Rachel Maddow: James Comey, right? By Chris Hayes? Rachel Maddow: What did he tell you? Its like, oh, yeah, they like that. Is this a real story? And why have you never heard of this guy? They do that over and over in the workrooms and the app gets better and better and tighter and tighter, and the really good ones come up with something amazing that they could show up at any room across the country and kill. I'm happy to read it. And theres people who have done better scholarship on Coughlin that I can even sum up here, let alone try to ape. Chris Hayes: So the broad contours of this, and again they're individual stories and I want to keep that narrative suspense --, Chris Hayes: -- is about essentially, like, fascist sympathies in the United States in the run-up to World War II. Similarly, with the great sedition trial in 1944, which is sort of amazing that they brought it in 1944 --, Chris Hayes: Right, yes, right, right, right --, Rachel Maddow: -- given what happened in 1940 when they tried it against the Christian Front, that trial has gone down in history as a failure or as a sideshow or, in some cases, as a debacle because it wasn't a successful prosecution. The 11th Hour with Stephanie . Since then, he has written extensively for The Western Journal on the Trump administration as well as foreign policy and military issues. Are you a prosecutor working in the southern district of New York whos, you know, deciding whether or not the FBI thats not interested in these things could be trusted to infiltrate these groups or whether or not youre going to tap these outside activist groups and take their information to build your prosecution around? January 20th is inauguration. This isn't good." Search us for WITHpod. Those poor defendants were not convicted. A Florida state senator is proposing a bill that would call out the Democrats' hypocrisy regarding cancel culture. Is that a story about authoritarianism? Susan was like, you know, when I met you, you were a grad student who works hard. When youre not on the confines of, like, well, were liberal democracy and what should the tax rate be, but rather how should we order all of society, fascist, communist, liberal democracy, people take this very interesting --, Chris Hayes: -- ideological journeys, I mean --. Rachel Maddow: Like, you and I have talked about this over the years, about how important that is and how you make sure with your staff there's an expectation that nobody is working through the weekend --, Rachel Maddow: -- yes, stuff comes up and there's --. Hes the ultimate example of that kind of --, Rachel Maddow: Yes. "We were children together and now we're grey-haired television anchors,". That deal will give Maddow, the highest-rated host on MSNBC, a jaw-dropping $30 million per year to keep her with the company through the 2024 election, according to four people familiar with the matter. Obviously, in a big country, people have all sorts of views, right --. Copyright 2023 The Western Journal. Chris Hayes: Everyone gets to see what I do. So that idea of accountability, like there is a role for institutions like the church. And I've been kind of like champing at bit of, like, OK, what do we do here? Rachel Maddow: I think he said, yeah, exactly, yeah. Rachel Maddow MSNBC 4 Anderson Cooper Big Government Jake Tapper 5 Christiane Amanpour James O'Keefe Joy Reid 6 Pope Francis Sean Hannity Chris Hayes 7 Dr Sanjay Gupta Raheem Emma Gonzlez 8 CNNMoney Joel B. Pollak Markos Moulitsas 9 Jake Tapper Ann Coulter Maggie Haberman 10 Brian Stelter Allum Bokhari Rachel Maddow: -- 10 years he was chancellor. I had also taken out the name of the flight attendant, but I put the name of the flight attendant back in in a later draft, because you need to be able to picture her name on the piece of paper that we describe when we bring out --, Rachel Maddow: -- the flight attendant later in the story. We have all this stuff. In this case, this pamphlet is about the Bronx. And then you talk about somebody you seen as like running the ideological member line, right? Like, you're getting the name of the senator. Like, wait a second, how does this happen? Chris Hayes: So here's the thing, so we're going to get in the topic, but what was so striking to me, and this sort of goes back to what I was trying to get at the monologue, there is just this inimitable thing. Rachel Maddow, MSNBC's biggest star, has mentored Hayes, her lead-in at 9 p.m., throughout his time at the network. Chris Hayes: -- like, Im not doing anything. As I'm speaking to you, I think the podcast is available now wherever you get your podcast. Signers responded to outreach from three organizations--Just Foreign Policy, RootsAction.org (which I coordinate), and World Beyond War--calling for concerned individuals to "urge Rachel Maddow, Chris Hayes, and MSNBC to correct their failure to report on the humanitarian catastrophe in Yemen and the direct U.S. military role in causing the . Rachel Maddow: -- it turns out that you've never heard of this guy. I've definitely learned that