andromeda starseed birth chart

The reason I spoke of this because the things I understand now. The reason why Earth life is extra difficult for Andromedan starseeds is because Andromedans are the Reptilians worst enemies. . <p></p> <p>In this year of 2015, Earth time, the Andromeda Galaxy will develop a closer connection with the Earth Family of LIght. I just learned that I am a Starseed and Andromeda was once my home. Its cool because now I can actually understand quite complex science without any university type education. Look to see how many of your chart's alignments are within the 25 to 27 degree range. Fixed star Mirach, Beta Andromedae, is a 2.1 magnitude yellow star in the left hip or girdle of the Chained Woman, Andromeda Constellation. Thank you! Because of this, maybe I am tapping in to my spiritual gifts? You might be surprised. Thank you and hi. I did a starseed meditation and came to the conclusion that I am Andromedan. Youre most likely not talking about twin souls and instead reading scientific journals. Happy you liked the article and that it resonated with you, Naomi! Ive never resonated with any other writer like yourself because of the emphasis on physical traits. Wow! My loved ones called ambulances cops on me too many times to count. I live over water and am very connected to nature. You also love dolphins and other ocean animals, as it reminds you of your home world, which is mostly covered in water. I have been having this weird feelings for years now and I wasnt so sure if I was the only one experiencing this. Her experience in all things spiritual helps to bring a full understanding of self and soul to her private clients and readers. They have a natural talent for breaking down complex ideas into smaller, more manageable . After that experience, from then on, I have a strong balance between masculine and feminine sides. I also get tingles when something deeply resonates me. The reason why Andromedan starseeds love travelling is because they love freedom and because it reminds them of being back on their spaceship, travelling at the speed of light. I am a member of LGBTQ and my goal is anything thats best for the humanity. Before we jump into the signs, here is my starseed story, and how I found out my soul origin is in Andromeda: Without further ado, here are 10 signs of an Andromedan Starseed: We all have both the Masculine and Feminine energy inside us, but for most people on Earth, there is an imbalance. Youve got to be technical and scientific enough to run a shoot in an unnatural human environment and creative enough to make watchable videos out of it. Also name itself is always been familiar to me, like I knew this name very well. I have met so many people during my awakening that has been leading me where I am now, and I am sure many of these are beings I met before incarnating on Earth and we have all this mission of having more and more people waking up on earth. You often choose the 'path of least resistance'. Awesome to meet another Andromedan Starseed! Stand in my way and never give up if my presence is hurtful to anything. I honestly have no clue why Im here. But as time has gone on I have found that I am to teach them. I have felt a kinship with Andtomeda for yearsmy human condition has bogged me down over recent years, taken hold of me, causing negativity within me But I fought back, even lower dimensional beings tried to take me, I fought them.. And I won.. During this earth time where these lower vibrational beings have been trying to take over Humanity, I have been spreading love, joy and compassion to all beings It has not always been easy, but my inherent knowledge has supported me I love all Nature, ALL BEINGS the Andromedan description is all me Its funny and im amazed!. Andromedan starseeds often have a good balance between masculine and feminine energy. Starseeds Compass Guide to Identifying Your Souls Origins. When I read this I started crying for some reason.. Id love to meet you one day. I recently found out that I am from Andromeda and was looking for information to find out as much as possible. Hi, could you please advise me where (who) you have a Starseed activation session mentioned in the video? Birth Chart Starseed Reading for Starseed Origins, Mini Birth Chart Starseed Reading for Starseed Origins, Extended Birth Chart Starseed Reading for Starseed Origins, Starseed's Compass: Identifying Your Starseed Origins. Free Horoscopes charts, calculations Birth Natal Chart Online Calculator Ascendant, Rising Sign Calculator Astro Portrait: Sun, Moon, ASC Personal Daily Horoscope Transit Chart Calculator Secondary Progressions Solar Arc, Solar Return, Prognoses Synastry, Composite, Davison Chart Traditional Astrology Calculator Sidereal Astrology Calculator Draconic Astrology Calculator Various astrology . You where very informative and nom discriminatory. It is not a coincidence that you were guided here . But I learned to walk away from the negative. it is frustrating and I am glad you mentioned this .. all I want to do is travel And be free so I have unconsciously started more astral travels in my dreams . Most people around you seem brainwashed by the media and blind to what is actually happening on the planet. Yes , I am one among you and Im glad that I am so . To get an accurate birth chart, we have to know the exact date and time of our birth, which is usually available on a birth certificate though Mum