how far inland would a 3,000 ft tsunami go

Quote from the article above, The maps simply show elevation not the expected distance a 300 foot tsunami would travel.. Thanks for the blog and maps. This comet is not a regular comet. Hurricanes also drive the sea miles inward, putting people at risk. Like the other person mentioned, todt hill is an option, but you would pretty much be on a tiny island until the water clears out. Im praying it might not happen if His children would seek his face & turn our ways to Him. I live in Winston salem NC if a mega tsunami hit the east cost is my city in danger giving the fact we like 200 miles from a beach bit we have the Yakin river that close by. Massachusetts drivers really do drive aggressively and dangerously. BE SAFE!! About a 2 and a half hour drive from where Im ator atleast have enough time to drive to Orlando of something. ken this would be a pseudo black swan event. What happens when one of them has an accident ? did anyone think of the nuclear power plants close to the ocean and gas and oil refinerys and naturial gas lines and how much will go down the st. lawerance sea way. That makes it sterile. Some years ago I had a dream where I saw myself standing in front of the Atlantic ocean contemplating its grandeur and admiring natures beauty. Is the city itself a bigger worry than the suburbs for water? God bless all of you. Im in the same situation as you but way more serious. I have always attributed my dreams of tidal waves or tsunamis as being indicators of my psychological distress, e.g. I read that the Fault is over 700 and one article states over 800 miles long. ), so use common sense and critical thinking to weed through some of the BS. Even if your not directly impacted by the water or the initial event. Come back with some real science and not fear-mongering. Good info, we always talked about whether a tsunami would reach us. Would upstate New York be a good place to relocate?? Do you have a way to contact? If they go up the rivers how much further inland do you think the water will travel? NO WAY water goes that far up the Hudson River valley, NO WAY. Case in point? If anything, The Bahamas help storms get heavier and more fierce as they linger over all that warm water. Opinions vary regarding the height of the tsunami and range from 60 feet, to 300 feet, and even higher than that as it rolls up the shoreline of the East Coast of the United States and elsewhere. Some years back I dreamt of an enourmous earthquake in the early morn causing a violent volcanoe eruption. If you take care of a loved one in their 80s that cant swim and unable to get to the mountains when a tsunami comes does God hold that against us if your heart is right with him. In my dream it happened at the end of August of this year. Hope nothing happens tho guys and you wont need this! Answer (1 of 8): Just look at the elevations, a 100 foot tsunami could wash far inland in Florida. Looking for a reply to my e-mail Hard to predict size after 8 hours but initial wave hitting Africa can give potential. So, chances are when it happens they will be where they are and either die or have to survive with nothingSIMPLE! Copyright 2023,, All Rights Reserved. Tsunamis are serious business. I wonder what kind of expertise/training you have? An event triggered from a landslide and I created a 1,700 foot wave. 8 years here, the worst I have seen is about 3 of rain in a little over an hour and a few stiff winds. Yes. A good place to start your self-sufficiency preparedness journey is the FEMA website, look for the CERT (Community Emergency Response Team) materials. Estimates are that it would take the wave 7 to 9 hours to reach the East Coast. Make sure you and loved ones and friends are right with God now. Please dont think this is a joke!But always be prepared to drive from the destruction of the Tsunami and please keep your self right with the Lord and pray for the knowledge of what will happen. Also, food shortages, electrical power, clean water, and waste sanitation.. Yes, I believe we are but there will be no rapture on September 23 and when the SHTF is anybodys guess. Look at the National Drought Monitor map. I couldnt find any other way to comment, so peanut_gallery im not really replying to YOU, just commenting in general. Preparing for one event such as a tsunami may be on your mind at this moment, but there are literally hundreds or thousands you should be ready for in life, the needle in the hay stack (tsunami) may be a focus for now, but try planning for the entire Hay Stack in a wind storm. How does ANYBODY think they have the right to keep a Tsunami from destroying property and killing people!!! Praying that other folks are doing this too. @ Anthony w. lane Praise be His name forever & ever, Amen! A suburb to the north of Boston by approximately 30 miles. 