crazy days and nights harry styles

This very tall and very big former A+ list NBA player, hemmed and hawed about paying for the damage done to a car by one of his children. It was mostly devoted to cataloging the misdeeds and illegal activities of mostly terminally online people, but sometimes included celebrities. J, yes i do believe Diana was a virgin. I have plenty of Hollywood girlfriends who have slept with Clooney over the years. First of all, it is well known that Charles and Andrew can't stand each other. HRC's sudden, recent glowing IG post re: MM straight out of left field would back this theory up. i thought it was just taking a nab at Will's looks, he is looking a lot like Elton John these days. WHO IS PAYING SS? Now that would be a chunnel. Considering how much he has talked about PizzaGate, it is pretty fitting that this talking head was busted for sex trafficking because of a pizza box. The wealthy farmer knows the reason for his divorce, but chose to totally blow it off while giving his reasons why he divorced. It is considered to be the world's largest collection of child porn, but no one seems scared to posses it. I think Enty is just throwing a lot of stuff at the wall and seeing what sticks.The idea of Sarah being as involved with Epstein as Andrew is - that's not new. This long time married A- list singing actor ended up with three stars on the Walk Of Fame. A blue eyed person only has two recessive blue genes. Someone actually trying to play the Wills is the son of King J Carlos'? I'm sure the royal courtiers watch the succession issues. He believes the Rose Hanbury episode was blown out of proportion by the media. So, likely true. Hahahahahahahaha, this has Sunshine Sachs fingerprints ALL.OVER.IT. They were the strongest and smartest (yes perhaps most brutal) of their tribe.They didn't just win a contest or something. I know Rose, who is a very personable, friendly person and I doubt it was ever more than flirting. What better way for his manager to cash in then, by taking a commission on the sale of a music catalog of the singer. (Yeah, and Enty swore Clooney would never marry.) William not the son of Charles? The whole lot needs to be dumped. It will time to coincide with the release of her memoirs next year? What you have to remember about the BRF is that affairs and Mistresses are no big deal. Harry looks like a red headed Spencer, like her father, brother and sisters. This blind, while some of it believeable, is too obviouswell, except for this part: "The boss is aware of all of the above and is happy to let A (aka Wallis A's last name is what she is being called)"Can we at least finish the sentence, or are we supposed to guess that, too? Kind of like those questions on exams if A,then B, etc.The Queen needs to acknowledge that Andy is a vile person. It's bizarre. O.W.M with a regal crest denoting pies and the British pound symbol! No racism If unsure if you're doing #2, refer to #1. FWIW, Markle's PR machine has gone into overdrive over the past week or so.There's just been a new infusion of cash into her publicity campaign at Sunshine Sachs, the very powerful PR firm, so she's getting weird statements of support from people like Mia Farrow.Also, Ellen DeGeneres has gone all in, insisting that she has "held and played with" Meg's rarely-photographed son Archificial during a trip to the UK. I thought what a strange question and answer. "The boss is aware of all of the above and is happy to let A (aka Wallis A's last name is what she is being called) "Happy to let A what? Notice how Smeghan is the one who comes out relatively clean in this? The "As It Was" singer, 28, wrapped his . Think about it. Ellen also has connections to Sunshine Sachs:, if you really want to give us some good Royal gossip, tell us who's paying for Sunshine Sachs. Gotta love the boyband Stans. Agree with Unknown up there, this blind throws everyone under the bus, (except MM) including Harry. Traditionally Mexicans have been at the mercy of alcohol buyers,but Heifer International has brought financial equity to Mexican producers. The talk show host thinks that one of his best friends was thrown under the bus by the other host and has been trash talking the other host to anyone in the media who will print it. Yeah, Brayson. He's the black sheep of the family. I see the SS bots have been let out of the asylum. Zara & Mike look too happy together so it must be W&K. Listen here: Amazon Mu. I.E> DaVinci Code, etc. It is astonishing to me that people will simply take the fact that they are both redheads and run with it. Are the commoners to believe that these women fell in love with these men? Diana states herself that Charles did his best on their honeymoon and she rather fell in love with him then. It's dinner. Even the older faction saw this as inevitable. Interesting choice.If I wanted to hide a slow inbred kid I'd probably choose Alabama. I have not