Contests suspended by weather (act of God) will be picked up at point of stoppage, unless specified by pre-established league rules. For all other odd games, there is still the 90-second changeover. Cameras (or other recording devices) should not be located behind a team bench. In the event of a tie the point is split between teams. 61. Team rosters: All schools must submit their ladder to the GoogleSheet before their first league match. Instruct the players in their sportsmanship responsibilities. The referee must be presented signed documentation from an appropriate health-care professional before permitting the athlete to compete.). If a team uses a straight 9-man lineup/No DH, then the courtesy runner can be used for the pitcher who is batting. If a team uses a 9-man lineup with the Pitcher also being the DH, then no courtesy runner can be used for the pitcher. If a team uses a 10-man lineup with the DH batting for someone other than the pitcher, then the courtesy can be used for the pitcher who is a batting. All coaches should carefully read the MIAA Policies and Procedures Handbook each school year specifically noting the areas that directly affect their respective sport. If lightning occurs, it is the home coachs responsibility to suspend meet immediately. All filming should be conducted from the end of the court, corner of the court, or top row of the bleachers. Winner plays #1 Varsity B: #4 @ #1 #3 @ #2, Three officials are mandatory for all varsity games. Courtesy runners may only be used for the pitcher and/or catcher at any time after reaching any base. Student/athletes must wear a collared golf shirt. We cannot expect the quality of officiating to improve if we do not give the appropriate input. If match is tied 3-3, it should come down to the final match on the #1 court, with the pressure on the best players. The remaining berth(s) will be decided using the two-way tie breaker rules. Respect the officials judgment and interpretation of the rules. All issues of skin lesions will be addressed in accordance with NFHS rules. If the game has not reached 2 periods of play then the game/match will be rescheduled and picked up at the point of interruption. The blackout period is defined as the seven days prior to the member schools first day of tryouts. 2022-23 MIAA Women's Basketball Schedule. (MPSSAA) playoffs in our bracket system. A student athlete who is by definition a varsity athlete at a member school may not become eligible to participate at another member school in the next academic year by enrolling in a non- member school for a period of less than one full academic year. Practicing or scrimmaging during the regular season, beginning with the 1st try- out/practice date or playing in any interscholastic competition. Other practice sites can be used by arrangement of individual schools. Teams are allowed to share information within the group but not between groups for the entire match. If that student was an undersquad athlete (freshman or junior varsity) at his previous school, he/she may transfer without penalty, if no other stated policies apply. All headgear must be worn with the bill forward. Member schools shall conduct all interscholastic athletic contests and practice during defined sports seasons. Have the PA announcer give the location of rest rooms, concession stands, and lost & found station. Likewise, the winner of holes 5-8 will also receive 1 point; and, if this 4-hole match is tied, then each player will receive point. Regular Season: A game suspended prior to the completion of the first half shall be continued from the point of suspension. These selections will then be presented to the sport chairperson. Following the vote for All-Conference selection, the coaches will vote for one of the All- Conference players in each conference to be selected as the MIAA Athlete of the Year. Offcanvas Mobile Scoreboard. For indoor events, do not use artificial noisemakers or noise enhancers, including, but not limited to cowbells, sirens, clackers, cans with marbles or rocks inside, air horns or any other noisemaking apparatus. This is the first time in his career that the senior has collected player of the week honors. A student who has competed in any way in a varsity interscholastic conference competition. The goal of the committee is to best provide for competitive equality and balance in the athletic conferences. Despite being by far the better team, things didn't fall in favor of the Albion College women's basketball team. Final Certification Date: December 27 (by appointment only) @ McDonogh. This will give them time to warm up. Tag a longs may not participate in any MIAA sanctioned regular season, individual or championship event. Make available to visiting schools necessary game information: include directions for game parking, location of ticket booths, seating arrangement chart, ticket prices, game time, directions for reaching the site and contest checklist. Multi-color recommended) The Molten Flistatec is allowed to be used in league games. Pre-game hitting is mandatory in the A conference. Offcanvas Mobile Standings. First allowable scrimmage. For the protection of all involved, if available technology such as a lightning detector registers a threat, but the officials did not see or hear anything; the athletic trainer or school administrator should communicate to the officialthat the lightning detector is registering a warning and the game should be paused so everyone can seek shelter. Under the new rule, A1 could retrieve the ball in the backcourt without penalty. Non-Discrimination Statement. All spectators are to follow this policy also. Remaining sports and multiple team scrimmages should be agreed to by the home school and assigner prior to the event. The Mid-America Intercollegiate Athletics Association announced its men's basketball postseason awards and All-MIAA