to improve your experience. Check out a full tour of the midway rides at the 2022 Wisconsin State Fair. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. The problem with it, was that you could only load 6 seats at a time, then spin the ride around and then load the other 6. With spires more than 100 feet in the air, this sling-shot style ride is for thrill seekers. Posted August 7, 2009. While I felt like crap afterward, I had a great day and enjoyed plenty of cheese curds and cream puffs! selling a variety of items. Shopping is another attraction at the fair, which features more than 500 shops and vendors. Wisconsin State Fair 2023 - Van Galder Tour & Travel - August 8, 2023 Register Home Tour Services Brochure Request Custom Group Tours Charter Services Scheduled Services About Us Tour Policy Gift Certificates Wisconsin State Fair 2023 Cream Puffs, Carnival Rides, Animals, And So Much More! The Wisconsin State Fair is also home of the Wisconsin Wine Garden. They also question the ride operator to make sure they're knowledgeable about the ride. Great photos. For the Spin Out rides, they aren't painful. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. The website uses "cookies", which are elements of data that a website can send to your browser, which may then be stored on your system. WonderFair Wheel tickets are $6 each. Youll want to prioritize the vendors featuring a 13-foot spork-shaped trophy outside their booths. See baby farm animals up-close at the Discovery Barnyard and watch as thousands of fair participants compete for the top prizes. Located in the Big Backyard next to the Original Cream Puff Pavilion. SpinCity amusement ride and game area, the Sky Glider that offers a birds eye view of the Fair, the Giant Slide that will elicit joyous giggles from all, a Central Park bustling with daily activities and so much more are all just a taste of the thrills offered at the State Fair. It's one of the last few left in the US (Kennywood, Rye, Kansas State Fair, and Iowa State Fair are the only others I think). These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. No Dueling Balders this year? The ride selection isn't as great as previous years they still have some pretty good rides. preventing the spread of COVID-19, individuals should not After riding one, I had to leave the fair for fear of losing the ability to walk and/or fainting! New in 2012, the Wisconsin State Fair took over the Midway, creating Spin City, a collection of independently contracted rides including the Sizzler, the Freak Out, and the Stratosphere, a 200-foot-tall swing ride. The first Wisconsin State Fair was held in 1851 in Janesville, with approximately 13,000 to 18,000 people in attendance. "We spend 11 months out of the year training for these 11 days, the best 11 days of summer, which is the Wisconsin State Fair," said Kerksen. Trips down the 200 ft. slide are only $3 each. keep one another healthy and safe. Suspension connections are good. The third party inspector is here all week, they check the ride every day. The area also offers well-shaded seating areas and plenty of delicious concessions. But if youd like to enjoy multiple days at the fair and are traveling with an RV, park your vehicle at the Wisconsin State Fair RV Park, featuring hook-up sites and more. The Fairs amusement rideand Bar & Restaurant Shuttles Making transportation easy and safe for our Fairgoers is a priority and we're excited to kick off this new shuttle program with local bars, restaurants, and hotels! We had the Viper here in Windsor a few years back, except it's called the King Kobra. family entertainment. Yearly features at the fair include a wide variety of vendors, many local and national bands, the Kids From Wisconsin, and a large assortment of food and drink, including cream puffs,[14] which are one of the fair's most popular attractions. The Orange County fair had the same line up except for the Kamikaze I think. With over 200 food and beverage vendors, youll want to taste everything, so share a few dishes with your family to try as much as possible and at the end of the day, vote on your favorite meal or snack. It is basically THE thing to eat at the Wisconsin State Fair. August 3, 2023 - August 13, 2023, Event Date Detail We pride ourselves on our dedication to Our animals, and safely providing pony rides to children for almost 3 decades. Find your love of fair at the Wisconsin State Fair August 4-14, 2022! I can't make out the writing. SpinCity amusement ride and game area, the Sky Glider that offers a bird's eye view of . These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. I remember riding that at my fair when I was in 4th grade. transactions. For the Wisdom Viper, I've been on it, and to me it feels like a Zierer Wave Swinger. The Northern Wisconsin State Fair offers fun for the whole family. The signs are back up at Brad and Harry's Cheese Curds, a fair favorite in the central mall since 1995. Venture Cobra = Great. a collection of independently contracted rides including the Sizzler, the Freak Out, and the Stratosphere, a 200-foot-tall swing ride. Participating Shuttles WEST ALLIS, Wis. - The 171st Wisconsin State Fair starts Thursday, Aug. 4, but before the doors open, one final safety check of the State Fair rides took place Wednesday. Spin out was really that painful? Many local bands can also be seen on smaller stages and pavilions located throughout the grounds. Previous Fairs had been cancelled in 1917 and 1918, then 1942 through 1945, all due to World Wars I and II.[12]. Please contact the participating establishment for their specific shuttle details. Favorite rides of the day: (Extreme was closed). Sun - Wed 10am - 10pm, Thurs - Sat 10am - Midnight. The cream-filled pastry is an icon, sold at the fair since the mid-1920s. Over at the SpinCity amusement park area, youll find over 40 rides and 25 games. Located on Wetley Way across from the K-9 Sports Arena, in the Exposition Center, and on Sue Wetley Court across from Cracovia. I am disappoint. including additional cleaning and disinfecting, in an effort to underlying medical conditions are especially vulnerable. said Tess Kerksen, Wisconsin State Fair director of public relations. kumba830, We always say, 'There's no summer. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. See baby farm animals up-close at the Discovery Barnyard and watch as . There may be a purchase necessary or fee applicable to utilize the below shuttle services. And of course, no trip to the State Fair is complete without checking out the food. Samplemouthwatering fair food that The fair runs through Aug. 14. Information: 414-266-7000. The ride motion is essentially that of a Tango but the riders are seated. Wisconsin Expo Center where you can shop at over 400 vendors This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. Other fair food staples include meat-on-a-stick, donut sandwiches, fish fry and BBQ. "There are three different inspectors. states largest agricultural showcase, Offering endless For the Zipper was it only running with 3 motors this year? To keep up with demand, bakers work 24 hours a day making cream puffs. Get the ultimate summer experience at the Wisconsin State Fair as you sink your teeth into innovative culinary creations on a stick, see unforgettable live music, visit animals and exhibits, go on thrilling rides and more. Last year it was, and they would only load the ends of it (4 cars). [4] Sponsored by the states Agricultural Society, it was held on a six-acre plot along the banks of the Rock River. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. WEST ALLIS, Wis. (WFRV) - After having to cancel its event in 2020 due to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, the 2021 Wisconsin State Fair back is finally back, with some updates. 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