laughed this hard over one of your blinds in ages.Once I stop laughing, I will put pen to paper and assign names to the alphabet soup of deliciousness. Not the beedy close-set blue eyes, the bump on the nose or the character of the ears? Wait William is actually not Charlies son? This is a hoot! Wait until they find out what he has been doing to their daughters and t. Blind Item #12. I see paranoia here.I see people labeling and pointing at other contributors. It was Diana speaking to someone very candidly about her marriage after it was over, and it spent years in litigation before it was released 2 years ago, in time for the 20th Anniversary of Diana's death. A family member of mine married a wealthy family around the same time Di did and was also checked to see if her hymen was intact. How dare you try to out him! If one disagrees with your beliefs they simply MUST be "Meghan's PR"? Aug 7, 2021. Absolute rubbish. The daughter he had behind Anne's back is a vet in New Zealand and is absolutely lovely, people say.Kate knew loyalty would not be one of William's traits - she said as much to Chelsea one time (that it comes with the territory). Have you kept your goal/resolution you made for 2022? If you believe that he is a womaniser then I am not sure you have paid much attention to him or what he has said and done. @emerald cityWhy do you say, "No doubt" Charles is William's father? H (William) was conceived soon after Diana and Charles married, and Diana was still in love/infatuated with Charles. Crazy Days and Nights (, commonly referred to as CDAN) has been around for over a decade and garners millions of page views per months. I mean why would a business partnership blow up because of Harry Styles? Charles never loved her. It really helped keep her at the top of the box office. So Fergie hopes to remarry Andrew huh? Harry may not resemble Charles but he's a ringer for his grandfather. I think I know..he dances around it. Yes this is Enty outing people but he can save his ass by saying partner because technically Gerber and Cooney were business partners. A MarkleB Andrew C FergieD EugenieE PhilipForeign TV Show-60 Minutes Australia F AnneG HarryH Edward H Wife Sophie, I messed the last two up. Get in touch & Follow us. Search Crazy Days and Nights. I hereby certify her a Total Jackass. a girl arrived (Diana herself said this). Not just that but Markle stole Eugenies original wedding date by rushing Harry to marry her by lying about being pregnant. Look at that nose of his! Having poor facial recognition is a bona fide condition that you clearly are afflicted with. I also saw on deuxmoi that madeline might be leaving the show because of her rise to fame and her and chases breakup drama and was wondering if there was any truth to that in crazy days and nights Their vocabulary is great, but the syntax is sh!t. @ Count, ass off, dance off on pay per view! As many problems as this three named rapper has in her past when it comes to drinking to excess, she still hasn't stopped getting drunk. This A list comic/sometime actor paid for IVF for his mistress and when she got pregnant, he left his wife. So, say, Charles I's role as monarch and entanglements with Parliament were quite comparable to those of the current Queen? #3 - This now dead A- list actress who was the offspring of two people equally as high on the list, a stripper and this A list actor/director who was much younger than the actress. the ideal??? Oh wow this is a big one,i don't know what to say.. Presley is such a handsome kid, but that tattoo is a major headslapper. We are FREE to have & share opinions, even if they differ from yours. I expect to see a lot more blinds like this from them. be aware these could be inaccurate #harrystyles #fyp #theory #blinditem #crazydaysandnights, deserved #harrystyles #loveontour #loveontourla #residency15 #hslotlanight15 #hslotla #harrystylesvids #harrystylestiktok #thekiaforumisharryshouse #harrystyleslive og video cr to: canceledrry, thinking about this day and night. His 2nd album,, was launched on December 13, 2019. Following the Restoration in 1660 and the reestablishment of the monarchy, the Royal Family has apparently been careful to remain apolitical ever since. Some just really, really love tattoos. I do not think sexuality should be a "free pass" if a celebrity opens up his/her world to public dating if it it heterosexual relationship but not homosexual. The trades have been told to ignore the flop that is the one named movie with the biblical connotation. The Meghan Markle leaks wouldn't stick if there wasn't "there, there." Speaking of the actor in #11, he was once set to star opposite a long time A- list singing actress who had multiple gold records and was his long time mistress. Their ancestors earned their place. Studio54, I highly doubt it. Apparently, her kids were scared when they first saw her. There have always been whispers that