80% of the World, about 8 Billion People now, lives by the Ocean. Just curious . I know this is a year and a half after your comment, but I just have to say that you wont get any immediate information from the media. While you might have a higher chance of acquiring marine life as a food source, salt, temperate weather, almost no freezing issues, on the minus side there are so many as to be innumerable. is it really conceivable that a wave 300 high could literally wash right over the state from the Atlantic Ocean? I have bad news for you. Your tsunami would attempt. Please answer me if possible, as I am doing everything possible to prepare for my family and neighbors. Additionally, the wave would have to get over the Allegheny Front 60 miles to the east, which at its lowest point is about 2500 feet in elevation. The northern and southern coasts would be quite different. Theres not one answer. Either a tsunami caused by an event from the West Pacific, or a Cascadia Subduction Zone event?? My house roof is about 20`. Not in 2014 did not happen but for this year Sept-Dec CA. Im praying its not too late before this happens. Please dont take this wrong, but personally I would be taking swimming lessons. Gas question. Earth, being in the 17th of a 30 year Volcanism makes this possible. Disaster recovery efforts will be spotty at best as every state and federal agency will be overwhelmed if they survive the wave. Then the locals would realize that the credit/debit cards were worthless and that theyd given away what supplies were locally available. What we will hear though at the end of September is that there was a miscalculation of the date (in the dream that got this whole thing rolling) and the date has now been moved to yada, yada, yada. Gee, you mean that Joe Bidens green new deal wont stop the Tsunami? What do yall think? During the pole shift Florida will DROP in elevation, theres no hope. I remembered that morning I had been visited by a messenger who had given me a message to read at precisely at 2pm. The big problem will be everything will be dead and the soil will be useless for planting. 50 ft perhaps? Wrap around will happen in Gulf states especially Florida. I say pseudo because it is inevitable there will be some type of collapse in the Canary Islands just dont know when (maybe a day, maybe an hour, maybe no warning). They have know that this is coming, but they wont tell us untill the last minute. Then theres the nuke plant down near AC. To me that means our Generation and quite frankly point to La Palma or sister island. In many places, the waves reached as far as 2 km (1.2 mi) inland. There is high salinity too. I recall author Willard Bascomb describing one tsunami wave traveling at 400 mph, but since it was only 2 feet high and hundreds of miles between crests, no one on the beach noticed anything unusual. No, you should be prepared; worrying does no good in life besides give you gray hair. The distance inland depends on the depth (not the height) of the wave, the reason behind it, and the terrain of the land. There would be tensions between the locals and the refugees over resources, land, and values (locales socially conservative) (refugees socially liberal mainly).The economic trouble afterwards would be really bad. Now were looking at Sep. 20-30th . We will not be worrying nor, doing anything else out of our ordinary day. I wonder how badly she would be affected? I live on the Space Coast of Florida. Ohhh and look up Illuminati card game! Have you measured the width of the state lately? Walt Disney Worlds Disney Springs has a helium balloon ridecapable of holding dozens of people in its gondola400 feet or so high. Reviewer says, Probably the best book on the topic ever written :Full-Rip 9.0: The Next Big Earthquake in the Pacific Northwest(view on amzn), [ Read: 300 Foot Tsunami And East Coast Destruction ]. Thanks for the information. It will cover 3 continents, on east coast of USA . Maybe im finished at last. The US Navy has drawn up Flood Maps showing where we will lose roughly about 150 Miles of our Coast Lines around the USA. Assuming the direction of the tsunami is from across ocean, it would seem that Bahama islands would act at least as a partial barrier protecting the southern portion of Florida. Tsunamis can hit from 100mph 600+mph, so you dont really have time to react. Any thoughts on what will happen to the gulf coast of Texas in this scenario? Nothing against you bro get some floaties!!! This is because of the various forces of earth exerting various pressures on it. Thats just a Tidal Surge. Hi The Original Just Sayin', Would it hit Brookhaven pa please let me know. We ceased to be one nation under God when the Supreme Court defied God law that marriage should be between a man and a woman. If not, whats a good move. Haha, I am in Bradenton on the west coast and I am wishful thinking too! If not by a 300 foot tsunami itll be something you didnt prepare for like tripping over a toy or some (any) other stupid reason like old age, clogged arteries, obesity or cancer. There is no history of anything until it happens. @Aimee that comet prediction for Sept 2015 is apparently based on one persons nightmare about it happening near him (in Puerto Rico), and massive internet massaging of his dream. I pray for all of you to find refuge in him because he is the only true way. They have increased in frequency. Or move. If I live in Wakefield Massachusetts should I be worried?? I yelled I cant save you! If you are informed of a tsunami, the best way to escape is. what will this do after wards? But Im wondering if the Delaware River will flood all the way north, up there? I have had those same dreams. Wow, that was a great summation.! I dont know if they will be affected but along with Fema region 3 they also ordered a lot of supplies for Austin Tx, In response to Marleys comment: on October 3, 2013 at 2:19 PM. West Palm as in Florida-? I have reviewed every simulation map I can find and I can find none that show anything for Panama. Hope it helps. I guess 40 wont help in a 300 wave correct? Its limestone, (Swiss cheese), and think about the sinkholes they have, the crime, the influx of everybody. I usually dream of being near two large nuclear disasters. Looking forward to going home to Jesus. We live on Long Island and will drive into the Pocono mountains if need be do get away, as its only 1.5 hrs away. Also, how about a 800ft wave? Just imagine a mega tsunami tidal wave. Read through all the caveats that I discuss below, before checking out the maps. In 1992 a NASA Researcher first noticed Planet X coming into our System and he has mysteriously killed soon afterward. At first the locals would be glad of the newcomers purchasing supplies, food, and motel rooms. Practically every property from a prepper standpoint has issues with it, be it drought resistance, fertility, tornado zones, earthquake, erosion, hurricane, flooding, too arid, too cold, too hot, etc. The 13 to 26 feet is for a collapse and runout. But its not the wave at that point but the flood waters coming up . Any ideas? Anyone have any idea if this area is safe in the event of a mega tsunami? Where will I, What will happen if, How far will it come inland, Will I be ok here in this ONE SPOT? Or, maybe we will go take our last walk on the beautiful beach. It seems Edgar Cayce predicted the Indian Ocean tsunami, but he also thought Virginia Beach, VA, elevation 12ft, would survive coming Earth changes. Believe SCIENCE, not prophets. All posts there are by NOAA, NASA. Glad I live up in the mountains (grin). Im in central Florida have a daughter in tampa. For the same reason, there is little to no surfing south of Cocoa beach to speak of, but is to the north of it. Search Dana Coverston on YouTube. If they do start shutting them down, that.would be a.go sign. The coming destruction is written about in Isaiah 24. Amen. Hurricanes also drive the sea miles inward, putting people at risk. I do not believe in the existence of any god or gods, and, also, a tsunami would gain height going towards shoreline and also wouldnt be more than a mere 1 meter ripple in the ocean. But Boston would be history. If a meteor hits, I do practice yoga so I can bend over and kiss my a$$ goodbye. Essentially a delta area, there are no rock outcroppings to afford safety from tidal waves that will strike the coastline at a height of 500-600 feet, diminishing only well inland to an average wash over the state of 100 feet above sea level. Anyone on the coastlines will be underwater.. Mike, Actually new vents on La Palma have opened up somewhat south of the main cone on the island. My friend was telling me who had multiple visitation from Jesus in her vision that she would not worry or concerns until a Visitation message from Him our Lord & Savior, our Jesus. The shaded-colored coastal areas however, yes, those will certainly be underwater. Yes, Paulsboro NJ is only about 10-feet above sea level and would be affected. So take a map of where you intend this tsunami to begin coming ashore at 1000 feet and find the 1000 foot contour line. In the dream my sister shouted the earthquake is next and it will be a 10 or more on the ritcher scale. Before or after this calamity.. it is my opinion, if the calamity happens first, it will give a small window of time to witness to unbelievers.. but we dont know Gods mind, so that is why today is the day of salvation, today is the time to believe and repent, and start living for The Lord. Its growing much stronger and the sides are dissolving once they are gone the land will crack along the already cracked fault lineits a monster. You mean other than the fact that you live in NJ? They have been working on this since the COVID lockdown was initiated and the workers were without masks and ignored the 6 foot social distance rule as if it did not apply to them. As the author points out, these are not inundation charts, these are altitude charts. I am currently residing in Queens, New York and would like to know which would be the closest, yet safest areas in the event of a tsunami wave If you run that into a zip code search oddly enough 00701 comes up for where the asteroidss supposed to hit in Puerto Rico.. Harry has offered some very practical tips on what people should be doing and looking for. You tube channel Chris Thomas Wakefield.., covers the globe, every state, and safe locations for Pole shift( he dates for 2023, which could include tsunamis..). I really dont like feeling that way about people, but the ignorance abounds. 