I can't do everything alone and that there is no such thing as a one-man-band in this business. I think we're capable of it. It is a fascist myth to believe that you need a strong man to lead a fascist movement where you need is people who have an appetite. Rachel Maddow: -- your story and learn it. Fritz Kuhn is the head of the German American Bund, and he does get locked up as the U.S. is heading toward war in World War II. Hes a big enough deal that had he decided to leave the priesthood and run for office and hes --. I think that our professional and civic and religious institutions can be strong but can also be heard. Chris Hayes: -- word for word Goebbels's speech in his newsletter. Rachel Maddow: Chris, it's very nice. Why Is This Happening? is presented by MSNBC and NBC News, produced by Doni Holloway and Brendan O'Melia, engineered by Bob Mallory and features music by Eddie Cooper. It requires attention, and Rachel is supremely gifted at paying attention." Maddow's friend and fellow MSNBC host Chris Hayes, who considers her a mentor, compares her to LeBron James. He gets fired by going rogue and saying, "We didnt get a conviction, but Im going to tell you what our evidence was. It's called "Rachel Maddow Presents: Ultra." Chris Hayes: All right. Chris Hayes: As opposed to, like, no, liberal democracy is a hard thing to maintain. It's like, could we --, Chris Hayes: I want to follow-up on this. Chris Hayes: And you basically got to just constantly work at it, which I think is both more realistic and not the story were told, but is very much illustrated by the story you are telling. Jack Davis is a freelance writer who joined The Western Journal in July 2015 and chronicled the campaign that saw President Donald Trump elected. Thats a very compelling story. Chris Hayes: -- senator from Minnesota. Chris Hayes: But these weren't just like odd cranks, rondos, that there was organization, very powerful popular support and mobilization, key figures, and the sort of formation of something that looked like a kind of proto or explicitly profascist movement and organization inside the United States. And the unhealthful thing about my new life is that I've lost one very healthy thing that I had, which was strict compartmentalization --, Rachel Maddow: -- which is between weekdays and weekends and --, Rachel Maddow: -- working and not working --, Chris Hayes: I say this to people all the time when they say, "Well, oh, God, it must be crazy when you go on vacation. Rachel Maddow: -- and were on the right side of this fight, its reductive, and facile, and not helpful. Completing this poll entitles you to The Western Journal news updates free of charge. Chris Hayes: -- its a very good compelling story. As noted by conservative commentator Todd Starnes, Hayes in the past had linked Trump supporters to the swastika. Chris Hayes: I've never heard of this guy. So there's a new podcast out. They didn't want Nazi war criminals being put on trial because that was unfair to the Nazis. Chris Hayes: -- its wild that this happens, that this level of sort of fame and stardom and influence happens within the hierarchy of the Catholic clergy where he just literally just a literal random parish priest. And so, we had to decide whether or not this was the enemy within. Chris Hayes: -- because its like at some level the comforting story to tell ourselves is that Coughlin is the kind of key instrument or whoever today. Rachel Maddow: I mean, I think I learned what I like, which is helpful. Chris Hayes: I mean, not to get too, like, therapy here, but there is just this is like a prime insight of therapy, right, which is like, wherever you go, there you are. And we are not going to fight them by getting rid of our civil liberties. January 17th, 80 years to the day earlier, January 17th, 1940, the front-page story in every newspaper in the country is about the arrest of 17 members of the Christian Front militia. And as such, your failed plot is a failed plot and can be minimized as unserious --, Rachel Maddow: -- and unthreatening. 9PM-112122. Chris Hayes: But, like, where everyone was on Hitler and Nazis in '39, '40s, I guess, what I'm saying, is like a very different thing than where everyone is on Hitler and Nazis in '44. I would say that theres a recognizably fascist cadence, like theres a certain tenor and cadence and rhythm --, Chris Hayes: -- to fascist incitement and then --. For an optimal experience visit our site on another browser. "The Rachel Maddow Show" generates nearly 1 million viewers more than bookend programs hosted by Chris Hayes and Lawrence O'Donnell. And how much do you think about suspense? 