Andrew looks like L. Porchester/Porchie. @Daryl last night I was addressing your comment about Harry being the Queen's favorite grandchild. This former A+/A list singer doesn't like to discuss his dating life because then he can't date five people at once. He looks just like Prince Philip when Phil was young. Is the expose coming out a week before the theatrical premier then? Shoo, fly. DL homesexuals ruin families, contribute to childhood sexual molestation, preventable STDs and more. This singer/reality star/actress who is always a victim, has been putting out feelers to this late night actor. Her eggs are cooked. Cousins are no big deal. Certain members of this reality family have been trying to plant incriminating documents and photos on a man, so a different member of the reality family has a better chance of getting out of jail. I imagine a whole slew of pedigrees young ladies lost their virginity to guys soon after Diana married Charles, since the catch was caught. There are more technical references available, but this one was an easy Google: "If both of you have brown eyes, then there is generally a 25% chance that the baby will have blue eyes if both of you carry the recessive blue-eye gene." C (on again/off again ex of B and apparently at least once orally serviced the dead pedophile) is still livid about various grudges relating to A's pregnancy announcement and D's (offspring of B&C who spent time with the pedophile, but not as much as D's sibling) wedding. Even the rumours about Harry's supposed father are BS. Crazy Days and Nights: Blind Items Revealed #4 Monday, April 25, 2022 Blind Items Revealed #4 April 18, 2022 Very interesting that as soon as a blind was written about the foreign born former A list boy bander and some company he was keeping, the girlfriend shows up 24 hours later for pictures. And remember the queens uncle had to abdicate the throne for his choice. This Hewitt rumor is so tiresome. These royals at the top have pathetically cossetted lives, having footman to dress them, hand everything to them, living in castles, never having to clean up or cook for themselves, travelling by private jet, NEVER GETTING FIRED, means they NEVER die. It is then up to the readers, who Enty. I keep waiting for some science to show us that the royal bloodlines really are special ergo they have the divine right to rule. And it was well known the qualifications were high. Re:, waiting for jerk Prince Phillp to die, so Perv and Fergie can have a sham remarriage. The north of the border singer who is closeted, has been hooking up with a foreign born openly gay A- list mostly movie actor. If he does have a love child why hasnt the Queen and PC reigned him and Sparkles in yet, youd think theyd be over his antics! He wears a coat by Martine Rose, a Margaret Howell cable-knit sweater, and checked Marni pants. If you ever have a proper conversation with him, youd also realise that he is not a contender for brain of Britain. You share it with the rest of us & we all get to feel & say what we want. @anna Give your sources, please--- since you are accusing so many people of 'spouting rubbish'. Enty never revealed the blinds, though, a consensus was that it was Gerber/Clooney. In addition to accurately reported information, certain situations, characters and events portrayed in the Blog are either products of the authors imagination or are used fictitiously. Daryl, I see no articles confirming that Rose Hanbury and her husband have divorced, or even separated. @nutty flavorI strongly disagree. Ugh, so many people spouting rubbish here - a true example of Chinese whispers if I ever did see one @unknown - (you're the exception) - in response to your question, it could be Hanks or Spielberg - both are evil. What does Harry has to do in this story? Marrying girls with a past is no big deal. I would also look to A as the source of the rumours regarding G's brother and sister in law. puffy and baldHe has too much of the windsor overbite to not be his fathers son, It still amazes me how so many people think MM has the power and influence to do half of what you think she is doing. Thank you for that distinction and correction.QEII still thinks it was ok to ride next to her pervert son the day after Epstein allegedly committed suicide, to "church", and that is OK? I encourage others to do research to come to own opinion.The art I create and any opinions shared in this space, are protected under my right to express peacefully and aligned with YouTube policy guidelines. If you would like to be included, you have just three more chances. Is he the tequila whisperer or something? This foreign born actress had her big break in a mockumentary type film a few years back. #1 - This foreign born permanent A list singer who actually was part of a group long ago, his last ex-wife and this A list mostly movie actor who is an Oscar winner/nominee and many decades