dean domino console commands

She might need to hold some place where speaking isn't important. Wait, you were trying to smuggle one inside? It's the last place anyone wants to stand when this event goes off. [SUCCEEDED] {Reluctant, convincing}Well yeah. The player cannot return to the Madre without using console commands (such as tcl to reach the portal to the Madre beneath the radio). NVDLC01DeanTheaterToSelfPlayerHatedTopic01. More vicious than music critics, trust me. Sierra Madre He's referring to the "handprint" symbol he left for himself as clues to where he placed them. {Beat, shrugs}Even if they don't, they still might. When you first meet him, theres a speech or barter check. I planned it lifetimes ago. Get Dean to the Puesta del Sol south rooftop. So watch your mouth, you don't scare me. The Vault - Fallout Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Don't have much use for them myself, not worth the risk to get them. Initiates mail routing with a specific Domino server. Got to say this for Sinclair, he sure knew how to keep things locked down, the tight-assed prick. {Uncertain of controls}Is is this thing on? Forced to stand and wait in a dangerous area, but confident in the player. A bit. You didn't have to switch on those Holograms, and you did. {Dean, irritated that the player is still alive, taunts his/her resolve.}. {Quiet, to himself}This crouching's hell on my knees. {Beat, under his breath}And when my part plays, no cracking jokes - that was the hairstyle back then, all right? Eh wait, so you're not just slow, you're screwy, too? . {Frowns, remembers player doesn't know this}Right, look - so, not everything about the Villa was the pinnacle of bright ideas. Welcome to the IBM Domino 10.0.1 Administrator Help. Lighting? Not worth my time. {Slight exasperation, as if he's thought about this a lot, then tries to recall Hamlet quote}Friend "there's more mysteries in heaven and earth" wait, no, "there is more between heaven and earth" oh, forget it. Dean will give his safe key, and entertainer pass, to Player.>. I can take a chump like you even if I didn't have eight lives lined up behind me, and a rising soundtrack. Use this documentation to install the IBM Domino server and subsequently deploy the IBM Notes client. Use this topic as an overview of planning task. [SUCCEEDED] What? Hands are clean, then smooth sailing to the Sierra Madre. Misc stats Just sit there on my little casting couch - more a chair, really, but I prefer up-and-comers to relax when I interview them. I mean, it's a little small and hey, watch the hands in there, I remember where I left {emph}everything, got it? It is easy, in fact. It's perfectly logical with his character. And during Strike Up the Band you cannot say any speech option or regular dialogue option that is threatening of him. {Sarcastic}We're not going to find a doctor on call at this hour, trust me. This heist? That place during Spring, Summer, and Fall, a little bit in Winter, is a prime resort spot for Ghost People. My advice? Let's get out of here those speakers on the wall are making my nerves do a dance. {Looking around}Sinclair's little surgery carts. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! Must have been Sinclair's security he always had a thing about letting any threats into the casino. {Beat}Or sucker. {Choosing his words carefully, the locals are, well, zombies}"Alive's" a tricky word. Just one last little job, a little less dirty, a little less messy. What makes you think you can slip out? {Frowns, looking around}Don't even know how I ended up here guess the casino still recognizes guests even after all this time, huh? Dean Domino turns hostile In the quest Strike Up the Band, Dean Domino turns hostile and attacks me after I turn on the 2 holograms and convince him to remain and connect the wires. {Beat, a little wary}Yeah, I did bring her in. I may be a betting man, but I like it when the odds are in our favor. {Emph}You're the dumb one, waltzing in here without realizing who the headliner is. If by "recording inside" you meant Christine, she's dead. Might be the Holograms nearby. Used to have my name in lights, all right? {Beat}Heh, almost got you killed there. Walk through into the hole in the wall and the terminal is directly in front of the player character. *game trains you to constantly skill check everything*. . He was the one with the problem. Appearances Dialogue Can't say I like it much. {Relieved to see a familiar face}You partner, are you a sight for sore eyes. Nor did his desire for freedom: Dean has killed several victims Elijah tried to use to crack the Sierra Madre, in order to examine the workings of their collars and figure out a way to remove his own.