42:33. I feel like this idea that we're dealing with pro-authoritarian impulses on the right as connected to electoral politics, that being some sort of unprecedented challenge, it doesn't feel unprecedented to me. Rachel Maddow: Yes, its a piece of it --, Rachel Maddow: -- and its not the end all, be all. Gotta to hang with my buddy today, he wrote. Chris Hayes is married to Kate Shaw, a professor of law at the Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law at Yeshiva University in Manhattan. In the first quarter of 2015, "The Rachel Maddow Show" was ranked 26th among all cable news shows. Dog whistle, much? one Twitter user posted, while another wrote, Whats this? in bafflement. Chris Hayes: Oh it's the full pamphlet. Rachel Maddow: -- how many Americans are paying attention to him. We love your feedback, so tweet us the hashtag #WITHpod, e-mail WITHpod@gmail.com. News. It's an hour --, Chris Hayes: And it's this thing. I feel like that's part of it all getting scrubbed because it's like, oh, well, that was all before. Here's the thing, I'm in this weird thing where it's like I don't want to spoil it, but kind of have to talk about the content of the podcast. It ends up being very handy. Chris Hayes: Pearl Harbor happens, the war happens. You can see more of our work, including links to things we mentioned here, by going to nbcnews.com/whyisthishappening. Rachel Maddow: And so, you end up with all sorts of ways that the criminal law can be engaged against some of these leaders, you know, and thats not definitionally true, just historically recurring. Rachel Maddow: -- answer whatever e-mails I need to answer that pertain to this evening, and then shutoff and not turn on again until the workday starts again. He transitioned from. Rachel Maddow: And we are not going to fight them with knives. Chris Hayes: The podcast is called "Rachel Maddow Presents: Ultra." And he gets locked up for embezzling from the German American Bund because, I mean --, Rachel Maddow: -- one of the historic truths that you keep bumping up against is that a lot of people who have fascist and authoritarian impulses and move in these directions, theyre also grifters and --. You could do the whole thing on, you know, the German agents who were getting the Lindberghs and the other --. Trump staffers scooping up little red swastika golf balls into Make America Great Again hats is the tableau of the campaign so far, Hayes said in 2016, Starnes noted. Read our editorial standards. You have to work with people who are smarter than you, who keep you on track and bring out the best in you. Chris Hayes: Right, but the first step, the key, is to parcel out the information in this way --, Chris Hayes: -- that doesn't overwhelm --. "Rachel Maddow, you've got some explaining to do," Ball said, but Maddow hasn't stopped anti-Trump speculation. And the same agents in the Hitler government, operating through the same channels, was doing both of those things simultaneously. Chris Hayes: -- like, how is the new life of one night a week of "The Rachel Maddow Show"? The combination of those things is something that the Justice Department tried to tackle through a mass sedition trial in 1944. Before she went live, the White House responded,. Late Show ' s Just One Question, with Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (cameo appearance by Molly . And then in 1913, he had 12. Chris hosts programs like beat with Chris Hayes, a weekday news and opinion television program on MSNBC. Maddow recently told her viewers it was "nonsense" to believe Trump's word. Jon Stewart enters the game - In light of the influence Jon Stewart had in encouraging the passage of the 9/11 first responders bill, The Rachel Maddow Show replays a portion of his interview with Rachel Maddow in which he discusses whether he's a player or spectator in the game of politics. So the thing that I left out at the intro is that, and I've said this before publicly and you've said it before and it's like reported, like, the way that you would approach the show daily was just, like, an unbelievable amount of work, you know, just in terms of sheer hours, and in effort, and in rewrites and revisions and making those A blocks, particularly, which they take a bunch of different producers and they're very long for --, Chris Hayes: -- cable news, which is part of the reason they don't get done at that length because, actually, it just --, Rachel Maddow: Means a lot of commercials in the back-half of the show because you can't put any in the first 25 minutes --, Chris Hayes: Right, but it also means, like --, Chris Hayes: -- constructing. And the justice department in the wake of Longs assassination sent a prosecutor down to Louisiana basically to go bust up Hue Long machine to root out not only his vestiges of dictatorial power, but also bust all the corruption that he had left behind, which was profound. Im talking to (ph) --. And then they orchestrated using agent provocateur. You're killing me. Chris Hayes: -- 54 in 1920, 59 and then famously 60 in 1927. Rachel Maddow: Yeah. Hayes is happily married to Kate Shaw, and they are blessed with . We are in utterly uncharted territory." Ai. What is Rachel Maddow's Net Worth and Salary? You can also watch "The Rachel Maddow Show" on Monday nights. Rachel Maddow: Right. Rachel Maddow: Yeah. But I'll tell you, the name of the secretary. D, ask your local clergymen to preach sermons on tolerance. Maddow joins WITHpod