This website and its content is subject to our Terms and Concept maps and knowledge maps all are types of graphic organizers. The Knowledge Organiser (KO) is now quite common in schools. And finally knowledge organisers are a really clear and easy to understand way for parents to be more aware of what their children are learning at primary school and thus to support them. Save by purchasing this bundle of resources. Something went wrong, please try again later. 167 0 obj <>stream Age range: 14-16. This is important as research into retrieval practice has shown that participants who had several sessions of retrieval practice believed they would remember less than those who took part in the research and had several sessions of simply re-studying information. This knowledge building toolkit enables students to construct robust schematic understanding. Knowledge-as-a-Service. Resource type: Assessment and revision (no rating) 0 reviews. Understanding these shifts can help innovators, business leaders . AQA Chemistry C1 Cor. While there has been a recent increase in use of knowledge organisers in teaching primary maths there is still some misunderstanding about what to include on them and how to use knowledge organisers at primary school. Ricardo Heffel Farias. Artificial intelligence and automation are the keys to future growth across industries, and the manufacturing sector is no exception to it. Year 11 Topic 5 Knowledge Organiser The Exam: English Using a Knowledge Organiser Template allows students to make links, which allows . A knowledge organiser is a document, usually no more than two sides of A4, that contains key facts and information that you need to have a basic knowledge and understanding of a topic. A teacher could then hand this to the TA to work with then on or get them to self-quiz. * AT It can be difficult to decide what to omit and what to include, and other teachers may have different opinions. JC^\{"aD(0+'K"J0i4@srMY.o W Making our British curriculum more accessible for EAL and ESL students by embedding key vocabulary and knowledge into the curriculum planning to support their language acquisition. An extraordinary collection of short stories from the award-winning author of Sarah Canary. Mauricio Freitas. The comprehensive Post Graduate Program provides you a joint Simplilearn-Purdue certificate, and also, you become entitled to membership at Purdue University Alumni on course completion. Organisations such as the Education Endowment Foundation and the Chartered College have facilitated explored the efficacy as an effective study strategy. 133. (f`Tfc``@aFSW`k6q#H#X&Sn b` This makes taking the time to ensure your pupils know how to use knowledge organisers properly paramount. Year 5 ENGLISH - Grammar - Punctuation and Spelling Knowledge Organiser.PDF File. Maintain a respective and neutral environment. * EofE A Knowledge Organiser captures the knowledge being imparted in a specific unit in one short document. "?kyX=$+r0(20aXq4>MZ |K{UhN WaFSCgX',AURJa?$t'qo{a"@u`-3y9}w0-~auc=Qj3[-+vB,o;>V{6qwW%HC /mcQ|S+1(3svQ=- We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. The sequence of the curriculum and the nature of GCSE examinations have changed to focus on the retrieval of knowledge and the end of the Keys Stage. Students who score less than 12 out of 15 are then supported in making flashcards on the questions, again gaining the information from the knowledge organiser,and use these to retest until they are successful. Year 5 SCIENCE - Earth and Space Knowledge Organiser.PDF File. Printed copies of the Knowledge Organiser are available for the cost of 10.99. We have titles across Primary and Secondary, and because these books . Understanding these shifts can help innovators, business leaders, and professionals march forward. Our minds have adapted to take this information from our long-term memory into our working memory without sacrificing much space within our working memory, but children need to develop this skill. AI and automation are transforming how businesses communicate with their consumers, and execute their internal processes, reinventing themselves in the way they operate. A'LEVEL DANCE KNOWLEDGE ORGANISER . It includes definitions of key vocabulary. This is the best way to help pupils retain more of the information theyve learnt. The term became well known throughout social media, and its creation and popularity has been credited to . On each Knowledge Organiser, content shaded in grey is for Higher Tier only. Knowledge Organisers: A teacher's guide for using them as an effective classroom study strategy. There are 18 multiple-choice questions that can be completed before the Science Living and Non-Living Things unit of work to see children's prior knowledge. Artificial Things. Call us at (858) 263-7716. 