what to text him when he disappears

He had talked about how excited he was to see and meet me and get to know me. You will hate yourself when you realize you gave him control when you could have and should have dumped his worthless, selfish, uncaring ass instead. The problem is when we meet a guy and we start to like him we fantasize about him too much. So think about the people youve ghosted and left in your trail of emotional destruction!! Just a regular conversation with her was excruciating. There would be others who were excited and wanted to text and all that. ) Im 50+, 7 years later, and still trying but stopped trying to figure them out. I send him a simple i miss you message during that time and then he replied back that he misses me too. Is she capable to accept me for who I am or shell always expect me to pump extra energy into my likable sides and suppress my not so likable traits? Youre seeing a guy for a little while, it could be weeks or maybe months. And yes, it would have been more courteous for him to just say, Hey, I had just broken up with my girlfriend when you and I met and we decided to give it another go. But that COULD be an awkward, dramatic conversation. I was on leave from work and he was busy renovating his home (this worked for us both) then 2 weeks ago his work was coming to an end, and when I expected this to make way fro time for us to spend together he announced he had friends visiting from overseas and would be busy that week. Im so tired of this ghosting bullshit. Its just that over the phone and countless hours that we had talked for and things that we shared, I had developed that kinda relationship with him where I felt Now to the ghosting the day after that conversation about making thigns work I text him and he responds to my text right away. Its one thing if a guy breaks it off with a girl and tells her she is too insecure, clingy, dramatic, etc. I dont get it! I offered to come help him, he declined. I was so in love that I couldnt see his flaw. By the end of the day Im furious and crying like a little baby. Getting a text from your ex might bring up a lot of emotions depending on how you ended things. I invited him to leave clothes over for convenience because he was staying over often. I deactivated my own Facebook account for a while. When he vanishes from your life completely, youll probably get an urge to text him. After 6 months we booked up to go to Greece together for our first romantic holiday, 7 months into the relationship and a week before our holiday he rang me up and broke up with me. At the train station he kissed me goodbye on the lips, said see you later and that was it. And I guess that I dont love you anymore I dont know what to do. For example, lets say you hung out with a guy who said he said hed text you within the next couple of days to set the next date up. Conversations nothing too too He is currently in the ignoring period again. He lives on the other side of the world. Anybody know guys that do that?? I last spoke to him Thursday evening where he told me to have a Good night. I was also pretty angry too, as I felt like he le, Hey! He approached me and pursued me quite ardently and we embarked on a long distance romance (we live in different states), with plans to be together a half a month (2 weeks) every month, as he wanted to base his business in my state & would be here half the time He declared his love, and his life time commitments and we had a mini trip planned, and then his mom died, 2 investors wanted nearly a million dollars returned, and he had to move to another state, 3,000 miles away, etc., and he just went more & more within himself And withdrew, He cancelled our trip, and he now says he wont be basing here in my state, and needs the proverbial space. And by this, I mean a sexual option. I had no idea this happens this often. Everyone keeps saying wait until he comes around but nah I dont want to wait because I do not deserve this without a good explanation. Always told me how much he loved me. He doesnt want to leave a voice mail, or text. ( I dont smoke or drink by choice) I do have a lot of friends who do and I told him that as long as drinking and smoking is not a habit and a life style. Were still friends on FB (should I block/delete?!!) I am not going to compete for text attention. Yada yada. He always used to tell me that I am the entire package, etc. He's excited about you and can imagine a future together. You created this world. We talked basically everyday, even when traveling. In the middle of that week I asked for his exam( we had troubles to meet that friday because he was busy with that exam). And that is something that happens to a lot of women out there. :..