cases won against cps

A group called Stop Child Protection Services from Legally Kidnapping Children (SCPSLKC) brought a civil rights lawsuit against state and county agencies in I have been raising a child since he was 6 weeks old he is now two-and-a-half years old he was removed by CPS from his mothers girlfriend after he had been at my house his whole life and was only over there for a week. My Life has been nothing but heartbreak and disbelief, DCFS has destroyed my family. And im still pulling.. Maybe not enough. I tried to have him placed with me but my fianc (grandpa) got in trouble 28 years ago when he was 22 so he has a history. The government is not here to help you and a lot of people dont understand thatThey will take something from you and it is usually some measure of your liberty. My sons father was sentenced to 2 years of prison for violating a no contact order between us. Neglect is defined as a serious pattern of depriving a child of his/her basic physical, developmental, and emotional needs that are important for healthy growth and development. I am very proud to have played a part in this, and I am proud of Mr. McMillans great help with the trial, too. Its so difficult. The disposition hearing is set to take place 60 days from now. He is amazing! First, the Court notes that the complaint lists as Plaintiffs Peterson and Jay'Cara Strader. The parents now have joint custody. Attorney Sondra S. Sutherland was co-counsel. FEDERAL LAWSUIT AGAINST CPS.. | MoveOn To: President Donald Trump, MARGARET CHRISAWN, Risk Management Program Specialist Department of Financial Make Your Court-Appointed Attorney Work For YOU Cell Phones How Will CPS Caseworkers Use Them Against You? To Bebebaxter Register at this site and get onto the Discussion lists. One of McMillans most recent big case wins, Lena Duvalls litigation was 5 years. orange county got my case transfered from san diego the same month 02/2000. Research and get knowledge about everything you can. Whats his name and what firm does he work for? Exigent means that an emergency is actively taking place and action must be taken immediately. On the Orange County CPS site, they even state that they take 2700 children per MONTH away and by their own admission, 36% NEVER COME HOME. WebCPS Case Law Beltran v. Santa Clara County, 514 F.3d 906, (9th Cir. My nephew has been kidnapped by CPS in LA and we need a lawyer that wins these cases of false allegations. 1915(e); McGore, 114 F.3d at 608-09. You want to get the most out of these motion arguments, so make sure you do step 1 and 2 as well. Between the time of seizure and the time of disposition. I am collecting stories to write a book about the corruption in the CPS system, more specifically the California system. Please help, and thanks for all your valuable information. The mother, Deanna Their website link is at the end of this press release about the lawsuit: Orange County Jury Awards Mom $4.9 Million Against Department of Social now i need help because i belive that if they had tested him for the disease they would have found they removed my son wrongfully. CPS workers should learn how much devastation they put families through. My wife asked for a cps investigation of her ex in oriville calif. WebOur long-term goal should be to totally eradicate CPS corruption in the United States, and we can accomplish this by filing thousands of individual lawsuits and hundreds of high I get a call one day from a CPS worker asking if I could pick my kids up within 15-20 minutes because the mother got arrested and her sister said she couldnt take care of them. But i dont know if i have grounds to stand on. Asking for an accurate medical diagnosis should be standard policy for CPS. These witch hunters need to be stopped! We both beat the corrupt system as pro se parents, long before we knew what we teach you now. You are going to lose your rights as a parent. I believe that parents in divorce and child custody battles should have the same policy when in divorce. They took my son without a warrant and my case seems to be getting worse and worse even though I jumped through their hoops. I have not seen nor heard from her since then. Amen! They have refused to place him with my family and my son remains in a Recieving Home in Sacramento. Oh yeah, I saved all paperwork and the reason they put down ON PAPER for them keeping my kids was I wasnt able to!!! 28 U.S.C. Plaintiff Karen Peterson filed a pro se complaint against Child Protective Services ("CPS") and Jefferson County Public Schools ("JCPS"). Did you actually see and fill out a form for this? hi lets call me the one who raised my 2nd cousin since she was born in 2007 and hve notorised paper giving me full custidy not knowing need legal custody duh, but in prosses of going to adopt at mother and fathers reqest well anyways shit happens cps takes her and a younger new born and older sisters for a stupid or mistake mom made.mind u this is 3/1/2 years later and im the only mommy she new no connection with biological parent just with me and my 10yer living sidnifacite other we re mommy and daddy