9 Things You Should Know About The NCETM Mathematics Guidance As You Plan Your Curriculum Prioritisation, Teachers' Guide To The Ofsted Maths Research Review 2021, Knowledge organiser templates and examples. You can use any chart or diagram as a graphic organizer to compare facts and depict a story. Including "Praxis", the story about a theater where the real and unreal collide; "The Poplar Street Study", Fowler's darkly comic account of . hb```^Vz``f`B[920lk```>+CGG#! These can be ordered through ParentPay and will be delivered to your son/daughter at school. Learners need to be able to retrieve relevant facts and information at the end of Year 11 when they sit . ROBERT NORTH . This is a basic contents list. The same will apply to pathological tests too. emancipation of expressionism knowledge organisernightwish tour 2022 setlist emancipation of expressionism knowledge organiser. With a more well-rounded team and newer roles that are a hybrid between technology and business, organizations will have a much faster decision-making process., AI has already entered the real estate industry and is affecting a massive change to this $480 billion industryfrom impacting the home search experience to predicting the marketing trends in the real-estate sector.. If the debate is still split, consider reorganizing at a later date and finishing on a more defined ground. Yet how we organise the knowledge is crucial in ensuring . Just as with deciding on the schema for a unit, writing the knowledge organiser is often a deceptively difficult task. Knowledge organisers offer a wide range of learning opportunities for future lessons, homework, and self and peer testing. solve number problems and practical problems involving these ideas. 1. Our matching Knowledge Retrievers are specially designed to test pupils on what they learn in the Knowledge Organiser. These resources are available free on TES Resources:StatisticsandMechanics. {Qq;Z1;CwM Qq%C/ 6#}dCgXd/^SXlJv7FFy$>7ip\BZ}*eZ("oLq1H4q08#m=wI*CsJS+V`-@vM)}3Tn2jW7Rc Updated: 12/11/2021 154 KB. identify and describe the properties of 2-D shapes, including the number of sides and line symmetry in a vertical line. That means that from the get-go low-stakes quizzing begins the next day if possible. Knowledge produced by artificial intelligence. However, this wont happen by osmosis; this leads to my next tip. Knowledge organisers have many benefits for students. Its also important to ensure that everyone is able to take part in these quizzes. The secret to success lies in regularly revisiting the concepts to be learned. Organisers. (9,]zlOfALir7#Np>Nf:W2?{>F8z2ak3W. In this article, we will explore how this popular concept has been embraced as an approach to schools instructional practice and why it has become integral to so many curricula. Published schemes are brilliant for this as the knowledge has been written for you. ), and discuss the tone and any relevant poetic techniques. Further, Professor Graham Nuthall in his work Hidden Lives of Learners hypothesises that those pupils who know more about a topic learn more about a topic. * Performance Once a knowledge organiser has been given to the pupils, the teacher now has an endless means of providing homework for the pupils. It is preferable that you adapt your knowledge organiser to the needs of the of the unit, rather than follow an arbitrary format. Use them as a means of strengthening your own knowledge in a subject area. Sort vertebrate and invertebrate animals into groups, describing their key features. Two ways this could happen could be the teacher simply going through the answers, or the pupils self-checking answers by using the knowledger organiser that is in their books. People skills must evolve to meet the mandates of fluid, totally new, even unforeseen roles that machines cannot fulfill, says Jeff Kavanaugh, Senior Partner at Infosys Consulting. 3) GCSE Dance Knowledge Organizer - Performance. Artificial Intelligence is already being used to diagnose and treat diseases. With the limited space an A4 sheet of paper provides, the teacher needs to consider very carefully the information that they will put on from when creating a knowledge organiser. Students can use the knowledge organisers as a revision tool at the time of assessment. 4 | Write and trim the sections. The top half is a mix of blues whilst the bottom half is mainly pale green. Teacher time is precious, and knowledge organisers take significant time to create. In this blog, we will look at how knowledge organisers are developed, the role they play in teaching and learning, what they should include, the . In a post onCognitive Science in the Classroom, I mentioned Knowledge Organisers, or to be more precise I mentioned Kris Boultons When shouldnt I use knowledge organisers?. Z}>V[AojYga]<3C3 4wKi;~0I;` q These can be accessed online (via the links below) or are available for purchase as a printed perfect-bound text book. A KO is a tool that provides pupils with a clear summary of the knowledge that is being covered and helps them to . This could be done through writing the quiz on paper and giving it to the pupils, or having multiple choice questions with pupils holding up the correct fingers to show the correct answers/writing their answers on whiteboards. Some of the recent criticism is related to the idea that they are nothing more than a basic contents list of information. Artificial Things (Scene Three) GCSE Dance (8236) Anthology fact file . For our low attaining pupils (by low attaining I am referring to the differences between what pupils in the class know) use of knowledge organisers offers an excellent way to help fill those gaps. Teachers will advise students in class and viaMicrosoft Teamsof the weeks information to be learnt. Class teachers are usually the ones who write the knowledge organiser, to set out their expectations of what pupils should learn about a topic and to clarify their own thinking around what is important. 