younger than the singer. She's just waiting until William and the kids are out of town. Harry is said to have introduced Olivia - who shares a seven-year-old son named Otis and a five-year-old daughter named Daisy with ex-boyfriend Jason Sudeikis, 46 - to his own mother, Anne . The firm has known for some time that Harry was duped, but Harry is obstinate and maybe still in denial. Harry Styles/George Clooney/Rande Gerber. With family bills due, the time for fun and games and real love is over, and the barely there celebrity offspring of a former reality star from multiple shows is out earning a living yachting. This foreign born actor is a superhero. Might I ask you a question, besides me, who are you a big fan of? I've never heard anything about Charles not being Will's father, kind of doubt that. Andrew fiddled kids but let's pay attention to ol' Mego. We allow third-party companies to serve ads and/or collect certain anonymous information when you visit our web site. H is prince William - he looks so much like George V ( his great grandfather) as he ages! 3,282 followers. How long do you leave your holiday decorations up? Who cares? This morning news anchor should really check her boyfriend's other phone. Popular Posts from the last 30 days. It's allowed. I noticed this for the first time at his wedding - it was mind blowing how much the resemblance is!! I think the wish for a another royal baby is coming up much from higher up to regain the focus on William and Kate, who rarely puts a foot wrong, instead of Harry and his wayward wife. GEOFF ROBINS/AFP/Getty Images. The one that possibly put the lie to all of them is Fergie servicing Epstein. Or something like that. William has Dianas face and Charles ears and hairline. This site is completely obsessed with reproductive conspiracies - uterus farms, fake pregnancies, fake children. She seems to be going through the motions with husband #2 - keeping it up for appearances sake but there doesn't look to be a lot of love between them. As for putting a foot wrong, what do you call all the intentional flashing she did on her downunder tour a few years back? She really didnt fall out of love for a while after that. February 18, 2023"We need to change her color for the reshoot. Damn, this Epstein stuff has been rough. A wife having a discreet lover is no big deal. So the only Royal child not embedded in controversy is Prince Edward. They own a tequila company with a few others. Apparently it was part of their deal. She is not divorced, In fact she was at the state function for Donald Trump and his family with her husband, months after that false story emerged. Maybe Enty outs people who are sadistic ? Google, as a third party vendor, uses cookies to serve ads on your site. The problem is there are so many films of so many weekend sex sessions and none of them are labeled. It is a great little anecdote but at the most, this A- list actress offspring of someone who was once higher on the list, skipped drinking for one night before a shoot. There is no intention to deceive or mislead anyone under any false pretenses.Unless created as original art work using my artistic expression from my brain, any third party references that are incorporated into content are from the public domain. I am NOT surprised, at any of this.truth. Please, rosie, don't get us into moderation again. Harry Styles is a man of many talents, but he's also known for his bold fashion choices. @J, Only if the two half-princes are doing an eiffel tower and they must high five. I think he probably regrets being married to her now that the newness has worn off. Published on September 22, 2022 10:35 AM. Mom in bed with models. Dunno but he has a really high forehead! Crazy Days and Nights: Blind Item #2 No personal attacks on other commenters. Meghan, is as good as dead meat now for putting this out there. Thats a lie. Can somebody explain it to me? The rest all have money problems. "No, I didnt dare (ask him about it). Harry Styles sold out Madison Square Garden for 15 consecutive nights and he now has the banner to prove it! He has blocked the actress and her phone numbers from all his phones. Idiot. Speaking of missing people, this foreign born singer has a long history of heroin use and disappearing for months long stretches. OK, maybe Diana wasn't. Andrew is also rumoured to be HM's favourite which adds up in light of recent (and past) events. Since the reformation? What were they both laughing about? The dates don't add up. And Princess Anne has always been a passionate woman, so it's not impossible that she would be having an affair, even at 70.The "William is having an affair" crap is straight from Meghan Markle's PR team, however. I think the writer got the parentage if G and H mixed up. While the family is throwing mud at MM to keep Andy out of the spotlight, the Clintons are another main suspect in Epstein's murder, (along with the