[6]. Although it's odd, the bomb collars weren't linked before like they are now. Some left signposts to others, trying to help them out - just led to them getting killed by someone a little more greedy than they were. {Snorts}How's that for history. You, you're trapped down there, and you couldn't shut off the speakers, unlock the doors, or cancel security if you tried. Song and dance might work better than what I've got. You? {Beat}Well yeah, that's pretty good protection. The Pull command forces a one-way replication from the specified server to your server. Still there's a way to recover the song from the Sierra Madre archives, right? Dbcache Disable Disables the database cache when you need exclusive access to a file in it. Might reset security, worth a shot. {Sizing place up, liking it}Might be a nice place to hole up for a while. They catch you, they drag you into the Cloud, and you're not coming back out. Vera Keyes (pre-War) Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! Do you know specifically where? {Narration}The heist he spent over two hundred years planning fell apart, just as the first, by underestimating his partner's strength. {Uneasy}Sure does like to make a presentation wish he'd keep it down, or else the Ghost People are going to swarm the gates, Vera Hologram or no. {Frowns}What, weren't you listening? It's curtains for Dean. "Dog?" And if you got in here, the door's probably locked tight behind you - so {emph}don't back up or run for the exit, you're not going to make it. {Whistles softly, appreciating}Now, {emph}there's a view. All right, you're good. {Narration}Its sights, sounds and casinos, ripe for the taking. {Smug}I'm not a betting man, I've come too far to leave it to chance. {Mutters}Didn't come all this way to get conned by some tourist. {Nervous}Look just get rid of them, all right? As for getting it to the projection booth Well sometimes Vera used to watch from the projection booth, so she must have had a master key look around her room, might be there. [SUCCEEDED] {Impressed}Sounds like you've done some blue collar construction work in your life, your Ma must be proud. {Beat}Well not really. I found some medical records in the Villa Clinic. For now. If re-connecting the speakers is part of the Gala Event, yes. NVDLC01DeanTheaterOpenConvoPlayerHatedBark. What happened, somebody something carve you up, or? If you were using Christine's voice box to smuggle Vera's voice in, she's dead. The Quit command stops the Domino server. {Already planning ahead, as if free and clear already}Once I kill you, exit stage left, and my collar will go quiet. {Smug, a little eager}Time for a little show - I'll just grab a seat and watch how this plays out from backstage. The Auto-Doc victim - what about her? Any reason you can't find your way there? {2nd Time Residential}Sure left a lot of traps around. I was playing through Dead Money, and after showing him the blackmail note you go down a dialogue path that ends up with you eventually engaging combat with him. Enter the vault and the door will seal behind you. All right, I'll break to my right, head for the locked door. {Doesn't like player}I'll hold up my end, don't you worry. I'm not one for church, but there's a bell tower to the north that has a nice view of the Sierra Madre. Assistance Use this information to improve IBM Domino server, Domino Web server, and messaging performance through the use of resource balancing and activity trends, Server.Load commands, advanced database properties, cluster statistics, and the Server Health Monitor. {Beat}Please. Not like I'm a coward or anything, I'm not running around town without an escort. . Really? Maybe she needs to be in some place where she can be seen, but being heard isn't important? I made other keys, too, to unlock the casino and ruin Sinclair, finally. 4. Not long after the Courier left the Villa, the lights in the, Dean Domino, entertainer, singer thief explored the Sierra Madre not long after he was rescued by the Courier. {Dean gets deadly serious here, his fear should foreshadow end of Act 2}Whatever we do - don't rile them up. Right now, let's focus on getting everyone {emph}else to safety, all right? Oh, sure, it'll be all sweetness and roses and when I say soothing music, I mean with the speakers being the state they are, things'll be screaming, all right. She was a classy woman, good singer, and if she couldn't act her way out of a box she was Sinclair's world, and that's all that mattered. {Beat, frowns}Well, so much for that idea. I don't think so. I'm not wearing my dancing shoes, so I walk a little softly now. Take everything in the room, including the 36 gold bars on the table to your right and the single gold bar on the overseer's desk. Come on, Dean, turning me to ash? Sounds like you need your hearing checked. Used to know a ventriloquist with more skill than you, at least he had the sense to know his own name without carving it into his chest. {Dean Dead: Narration, a little wistful at the memory}Dean Domino, entertainer, singer thief had his last show on the Sierra Madre stage. Displays a list of open databases on the server and detail information for the databases. What other items can you get out of the machines? I heard my necktie beeping, I know what that means - I'm part of this somehow. {Urgent}All right, now calm the audience down and let's go home. {Rueful}I call it