9) Key Questions linked to Stopgap Inclusive Company. count from 0 in multiples of 4, 8, 50 and 100; find 10 or 100 more or less than a given number, recognise the place value of each digit in a three-digit number (hundreds, tens, ones) compare and order numbers up to 1000, identify, represent and estimate numbers using different representations, read and write numbers up to 1000 in numerals and in words. 140. They can be used as a fun assessment tool to help remember the units. Knowledge organisers can be an essential tool for the children, parents and class teachers. 3 or more Missing Subjects= Referral, with detention set for Friday afternoon with SLT. There are two vents at each side allowing for free movement. Knowledge Organisers. knowledge organiser for anthology work "Artificial Things" for AQA GCSE Dance specification . Year 3 children can use this interactive quiz to check their understanding and knowledge about living and non-living things. On TES, GCSE Maths 1-9 Knowledge Organisers is a (free) set of 50 files, described as "A full set of Knowledge Organisers containing the facts, definitions, formulae etc. Teaching support from the UKs largest provider of in-school maths tuition, Weekly personalised one to one maths tuition that plugs gaps, builds confidence and boosts progress. With the backing of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to provide diagnostic support, it detects signs of diabetic retinopathy in ocular images and then uses an algorithm to create a binary diagnosis in minutes. The adoption of AI in the manufacturing industry should be seen as a positive development, and fruitful results can be achieved through training and re-skilling the existing workforce. Other knowledge organiser templates are available online however we encourage you to take a critical approach to these. Creating a series of knowledge organisers also provides an excellent example of the intent of your curriculum which will be useful during an Ofsted deep dive into the subject. d[?5]r#tU)cKU#DvZU? Music. Again, I am under no illusion that this means that pupils will not need to be taught these things explicitly in lessons, its just that they are more likely to be successful if they have this background knowledge already in their long-term memories. A knowledge organiser makes the teacher think hard about what will be taught. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. Diagrams and key phrases will explain how mammals and plants reproduce. Year 3 Light Knowledge Organiser Autumn 1 A.docx. Science Knowledge Organisers. Is it any wonder that that pupils forget things? And forPure Mathematics, we have from@misschakeraa set for the first year of A Level. A graphic organizer visually represents ideas, concepts, and relationships between various components. You can then save your favorite papers in your . identify and describe the properties of 3-D shapes, including the number of edges, vertices and faces. A knowledge organiser is a simple (mostly) one-page document that contains a summary of the facts and key knowledge of a topic. Children get a light bulb moment and realise why something happens. A thigh length sleeveless dress with a pale green peter pan collar. Artificial intelligence (AI) makes it possible for machines to learn from experience, adjust to new inputs and perform human-like tasks. There are no set ways with how to use a knowledge organisers but there are some principles that ensure they are likely to be successful in their deployment. Note the example shared of a Maths Knowledge Organiser,Year 10 Expressions, Foundation. Many primary and secondary schools use these lists as a low stakes assessment tool. Throughout this exclusive training program, you'll master Deep Learning, Machine Learning, and the programming languages required to excel in this domain and kick-start your career in Artificial Intelligence. HVmo6_qIH%(;l+,~pdQQf 6t L=weR'nM/_fg}hn%z{d]lU:Py0FSf-doAVn^O!3 4$Y]k0P$( E_AsShez9Lq&Em{D_Og7v}H05C1Jkkren{HbT"Z6 dRS&fF9`#\ 0g2u= 2RYF4bAR/sVVbCp%+s{X7FV&;)W(zc6i! 6) Blank Artificial Things - Knowledge Grid. %PDF-1.5 % At Martin High we are introducing learners to knowledge organisers. With the limited space an A4 sheet of paper provides, the teacher needs to consider very carefully the information that they will put on from . The knowledge provided in the organiser must be clear and age-related that children can depend on and use on regular basis. St Pauls Place, Norfolk Street, Sheffield, S1 2JE. This can overload the working memory, stressing its cognitive load and lead to pupils not learning what they should. Since the . Year 6 COMPUTING - Unit 6.2 Online Safety Knowledge Organiser.PDF File. LeAF email 14 reviews. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. * learning journey for the whole course Year 3 - Science - Light - Knowledge Organiser. 4241 Jutland Dr #202, San Diego, CA 92117. create a dance film that maintained the emotional intensity and energy of the live stage performance 'there we have been' and portray an abstract tragic love story which is open for interpretation. 1. With new opportunities and company growth paths, new roles are being created in every area of business operations. Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. They should be no more than one side of A4 with all the information broken down into easily digestible chunks. Key information about how animals and plants can be classified is also included . When we retrieve information, that memory trace becomes stronger and the rate that we forget something decreases. when the two World Wars were) would clearly also be included, themes essential for any Key Stage 2 reading work, Creating a series of knowledge organisers also provides an excellent example of the intent of your curriculum which will be useful during, In addition, once these facts and key words have been learnt, it will be far easier for the expert teacher to teach and demonstrate (via worked examples and, Luckily, there is a way to interrupt this forgetting and that is by systematically recalling that information which we wish to be learnt. Our customer service team will review your report and will be in touch. Reading further on Knowledge Organisers, I do recommend thiscollection of blog posts and articlesfrom St Marys Catholic Academy, on Retrieval Practice which includes the use of Knowledge Organisers. Receive small business resources and advice about entrepreneurial info, home based business, business franchises and startup opportunities for entrepreneurs. Forces. And it is even being used to address the issue of gender imbalance. It should be noted again that this does not replace an expert teacher, but allows a pupil to take responsibility for their own learning and work on their own gaps. A site created by Andrej Karpathy, Arxiv Sanity Preserves, is a web interface to help you find your favorite papers and what is trending in the field.The site provides you with a search engine to find papers on any topic. They could also be used for retrieval practice. AI can be extensively used in treating cardiovascular diseases, as well. Quizzing, multiple-choice questions and flashcards are all effective forms of retrieval practice. Alternatively, children can complete the quiz after the unit of work has been completed as an assessment of . AI, Automation, digital platforms, and other innovations are changing the essential nature of work. Oops! For example, the famous footwear, apparel, and equipment brand, Nike Inc., has designed a system where customers can create their designs and shoes and go out of the store wearing them. 8010464, Reg. The colour of the costumes is stripped down and washed away, and the dancers extra layers removed, leaving just a mix of green and blue tones. Approaches to knowledge representation: There are basically four approaches to knowledge representation, which are: 1. Searching for Mathematics Knowledge Organisers, I have come across some resources I wish to explore further, such as theHenry Box Schoolon Knowledge Organisers where the school are sharing Knowledge Organisers for each subject, recognising the support parents can offer. Eshna writes on PMP, PRINCE2, ITIL, ITSM, & Ethical Hacking. Also check our Master in Artificial Intelligence dual degree designed by the International University of Applied Sciences (IU) Germany in collaboration with the London South Bank University (LSBU). Kirkby High School is a member of the Rowan Learning Trust. Its best to think of them as tools to help teachers enact a curriculum. Each Knowledge Organiser makes reference to related previous units so that connections can be made to prior learning. Students can use the knowledge organisers as a revision tool at the time of assessment. Others draw from other sources but are still considered good practice, and we will look at these first. Science is seen as important and relevant to the children's lives. Healthcare. Office: Hawkley Hall High School, Carr Lane, Wigan. Each subject sets a weekly task that involves the Knowledge Organiser. artificial intelligence (AI), the ability of a digital computer or computer-controlled robot to perform tasks commonly associated with intelligent beings. 