BRF) so to keep them under wraps requires Andy to remain in the headlines. Diana, as was many other girls from the "right breeding" were kept very socially isolated to be an option for marriage to him.of course her family learned from her sister. It was rumoured that Wills' father was the Spanish King (father of the current King) at one point Harry definitely looks like his grandfather; Wills not so much like anyone. #harrystyles #harryshouse #hshq #hslot2023 #loveontour2023 #harrystylesvids #harrystyleslive #harrystylesconcert #harrystylesedits #kiaforumisharryshouse #hslotla, I have strong evidence to belive i am madeline mcann, jake paul tommy fury younger dancing call me maybe, What is your 12 digit customer number on metro bank. To the QAnon deluded, it's pretty much the same thing. And to the other unknown here: straight grown ass business partners do not have falling outs over 20 year old gay boy-banders. Not encouraging news for her image, if true. These companies may use non-personally identifiable information (e.g., click stream information, browser type, time and date, subject of advertisements clicked or scrolled over) during your visits to this and other Web sites in order to provide advertisements about goods and services likely to be of greater interest to you. I didnt quite get it since I dont really have any strong feelings about any of the royals, I just like the gossip. It's said that Kate is yearning for a fourth child but William isn't so sure (it certainly wouldn't be a good look considering he lectured everyone about the world's over-population a short time back).A story is being shopped about Meghan's daughter, who is in her early 20s. Source: Crazy Days and Nights Harry Styles Gucci's Harry Styles ad slammed as he poses in teddy bear shirt next to toddler mattress Gucci is facing backlash for its ad with Harry Styles. Must be a PR move. People with brown eyes can produce blue eyed children. @P15, There's always the loophole, it is the country that invented the word "buggering" after all. The marijuana feline is back hanging out with her racist friends online, but now she is a moderator and controls the conversations. Bullshit @Ann. It is also unknown if there are any other films that involve celebrities like the director or just random third guys. Does that make me an adulterer? One would have to be mentally slow to believe this much shite all in one go. This is clearly all MMs PR, come on now Enty. So, Fergie who sucked off Epstein once is leaking all the shit about Markle in revenge for the pregnancy announcement at Eugenies wedding.Kate wants another baby but cant bear to sleep with cheating William. Oh, she doesn't know about the other phone? ! only thought, besides I genuinely think JP believes what he says: is for the female womb? Don't know. Ghislaine Maxwell introduced Andrew to Koo Stark -so the Queen is wrong to blame Fergie for the Epstien connection. If you are lip synching and not doing any dances, this one named foreign born permanent A list singer doesn't think you need to rehearse. Email your photo to, Blind Items Revealed #8 - Old Hollywood - Mr. X, Blind Items Revealed #7 - Old Hollywood - Mr. X, Blind Items Revealed #6 - Old Hollywood - Mr. X, Random Photos Part One - With Lots Of Reader Photos, Random Photos Part One - With Reader Photos. I thought maybe it was some sort of regal designation, but apparently it just means overweight Markle. I would say the opposite and that that narrative has been firmly pushed by the media and PR. Plus the part about a doctor checking her. Rumours have been around forever re:Harry but Will?? yes - Wills is Diana all over, but look at the serious face and compare. Check out pictures of Philip in his younger years, when he was in the navy and had a beard and compare them to Harry. The CEO of one of the world's largest banks is going to have to sit for a deposition about why he personally intervened and allowed the dead billionaire pedophile to keep operating and moving money across borders without any repercussions or forms sent to the government. Cant wait for Executioner Phillip to leave this earth. this is about a fourth. +1 J, It would be like believing everyone that said they were a virgin. He always refused to orally service other men because someone told him it would damage his throat and he wouldn't be able to sing. I don't imagine anyone who ever heard he speaking without seeing who it was thought they were listening to a man. What purpose do they serve? This alliterate reality star is taking Rogaine, but her hair is destroyed forever and it is only a matter of time before she is bald. This was a fun blind! I'm gonna put two and two together and conclude that she "serviced" him for $$$$ (well-known that he paid off some of her debts), and that he was too repulsed to go there again.Edward is definitely gay. Maybe the Clintons. Speaking of the singer in #3, there were