I train arms 5 days a week with weekends off and a two week break every three or four months. Team3DAlphaTites !! You see, theres quite a bit of research that talks about the effects of de-training your muscles with time off in order to re-sensitize yourself to muscle damage. Check out my PROGRAMSand 1 on 1 Coaching! Many mistakenly look at the rat study I referenced years ago, which is titled "Myonuclei acquired by overload exercise precede hypertrophy and are not lost on detraining", and think that's where the term Nucleus Overload came from, which is completely false, because the word "overload" in that sentence is referring to the exercise, not the number of nuclei. -for optimal results, yes, don't train hard. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. I chose 4 weeks because based on my research on the human body, that is usually the amount of time it takes for the body to adapt to external stimuli before peaking. Required fields are marked *. I had all kinds of family visiting from Brazil for Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years and because Im also building a pool, the last 3 weeks have been full of design work, lots of shoveling to redo my irrigation lines and just random other stuff. Why? document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Notice: It seems you have Javascript disabled in your Browser. The list was endless. For a limited time, YouTube subscribers get an additional 40% off (must enter the coupon code at checkout). How To Get Big FAST | Team 3D Alpha Nucleus Overload Training - YouTube 0:00 / 4:28 How To Get Big FAST | Team 3D Alpha Nucleus Overload Training 1,175 views Jan 15, 2022 How I. If it does, lower your volume on your main routine so that N.O + your routine equals no more than 10 sets per day for THAT specific muscle. Remember to choose a SAFE exercise to reduce excessive muscle damage and avoid injuries. Thats the real question and unfortunately I cant give a definitive answer just yet. But i think that more people need to investigate training protocols based around higher frequency. That's why I take SO many breaks from YouTube (for months at a time, sometimes up to a year) whenever I want, even though it CRUSHES my views and stops my channel from growing. For more information, please see our So if you train every day with medium intensity and load, I'll guaranty you, there will no muscle damage happen after 3-4 days of doing this. But when it comes to training, its going to be a matter of finding that sweet spot of the perfect amount of daily volume to maximize your gains. It will take 3-6 months but it will work. Youre supposed to be training multiple sets to failure every day with high volume (~50% 1rm). 34179 >>34177 Yo, are you migan. and our 4 talking about this. -There is a difference between overtraining and under recovering. are all accounted for, 5 sets of a moderate weight every day won't hurt you. Prisoners are not as massive as you think. You have 12 weeks, time to unleash your inner BEAST !! Video reference: https://youtu.be/Fb5iixQrvWw TL;DW train a muscle group for something like 30 days everyday with high volume, done that cycle that muscle will grow faster than usual with the following training. Of course muscle atrophy is always a fear as well, but I didnt STOP training, I just wasnt nearly as consistent as I was back then. 7 Dumbest Barbell Bent-Over Row Mistakes Sabotaging Your Back Growth! I was completing 100 reps as fast . did you need to go to failure? But what does this REALLY mean? So if we were to introduce more myonuclei into a muscle, it can sustain MORE MASS because the amount of cytoplasm within a muscle fiber controlled by a single myonucleus, wont breach its threshold. Mainly because I cant without a doubt tell you exactly how big my arms were in 2013. Also, if you can truly build the same amount of muscle utilizing techniques like drops sets, then that means you can get the SAME RESULTS using less weight which equates to less chance of an injury. That's a real problem because muscle cells can not divide to produce new cells. Therefore, the overall work is often the same. Who am I: CEO of Team3DAlpha, Creator of the Nucleus Overload 30-Day program, The HSP Training 12 week program, The Bone Density Training 6 week Program, the Team3DAlpha Self-Mastery Quiz, and the Team3DAlpha Daily Routine. It has kept passed 51 ever since. To be exact there is no such thing as nucleus overload, you cannot force satellite cells to give more nuclei to a muscle without steroids. Use all of the information provided at your own risk. I Did 100 Bicep Curls Every Day For 30 Days - Jed North. Always consult a physician before starting any exercise program. Nucleus Overload Training is working a target muscle every single day with low/medium weight for a periode of 30days and then long rest to recover. Cookie Notice After the GROWTH stage, the muscle is not only bigger but also contains much more myonuclei. However, there is zero evidence that overtraining will produce faster growth than normal training in the long run. Log in to follow creators, like videos, and view comments. Avoid the eccentric portion of each rep. But basically myonuclar domain theory states that how large a muscle can get is to some degree constrained by the number of myonuclei it has. To explain what I mean, I'll now explain very simplistic how myonuclei work: A nucleus, is the core within a cell and contains most of the cell's genetic material (dna), it controlls the cell's function like a controll unit. It makes zero sense but it absolutely, completely, and undoubtedly works. So I decided to give Nuclei Overload Training (NOT) a shot and what I did was perform 100 dumbbell biceps curls a day for 30 days straight. They spend their nucleus for the repair of the muscle and in the long run prepare for future damage. Some days were harder than others and the weights varied from 35lb dumbbells to 50lb dumbbells depending on how sore I was. Does the amount of cytoplasm within a muscle fiber controlled by a single myonucleus, wont breach its threshold. Duration: 4 weeks max, followed by 1-2 weeks of DETRAINING. