billy carson underground city

An expert on topics ranging from Hermetic sciences to hidden technologies, Carson has been featured as a regular guest on Gaia, Travel, History, and Discovery networks. ~Thanks Billy !! I tug at the controls again. UniteThe99 is a conscious community social media app created by Billy Carson, that will unite the 99 percent of the world in unity and unconditional love. Investigators remarked, it was possible to understand how half a million Mayan Indians escaped the decimation of their culture. The projections appear by themselves, but at the same time, they are interactive and depend on the one who watches them and touches the surface of the table.. Do you remember the discovery they had made next to Baghdad? The history of the Emerald Tablets is strange and beyond the belief of modern scientists. I note the engines of our plane have stopped running! At first I saw how the men remained paralyzed, looking up at the two apparitions. Fast forward to more than a decade later, Billy Carson is a best-selling author and the president of 4biddenknowledge Inc. It may rage on until every flower of your culture is trampled, and all human things are leveled in vast chaos. Churchward set off to Burma, armed with introductory letters from the Indian priests, in the fond hope of finding more of the tablets. The Romanian state was to postpone the disclosure for now. Mysterious, unknown, and forbidden. Strangely, they went south towards one point only and that I located somewhere in the Retezat Mountain, most probably in the Godeanu Mountains area. Asia-Off-Grid submitted a new resource: This was next to Cairo on the Giza Plateau and was located between the Sphinx and the Great Pyramid. Previous spots have been available for purchase in bunkers in Arizona, Texas and elsewhere, but this one is the only privately-owned bunker of its kind on the East Coast, according to the realtor. The energy shields role is to divide the room, like a wall, from the rest of the cavity in the mountain and also to protect from exterior bad influences, said Cezar, making me return from my thoughts. $980,000. I know this is going to be a very controversial subject and I'm sure that the Vatican records and this knowledge would cause huge problems and damage to the Christian church. Back then, no one knew what was in the big hall that was protected by the energetic shield. A gentle smile was etched on his delicate and ancient face. The lessons were easy and yet extremely upsetting due to their content. I don't think he was higher than 1.70 meters and this is why, many times, he wasn't visible in the crowd. It was discovered by chance over 20 years ago, when it was decided in a village called Scaieni to plant apple trees. BLOGS: Newspapers also published articles related to such. Thats all Ive had to say! I apologise in advance for such a lengthy page but some things cannot be explained in a few sentences. The people from the Pentagon couldnt understand why the tunnel turned in a sort of zigzag pattern towards the central zone of the mountain, nor the significance of the twenty-six degree angle of the construction. I saw him stop and turn a bit to the right where several persons stood. The Chelonoidis hoodensis inhabit the island of Espanola in the Galapagos and Diego was so prolific with mating that he brought about an entire population increase for . Two parallel slots were situated in the middle of the panel. Elisabeth Hoekstra has given us an amazing recipe for obtaining an elevated consciousness. How did you manage to get inside? I asked Cezar, affected by the intensity of the feeling that the image gave me. Billy Carson Interviews Dr. Steven Greer Declassified UFO's by 4biddenknowledge Podcast 4 4 Well, this is embarrassing! What's in store for SF Bay Area's economy post-pandemic? In his lifetime he had published over 300 scientific papers and held 52 patents. General Obadea came and touched with only one finger the invisible surface of the barrier; and even if nothing serious happened to him, he still had a feeling of vertigo and nausea. All of the events I described to you have occurred since last week. It was as if they filmed for a very long time through a very slow process and then played back the image at high speed. Macklin said legendary advice to American Indians was to seek the lost city in an area within a chain of hills forming "the frog of a horses hoof." Their city is laid out like a lizard, according to the legend, its tail to the southwest, far below Fifth and Hope streets, its head to the northeast, at Lookout and Marda streets. Furthermore in the beginning there weren't many people on the way to his crucifixion. I have a mission. March 11, 1947. They are, in the final analysis, the people who power our drive for lasting customer satisfaction, sustained financial performance and increasing shareholder value. After saving money from his first job, Carson started his entrepreneurial career by investing in digital car stereo and started their wholesale. It is mind-blowing and almost unbelievable for the condition and mentality of the present individual, but this explains many enigmatical aspects in humankinds history, aspects about the incredible longevity of some important figures; and it also clarifies the hidden intentions of the Masonic elite.. This Journal is going help break any negative subconscious programming in your mind, Raise your frequency vibration, and help you manifest the life you truly desire! In a way, he underlined that what happened then was just like what he was about to say in his parable. The three dimensionally colored images were perfect and very big, almost two and a half meters high. I understood that he already knew the course of the story. "I truly enjoyed this book, it has some great eye-opening information with the references so you can continue on yours. PSD_F-61-3_Basement PSD-F-61-3_Family Shelter Designs (Part 3 of 8), PSD-F-61-3_Basement Concrete Block Shelter. It was to this end that, in 1938, five SS officers were sent on an expedition to Tibet. Neither one of us had ever seen anything like that. Can new evidence build an understanding for the