of course all the rumors about her being HIV+ back in the day, but the blind people refer to thinking it is her, is not. When they were interviewed on engagement, he was asked if he loved her and he said, yes, whatever that means." eugenie/Beatrice with Epstein Prince Harry Ginge(G)And Andrews sister-is it Princess Anne? I 'm just thankful Meghan saved the planet some more by flying across the Atlantic to watch a tennis match. Users may opt out of the use of the DART cookie by visiting the Google ad and content network privacy policy. G (Harry) was conceived during Dianas friendship with James Hewitt and looks remarkably like him. Harry has the Windsor super close-set eyes just like his father Charles and his grandmother the Queen. JL, I agree with you except think its probably true given Fergies access to brf & also the blackmail potential. When a person lives their life on the edge of pretend, the truth according to them, can be anything they want.If Enty posted a video of receiving this blind in person from Fergie, Andrew, or Eugenie; I would still not believe it in its entirety as stated. Of course, look at who she stayed married to for about 1000 years. When your carer arrives today, make sure they get you out for some air. This brings to mind Bill Clintons earnest under oath testimony that he did not have sex with that woman. Spoiler alert: he did have oral sex with her.What the truth is, and what people choose to swear to, are two very separate things. Much of the vitriol and leaks about A (alliterate one) are coming from B's (pedophile and lover of them) camp. Follow @Entylawyer +1 Aquagirl. This comment has been removed by the author. -It is a well known fact that Diana maintained close male friendships thru out her marriage. She did not agree to a public life like the BRF and MM, or even Doria.---@JL That is false. They can only pass along a blue gene but that can be overshadowed by receiving a brown gene from the other parent. Clooney and Gerber are business partners. Sophie (who is an absolute biarch by the way), knew what she was getting into there.Anne is having a fling with a younger man? This content is strictly for education and entertainment. JL go back & study genealogy. 'Styles waves a rainbow flag at his concert's and claim he's not straight'. She said that was "the help", nothing. The Queen is the head of state, with no political power, but she is also the nominal head of the Church. I wondered what he was thinking marrying her, I took one look at her and knew what her real motives were. This blind sure does sound like The Aristocrats. Markle, Andrew, Ferguson, Eugenie, Phillip, Anne, Henry, William. I think it's obvious what is implied here. She was chosen due to her family breeding/pedigree and nativity. Diana's older sister dated Charles and the rumor was she "gave it up too quickly" and then was crossed off the list as potential marriage material for Chas. Well, with that elitism, obviously not the new People's Princess as she hopes to be. Great catch @MZ. Harry's Twitter name is @Harry _ Styles. Clooney is gay as fuck, everyone knows this, not that there's anything wrong with it. There was a story a while back as to how when he walked into a room of family members that had less rank that should have stood up and either bowed and courtesy that no one even acknowledge him. With the new rabid dog PR team in place for her, this marriage is over.I also agree with Nutty. Or just the 12hrs you're on here? Personally I doubt Kate is serious about a third child. This celebrity fugitive/awful person has locals ready to kill him. So is Harry Styles some biz whiz? With the father of her baby facing serious jail time for shooting a man, this foreign born one named A list singer wrote a big check to the person who was shot, to keep him from pursuing his case for the next few months. Someone did a progression of MM and her early boyfriend and the result is an uncanny depiction of MMs niece, who does deserve to be left out of it. I am conflicted though by the "outing" process. Remember all of the blinds about Clooney and young boys? Claudette Colbert/RKO Pictures/Nancy Davis/Ronald Reagan. And it was 1981. Harry was born in September, 1984, and Diana didn't hook up with Hewitt until 1986. J, I love your comment! All Diana gave him was his coloring and the fuller mouth. I wouldn't be surprised if it was Charles that instructed Harry and MM to announce we are pregnant right in the middle of Eugenie's engagement after being told it was okay to have the venue she had previously chosen. They are the alpha land owning males on planet Earth. Ridiculous. They don't actually care about her, but just the fame boost. Your daily dose of blind items from CDAN and other sources. At least they've upgraded from the bots. And a DUI. Itd freak the f out of me, too.

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crazy days and nights harry styles