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/29509639, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/27102172, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/31260419, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/28474868, How To: Barbell Bicep Curl | 3 GOLDEN RULES. He then goes on to talk quite a bit about West African fisherman and how they develop such dense muscle because every single day theyre rowing, casting nets, bringing fish in and swimming to the bottom of the river to bring up loads of 30lbs buckets of sand to sell and they do this DAILY, which if most of you did this amount of work, you would likely categorize it as overtraining. So in my case, I would say the last 6 or 7 months have been the best dedication to training Ive had in YEARS and I know I can still do even better. TEAM 3D ALPHA migan here Life 20/03/21(Sat)12:12 No. If you need help implementing it into a full body, bro-split or push/pull program, purchase a copy of my HSP Training book, sold here on my website. They have a HUGE neck and traps because a lot of their daily training involves farmers walks, carries, rack pulls, deadlifts, shoulder pressing and the list goes on. Then take a mandatory 1-2 week break from ALL training. Use of this information is strictly at your own risk. Well, The holidays were a big part of it. The majority of their lifts consist of Bent over rows, Dumbbell rows, high pulls, snatches, cleans, overhead presses, upright . He doesnt look at real world exampleshes just an ignorant gym rat that follows his beliefs religiously(no offense for the author of the article). The Team 3D Alpha method requires you to overtrain and then rest whereas as with the mainstream method you maintain a steady overload. It can also be said that if youre untrained, which means that you dont really exert yourself too much in your day-to-day life, it's more than likely that youre way below your maximum myonuclear domain limit compared to someone who is active, maybe not a bodybuilder, but plays sports or has a labor-intensive job. Remember that building muscle is an adaptative process, thats why we are only doing this for 30 days. Ectomorph here, starring arm size, 11.5 cold. I have dozens of FREE videos all over my YouTube channel dating back to 2011 detailing everything you need to know about it. I know that there was A LOT in this article. TikTok video from WillIamAndrewRichardson (@williamandrewrichardsonn): "Look up Nucleus Overload (team 3D Alpha) #bodybuilding #fittok #nucleusoverload #naturalbosybuilding". Its finally here!!! Talk about RIDICULOUS value. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JjawWtun6PE. Mar 5, 2021 - (Nucleus Overload Training) Nuclei Satellite Cells and Muscle Growth Shout out to @Team 3D Alpha he's been talking about this method of training for alm. 7)Won't I overtrain if I do this? As you know I decided to experiment with Nuclei Overload Training to try to spark more growth in my biceps! It also means you can achieve the same gains with lighter weight which means less chance of an injury: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/28474868. They dont just train these movements once a week. It wasn't just muscle memory, because the muscle would get even larger than before. And thats how we grow, via satellite cell donation, which increases myo-nucleus numbers. Isolation exercises are preferred. So this is the worst article that I could find, even worse than a negative gaming review. That is the pathway where noobgains mostly come from. Also, when I first mentioned I was going to try NOT, a few people commented that any size difference would just be inflammation, not real growth, and would go away after a long rest period. 2) Keeping myofibrillar protein synthesis elevated daily WITHOUT excessive muscle damage. My question is, does it work or, per say, does it even exist? Muscles: Ideally 1-2 small or lagging body parts. They would say "he's just making people overtrain and lose their gains", so I would sarcastically counter with "well if that's what you folks call overtraining, then 'overtraining' works". I know that there was A LOT in this article. So did my biceps REALLY grow a quarter inch?Or did my overall arms just re-inflate due to more training volume and muscle memory kicking in? The results showed that more hypertrophy gains were noticed in FULL BODY and just to make things clear, this means that if you were to complete 20 sets of bench on Monday, but I were to complete 20 sets spread out over the course of the week such as 5 sets a day across 4 days. So while looking for names, I thought of "Nucleus Accumulation", since the goal of my program was to radically increase the amount of nuclei in the muscle. Muscle protein synthesis peaks after 24 48 hours so it makes sense that in order to see more growth we need to train the same muscle groups multiple times a week like in full body workouts. Well, based on all the comments Ive been getting lately, Id sayyeah, they did. Team 3D Alpha Recently uploaded Popular 80% of men got this answer WRONG about Testosterone levels [IMPORTANT INFO] || FAQs & Poll 7K views 5 days ago 40% of men don't eat enough eggs for max. I dropped all other chest, delt and tricep work to avoid any excess. Some other real life examples include powerlifters. Correct form of this type training will do for you Google the Russian Lion George Hackenschmidt.In his Book The Way to Live he advocated training up to six days a week.Not only did he get to around 220 pounds in bodyweight but he got strong to.He advocated not training to failure.And people back then trained with 60 to 70 percent of their max and slowly increased the weight and they all trained whole body back then for example like: Military press, barbell curl ,floorpress ,clean,squat,pullover, calf raises,stiff legged dead lift,bentpress,wristroller and would use 1 to 3 sets, Your email address will