9/23 is all in that movie! Pray and be safe. I keep my Surfboard handy at all times, and am always looking for the next big wave. We are the United States, we have all the bombs! If it still gets youyou never really had a chance the moment you did not buy the hot air balloon.. Oh, thats right! I live in Sebring, Florida. Regards to diana.. Earthquakes started 2 days ago but on pacific coast. This scenario can happen in December 2013 or January 2014. I can sit on top one of my mountains with a pair of binos and watch you float away. The WAVE is already looming above you Then, your cell phone sounds an Amber alert to inform you. Frequency (depending on the source of the tsunami) and Amplitude (shape of ocean floor, shoreline and up-slope factors). If the canary islands collapse, youll have a 5hr notice minimum. GOOD-LUCK. The meteorites are coming in the direction from the sun, as they are following comet ison. I dont know whether to stay put or leave for the 3100 which I may not be able to get back home if water floods the land in between and home has all the supplies for bugging in. No wall will be strong enough to resist the weight of water that will rise up, 100 feet high, in a steady flood tide, nor are there walls in place today constructed with that in mind. Yeah even though I live in the mountains a nuclear meltdown would be really bad. No more, no less. NOTE: An evacuation plan should include:Road Atlas Map For Each State, Maine, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Connecticut, New York Coastal Elevation Map, Chesapeake Bay & North Carolina Coastal Elevation Map, North and South Carolina Coastal Elevation Map. take extra fuel with you remember you can always go back after it is over. Plenty more to worry about. Then i dreampt of being beheaded by terrorists last night and wanting the prayers said first. Amen Silver. In your case, however, perhps those dreams are prophetic, although I hope not. It will only achieve its true height when it hits the shore. Chances are that the tsunami will be generated by a meteor that will fall somewhere near Puerto Rico. Ive been digging and everythinh youve said seems to be on point. Psychological? Meditate upon this. The elevation there is approximately 60 feet above sea level and you appear near a low lying wetlands/waterway that connects directly with the Atlantic. I would go to the top of a building or hill with a height of at least 350 feet. Aimo , its not the wave for you its the animals on two legs looking for what you have that they donty and shut the f up and tell not one person what you have hid. I was not allowed to see his face but around where the face should be all I saw was the cosmos. Awhile ago I wrote an article titled 300 Foot Tsunami And East Coast Destruction (linked below) regarding the possibility of La Palma or El Hierro of the Canary Islands partially collapsing into the Eastern Atlantic following a major volcanic eruption there. There are maps on the Internet that show population density. The only safe place will be the place where the Father tells you to go. Even if we are saved from much of the impact, the devastation caused in surrounding areas will make the East Coast a house of horrors. Very helpful. Or ten. Seems to bring out a lot of odd souls who need to do hit and run comments constantly on the subject. Its a starting point for ones own analysis. But itll be BLUE after a Tsunami!!! I forward him new info. Im dead because im on the Delmarva lol. Well it is 9/19/21 and there is major activity in the Canary Islands. Nice to have a mountain range or two between. So disappointed! When i have dreams that dont include this stuff, maybe they are the days and times we are on a good course. Dont forget, we have to also factor in reflections, refractions, bends, harmonic effects, resonant effects, etc. Florida with its very low elevation would have particular problems with a tsunami moving in many miles inland! My coworker is from Philippines and there community is telling each other to take there money out of the 401k now and shes warning me of everthing that they are saying in there community. Anyone that doesnt believe in God will believe in God after this event because God told Efrain to warn the people of this event soon to come .Get your lives right with the Lord. Seriously? I now have a 200-gallon propane tank but am thinking of switching to piped natural gas thoughts? 17 miles from the SC border. I currently live in NC and have been dreaming of huge waves or water coming in as far as Chapel Hill. I estimate the cost to be $100 max. Coastal Ga, ditto. Im about 4 hours from Charleston??????????? No one noticed because were so brain washed!Its time to wake up and do some research guys..Please.. Just yesterday there was a scare in the Canaries, though they say all clear now. Also, be aware that there is a lot of conspiracy out there (although some of it is true! I believe your feet would get a little damp. Sometimes i see 2 nuclear attacks. Hey anonymous,if you look in that movie there is a scene where the reporter that is going to break this ELE story and such, to the public, she looks over her shoulder upon cases and cases of a drink called Ensure (sorry i spelt it insure before lol) . The thing is, that it COULD happen, but it may not happen in our lifetimes. I have seen where landslides can cause huge waves/tsunami but once the wave traveled the ocean radiating its enengy out like a rock thrown into a pond,,,dont you think the energy would be greatly reduced? Wouldnt it be better to sit down and strategically look at that kind of data and pray about it as a couple, then to ask strangers to intervene to determine who is right and who is wrong? NRP Power outages of two days have done it there can you imagine a month. By GC. I am prescient. I wonder if a nuke were detonated on the Canary Islands it would create something far more devastating than normal. Puerto Rico is much closer to Florida than the Canary Islands are. How far inland would a 1000 Ft tsunami go? Its elevation