(, Omg i felt like crying reading ur msgs im sorry lifes been so cruel. No hard feelings. He professed his love to me daily. Apparently your ex-fiancee conditioned you to think this is acceptable behavior in a loving relationship. It started when he lost his phone so he had to email me and the messages grew shorter and became more sparse so it ended up that I was making the effort to carry on conversations. I try not to take it personally but did I reject him in some way? Hell come up with an excuse or two as to why he wasnt around for a while and act like nothing happened. I was young and naive, and bought the dress. But lets not forget that if a man has entered a womans heart or if a woman has entered a mans heart, there is a human responsibility, repeat, human responsibility, to disengage truthfully. Hes gone. Of course, this deeply saddens me because after years of searching for good, kind-hearted, decent men, I havent found any that are straight. After hospital stay and he would not text back , call or see me. you deserve someone better. Its not all feminism; its society as a whole, and families, that have created this mess. But please do not reach out to him again. I agree with Marions advice and also have something else to offer. If he was the right guy for youwell he would be with you! If he pops up again later, call him out on it. He has not been in a relationship where he said he felt like he wanted to marry the person except for one girl who he was friends Are yall friends? Every week went to nice dinners, great conversation, etc. Really disappointed that people lack common decency, courtesy and respect in communicating with others. Required fields are marked *. I think hes sleeping with other women. Im almost wondering if it was the truth or if he used it as an excuse to disappear. my heart is broken, even though I know Im better off, that action completely made me feel that I meant absolutely nothing to him at all and I felt used and like a piece of trash to be discarded. OMG,,,r u serious? 3) being a shallow douche who was basically propping up his own confidence, he decided not to get back to you rather than say something like my friends are bringing a couple girls out I havent met, and in case im attracted to them i decided i better not bring you. He tried visiting me a couple of times. . Obvs I dont wanna reach out to him and be desperate but he already prolly thinks Im crazy for deleting my Instagram. Im not bad looking. The only thing is we have had no physical intimacy at all in the last 3 of the 4 years. Kim Anyone?? I am SO confused!!!! He was interested in having sex with you but not so much interested in you. I think everything is good. Once you have other options you wont want to bother with the duds. I now know based on his actions and looking back, he is emotionally unavailable. Take some responsibility. I really was in shock and didnt think he was like that at all . That you respect yourself and value your time, energy and emotional investment. not because i was in love with him, but because i truly could not believe that someone could do that to another human being. So if he throws you a What are you up to this weekend? instead of answering you can toss the response right back to him and say, Why, whats up?. He just started to act like he didnt want to do, or plan anything, and wasnt spending enough time with me, so I addressed the issue to him, and first thing he said was I know Im not making you happy so I asked him what was wrong, he said he didnt know, I asked him if he needed some time and he reply yes. Last time he texted me, was over a week ago. One of my dates recently told me she spent 6 months with a guy who was a total robot and never showed a shred of emotion, yet when he finally broke up with her she was hurt. He will be at your doorstep within a few minutes. But I dont believe that all good looking girls end up with ugly guys as I have seen very good looking and successful guys with not very attractive women and I have also seen good looking pairs together. Maybe its your angels looking after you, making sure you see him for the immature gronk he is instead of letting your heart get devoted to him only for him to do this down the line when youre deeply attached. Did I respond incorrectly? Drop him. If youre able to accept it, then accept his behavior and realize that when stuff gets tough, hell pull away/withdraw and leave you hanging. What do I do? I cant help it, I didnt know I was going to get a msg from someone saying hi or how have you been, etc. Now, this advice is really good in the case that the said party does not respond, despite our effort to reach them (only once). Im financially independent and I own my own home, my car is paid off. I do think that he didnt confront me cause he was playing the game, that he would keep me in his back pocket, while he is figuring things out. Its still fresh and I feel sore and confused. I want to text him so bad but I havent and I wont. Anxiety will often lead you to make rushed decisions that you might regret later. Ive asked that too.. Do you want me to leave you alone? He just says, why would I want that? He blocks me on Facebook the day or two before his overseas trip. (a reply would prove hes selfish and wounded to me) or do I get on with my life, only to wake up each day thinking will he contact me? We didnt argue before the last contact, and I have $4,000.00 worth of (his) merchandise at my place. We used to text everyday several times he telling me what he was up to, and me too. He finally stopped me in the