unexplainable? The woman looked at him troubled because she hasn't mentioned anything about this and then started to cry. The city underground was dug as a means of escaping future fires. Our mission is to provide a safe haven for 115 members in our coop underground shelter community. In 1947 Miguel Serrano headed to Antarctica and then in 1953 he travelled to Mount Kailash to, in his words find the entrance to Mount Kailash. Once they arrived, Mister Ilie shows us around the orchard: "Everywhere are the tombs of the giants. The living room and kitchen is shown inside one of the luxury doomsday apartments in the upper level of the bunker. Billy Carson is the founder and CEO of 4BiddenKnowledge Inc, the Best Selling Author of The Compendium Of The Emerald Tablets and Woke Doesn't Mean Broke. Of all things, he asked the judge for a Jolly Rancher, while in court. There was a lot of dust and then Christ fell to his knees, head down, brought down by the weight of the log he was carrying. They withdrew from the crowd to talk and I saw that the Roman showed Jesus some papers with a seal. Billy Carson is married to Evelyn, and there is no idea about when they met and got married. Besides the exploration of the tunnel to Egypt, he has also travelled through the second tunnel and towards the center of the Earth. When I zoomed into the nuclear area, the image caught one of the atoms but it became unstable and blocked. It doesn't matter when you read it everything presented here is timeless. He motions me to sit down in one of the chairs. But this one was built for our height. Cezar told me to step forward. I do not think there exists a human term that can describe it in any detail with justice! I know the tiny Home thing is a hot topic for many - this looks just how tine some folks are Asia-Off-Grid submitted a new resource: I saw a display of three huge tunnel entrances: one right in front and the other two symmetrically on each side. The giant and almost scary entrances of the three enigmatic tunnels in the mountain wall were the only areas left to explore beyond the square I was still standing on. Massini promised ultra sophisticated U.S. military technology to achieve breakthrough into the first energy barrier. Soon we arrive at a large building that is a type I have never seen before. I saw how big streams of water, like giant rivers, appeared from everywhere inside of the territory that now includes the entirety of Romania, a big part of Hungary and the Ukraine, flowing towards the mountains and the Transylvania Platform. Earthly forces of power and greed forever He talks a lot about genes (DNA as we have now discovered). "It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society. In the distance is a large shimmering city pulsating with rainbow hues of color. Wondo55 is definitely a rapper who is focused on his success. It begs the reader to ask many more questions, and this is exactly how the original Romanian edition of the book, entitled The Enemy Within, ended. Justin's inspiration for writing this book is the desire to help people be the co-creators of their lives, the desire to open readers up to new knowledge, and his passion for creating a more positive world. Mr. Carson also helped fund the building of the rock climbing wall in the youth center. According to the statements of Professor Constantin Badger, Romania is crossed by an extensive network of artificial tunnels. Yet, there it is! He has helped me learn more about subjects such as ancient civilizations, remote viewing and investing. A vessel like an ancient amphora, about half a meter high, was in front of the dome. The key was to follow the holographic projection from beginning to end and then calculate how many platonic years (of approximately 26,000 years each) are thus marked out. The delicate cables were extremely flexible and light, and inside you could see small bright impulses that would slide along their whole length. The General told me that he had never seen such a rush and panic among diplomats. [img]. Towards the end of Volume III, the author describes his attempts to make use of the time machine. [7][8][9][10], Billy Carson has been featured in several media outlets including Inc, Entrepreneur, Thrive Global, Yahoo, HuffPost, and others. We then went further and towards the end of the room. When the Bible was written the vocabulary was much smaller than it is now. It is truly unbelievable that what is considered to have really happened is mostly a lie. Welcome to 4Biddenknowledge.TV created and funded by CEO Billy Carson. I talked with both our scientists and the American ones who seemed to know something about it., They told me that, in its pure form, it strongly stimulated certain energetic flows and exchanges at the cellular level and particularly at the neuronal one. It is through this epiphany of self-knowledge that we can truly begin to understand our true nature and do the shadow work needed to climb out of the abyss. He then added something amazing by telling him to return immediately where he came from because there was a malfunction and he was in great danger. I did what he asked me right away and a huge holographic image appeared in front of me. This section of events is not described nor remembered in any text. In 2019 he enrolled in Harvard University to pursue a course in Ancient Civilization. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. From the manipulation of gravitational fields to the electromagnetic ties of consciousness, professionals agree most ancient megaliths are aligned with frequency nodes, much like planetary chakra points. How can they find the helicopter but not find the bodies with it? "I bid you welcome to our domain, Admiral." Only long afterwards, I think two or three weeks later and in a completely different place, when only those close to him and a few other persons were present, was he reminded of that parable which he had begun and was asked to continue. Specifically, his space agency is involved in research and development of alternative propulsion systems and zero point energy devices.

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billy carson underground city