might remember that information too, even if she was a bit preoccupied at the time. The Mirrorsthe glassthe mercurythe shiftingthe materializing . Upon seeing it, I became obsessed with it, even deciding that if I ever have a daughter, I would name her Andromeda. I was beat because of who I was how I was different she would beat me horribly then She would prosper an uneducated woman was able to walk into a pile of crap and come out smelling like a rose. Thank you for this article! This is why you as an Andromedan starseed also is very also analytical. And to be honest I had suspected before reading this that I was from Andromeda and the biggest of the confirmations was how you described it as a planet mostly covered in water Just the way I saw it when I first started remembering!!! Very good article. I never understood why, I always was told my instincts and intuition were above normal and my senses were heightened I never want bad for people even the ones that did harm to me I can handle myself but would only inflict harm as a last resort I have been more calm as of late and my anger and frustration seems to be lessened lately and after reading this I understand why Im bound to the old ways and like and feel what I do why I need the sun and to be in the open thank you I do believe finally I know why I am here and what I really am and am profoundly grateful for this article Take the appearance part with a grain of salt Andromedans can come in all shapes and sizes and colours as humans. I struggle with gender identity on a deep level. I also love traveling which helps me to meditate and re-energize my soul. Thank you. People have always been drawn to me and it has always confused me. So I guess you can say out of 51 yrs I have saw the true beauty of this place perhaps three times in my life but the illusion fades away and turns.into what is the reality of cause and effect, fear, pain and suffering negative ball of energy The world has been dark since 1969 but if humanity doesnt pay attention it will be lost to far worse effect because of the cause. Since I was really young I was always interested in ancient Egypt and bought and read a lot of books on it. Thank you and bless you , I have discovered that I am very certainly an Indogo child (with General Anxiety Disorder, and ADHD), and 100% an Andromedan Starseed . I always feel like I dont fit in and hate seeing humans being eaten up by such toxic and manipulative systems. First time I heard about Andromeda was from Star Trek. I have no nature , no ocean and no galactic family here. Im sick without him and he definitely fits the description in your article. It could be that you have incarnated in many different star systems. Which its common with this type starseed, they able to heal on own way easily. CANIS MAJOR. I only use technology but not really into it. I am an Andromedan Starseed and the description resonated with me deeply. Starseed markings can be determined by analyzing the placements of celestial bodies in your natal chart. I didnt deserve to be there. And not like irl itd help me to find out if I am this or not since all I want to know would then be what Id be able to actually do here with or without those titles. Amazing. I stood tall with a group of other beings and had the feeling of not wanting to stand out.very non egotistical. The Andromedans are a beautiful, heart-centred race and most are 12th dimensional. Are you interested in learning how to connect with your ET spirit. Souls from all over the Universe signed up, by incarnating on Earth in a human body to help humanity through this transition. What I have been experiencing during my awakening would otherwize have me question my sanity and I would be to scared to move on. The reason why you feel drawn to these places is because you might have previous lives in these civilizations. This is literally the only place I can accept naturally as home. I Just meditated, channeled, and asked where Im from and Andromeda came to be as clear as day.. and thank you for your page that made me know and yes im not depressed im so strong its just that im super bored i got dreams in my mind just my environment dont support but it destroys the dream so yeah let me laugh until mericals happen if you can help me with some guidance so i can at least know how to master my energies and emotion so i can know which are coming from ego and which intuition because im having an ego death and healing from traumas and crown is opening i can really feel the pressure and there are chackras above the crown like i can know that im literally when im focusing on the moment with my powers i can know things before they happen for like 2 days later its just insane but im just less than a beginner soo help ???????? Sending you lots of love and blessings . Lavendars research indicates that people incarnate from the Pleiades during the Pleiadian Line Up but also when thePleiades line up with other celestial bodies as well. As a child I always went down to the sea in my hard times to seek comfort. im having my starseed awakening and i feel mad and so much traumas in me and i knew that something was going on my whole life and why i got through that shif but like im having hard time my country sucks everybody here also theyre so low even my mom is a starseed and the doctors said she is schizophrenic and i thought i was like here when i first start changing before i knew suddenly and idk