parking lot at work and told me he was having a lot of life issues at once and was trying to sort them out, but he would be in touch. Then there was a tragedy in his family, I got a text telling me this, I responded sympathetically and he replied thanking me for my understanding and saying he loved me..and then nothing! Its the self doubt, the agonizing wondering of what we did to push them away which keeps us waitingWe keep hoping in a small part of our hearts that they will reach out to us, that they are just sorting things out and somehow when they do that, we will be validatedIts scary how such flaky, dishonest, cowardly behavior can reduce confident women like us to nervous wrecksJust let him go..It will hurt and you will miss himBut dont give in to the impulse to contact him anymore for itFor the sake of your own sanity and dignityIn my case, he contacted me on Monday (after my final text) acting all normal How have you been Sweetheart? I reject good guys and then this is how I get treated. He was very hurt by his ex wife and I think he has commitment issues. A week later, he initiated a second date and proposed to do it on Sunday. They come on strong but need to retreat to their man cave every now and then and want their space but rebound like a boomerang if they ever liked you. But I have not contacted him in almost a week. I also told him that I needed to leave a bit early as I had a family evento attend to the next day He was very disappointed but soon got over it . One day he told me that he likes me, I kinda expected it not because I want him to say it but I have this weird gut feeling that he indeed likes me more than a friend. Period. I dont want such a guy in my life. Yes, most of us have gone through this. its impressive to see to how many people this happened; at least I am not alone. what the hell happened ?! No calls, no text messages, and no chance for you to bump into him on the street. For me, a closure is crucial. Or even told you at all. I can leave many messages telling how hurt I am, what I feel and need and why and there will be no reply until hes ready. He wants to make you like him. I got over it, joined a new site, and have been dating again. Ive given him space and Im warm and kind when he does text me, but its making me cry because I dont know if hes playing with my head or what. Thanks We would text all the time everyday. He sent me a drunk text a couple of weeks ago saying you are so beautiful and a wonderful girl. Im I later saw on his Facebook that he went on a trip to Canada at the same time that I was supposed to have been with him in France. Reading all of these heartfelt stories has really made me think! He has not been in a relationship where he said he felt like he wanted to marry the person except for one girl who he was friends Well I think its only me but thats why I cant let him go just yet. Youve been waiting for him for way too long and he doesnt deserve any more of your patience. They act like they cant text you/call you but they are on Facebook every 5 minutes lol. Lol! We are already on to the phone sex and I dont want a casual fling. For young people in their 20s, think if they behave like this when its just the two of you supposedly all hot for each other and they cant handle emotions or respect you properly, what will their melt down be like when real life happens, like being married, raising children, managing household finances, caring for your parents in their final years. He answered, but something just felt off. However is the worst passive aggressor ever!!!! And itll be dormant for a month or so til I text again and then it repays. He was on the rebound. I didnt make eye contact, but from the corner of my eye I could see him trying to get my attention. BE A DAMNED MAN AND TELL THE LADY YOU DONT WANT TO SEE HER ANYMORE! ? well I know I should leave it.. not text- au revoir etc. Not to be vain but she was nothing g special to look at smissed it but it caught my interest. My friends husbands all said leave it or if I want true confirmation he isnt interested in me ring. I was taking things really slow to get to know him and make sure I wanted a relationship with HIM. We always got along. But would respect it and to call, I just wanted clarity. Hes playing mind games with you and hes aware of that. His charm was his method of maintain this said option, call it the premium. My next point will explain this further. Of course he didnt answer. lets just take it as a good lesson and move on. Called him a coward and a complete waste of my time. Evening passed by and I realised Ive been ghosted. The date went very well, we went for a drink, a movie and another drink, we were talking and it was just like weve known each other for ages. He says hes with friends and they will be there for a while and to text instead. Its very sad and frustrating. I was so glad I went to confront him and get closure, even though he could not come clean and just end it properly. Eventually I gave in. We got along really well and had a great day together. You should let him go and wish him the best in whatever personal career/ex/crisis/personal issues came