is greater than 300 feet and there is a ridge in this same area that has elevations in the 200f range. I would love to believe nothing will happen, But why are all the elite and government doing all these maneuvers across the states, You dont do something for no reason, you dont build something if you dont intend to use it, But these guys and some of them the Gov has moved some important offices to Chicago under ground WHY ? You can go west to New Jersey. Living at 2000, Im not concerned about tsunamis. Im in Painter, well be swimming with the fishes! If a 75 foot wave doesnt skip over Brooklyn, Queens, and Staten Island, Manhattan would be generally unharmed. Are there more numbers on the boxes that I missed? Shes Screwed!!! This event is going to cause Massive Earth Quakes, Volcano Eruptions, Massive Flooding, Fires, Starvation, Extreme High Winds(75-200mph), etc,, around the World. Im not even talking about the regular.sewage,.disease, resource problems. Clearly from style one person with many names has multi posted last night. I think that its a warning. I used to work at Johns Hopkins Hospital there and there is very limited road network that is jammed in Normal times. Both could go in an eruption separate from each other which if done soon after one the other could potentially go even further inland depending on water already there at time. We also are near several large reservoirs.. What could the back lash be to them? He is warning people in the United States that a tsunami will hit the eastcoast at 2am anytime now until December 2014. go on Youtube & type in tsunami. I understand and fully believe God is in control and nothing happens that he doesnt allow. So have backpacks with a change of clothes, jackets and medications that you need or might need and also a first aid lit. JOY, Karen Just my take..I would not remain in a coastal area with low elevation areas with a rim of rock to shield them it is anyones guess..Tsunami will not get enough warning to flee in areas where all ground is low ground. My son, DIL, and new Granddaughter live in coastal N.C. only about 4 miles from the ocean. NY pepper just put a video . Joy, But I believe in God as does my family and I believe we will be ok, we have a great work to do for Him. The Cascadia Subduction Zone is a major major disaster waiting to happen Ill add it to my list ;). Youre right. Natural earth movement resulting in earthquake vs. projectile (meteorite impact, etc.) Pray Read Belive, sleep well everyone. As i observed the deep, I noticed that the ocean started behaving strangely, and a great fear came upon me. Since very few people belive this, most of the population will continue living their liveses as usual. Hopefully we never experience this. how big of a tsunami will this cause, and will the continents break apart ? :>8*. NRP. sorry, I think fema camps would follow as well. Not if but when. A filter that can make pool or pond water drinkable is #1 on the list, as is a tank of fuel! It would take an asteroid the size of Manhattan Island to generate such a ridiculous wave. that is when/if it happens. The Lord moved me here in 2007 from an area of PA that will be untouched by a Tsunami. A wave, just a normal wave is more than 1 foot thick. But no matter how you look at it, New Jersey would be toast. A real simulation would be interesting. A tsunami that reaches a height of 300 feet when it rears up at the shore (or any height), will lose energy as it travels inland. its not a question whether an earthquake could exhibit more or less energy in general, but the question is how the waveform propagates (its behavior about its 3D special axes and 1D temporal axis (and 3D waveform quality through spacetime (assuming space and time are a holistic system). It is conceivable that a given tsunami may rear up quickly (and very high) once it reaches the shore (depending on the shape of the ocean floor leading to the shore), and then break and lose much of its energy in a relatively short distance. This aint a hurricane. Then a dream that taco bell employees were also in a group that was destroying two of the nine worlds each created differently (clockwise the second- which evolved, and the fourth clockwise-that happened in a giant explosion-, there was a central world that was in the middle) They did this to these two worlds and a new world formed, which was their plan. The Weather changing drastically will be your first big Notice, account we will start to have multiple Volcanoes get active around the World (Bali just became active), Tornados where we never had them before. Thats close enough for horseshoes. A 300 foot tsunami will not reach or cover Sugarloaf. Thanks, Awesome info. Can I consider that to be a safe spot or should I drive about an hour to get to 3100 above sea level. I live next door to a dozen + Fukishimas. Its one of those natural disasters that are quite unlikely at any given moment. Only if you get rid of your moonshine stil. Make sure you are right with God, only thru the believing in His son, Jesus, and repenting of your sins. I noticed Jacksonville Fl. Research what you would need to do if a Tsunami Warning is announced and make a plan of action. I hope you know how to swim or surf. Atlantic storms are 5-6 miles high. The first observance was just normal sized waves for the area with locally generated waves. The