5) Artificial Things Factfile. AI can significantly enhance the quality and scale of work in the manufacturing industry by improving the capabilities of every manufacturing business function.. Professional Certificate Program in AI and Machine Learning, Washington, D.C. Advanced Certificate Program in Data Science, Digital Transformation Certification Course, Cloud Architect Certification Training Course, DevOps Engineer Certification Training Course, ITIL 4 Foundation Certification Training Course, AWS Solutions Architect Certification Training Course. Vocabulary is essential in the organiser, as it sets out the language that will be used in lessons. I think these are excellent to use in class alongside teaching a topic. These are the objectives for shape for Year 2. Spaced practice refers to a specific practice concerned with timing when its best to learn. Assuming that careful thought and consideration has been given to the knowledge on the knowledge organiser, this will mean that pupils could come to a lesson already having some understanding of the key vocabulary or key facts needed to be successful for that lesson. It is important to note that when the term knowledge-rich is talked about this does not simply mean facts. If I want definitions, characteristics and examples (clarified with the use of non examples), then I could return to theFrayer model. If you are exploring models of memory in view of improving students retention of knowledge we recommend that you explore the Universal Thinking Framework. Year 2 - Science - Materials - Knowledge Organiser. Some of my first knowledge organisers were each rushed or lacked a clear schema. A Knowledge Organiser helps teachers assess what children know and enables parents to support their children in knowledge acquisition. 0 The booklets are printed and given to each student in order to increase their chance of success. In addition, once these facts and key words have been learnt, it will be far easier for the expert teacher to teach and demonstrate (via worked examples and maths talk) how to use this information to solve more complex problems and deepen learning. The presence of AI will assist medical professionals in diagnosing illnesses faster and, using the data collected from AI algorithms, work on finding better solutions. Pupils should be taught to: If I were to create knowledge organiser for this topic, I would ensure that I included the most common 2-D and 3-D shapes, a picture, a name, the number of sides, the number of lines of symmetry, the number of edges, vertices and faces etc. From the experiments by Ebbinghaus, we know that the rate we forget newly learnt information is quick. Rosenshines Principles in the Mathematics Classroom. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Automation and AI are set to redesign the entire retail industry model and the broader value chain. hbbd``b`$X++H v This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. Form tutors will check the students Practice Books on a Monday morning and will be looking for a completed page for each subject. IBM is the leading player in AI and Data Science, helping professionals with relevant industry exposure in the field of AI and Data Science, providing a globally recognized certificate, complete access to IBM Watson for hands-on learning and practice. The files have been created in Word, I like the 3 column format which includes, Topic/Skill, Definitions/Tips and importantly, Examples. The game-changing PGP program will help you stand in the crowd and grow your career in thriving fields like AI, machine learning and deep learning. information as easy to remember as possible. Some schools also put them on the school website for each year to further cement the links between home and school. I would recommend, should you wish to create your own knowledge organiser, that you look at the curriculum objectives for each domain and year group and pick out which essential knowledge would be considered as declarative. Therefore, there is a chance that pupils could learn more from a lesson when they have some of this information to hand. Help your Year 6 pupils prepare for SATs with this fantastic knowledge organiser created by Sophie Bartlett. Accompanying this blog post weve included a sample Year 6 Maths Knowledge Organiser. Sembly. Something went wrong while submitting the form. Electric Dreamz. It not only transforms your meeting discussions into searchable text, but also analyzes operational meeting data to offer you actionable insights. * Choreography Pupils should be taught to: If I were creating a knowledge organiser as part of my number and place value teaching for Year 3, I would include the 2, 3, 5 (from year 2 it would be foolish of me to believe that these are secure) 4, 8, 50 and 100 times tables. That is just an attempt to replace a teacher with a piece of paper and it will not work. It takes a lot of time to create them and teachers must read deeply about their subject. Each grid has an overall theme, and these vary according to the subject being taught. Year 3/4 Knowledge Organisers- Year A. A recent study from career and hiring data firm, Paysa indicates that 35% percent of the AI roles need a Ph.D., and another 26% require that candidates possess a masters degree. Not everything related to a topic can be included on a knowledge organiser. St Pauls Place, Norfolk Street, Sheffield, S1 2JE. Feedback must still be given to the pupils, as we do not want pupils recalling the wrong information. Valderi Reis . From a planning perspective, if it goes in the knowledge organiser then there is an expectation that the pupils will learn it. Pupils can then learn smaller chunks of the knowledge organiser as homework which we have already established is more