a "Sierra Madre Martini.". Okay so when they were setting this place up we had rehearsals {relaxes a bit}and heh Sinclair even set up hologram recordings of the shows so we could watch and critique our performances before a fake audience. I put her in the Clinic, tuned her like an instrument. That is, if the Sierra Madre didn't get her. Forget this, let's focus on getting into the casino. Perfect, couldn't have worked out better. He built this place for her well, after the two "chanced" to meet. {In any interior}Breath of fresh air in here literally. A little sad, but what can you do? {Testing the waters}Damn shame, hate to think if someone put you in there. He vanishes into the stage's scaffolding/hallways to hide away from them - Holograms are on>. Hope you've got this one under control because he's giving me a nasty itch on my trigger finger. {little quieter}Probably won't tap-dance no more when you leave, but that's on you. What are you talking about? Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic (harassment, fighting, or rude) posts. " Dean Domino Strike Up the Band is a quest in the Fallout: New Vegas add-on Dead Money . Someone you need holding the toolbox, the nurse passing the scalpel, the chauffer driving you to the concert. The Set SCOS command activates or deactivates a shared mail database. Like he was doing the residents a favor. {Sarcastic}Tell you what - why don't you just find one of those Cosmic steak knives so I can slit my wrists, be less {emph}painful checking out that way. You're taking orders from me. {Impressed}That one's got a head on their shoulders. Reproduce the issue. {"You"}Woke up, confused, like some of the others. If the Courier opts to convince Dean to stay by making it safer for him, they will have to activate two holograms. What happened to the people who came to the Villa? And why that would bother him. {Frowns}I think. Nice. Displays the current value for a NOTES.INI setting. You can enter commands in the server console. Safely? I'll just wallflower it over here. In Order to avoid killing Dean, the player MUST agree with working for Dean in their initial meeting, otherwise the player will 'insult his ego'. You're the one who dragged me out of my apartment, so yeah, I'm keeping close. Role Fine, fine - don't want us both blowing up anyway. I know we're in a bad spot here just, uh, leave me something, all right? {Quiet, reflective}The Bomb. Oh, man nice job. {Confidentially}By the way, don't get up or make any sudden motions, no matter how uncomfortable that chair gets the cushion's just for show. {Slight confusion}I walk in there's a flash and I'm here. The Load command loads and starts a specified server task or program on the Domino server. {Grumbles}Should have blown up that seat cushion right when they sat down, would've been a better end than this. {Slight disgust/eager}Strike up the band already. Had to take him down a few pegs, bring him down to my level. Also, passing the Barter skill checks in his dialogues will turn him murderous later, as he takes the player's competence as a personal insult. Even after his life kept getting dragged through the dirt. Deactivate the security system and activate the computer on the desk. So the only chance I've got left is making sure you don't leave. Know anything about this Gala Event we're supposed to trigger? {Slightly irritated, still superior}Now, now that's {emph}my room. Inside the Sierra Madre when I found him later I had thought of choosing a different dialogue response, something less than nice, but never did, just preferred to be nice to everyone all the time (except Dog in the final conversation one time and that was one of those moments I thought I'd be dying and have to reload). Once I well, realized what you could scrounge up around here, I had a lot of time to experiment. xx0012FE Class Please re-enable javascript to access full functionality. Probably won't matter. Watch for Hologram security, not as nice as the lady at the fountain, trust me. {Likes PC}All right, I'll head out and see what I can do on my end. Once there, you'll need to shut it down, and I don't have the code. You want to live, I want what's in the Madre. Look - I need your help to get into the Sierra Madre. {Dean admonishes, cynically, player when he/she goes into Dean's old dressing room in the backstage of the Theater}. {Colder}Makes me think whatever you have to say isn't worth my time. Well, or get picked. Now, everybody and their mother can walk right in, thanks. Ready to die? Also meant the front gate was open, and no way was I missing it after all these years. Don't believe me? What, you need surgery done? Look, you could offer me a steel clad contract for a world tour of all major cities with Imperial Records, I still wouldn't stay here. {Salida/Puesta}{To himself, irritated}Ghost People. {Himself}Keep your head down, Dean, don't let the locals see you. Domino is a quick thinker, and is quite skilled with guns, specifically pistols, having spent some of his free time back in the pre-War days at the shooting