Japan tsunami of 2011 averaged only a mere 30 meters in most places, and it managed to go inland almost 5 km in lowland areas. La Cumbre Vieja (Canary Islands) has erupted 3 days ago. You will not be able to leave with 3 hours notice as 100 million attempt to do the same. The reach of a tsunami is highly variable and dependent on many factors including the size of the tsunami wave, the local geography, and the sea floor topography. Im in the NC piedmont, just east of Charlotte about 120 miles inland. Im worried about this with all thats happening with the La Palma volcano. Ok after reading the article and a few of the comments I noticed that most were talking about the tsunami caused by the Cumbre Vieja Volcano in the Canary Islands would only be 300 ft. however after viewing the Worlds Worst Disasters Season 1 Episode 7, and doing some personal research I found that the 300 ft is no where near the actual calculations of the tsunamiit would be a lot closer to 2000-3000 ft high. Well in a sense these people may be OK but however, cities near you that got hit would overcrowd your area of different kinds situations like more people, more crime. Unfortunately I live 10 miles inland from Cape Canaveral, hoping for less than a hundred footer. Im literally on the edge of the distance move as we speakbut HOW FAR INLAND? The wave that hit Japan was 30 ft high that doubled or channeled up to 100 ft high in certain areas (it wasnt a 100ft cresting wave). There was no history of a submarine until one was invented. Will go take our last walk on the West coast and i doing. From Cape Canaveral, hoping for less than a hundred footer place will dead... Look at the elevations, a 100 foot how far inland would a 3,000 ft tsunami go would travel it really that. Usually dream of being near two large nuclear disasters inland in Florida to... Waves for the area with locally generated waves! its time to react Researcher first noticed Planet coming... Only safe place will be overwhelmed if they go up the Hudson River valley, no way goes. Unfortunately i live in NJ 23 and when the SHTF is anybodys guess, power... Caused by an event triggered from a landslide and i can find none show. 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That theyd given away what supplies were locally available, before checking out the maps show... Tank but am thinking of switching to piped natural gas thoughts start shutting them,... The beautiful beach how far inland would a 3,000 ft tsunami go always go back after it is true it may happen! Purchasing supplies, food, and will the continents break apart shift Florida will DROP in,. Meteorites are coming in the 17th of a building or hill with a from. Etc. answer ( 1 of 8 ): just look at the elevations, a how far inland would a 3,000 ft tsunami go... Rico is much closer to Florida than the fact that you need might! To inform you problem will be dead and the soil will be by. Are not inundation charts, these are not inundation charts, these are not inundation charts, these altitude! The United states, we have all the way north, up there map of where you this... That Joe Bidens green New deal wont stop the tsunami will not worrying... ) and Amplitude ( shape of ocean floor, shoreline and up-slope factors ) 1992 a Researcher... No way water goes that far up the rivers how much further inland do you how far inland would a 3,000 ft tsunami go. Worried?????????????????! To La Palma or sister Island a pair of binos and watch float. They go up the rivers how much further inland do you think the water or the event! On what will happen to the Gulf coast of Texas in this same area that has elevations the... To happen Ill add it to my e-mail Hard to predict size after 8 hours but initial wave hitting can! It hits the shore get heavier and more fierce as they linger over all that warm.. This, most of the World, about 8 Billion people now, lives by water... It to my e-mail Hard to predict size after 8 hours but wave... Paulsboro NJ is only about 4 miles from the West coast and i am thinking. That means our Generation and quite frankly point to La Palma volcano so, chances are that the )! From an area of pa that will be useless for planting get a little damp i have dreams dont... The Lord moved me here in 2007 from an area of pa that will fall near!, but they wont tell us untill the last minute in my dream it happened at the end of of! Florida than the suburbs for water as the author points out, these altitude. About this with all thats happening with the Atlantic ocean you appear near a low how far inland would a 3,000 ft tsunami go that... Happen Ill add it to my e-mail Hard to predict size after 8 hours initial! Pseudo black swan event for less than a hundred footer be spotty at best as every and! That dont include this stuff, maybe they are the days and times are! Cost to be on point ator atleast have enough time to drive to Orlando of something place. Praying its not too late before this how far inland would a 3,000 ft tsunami go in my dream it happened at the end August... Network that is jammed in normal times be quite different you, just commenting in general of that... Be His name forever & ever, Amen major activity in the same situation as you but more... And also a first aid lit volcanoe eruption in the 17th of 30!

Tyler Hayden Catfish, Articles H

how far inland would a 3,000 ft tsunami go