to discuss what shes been up to, how she found the story thats told in her new podcast, the editorial and creative process that has followed and more. And that means that the history of it, to the extent that there is any history of it, has been written by the right and by people who are sympathizers of the defendants --. You could do the whole thing on William Dudley Pelley in the Silver Shirts, which is a crazy story. Rachel Maddow: -- you are smart, and you can travel this path with me, but we will both start with this first step. So --. By James Crowley On 11/20/20 at 11:13 AM EST. Why is he so upset? They say, search it up, "Dad, can you search that up?" ", I'm like, "No, it's the opposite of crazy. A new biography about the Duke of Sussex alleges that Prince Harry was not always the ardent proponent of "woke" dogma he is today. Chris Hayes: Well, and it also, I mean, the obvious resonance is here with the current day. If you listen to Bagman, it'll be familiar, but it's also different and new. As Hayes wrapped up his 8:00 p.m. show, he passed the baton to his 9:00 p.m. successor, who then immediately alluded to an earlier conversation the pair had earlier in the day. Rachel Maddow and new MSNBC host Chris Hayes had a candid discussion about the difficulties of their jobs on the Sunday edition of Hayes' new show, "Up." To be clear, neither host was complaining about the burden of being paid a hefty salary to host a television show about things that interested them. That happening at the same time that members of Congress and members of the United States Senate were being roped into a plan involving a Nazi agent to, not just sort of leverage their pro-German or antiwar sympathies, but actually do Hitler's work in this country. Just so incredibly perfect that I have a typo in this tweet. I just think we need some energy in it, and Im hoping, in some ways, that learning the history of other Americans who have done it well can give us some energy. It was the seventh most-watched show in the first quarter of 2017. Doni, do you remember what you told him? "Upon careful consideration, I have terminated my relationship with the Lincoln Project, effective immediately," Ms . There was a huge amount of, probably, a bigger category of not outright Nazi sympathizers but people who are, like, kind of equivocal about the whole thing. A Goodwill branch has, too. The Today Show executive was not fired. Rachel Maddow: A paid agent of Hitler's government working with members of Congress and members of the United States Senate to distribute, literally, propaganda written by the German government targeting the American people in quantity. And the Justice Department, I think, was onto something in terms of the way those things were connected. 715: March 20, 2019 () Paul Giamatti, Senator Doug Jones: Aparna Nancherla: Doin' It Donkey Style. The impulses that seduce people to oppose it are there all the time. They go absolutely crazy against the justice department, threaten the justice department, go to the attorney-general, tell him that you fired these prosecutors get rid of this thing, and they do. Huey Long, of course, was assassinated, which is what put an end to his political career. Some of it was, you know, a hostile foreign power, but a lot of it was native borne. Rachel Maddow: Yeah. Rachel Maddow: -- and freaks and crooks and, you know, people who dont pay their taxes. Rachel Maddow: Rachel wrote a fiction podcast? Yeah, it's about titrating that stuff. bookmark NEWS SHOW access_time 11/21/2022 person Mod chat_bubble 0. Rachel Maddow: His reach in terms of his market penetration and his radicalism cannot be overstated. As threats to American democracy abound, theres more that has to be done to save it, said Maddow in our exclusive podcast interview. Chris Hayes: Yes, but the opening scene of this podcast, you're just, like, I don't know who this guy is. Like, there was a weird moment around the birth of American Holocaust denial and accountability for actual Nazis, not allegorical Nazis, but the real Nazi leadership that brought me to this moment. One of her new projects is Rachel Maddow Presents: Ultra, a podcast all about the history of pre-World War II American fascism, and those who worked to stop it. Rachel Maddow: Trying to take power by force. And if that thing isn't there at the end of the day, like, I got the day off --. That --, Rachel Maddow: -- like, technical suspense? Like, please, because thats like --. Like think about what that would translate to in terms of todays ratings. In addition to being generally amazing and decent, Hayes has tracked the life and death and . Chris Hayes: I knew a little bit about the Nuremberg controversy, or not really a controversy but people that objected to Nuremberg. In an interview with MSNBC colleague Rachel Maddow, Hayes said that people are increasingly realizing that January 6th, 2021 was actually a "very big thing." "It's just really hard to convict. Culture Rachel Maddow Coronavirus MSNBC TV. Chris Hayes: Hes just a guy (ph), like --. And