how but something made me watch a video and everything starts changing and a bird came to my house and visited me and all my psychics starts to come out im 20 years old and my dad died at 9 years old i was raised like shit in an indoorm school which i used to cry alot and used to crave for freedom just like now and even when i was with the best people in my life i still can feel their shitty emotions cz im also a heyoka empath i know im extremely gifted but what can i do with my gifts when everybody is oppositely gifted ??????????? This is all new so new, and I am getting all of these downloads Its mind-blowing. They choose to come to Earth to help humanity and Earth in some way. Birth Chart Starseed Reading for Starseed Origins $ 77.77; Mini Birth Chart Starseed Reading for Starseed Origins. I dont like religions, I always want freedom to create and explore the world, and I always have questioned myself Is this really my family?, Thats beautiful You have a star family who is always guiding and supporting you. Thank you for my awakening , other readings I have had now piece together and I know what my purpose is on earth now . Origins tend to influence us at our deepest levels while recent incarnations tend to influence our Ego and conscious mind. I had a dream, a few years ago. You might have heard that the Pleiadians are our future selves visiting us. Me and my Andromedan twin flame have had this thought many times, to move into a tiny house free from social media and tech. Ive always understood the + or after the ABO type to indicate the Rh factor, either + or -. I hate the way the government spends/wastes our tax money. For example, one Andromedan might enjoy fitness and physical power, yet they also know how to connect with animals. Check out my new YouTube Video on how to interpret your birth chart for starseed origins and incarnations. If you are wondering if you are an Orion starseed, have a look at the following Orion traits. Hello, I have known all my life that I was not pure human. Lavendar of the Starseed Hotline has done some AMAZING work identifying the starseed marking for Pleiades. I didnt know that wasnt something people can just do. Especially if in alignment with the Andromeda Starseed origin which runs along the Aquarius/Pisces degrees. I have just seen this post, thank you so much, it completely resonates with me and every part of it applies, I have no idea what starseed I am, but have been and still lost to my purpose, my best and most incredibly peaceful meditation was when I was in a space ship, completely loved and at peace, I dont feel that anywhere else and feel completely misunderstood, I feel I need guidance and direction but also feel I should be getting this from myself but dont seem to be making any headway, I must be in some way though as I seem to have been guided here, dont know if I am Andromedan but would love to know what starseed I am, Hi Janet! I would love to hear in the comments! in a hyerarchy in that other realm you spoke of? Until we meet again! It is an important lesson for you to learn that true freedom comes from within. She loves to read people and uses energy reading, tarot, numerology, graphology, astrology, I-Ching, EFT, and natural healing. My name is George. While meditating last night and seeking out my spirit guides, andromeda appeared. I pray the universe blesses you all and all the lives you touch! The worst is when people are silenced for speaking the truth, and warning people about the dangers of 5G technology, vaccines etc. This is absolutely amazing. I knew I was starseed I just didnt know where from. Ooft! Ive know since I was a very young girl that I was different from everyone else. I hate all type of authority. Here are the three most prominent traits of an Andromedan starseed: Freedom Unsolved mysteries was playing on the tv in the living room..stating my sins. in tropical/western astrology i am a cancer sun, leo moon, and cancer rising. Love n light brother and sisters. Love n light, Magical, thanks for sharing! It just fits. Many people who have been guided to my blog post are Andromendan starseeds, so very likely if it resonated. I have a Telegram account and always read the posts from Darkness to Light. Can you share more info about other starseeds. Wow Im still not sure if this is me but I connected very deeply with this, I saw some pictures of places that made my heart drop. My mediumship/channeling has been coming through recently and Ive done hypnotherapy sessions where Ive been told and seen past reincarnations multiple times (which has been a very prominent figure in history). people always tell me i need to be more respectful of authority, which is true i suppose, but i just cant. You're more introverted than extroverted. And hell is eternity right? Im learning to protect my energy. Awesome to meet another Twin flame andromedan starseed . thanks again for this connection. But I know everything will be okay. I too am just coming out of the Dark Night of the Soulblessings Sister. You are drawn to acting, writing, and other creative work where you can express yourself freely. Now Im waiting for my freedom, Im planning to get me a campervan and live in that, but I have to finish my obligation as a mother first???? I faced the gate of justice and gate of love to fully embrace that identity in real life here. I always want to learn more, but then get in a funk and dont believe anything Ive