likely to ensure that they retain knowledge. A knowledge organiser can be used as one of the most effective study strategies and curriculum development tool to help build a student's confidence and knowledge over the year. This transition will result in the emergence of organizations with fewer layers and a better-skilled, and trusted workforce backed by real-time data and analytics. Thank you! In a recent INSET, we discussed how knowledge organisers can be used to support retrieval practice: Design the knowledge organiser in a way that makes quizzing easy. Cut up the sections of your knowledge organiser to use as a focus for group or guided reading or discussion. Students will be obligated to complete one FULL page per subject in their Practice book in learning this information. Choreographer . Home; Our Practice; Services; Preprint. Working as a choreographer within a company of markedly This is known as retrieval practice and is far more effective in the long-term than simply restudying something (more on this later). that students need to know for the new GCSE Maths specification, broken down into individual units. It is also important to state what a knowledge organiser is not: Knowledge organisers are not a curriculum and they will never replace the expert teacher. You can also take-up the AI and ML courses with Purdue University collaborated with IBM. CpbKL$){(!o_P3]jn4k6F^]ifym,.jwkea4s\V|m,ixj}0Myu8jV4c-):fU$#y7KjKhy.$`K`Gv`!}bKOOKRkkHNWZcg9xY;. Once pupils are comfortable with the shape names and their properties they will be able to identify the 2-D shapes on the surface of 3-D shapes and easily compare the shapes. Year 1 - Science - Seasonal Changes - Knowledge Organiser. that students need to know for the new GCSE Maths specification, broken down into individual units. we encourage you to take a critical approach to these. I use Arxiv Sanity Preserver to literally preserve my sanity when handling research papers on ArXiv. This certainly gets some buy-in from the pupils and allows them to see that I am not just being Gradgrindian in my teaching outlook. u To quote the Durrington blog, Mathsare using their range of knowledge organisersto supporthomework tasks. endstream endobj startxref Other ways to get the conditions right are to make the quizzes time effective; Id suggest that the ideal time is around 5-7 minutes to complete and mark a quiz. Question paper (Modified A4 18pt): Component 2 Dance appreciation - June 2019. There are two types of knowledge declarative and procedural. Knowledge organizers are a summary of the key facts and essential knowledge that students need about a unit of work or a curriculum subject. You'll receive the newsletter every Tuesday, Transform information into knowledge with the Universal Thinking Framework, Graphic organisers give knowledge organisers meaning, Learn more about the Universal Thinking Framework, Learn more about the Learning Skills Framework, When adopted properly, students frequently use their. There are several examples given which is really helpful. It can be tricky to create knowledge organisers. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. What is included in the knowledge organiser mainly depends on the curriculum subject or the topic. Year 3 Animals Including Humans Knowledge Organiser Summer 1 A.docx. when writing a nonfiction report, if they already . My final approach to interleaving is utilizing 'poem of the day' with Year 7 where we study a poem linked to that day in history (thanks to the excellent book Poem for Every Day of the Year (3) for this! Oops! 7) Artificial Things - Reflection. Like other tools and education-related experiences of students, knowledge organisers have their potential pitfalls too. Knowledge creation refers to the continuous combination, transfer, and conversion of different kinds of knowledge. For example, some Science topics can be complicated, so having the clear diagrams, essential concepts, key terms and explanations on a piece of paper can be very helpful. AI, Automation, digital platforms, and other innovations are changing the essential nature of work. 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Study strategy no rating ) 0 reviews Materials - knowledge Organiser to the subject being taught pupils what! Recalling the wrong information with a pale green # x27 ; LEVEL Dance Organiser. Bottom half is a member of the knowledge that is being covered and helps to. Any chart or diagram as a focus for group or guided reading or discussion, i like the 3 format! The essential nature of artificial things knowledge organiser or a curriculum subject or the topic `` ` ^Vz f. Learning what they should diagram as a revision tool at the time of.... However, this wont happen by osmosis ; this leads to my tip. Universal Thinking Framework interactive quiz to check their understanding and knowledge about living and non-living Things format... Free on TES resources: StatisticsandMechanics linked to Stopgap Inclusive Company and reproduce... Your consent maps and knowledge organisers COMPUTING - unit 6.2 online Safety Organiser.PDF... 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