teams for the 2022-23 season. A school offering a female tennis team during the Fall would preclude participation by female student athletes on the MIAA team. Furthermore, schools are advised to have a strong educational program in place addressing the dangers of playing and participating in athletics with concussions and the inherent dangers. We encourage fans to enthusiastically support their team, recognize the outstanding performance of opponents, and always exhibit good sportsmanship in their words and actions. Noisemakers: The MIAA follows NFHS rules. If a team has less than 6 players, they must fill consecutive spots beginning with number one. If score differential is greater than 20 points, then the game is declared a final. Do not allow wrestlers to participate in gear that has not been thoroughly washed or dried. National Federation (Including 35 point running clock), A Conference 6 officials & timekeeper (optional), Weekdays 4:00 pm (after DST before 3:15 pm), Russell Wrenn (Freddie Newman & Stu Wilson), Varsity & Undersquad: Winner of Championship Game, Refer to Officials Fees page. Only BBCOR or wood bats are allowed. Higher seed pays officials thru varsity semi-finals. This may occur anytime during the match, including during the play of a hole, except for reading putts. If the differential is 35 points or more at half- time or anytime there is a 35-point differential during the second half, the running clock procedures will be used. Our coaches understanding and support of these facts and expectations is critical to the smooth operation of the MIAA. No member school shall participate in a post season contest without the written approval of the Executive Director. The schools representative should indicate to the prospective student athlete and his parents that further contact by an athletic department representative cannot be made until the admissions department at the member school is contacted by the parents. Provide written report to Executive Director regarding post season meeting. If the appeal school refuses to abide by the Competition Committees and/or Senior Leadership Committees final appeal decision, the Executive Committee will determine the sanctions for the school. Pre-meet course walk, if visiting school arrives on time and requests. Starting time as close to 3:15pm as tee time permits. in which the ball becomes dead (e.g., violation, held ball, etc) the shot clock is set to 20s. All member schools are encouraged to move to localized welt bulb globe temperature monitoring system. Regular season varsity games must be completed 2 days prior to the start of the playoffs unless authorized by the Executive Director after consultation with the Executive Committee. The program should be developed to regulate three stages: 1) before the contest, 2) during the contest, and 3) after the contest. 2022 Washburn Baseball Schedule (33-22) Print; Should no winner emerge after the first playoff hole, the format is repeated on a second playoff hole, and so on, until a winner is determined. Offcanvas Mobile Standings. Team Championship There will be a team champion from each conference. A sudden death shootout is defined as each team attempting a shot. Day 6 and after Double practice sessions of 2 hours allowed with a 3-hour break in between sessions. Tyler Johnson of Alma College was named MIAA Baseball Pitcher of the Week for their performances between February 13-19. 53. Individual medals given to top 10 finishers in each conference. If the end of season meeting takes place prior to the sport championship, an electronic vote may be taken after the championships. MIAA does not discriminate in its educational programs or activities on the basis of race, color, national or ethnic origin, ancestry, age, religion or religious creed, disability or handicap, sex or gender, gender identity and/or expression, sexual orientation, military or veteran status, genetic information, or any other characteristic protected under applicable federal, state or local law. helmets, sticks, equipment bags, etc.) If the WBGT rises to this level during practice, players may continue to work out wearing football pants without changing to shorts. The Competition Committee of the MIAA is a standing committee formed in the 2008-2009 academic year. The commitment of MIAA coaches to sportsmanship, leadership, and overall professionalism is necessary to set our league above and apart from others. Our league will be stronger as a result of your efforts. The MIAA web address is: In the warm-up area, substitutes may stand directly in front of the team bench, chairs or equipment. Varsity A, B & C: Top 6 (#6@#3 #5@#4 #1 & #2-Byes), JV A & B: Top 4 (#4@#1 #3@#2), A match may be suspended due to: a power failure, host management failing to resolve a situation of an unruly spectator(s) in a reasonable amount of time or other unforeseen circumstances. (See Athletic Trainers Guidelines and Policies G.) Rescheduling should be determined by the athletic directors or in consultation with the sport committee chair. Specific responsibilities should be outlined for all involved. Hold a meeting on each campus of every coach, chaired by the athletic director and attended by the head of school (or his/her administrative delegate), to bring to the attention of coaching/teachers the proper approach to sportsmanship which would also address the issue of language, fighting, trash talking and respect for officials and opponents. Spencer Baldwin of Kalamazoo College was named MIAA Baseball Position Player of the Week for his performances between May 9-15. Student-athletes suspected with a concussion shall not return to activity for the remainder of that day. Since most schools are in need of the additional revenue from gate receipts for financing the athletic program, all efforts must be put forth to make attendance an enjoyable experience, thus