range, and uses a knife for a sidearm. Where there's a bear trap, Ghost People aren't far behind. Male You're my guest. {Rolls eyes}Some crew we are we are never getting into the Sierra Madre. Not the best of neighborhoods. Why dirty my hands when the Sierra Madre can kill you for me? The linked collars is a new trick. So, find the music, get it to the projector room upstairs, then play it? {Encouraged}Hey, you're making real progress, good. If Christine's throat surgery was your plan, too late, she's dead. And the woman? NVDLC01DeanTheaterToSelfPlayerLikedTopic02, NVDLC01DeanTheaterToSelfPlayerLikedTopic03, NVDLC01DeanTheaterToSelfPlayerLikedTopic04. [FAILED] Yeah, well, "probably" is something a gambler says, not a survivor. {Snorts}Heh, heh. {Frowns}Might have gotten taken away, like I did? "Holowood" intentional. Better be a shaped charge, or you're going to kill both of us. You're full of it - you kill me, we both die. Likewise, Dean may engage God in conversation at the Villa fountain where God expresses his disdain for the ghoul for not leaving the Sierra Madre when he had the chance. Strike Up the Band is a quest in the Fallout: New Vegas add-on Dead Money. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts, Shows single copy object store (shared mail) information and reloads the shared mail configuration. The information in this topic describes Domino server tasks and their defaults in the NOTES.INI file. All high-and-mighty. You have to be very careful with him. I blame Sinclair he was such a victim, that maybe she felt it would be too easy it doesn't matter. Under "Which server do you want to replicate with," enter the name of the server to replicate with, or select the server name from the list. I hope you've got this one under control, because he's giving me a nasty itch on my trigger finger. An ace in the hole. You can help. All right, makes sense. After this, I promise you, all those other Holotapes, they'll go away. Topics in this section describe the tools you can use to administer a Domino server. Guess I'll need to call security, have them show you the door. {Slightly sad for a moment}Over the years, it kept climbing up out of the Sierra Madre, until it was curtains for the sun. {Reluctant}No you're not the type, but accidents happen, good intentions or no. You going along with my terms, or do you want your brains to be wallpaper? You know the holographic woman? Surprised these homes weren't robbed blind, folks leaving the key out like that. Sure, yeah, I have the key on me. The Security Holograms shoot on sight, and you can't even hurt them. King of SwingThe Ghoul (Elijah) You can view the log file from the Server > Analysis tab in the Domino Administrator. Server events are also logged to a server's log file (LOG.NSF). I don't know, this still sounds risky to me. He was eventually invited to perform at the Sierra Madre, but there he quickly found himself in the shadow of the casino's founder, Frederick Sinclair. {Quiet}I am all about keeping low in this section of town so let's see about creeping by the locals, all right? Talk about a captive audience. The Ghost People find you, it's over. I'm not waiting here alone, trust me. I always chose the Explosives option and during the rest of the game was pretty much friendly toward him. I'd sooner ask what makes me an undying son of a bitch than spend any thought as to why {emph}they crawled to life here. {Rolls eyes}Some crew we are we are never getting into the Sierra Madre. {Studying wiring along the roof}What's that there wiring? If you're here with who I think, then I'd rather have you on my side than his. Well they'll be here soon. There are two doors to Puesta del Sol on the second floor, take the eastern one. West Town and East Town, though they're thick with the Cloud {emph}and Ghost People. [FAILED] You don't listen too good, do you? For the love of Chopping up her voice box was a gamble anyway. If it did well, there's enough of Vera around for me to spend a few years piecing a book together. Didn't see the sky again. Domino introduced them to each other as part of his plan to break into the casino vault, where he would take whatever it was that Sinclair had there that was so important. Don't trust me? Uh "Vera Keyes." Let Dean know it's safe for him to get to his Gala position. The joke's on you, "partners." I think she was sick, yes. Vera wasn't {Thinking}the Med-X and Superstims. . NVDLC01DeanTheaterToSelfPlayerHatedTopic05. There are two remote consoles available from the Domino Web Administrator: the Quick Console and the Live Console. At least the Sierra Madre gave me {emph}that. {Mock menacing}What, you think I was a Chinaman, come to cut your American throat? {Uncomfortable, like someone standing in a mine field}In a bit of a predicament here had to duck backstage, take a powder, the audience is a little {frowns}murderous tonight. Our collars these "neckties" are linked. Forget that walking stomach, not interested in being his lunch just glad the girl's all right. {Little wistful}Ghost in name and