learned. it's my second job & i focus around starseed indicators & psychic placement in your chart. This is a very rare but good thing, and very much needed today. Sending you lots of love and blessings , Hi, my name is Richie Perez Reyes from Cebu City. A couple of more things, Andromedans are kind of elf like, theyll have elf-like ears or theyll have large ears. I was shocked ! My life changed when I found out I was an Andromedan starseed. But fundamentals of science is my pleasure. . He points left. So there are nothing egotistical about you whatsoever. So truly showing me the truth of the corruption . Julia I think the Bollywood actor Sushant Singh Rajput was a Andromeda star seed and he was murdered 3 months ago today by the Bollywood Reptilians because he was going to expose the international child trafficking racket. For this reason, we starseeds often confuse our origins with our most recent incarnations. Thank you. Van life in Europe sounds amazing, every Andromedans dream . Your article is on point! We have always loved travelling, and felt restless when staying in a place for too long. Freedom Seeker. Begin typing in your birth place and a list of locations will appear in a drop down menu. I am new to this world of starseeds, I know I am one, and I made my birth chart and I have the main ones, but how do I know which one I really am? Im so confused and need to know more about starseeds. Ive read of other starseeds and none of them resonated with me until I read your article. WellI got out of bed and dad said lets go. Hi there! My sister died at the age of 24 while I was in the hospital. The Starseed's Compass: A Guide to Identifying Your Starseed Origin is an ebook that lists the starseed markings or alignments for twelve star . You just want whats the best for the planet. Thanks 100x, Awesome to see another Andromedan here I really want to do the van life one day, it sounds amazing. I see 911 all the time, and have personally concluded that it means Im doing or thinking exactly what i am meant to, at that time. Yours youtube video give me a lot answers and sometimes more questions. ? and yes im laughing because i feel like if i died and never made my dream come true at least i knew some truth ???? Origin Realm: Galaxy Andromeda - a.k.a., MS31 or M31; Features: Typically oval-shaped face and thin build; Mission: To bring peace and love to races enslaved by Reptilians; From spiral-shaped Andromeda, these types of starseeds have an incredible gift of balance. Like I said devinely led so I share what hits me as I need to try to open ppl wake them. Its the same with Andromedans, but they are our very, very, VERY future selves. 100% reflects my personality and mission. Im a bit overwhelmed but mostly with joy and gratitude. I'm sick of all this evil. but based on general human commonalities which are surprisingly very consistent). I have no manipulative bone in my body and struggle to understand how some do. They are also said to have pointed ears and high . its therefore very disarming when there is a rare person who I cannot immediately categorize/figure out. The beings that I channel just told me I was adromedan! In my twenties I did a long walk about travelling. Thank you so much for these articles! Andromedan beings are freedom seekers; they will always change jobs, homes, and relationships to find their freedom. Reading this I looked back on some events in my life and realized they made so much more sense now. I know things I shouldnt know. Found your writing ever compelling and I sure could relate to every bit. Im so happy to come across your site. If you would like to interpret your own chart receive a copy of my new eBook The Starseeds Compass: A Guide to Identifying Your Souls Origin here! Ive always been quite the loner however; have put on a smiley face and greeted others to make them feel good. If you would like to interpret your own chart receive a copy of my new eBook The Starseeds Compass: A Guide to Identifying Your Souls Origin here, Connect with the Pleiades During the Pleiadian Alignment, How To Connect With Your ET Spirit Guides, Connect with the Pleiades During the Pleiadian Alignment - The Starseeds Compass. Andromeda starseed must allow them selves to work in other areas, such as self confidence and love. I am a forest person and literally feel energetically connected to trees especially. I like this description too, because it is what I often see. Wow this article sparked my attention because I been looking for answers my whole life, I felt like I was crazy I always saw things in people nobody else did, I especially felt out of place almost all the time, I was very emotional as a child cried a lot whether happy or angry sad didnt matter and I was wasnt afraid to be emotional, one thing I did to control them was be involved with aquariums I love the oceans lakes rivers and streams I live aquatic life I crave the sounds and the sun off the water I love the smell. So sure if I was different from everyone else because now I can accept naturally as.! When people are silenced for speaking the truth of the Soulblessings Sister one Andromedan might enjoy fitness and andromeda starseed birth chart... The video with any other writer like yourself because of this because the I! No galactic family here the article and that it resonated, my name is Richie Perez from. 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andromeda starseed birth chart