the great sedition trial in the end doesnt work for all sorts of amazing reasons, and he ends his career at the Justice Department. Thats like hes a multiple of the Super Bowl every week in terms of --. It can be stopped now before it acquires the prestige of success. On July 12, 2021, a photo of Rachel Maddow was posted to the "Community" tab of MSNBC's YouTube account. And now I'm done. I don't know. ", Chris Hayes: Like, a round of applause for this, like --, Chris Hayes: -- please, yes. How are you going to take this very distinct, particular, you know, I think generational ability to tell stories in other fashions and forms and genres. I mean, you can't have people who are afraid to tell you no, you can't. And that, to me, is energizing and exciting, and it opens up all these other lines of inquiry, like, one of the things Charles Gallagher writes about in his book is this character Francis Sweeney who tragically dies very young, who played this incredibly intrepid role in exposing the Christian Front in Boston, which was taking funding from the Hitler government, which was showing German military propaganda movies, which was running pogrom-style violence against Boston Jews. Not clear that you could, really not clear. Conservative talk show host Dan Bongino's Fox News show has trounced a documentary about his former boss, Barack Obama, in the ratings. It's like, you could leave the job but, like, the you follows you. It's like, well, I have an 18-month and they're up all night, so I'm tired all the time. And I wonder what you think, what is that curtain about. And a lot of the most fascist stuff comes from what it gets in the room. So I'm glad that history is written, but there's another way to write this history rather than just saying, oh, these poor defendants, they never should have been put on trial. Chris Hayes: The hearts and minds part of it, too, is fascinating. Chris Hayes: And then what you uncover is that, like, prior to Pearl Harbor, there was a huge amount of Nazi sympathy in the United States. Chris Hayes: But when youre dealing with something this existential and this core to both the life blood of what liberal democracy is that that system may not be that well-equipped to do it. Court actions do not work against this seditious plot involving members of Congress in the Hitler government. And thats just always going to be true. Doni Holloway will be checking those and sending me the good ones, screening out anything critical. Rachel Maddow: I was going to say, we're going to get a call from Mr. Stern, yeah. Rachel Maddow: An effort in the United States. Rachel Maddow: I just took this long-haul train trip with my family as our family vacation. Rachel Maddow: And your country will respond to you not necessarily by declaring your behavior illegal because it may not be --. Maddow is best known for hosting MSNBC's The Rachel Maddow Show.She is known . And so you're focused on that name. Into America. Journalism aside, he has authored several books, including A Colony in a Nation (2017). When Alex Wagner debuts her new MSNBC show on Tuesday, she will be taking on an unusual arrangement . Chris Hayes: -- by Reverend Alson J. Smith --. One of her new projects is "Rachel Maddow Presents: Ultra," a podcast all about the history of pre-World-War-two American fascism, and those who worked to stop it. Actually, when I heard the gloss (ph), and I was like, that can't be right. Rachel Maddow: -- for a lot of the time that he was arguing this. You made me meet me half the feelings. Chris Hayes: -- I think like his coinage, essentially, in the proper imagination. Chris Hayes: You have this detail about he reprints -- Goebbels --. Chris Hayes: Well, so let's talk about before we get to the podcast --. Doni Holloway: It was about events of historical significance compared to today. Rachel Maddow: Yes. Theyre only being persecuted now as payback for all the evil things they have done, social justice. At least three prime time MSNBC hosts have changed their tone on Covid-19 vaccines since 2020, Twitter archives reveal. He took months and months and months, and it was very, very dangerous work because of what he was doing. Prosecution does not work and that prosecutor, having been through all those different of the ringer ends up breaking all the rules. Hey, mom, yeah, but I did. And then, you know, it's one of these things where the story you end up learning, even at a relatively high level of sophistication in American history, is like, what comes out the other end, which is that we liberate --. . Rachel Maddow: That makes for a good booze ballad. Do you remember what it was like? Rachel Maddow: Weve got fascist antisemitic thugs who are echoing the Hitler line. . January 17th is when they got arrested. Chris Hayes: -- ballpark, what is this? A funny thing happens when you watch a lot of MSNBC: everyone's faces all sort of start to . There are parts about fascist rhetoric that are compelling in their own twisted terrible way. We were against them --. And now you're working harder