image. . But that was your problem. Figured I could pay Sinclair back, introduce the two {To himself}guy was a slouch in the dame department, had to pick up the slack somehow. When you first meet Dean Domino, let him think he's the "boss", and never contradict or criticize him. He's a man who nursed a 200 year old grudge because someone else was "happier" than him. {To himself}Think the Villa's bad now you haven't seen half the hell this town can raise. Confusion, then uneasy sarcasm. Forget it - basically, trouble. You wait, beautiful. {Frowns, warning}You better not let me down. I don't need you - I'll send you back to the farm, worse off than you were, because you'll have seen the Sierra Madre, and had to let it {emph}all go. {Beat, grumbles}If only the Sierra Madre'd done the same. Staff had codes on little cards they could use to unlock them. Monitors the performance of physical and virtual memory. Rhonda? I mean no, wait, you would. {To himself, grumbling}A band of tortured cats. {Frustrated}Dead? {DUPE}Good, go, and don't get yourself killed - do that, and we're both done. Don't like the way this guy is looking at me. It was something of a leap in the dark on his part, as he actually held some doubt towards Royce making the intended recovery from the procedure. {Slight nervous}You are preaching to the choir. Watch where you're chucking those things! Barter options specifically. {Narration, sad shaking of head, end on a downnote}Still as consumed as he had been with its riches and ruin, the Sierra Madre had held him captive long ago. Just set up links to each floor, then use the lobby terminal? Sierra Madre hasn't completely forgotten her. I could just jab both wires into you, close the circuit that way. As "Good" characters I usually make the extra effort to save him by avoiding any intelligent dialogue with him. . Though Dean says that he has learned how to use a knife, he does not have Melee as a tagged skill. You wouldn't {frowns}no, yeah, you would. {Under his breath, after battle in the theater}Not going to be performing here again, that's for sure. All rights reserved. Level Nobody's going to miss you whoever you are, you're old news. {Frowns}Great, a moron - just what I need. Expressing irritation, aggression, or contempt will earn his ire, as well as challenging his sense of self importance, as he will double cross able partners simply because he perceives their competence a personal insult. {Frustrated}Of all the where the hell are those stupid Holograms already? Leave that projector alone - I'm warning you. Ghoul I'm trying to even start the "Strike up the Band" quest, but the marker leading to Dean is way out-of-bounds. Espaol - Latinoamrica (Spanish - Latin America). Issues a command to a server program or task. Domino and his orchestra gave performances across the United States and Europe (including Paris,[2] and had a particularly bad experience in Madrid),[3] including the casinos on the Las Vegas Strip. Related concepts List of server commands and syntax Using a console to send commands to a server Acting so self-righteous, like nothing could touch him. That's why I have explosives all over this place - unless you blow them up, chop them up, disintegrate 'em, {shakes head}the Ghost People don't go down. Trust me - as soon as you can, run to the door to the {emph}left - use the key you got out of the music rag there, and camp out. Confidence So you leaving me here? Where's the song recording you have? internals can be found by the sparking cables where Dean is left. Overview {Smiles, slightly amused}Mmm beauty, isn't she. Lousy acoustics. Fine with me. The Domino Character Console (cconsole program) provides a way to access the server console from the command line. {Just found a bomb in his pocket}Whoa! {Looking around}Hnh. The code for the auto. It's all you've wanted, just hang in there. Think air raid sirens. Get me out of this mess. The terminal to activate the first hologram can be found nearby from Dean's gala position, through the door opposite the one that was entered and down one level. {Terminal blows up}What the blazes piece of junk! What's next, if we're death-til-we-part? Tourists, you bet. Foolhardy Called it "self-sufficient." Ah, so they found it! Breaking my legs isn't any way to get {emph}me to dance. Shows messaging statistics regarding dispatch requests and other messaging statistics. All right even if they all end up dead, though, you say there's a way to recover the song from the Sierra Madre archives. What, after your sweet-and-ruthless talk when we first met, now you care about my safety? I'm not walking out there on my own. We'll see. You just happened to be the one I caught, and it was really your own fault, a little too much into the chems and meds, and {Placating, but still leaving the hooks in}Aw, shhh, don't cry. Whoops, almost revealed too much, backpedaling a bit here before the player finds him out. {Quiet, more to himself}Poke him with a stick or something.

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dean domino console commands