not be published. So at this point I can say that Ive kept what I built. And then you stopped for 10 days and it all went away. original sound - WillIamAndrewRichardson. Migans ideas may be somewhat flawed. Theres a lot more to this than just seeing growth. It doesnt know youre lifting weights trying to get bigger. But before we move into that, which is number 3 on my list (actual growth obtained), lets first discuss number twoMUSCLE MEMORY. Newbie Gains (which doesnt really apply to me but should still be noted), Muscle Memory (which DOES apply to me and I will explain why), Actual growth obtained from additional myonuclei in the muscle. Your body just knows that it needs to grow and get stronger to handle a task that keeps repeating week after week and expend less energy while doing it. Answer (1 of 6): This could be either really good or really bad, depending on how you set things up. i have been doing this aggressive overtraining for a month i clearly see my muscles grow bigger and bigger every day. -Normal training doesn't offer enough weekly volume nor frequency to maximize satellite cell activation and nuclei accumulation. Youre argument in this comment is that even if it works, and faster, it doesnt give it legitimacy because we will all reach the natty limit in the end. I was on youtube and I came across a video by Team 3D Alpha talking about this strategy called "nucleus overload". And number two, I was training A LOT more frequently back then and I really dont want to use that as an excuse, but life happens and a lots changed in my life since then. What a difference from the 13 puny looking arms I had. Why increase satellite cells & nuclei anyway? ! Your Testosterone levels could be dangerously low. I have made some pretty rapid strength gains training to failure in the 35-55 rep range 5 or 6 days a week. Notify me of followup comments via e-mail. If you did HSP Training (which is the combination of my Bone Density Training, Weighted Stretch training and Nucleus Overload), or just Nucleus Overload or the individual programs by themselves, and want your before/after pictures shown in future videos or on the website, email them to me at Team3Dalphacoaching@gmail.com . HOW MUCH PROTEIN SHOULD I EAT FOR NUCLEUS OVERLOAD AND HSP TRAINING. So once the repeated bout effect kicks in (usually takes up to a few weeks depending on your training status), you'll actually be causing less damage, causing protein synthesis to go towards muscle growth as opposed to just damage repair. It also activates satellite cells like crazy, which is the whole point of Nucleus Overload. Additionally, I always observed athletes or workers in their respective sports/fields, and noticed that they would perform the same repetitive movements several times a week, resulting in abnormal muscle growth. Some days were harder than others and the weights varied from 35lb dumbbells to 50lb dumbbells depending on how sore I was. Maybe most of the people who got incredible muscle growth were just beginners experiencing their initial gains that usually come easily. Also, I wasnt pumping out 100 reps in a row. Lol damn bro , thats funny , but he has a point , I think ima buy the plan , its only $50 . Now, training a muscle more than 1-2x a week, using full body workouts (another thing that I kept pushing over and over again years ago when everyone thought bro-splits were the way to go) is finally common. Wouldnt a muscle with more nucleus have more potential to grow than a muscle that hasnt done nucleus overload? The only issue is that those gains only translate to standard rep range gains when im fully rested, which is almost never. I Did 100 Bicep Curls Every Day For 30 Days | NUCLEI OVERLOAD TRAINING. | BIGGER ARMS NOW! Popular topics. The nuclei are not the nuclei of the muscle cell, they are remains of the satellite cells. And the best part is, it comes with a bonus FREE unlimited email consultations (related to the program) and FREE copies of any future editions. -As long as adding the 5 sets from Nucleus Overload doesn't make you do more than 10 sets per day on that muscle, you're fine. But when it comes to training, its going to be a matter of finding that sweet spot of the perfect amount of daily volume to maximize your gains. Your email address will not be published. Cookie Notice I used to call it "overtraining", with the sarcastic quotes, simply because that's the word everyone used to poke fun at the program. But who knows, maybe that could be a follow-up comparison video in the future. Compared to all my other muscles, Ive always felt like my biceps are lagging and if what Ive been doing wasnt working, trying something else seemed like the best alternative. Without knowing this concept, I said wth and started training arms hard everyday, taking off Sunday and a full week after a month. Your body just knows that it needs to grow and get stronger to handle a task that keeps repeating week after week and expend less energy while doing it. At the end of the day I feel like we are WAYYYYYY TO QUICK to classify a hardcore workout as overtraining. Not bad things, just overall healthy adult life growth. In another study by Schoenfeld, he shows that basically you can perform three sets of 10 reps and get the same muscle gains as someone doing 1 drop set. Many say that they will try this approach, but very few report back. Therefore, you will have to lift weights that are 50-60% of your max. To make things clear, there are different mechanisms to achieve musclegrowth. Via satellite cell activation and nuclei accumulation 5 sets of a moderate weight every day for 30 days | overload! Weight every day for 30 days muscle and in the long run like crazy, which increases numbers. Day for 30 days | nuclei overload training to try to spark more growth in biceps! Arms I had, depending on how sore I was on YouTube and I came across a video Team. Of a moderate weight every day for 30 days - Jed North enter the coupon code at checkout.! 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