up. And need to know why. He never answer my texts, he always calls when I text him but he stopped doing that. Most women would have given up but I continue to believe that one day, I will met this special guy just for me and so should you. We had a (what I thought) was a really fun night with this friends and roommates, and I decided to spend the night. I told him that I didnt mean to offend, but I was letting him lead and didnt want to bother him. I went out to visit him twice and he made so much effort, planning stuff for us to do, taking me out, remembering things I said I liked and surprising me. Wouldnt we have a more trust-based society? Your email address will not be published. He cared to tell me he was not interested over coffee, and from hia oint of view what i should stop doing. I dont know if I can go so far to tell him I am single and seeing others. Why text me several years later just like? And our last fight went pretty bad. He said he just dont like to texting, dont like to stay on phone for a whole day. In his city ughhhh. I just take it as plain disrespect when people dont contact me back in general, so its not a guy thing with me. I finally cam to the rationalization of he he should have never let me have this space to myself to give me a chance to move and find someone who treats me better. They live in the same town. Funny . OMG the man who has been telling me he cares about me and doing all these good things for me all of the sudden doesnt care about me because he didnt reply! Thats just way too dramatic! Ive always been so into him (well, ya, obviously I was into him since I was dating him.) Thanks for the male perspective. He obviously changed his mind again about the relationship and was too coward to tell me. Im experiencing that kind of scenario at the moment. Sometimes we just invite in the Trojan Horse. if a man I date did not contact me in 2 or 3 weeks, I never initiate contact. Let a girl move on in peace! I am honest in my interactions and friendly and Im not judgemental. Anyway I hope this helps some of girls out there feeling confused by why a guy has suddenly disappeared Here goes, even up to a few years back I had terrible self esteem, I mean completely dire. Hi guys Ive red the article but I still want to someones elses point of view for my particular situasion I think he was looking for a way out. Both said we loved each other and things were good. Three years is a long time to just break up over a text. The sad thing is though that each event leaves a little scar on my heart even though we get back together because Im apprehensive when hell ghost again. Buh-bye, boy! The exclusive talk is easiest after sleeping with someone, and you dont have to use that word, you just communicate that youre not sleeping with anyone else and its ok with you if you guys see how it goes and stop seeing other people.. or something. so.. Sabrina is right :), OMG!! I told him that I have feelings too and I feel very hurt I also felt that I was not a priority in that no matter what as long as she is going to have something against what he does and if he responds that way we could never have a healthy relationship because she will always control what he does. We did not sleep toghether at least. 10. I dont think that anyone should play games with peoples feelings. I thought that maybe I had acted a bit harshly so suggested he looked me up on FB again, which he did. Like y introduce me to your childhood friends and colleagues and then disappear without a trace after 4 months? He wanted to know what movie and knew how to keep the convo going which was a total switch from the last guy I dated who just let things die while talking on the phone or in text. I am still completely shocked by his actions and not just telling me. Since, I have went back on FB/LinkedIn and posted a pic of myself and it was almost liberating. I never got a text saying any of that. He talked about wanting to see my apartment and other things that would leave me to believe this would not be the last time I saw him. So a week later no response no phone calls so I show up at his house again asking for answers. So I leave kind of disappointed I even came if he was so out of it. I educated my self enough to let go. Then the next day was the big day to meet his friends and he was acting so weird the whole entire time. Yes, indeed I have been victim of this several times and it is extremely painful and frustrating because you open up to the guy and invest your time and energy just to be disposed of like and unwanted item. We all justify our behaviour to an extent. We texted a tiny bit here and there, but I didnt feel ovely interested so it didnt go much past hows your day. You can send him a text where you: Here are 15 texts you can send a guy when he disappears: 1. Or once you tell them you like them. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Too, as I felt like crying reading ur msgs im sorry lifes been so.!:.. (, Omg I felt like he le, Hey youre a... Act like nothing happened?!!!!!! and friendly and not... 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what to text him when he disappears