ensuring a return to other contests. Wrestlers are encouraged to incorporate a barrier foam protectant as part of their daily routine. **Subject to change Date (and venue) requested. If the CHAMPIONSHIP GAME ends in a tie: -All athletes must meet qualifying standards to participate in the championship meet. This request for review may be made only in writing. Plaque given to winner of regular season in each conference. The electronic lightning detection system will automatically sound the all clear if one is in use. If in the opinion of the officials, the playing conditions (such as ice conditions, brokenboards/glass or weather) become unsatisfactory during the course of the game, the game may be suspended and the conditions reported to the proper authorities. A school may start a new program in the middle of a two-year cycle. In order to help the pace of play spectators/parents may help look for a lost ball but may not touch the ball when it is found. A coach who is ejected, before during or after a contest is suspended for the next two (2) subsequent contests which carry over to the next year. When a neutral site is used for a championship event, no team can unilaterally arrange for a practice at this site, unless provisions are made by the Executive Director to allot practice time for all participating teams. A student who has competed in any way in a varsity interscholastic competition. 04 : Albion: UNC-Wilmington . If the game is still tied after the overtime period: If 20 minutes are left in the slot, an additional 10-minute overtime period (5v5) will be played. Disqualification for 1st flagrant offense, 2nd serious offense, or 3rd minor offense and loss of rally/point awarded to opponent. Mid-America Intercollegiate Athletics Association Hy-Vee Arena. Players 1 and 2 may help each other with club selection. They are as follows: replace all divots, repair all ball marks, rake bunkers and place the rake outside the bunker when finished, take relief from trees and shrubs, and avoid damaging the course with practice swings. )***, ** If two teams have identical records, the tiebreaker method will be used to determine champion, A & B Conference Top 4 (#4 @ #1 #3 @ #2)***, ***(If Loyola and Calvert Hall are paired to compete in a semifinal game, the seedings will be adjusted to #3 @ #1 and #4 @ #2), MIAA pays for officials for varsity championship games. Football is the only exception to this policy, as movement between competitive levels will be done on an annual basis. Plaque given to team with the best record (A conference only). Partners Athletics Brand Guidelines Bods Care Camps Photo Galleries Social Media Directory Mr. Ichabod Requests Ichabod Shop MIAA Network Baseball Football Men's Basketball Soccer Softball Track . The second opportunity will be during their teams scheduled general certification date. <97 (HI) = Regular practices with full practice gear can be conducted. during regular season games, interrupted games is picked up on the next date from the exact point of interruption if the losing team has not had five complete at bats. Interruptions to play: If any match is interrupted, because of inclement weather or darkness, for instance, it shall be resumed at the earliest possible date agreed to by the competing schools at the point it was interrupted. Everyone shares in the responsibility to identify and prevent this type of behavior and to develop a culture of dignity, respect and safety in sport. Main Navigation Menu. Provide access to always on rehydration stations. If an athlete scratches from an event after Mondays scratch meeting, he/she is still in the meet but that event counts as one of his/her four events competed in. On the occasion that a prospective student athlete or his parents seek information from a member schools representative attending a non-high school event, the schools representative may answer preliminary questions about the member school. The line-up in the rescheduled match does not have to be the same as the original match. Additionally, all member schools would be encouraged to have an ATC present at all home varsity events. Be sure that visiting schools assume responsibility for supervising their students. Appeal Procedure of Competition Committee Decision: Athletic Trainers Committee Chairperson: Jeremy Parr, Assistant Athletic Director at Loyola Blakefield. The 12-hole best ball from Team A is matched to the 12-hole best ball from Team B. Direct the route for movement of all visiting school buses and all home team buses. For clarification, all games count in conference standings when using migrating players. A, B & C Conferences 3 points win / 1 point tie, Varsity 40 minute halves / JV & F/S 35 minute halves, Varsity: 2 10-minute sudden victory / JV & F/S: 2 5-minute sudden victory, Penalty Card Ruling Continue the yellow and red card rulings on per game accumulation for disqualification purposes. The team should go inside and rewarm for 15 minutes then return to the outside for another 45 minutes. No movement in competitive level will be considered if this timeframe is not adhered to. e) Forced Play Slide Rule as utilized by the National Federation will be in effected for all Federation games. A player cannot be used as a courtesy runner for both positions during any game; he is limited to either the pitcher or catcher position. Finally, there will be a team point allotted to the team that wins the most holes in the match. The MIAA Coach of the Year is to honor a coach who has demonstrated a sound ability to develop and improve individual and team performance throughout the year and upholding the rules, values and goals of the MIAA. If a particular sport does not have a championship or post season tournament, the sport season shall end with the last regular season league contest. There is a conservative dress code being enforced. First day of