we were vwery close loveing family good envierment for my baby and the cps didnt give a shit.everyone in court agreed she shouldve never removed from us but they do wat they want its know three years after they took her know background check 2 times they said one lil misterminer not exemtable but it is.shes know 6yrs old and wants to come home with her mommy and daddy we paid 5,000 and were gona hve to pay 2,500 appleaning exemtion denial next month and the mothers sister in oklahoma suposse to adotp the two oler girls been approved wat the hell can i do to stop this shit got a letter from a docter saying it would be in the childs best intrest if she was put back with us i dnt think that they doing wats best for her its all about money ples give me some information to hlp stop the move to oaklahoma state been fighting for them for three yrs streight not giving up thanks for this site verdict against cps. My kids were stolen from me and I told the truth and followed the plans. If they affect you this much, so many years later, the journals could also have a profound effect on other readers. I want to hire a better lawyer than my court appointed. If you havent seen their film, it is free on Netflix. . Many thanks. No eye contact,I keep getting run around. My two nephews were being neglect by their mother since they were born. I do not hear much at all from cps nor my court appointed attorney. In most states, CPS records are confidential and won't be released to anyone not involved directly in the case without a court order. However, you may be able to access general, non-confidential information through a freedom of information request. [7] I can be reached at; cell # (40eight) 210-1zero12. Im now in a much better place in my life, im actively participating in all of my case plan requirements , even though my services were terminated over a yr ago. Not only did the city of Lodi pay but the County involved is on the hook , too. now they all hate me for what i put then through.i think cps put us through hell,i have so much hurt inside me its been building up four 19 yres, please help me get over that trama that happend so long agaio , Judy from california cattypuss turner[at]yahoo,com. 28 U.S.C. You have to tell them you know of this and have him move out if you believe that is why they arent giving back. The CPS considers all cases in accordance with the Code for Crown Prosecutors which sets out the principles the CPS will apply when making decisions about whether or not to prosecute. . McMillan has been suing Since CPS since 2005, and his associates Bob Powell since 2002, and Donnie Cox since 1995. I need help. No one is helping. So wish me luck stage two The fights goes on .I love my daughter and she is suffering and she is sad and lonely .. Pray for us to find each other again . its as drama filled saga of the my life now all over a girls jealousy over a guy. My daughter in law and her ex husband have destroyed the closeness and the bond that my daughter and I had with the kids and the kids want to be with their mommy (my daughter) and they are denied hell her in laws dont allow me any time with my grand children. I need a miracle. Please PLEASE contact me at gshelpinghands2020 at The verdict follows the filing of a civil suit for civil rights violations by Deanna Fogarty-Hardwick, a mother of two minor children, against the Orange County Department of Social Services and three of its social workers. Please get back to me . WebMost typically, the CPS/DCFS social worker wants to keep you from knowing exactly what you have been accused of sort of keeping themselves on a general fishing expedition but it is required by state and federal law to tell you the exact details of the accusations at first contact with you. I want to stop this kidnappers from further hurting other families and parents. Someone who can lead me to the right direction. No abuse charges against mejust truency! I know both are quite elderly now. The Jury found against the Plaintiff and for Defendant Elaine Wilkins, by a 10-2 jury vote. The Plaintiff Deanna Fogarty-Harwick sued defendants County of Orange, Orange County Social Services Agency, Marcie Vreeken, Elaine Wilkins, and Helen Dwojak. . Dear friends we all can sue CPS the questions is: Do you have your paper work ready? .. this is insane Im scared because they have made up serious lies that has removed my children I have proof medical records and recordings my lawyer stated wait until trial but Im scared they will tell the judge my mom didnt obey they order but they said it would be best that the children stay were they are already my mom said it was a misunderstanding and she said that she had been approved by a social worker and and took them away from her she still has care correct of the kids just because they feel its isnt the best do we have to listen OH and my sons dad had been arrested prior but he is a great father nice home married and takes well care of my son she they approved his house but said he couldnt sleep there at night .. Please communicate with CPS in writing-no phone calls. I am thinking to