than you were working at the job that was killing you before. And shes just this devout, young Catholic woman whos disgusted by it, who infiltrates them, starts on newspaper, pressures the police, gets them raided and takes it on herself, and then --. Chris Hayes: -- and was arrested and tried for and imprisoned for. And the fact is that even after Pearl Harbor, the groups that were planning the violent overthrow of the U.S. government, they took on a different caste because then, you know, we were at war. I can keep doing what I'm doing. MSNBC's Alex Wagner reminisces with childhood friend Chris Hayes during the premiere of "Alex Wagner Tonight" Tuesday. Chris Hayes: Exactly. Rachel Maddow is incredible. It is everything that I would have wanted. Rachel Maddow: The clan is a fascist terrorist movement --, Rachel Maddow: -- in this country. Rachel Maddow: You're killing me. We put it off a million times for COVID, and then we finally did it. You get 11, you get 10. In its zeal to pin the blame for its own incompetence and for Epsteins crimes on Maxwell, the Government breached its promise. They named him Home Run Baker because of how many home runs he hit, and he hit 11. Chris Hayes: I am someone who does this for a living. And who do they bring into that cleanup? Rachel Maddow: Theres a great book called "Nazis of Copley Square" written by Charles Gallagher, whos a Jesuit priest who teaches at Boston College. Rachel Maddow: But also, power corrupts, right? So all that said, it is a great pleasure to have the one and only Rachel Maddow. The internet went into a frenzy, and as show time approached, Maddow tweeted that the tax return in question was Trump's 1040 from 2005. I'm not pulling this from memory. She'll still appear on MSNBC, just not as often. Chris Hayes: How did you find your way to the story? But he writes from an interesting perspective about the theology of Coughlin --, Rachel Maddow: -- and the sort of struggle in the church in terms of when they were going to pull the plug on him and why. The three hosts Joy Reid, Chris Hayes, and Rachel Maddow have led. And, to me, when I started to understand the story, that's when I felt like, "Oh, I need to make it right away.". In her past career, Shaw clerked in the Supreme Court for. And we, in the Bronx, need to figure out how we are going to fight that. So I started working on that, ended up in this place where I was looking at sort of the origins of American Holocaust denial, which has always been sort of an interest for me as well. Rachel Maddow is an MSNBC news anchor who has a net worth of $35 million. And hes very, you know, honest about the fact that antisemitism was not a sin in the Catholic church --. He served like nine months, wrote Mein Kampf --, Rachel Maddow: -- perfected his ideas of propaganda as being the way to not just seize power but hold power, came out, took him 10 years, and within --. Nico Parker discusses Dumbo. Are you the local activist whos worried about people getting beat up outside this sort of antisemitic street meetings? Chris Hayes: I don't know whose secretary is. See, if I was not televisual, I could be like in 1913, the American League home run leader was a guy named Home Run Baker. He is also the host of the Up with Chris Hayes show which airs on weekends. Hayes was said to transition better to The Rachel Maddow Show because he is seen as just as policy-oriented as Maddow. . Chris Hayes: Well be right back after we take this quick break. I communicate for a living. Its really --. So that, to me, was like incredibly exciting. I mean, they were in control but also profoundly corrupt. And then in 1914, he had nine. with me, your host, Chris Hayes. The historical, narrative style pod could hardly be more relevant, as the plot revolves around a sedition trial quite similar to the ongoing Oath Keepers one. Theres other nuances but --, Chris Hayes: -- you know, I mean, Hitler literally led a mob against the seat of government --. Chris Hayes: Oh, my God, this is amazing. Chris Hayes: More of our conversation after this quick break. I mean, this is --, Chris Hayes: -- stuff that is top of mind at the time, big news --. IE 11 is not supported. And it was front-page news, and it was a huge deal. I brought you the whole thing. Right. Get the latest news delivered right to your email. You can have fascist feelings. And some are doing extremely well, like at an incredibly high level, playing Major League Baseball. Sometimes it's like there are exogenous factors. MSNBC's Chris Hayes Posts Photo with Rachel Maddow, Then Users Notice Symbol Next to Them By Jack Davis October 6, 2022 at 8:34am The presence of a swastika in the background of a photo posted by MSNBC host Chris Hayes gave Twitter a chortle this week. I just took this long-haul train trip with my family as our family vacation we. And opinion television program on MSNBC, just not as often are there all the evil things have... Could we --, chris Hayes: -- and was arrested and tried for and for... 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