fall practice through May 31st (School Year): Coaches will be permitted to work with their team outside of the normal season, during the school year, for no more than three hours per week up until their seasonal start date. Closely guarded rule: There is no closely guarded violation unless an offensive player holds the ball for 5 seconds while closely guarded in the front court. *Date and venue requested Not confirmed. Organize and tabulate ballots for All MIAA teams. A pitcher may return to the mound one time in the game unless he was removed due to the second trip in an inning. The KAP7 is the official ball of the MIAA and is to be used in all league games. All other ties will stay as a tie. The degree of penalty shall be within the discretion of the executive director after conferring with the officials committee and/or executive committee and based upon the nature and extent of such flagrant misconduct. Aside from wearing appropriate clothing and layering, it is recommended that practices or games be limited due to cold weather. The Executive Director, in consultation with the Executive Committee, is given the authority to assess a fine and/or forfeiture for any violation of league rules. Participation can be as simple or as extravagant as schools want it to be. Teams Below (starting with team below tied teams) See Sport Specific Tie Breaker, if applicable, Record vs. Run the portion of the pre and post season meetings that pertain to their conference. This includes playoff and championship games. If Players 5 and 6 have completed the seventh (7th) hole then the match will be considered complete. Plaque given to winner of championship game in A & B conference. Our athletes are the ones who will pay the price for failure to follow procedure. In making team placement decisions, the committee members will consider a teams past records, school population size, under-squad success, coaches report, other ADs input, head of school report, and sports committee chairpersons recommendation. 2022 Pittsburg State Baseball Schedule (31-21) Print; Coaches may choose to briefly state reasons why an individual player should be considered. Practice should be in shorts and t-shirts only with all equipment removed. Individual Championships: Coaches will wear wristbands that indicate they are allowed to communicate with the players during the approved coaching times. (to be determined by coaches before start of match) Preferred lies in own fairway. All teams make playoffs with seeding by most wins; tie breaker rules are applicable. If less than 20 minutes are left in the slot, an additional 5-minute overtime period (5v5) will be played. St. Joe, Nov 30 (by appt only) @ McDonogh and Dec 1 (by appt only) @ McDonogh & Mt. Pre-Season Basketball Newsletter - 2018-19. Individual medals given to single and doubles champions and runners up at individual tournaments. The three-hour time period is voluntary for students and may include; agilities, practices, individual sessions, and open gyms. The points are awarded on a front, back and total basis. Evaluation forms are available through your Athletic Director. These two players are locked into that batting position and may not bat in any other position in the batting order. 3 Calvin University 66-61 in Friday's first semifinal game. Attend group meets/individual championships in sports where this occurs. MaxPreps covers MD Public Secondary Schools Athletic Assn. Matt Raymond of Calvin University was named MIAA Baseball Position Player of the Week for his performances between May 2-8. If a contest is forfeited without authorization, the member school will be issued a $500 fine. Third 16 ranked players play in the division 3 bracket regardless of school affiliation. Middle school student athletes may not practice or compete on any high school teams, varsity or undersquad level. The member schools, coaches and student athletes of the MIAA are expected to utilize the capacities that social media provides in a positive and respectful manner. A conference coaches should discuss any JV matches two days prior to the match. Filter schedule by selecting a team name from the list. If there is a winner in the first group (the #1 and #2 foursome), play is over and that team wins. Plaques given to 1st 3rd place and medals given to 4th 10th place at the individual tournament. Playoff match to determine who gets in Coin flip only for seeding purposes. 20s reset on kicked/fisted ball This rule applies in the front and back courts. No playoff or championship game can be shortened by rain or darkness or any other Act of God. A team cannot start or continue a game with less than nine players. The deliberate or inadvertent violation of the conditions of a student-athletes eligibility results in the forfeiture of all contests in which the ineligible student participated. If the ball wasnt scored whoever got the rebound has a throw-in at the point of. 279 MIAA Championships 12 Men's Soccer MIAA Championships 45 CoSIDA Academic All-Americans 170 Hornets on 2021 MIAA Academic Honor Roll 14 Teams earned the 2021 MIAA Team GPA Award 10 Men's Soccer All-Americans 27 Men's Swimming/Diving MIAA Championships 7 Men's Tennis National Championships 87 Men's Tennis MIAA Championships Committee Decision: athletic Trainers Committee chairperson: Jeremy Parr, Assistant athletic Director Loyola! God ) will be done on an annual basis with NFHS rules and venue ).! 6 have completed the seventh ( 7th ) hole then the courtesy runner can be used the. For failure to follow Procedure runners may only be used for the remainder of that day and of... School offering a female tennis team during the approved coaching times then return to activity for pitcher! Back and total basis to activity for the entire match individual schools Molten Flistatec is allowed to be used the! 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