start a petition in congress to get some laws changed and figure out how to hold cps accountable for the children they have damaged over and over again. I received 1 hr a week for visitation . That would take a separate lawsuit in family court to do that. She knew that I was the innocent one his father is the one whos the abuser thats why I got away from him I did the right thing there was nothing no reason to go after me. CPS can take the kids permanently from both parents. I get nothing but the run around from them. You can contact me at hope to hear from you. not articles but to the actual lawsuit please email me if you do [emailprotected], After 8 months of having our child taken away we won our baby back by winning our case. I was in a similar situition back in 2005. I have seen people win this way. Ask for a custom price quote Now! 4955 Via Lapiz My children were taken from their father not me it took them 7 days to take my children after my x had me arrested 2 times by lying the police acknowlage that he was lying but STILL took me to jail! Long story short they claim they given her morphine come to find out two nurses and her doctor got a hold of the medical records showing she didnt receive any morphine and its just showing she spent time in the nicu she didnt withdraw and no morphine was Ever given..In the court detention paper and addendum they claim she did and that we both tested positive no where do they present evidence and we were never tested and it was impossible because I wasnt doing any drugs when I had her. TWITTER: @EthicsRouser, Heres The White House Corruption Petition:, Hello can someone tell me what the WhiteHouse corruption Petition is about? Swierkiewicz v. Sorema N.A., 534 U.S. 506, 514 (2002). I see my daughter a lot and i have my own 2 yr old son now. Absent either element, no 1983 claim exists. I think you will find a couple of active California groups and sites. it took a long time to pull through all of this. Call them on it and threaten to sue them based on their civil rights violations. In September after all these years of fighting I Iost my parental rights it didnt matter that i complied with everything including never missing visits and that I had proof of everything I no longer believe in the system. That film is just the tip of the iceberg. Benjamin That is what is working for me. What you find there could be the difference between betweening having your child in your life or having heartbreak. Plaintiff states that, "[s]chools are learning institutions not a place to interrogate and violate children's constitutional rights. Or dont bother because more than likely the judge will be more on their side as they were at every hearing we attended? His children are grown now so he has much less to worry about. WebMcMillan has been suing Since CPS since 2005, and his associates Bob Powell since 2002, and Donnie Cox since 1995. I need an agressive attorney to take the case on contingency.please help!!! I live in Salt Lake City, Utah. I did nothing wrong except trust in the system. It doesnt matter. Sherrys teachings are unique and cutting edge to the family law industry developed by her and her husband. I am hanging on by thread i have no sense of who i am anymore I have changed and all they did to change me only hurt my child severed our bond and terminated my rights as a parent . Have witness list. McMillan also explains that there are many hearings that take place over this 18 months. Please register and sign the petition today, and please, please- ask all your contacts to sign the petition. Be wary! Hi I have had My children removed from my custody my 2 oldest are in juvi and will be going to foster home when they get out and this last Friday my youngest son was removed from me n his fathers care n place in foster home cause they said we didnt supervise or son well enough bit yet Friday after going to foster home he was there 30 mins and ran away n has been on the run 4 days now . . In the Duval trial that Attorney McMillan just finished they claim they are investigating 156,000 child abuse allegations a year in the county of Los Angeles made by the Attorney for the State. Your email address will not be published. and my kids didnt even know about my drug adtition. Ive had my newborns ripped from my arms even though their doctors release them to me. Under the section of the form directing Plaintiff to state the grounds for filing her case in federal court, Plaintiff states, "Violation of IV and XIV Constitutional Rights Amendments Infringement, Intimidation, Reprisal." He warns parents to not trust social workers, police, or anyone really in the government claiming to be protecting children. You must 1st be someone whos beyond blame/reproach, someone I could sell to a jury. Therefore, the only proper Plaintiff in this action is Peterson. please watch the video on youtube titled Orange County California CPS Corruption. Next, Loved them, take care of them and enjoy life with them to the fullest.. Their is a God Up their. If you are asking that your children be returned always refer to them as your property . Such an opportunity. Plaintiff has alleged no such active unconstitutional behavior by JCPS, and JCPS is not liable for the actions/inactions of its employees. Hes been in Foster care.! As a constitutional family rights expert researcher and writer, Sherry helps parents and their attorneys see the possibilities in making constitutional arguments for parental rights as being in the childs best interests. They wrote The shredding of families on this page. The Attorney I used is from San Jose his name is Robert Powell. I am compliant w/ everything that DCFS has asked me to do. The supervisors come in and re-write reports so that they can get findings at each stage from the juvenile court or else they dont get the money. My child is deaf and autistic. I brought in Mr. Millan to help with the trial. (brittle bones disease). Here is one of my favorite songs (the praise band sang this in my church last Sunday.). One thing to consider is a state administrative hearing that could hurry things along or at least clarify whats happening. When he came home his six year old boy had gone missing. She was admitted to CHOC. Ask them if its true they said that and if you can use them to testify as a witness. Some of the steps to creating a class action lawsuit against CPS for your state are: 1. dont give up i will tell you that their is rules and regulations and they have to follow them to the law goes for anyone and if you are right study all your rights and read every report dont rely on anyone else ask questions stand up for your and your sons rights it dont cost money but its allot of time but its worth it to find out the truth and to file documents yourself study. The Director of Social Services was surprised, saying that he cannot recall ever seeing such a large settlement award (4.9 million dollars) but stated also that the caseworkers named in the lawsuit will keep their jobs, and that he supports their decisions. 2008) Beltrans sued two caseworkers under 42 U.S.C. ' Im not an attorney and this is not legal advice but use due diligence and research. I have appeal ofcourse and my lifetime movie continues. 2005) (quoting Bass v. Robinson, 167 F.3d 1041, 1048 (6th Cir. Know how to credibly defend yourself and protect your child. It was a felony (assault with deadly weapon, although he never touched the gun, his friend shot the gun). All rights reserved, Civil Rights Attorney Wins Big Again Against CPS, Tammi Stefano of The National Safe Child show, California civil rights Attorney Shawn McMillan. Im Maria and Im in California I would like to help in anyway I can because DCFS in California is one of the hardest challenges in law. DCFS slipped up=====big time. Clarify what your specific issues are. Services and its CPS Workers; Punitive Damages to Follow. I lost my daughter to her abuser. In enacting 1983, Congress did not intend to override the traditional sovereign immunity of the states. To make the story short, a year ago one of my nephews who at the time was 2 years old was beaten to death by the mothers boyfriend. Judges have a large bag of tricks to shut down the unprepared, we are prepared, we know how to defeat these dirty tricks. Ive recently been informed that the adoptive family had issues with their sons and my children, and backed out of the adoption. I guess im just frantically trying to find a way to get them back and out of the system. Jennifer, whenever CPS is involved in your life, it is good to have a lawyer. I really want to see my son. San Diego, California 92122 Completed my programs and got custody back, continued testing and applying the drug patch. tell them the situation and they will help. But you really need to register starting here. Background: My child was removed from my care because of domestic violence which occurred between my sons father and myself. Website: If you have an open CPS case take notes on every regulation thats being violated by your caseworker. Also I got this note from Attorney Sondra S. Sutherland on another site (Gather.Com) about a similar article I wrote there: I wanted to point out an inaccuracy in the article. We know it is difficult for pro se parents to craft powerful motions, petitions, writs, or appeals. Please connect with me. Because Plaintiff is proceeding in forma pauperis, this Court must review the instant action. Tommy, I would never call CPS for help in a custody case. When people say that they keep getting dragged back in to court, they are not kidding. Jennifer, whenever CPS is involved in your life or having heartbreak your caseworker yourself and protect child. Them on it and threaten to sue them based on their side as they were at hearing! Wins, Lena Duvalls litigation was 5 years at hope to from... Non-Confidential information through a freedom of information request there are many hearings that take place over 18... Warrant and my case transfered from san diego, California 92122 Completed my programs and got back... Run around to pull through all of this and have him move out if you can use them to.... 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cases won against cps