0000074973 00000 n Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Do not put out . Fliers with more information, including a list of prohibited items, will be sent out soon. Please note: Some debris may be picked up earlier than your scheduled day, but the trucks will return on the scheduled day to pick up the rest of the debris. Call the Code Enforcement Division at. For further information, please call the One Call Center at 311. 0000014820 00000 n 0000041918 00000 n (559) 621-1452, Assistance for Customers with Disabilities or Medical Conditions My street doesn't look like it is on there yet :( so i guess mine will be coming in january? &G!?|oaOF7;Q*N+I"G/3' 8r%>J2$!FCf?R3RY_+9rV1|7GS/N\j[UJmt "J?JGGFxw59'(^SJ=i) w(jQGi_b`'BYDNys%x.R0sobM9-4{hjMfaT!# l2!T:Vf7wXl79{M_lNFgxiZNe=iNr(/g}1Q"Pc M*W%iJzi,'Z9 H9} (w.5rTaZ7CUqdxO)n!AE7OjM}JRMznW]!\~G7W+7R{n5,J\B/wTm^^dsFo?w?z=[EkpIA(zUhsgzxEwzqXA B7^jo_$Ke;. :AsU^sjsCapD%/(+5:Lam8TiivE9p`iYdJYBX-WJq)| z4:5. All debris should be out at the curb by 6 AM the day that your pick-up is scheduled. Also, if you happen to see anybody dump shit where they're not suppose to, take a photo and make sure you get the vehicle and their license plate. All debris should be out at the curb by 6 a.m. the day that your pick-up is scheduled. The city's solid waste division announced the Operation Clean Up program is suspended until further notice due to the coronavirus pandemic. Please be advised that there may be delays in clean-up dates scheduled due to COVID-19. They will do it anyways. New year, new routes, same program. Allied Waste Services of Fresno Solid Waste Management Division Customer Service: Please be advised that there may be delays in clean-up dates scheduled due to COVID-19. hbbba`b``3 0@ endstream endobj 192 0 obj <>/Metadata 8 0 R/Outlines 3 0 R/Pages 7 0 R/StructTreeRoot 10 0 R/Type/Catalog/ViewerPreferences<>>> endobj 193 0 obj >/PageWidthList<0 612.0>>>>>>/Resources<>/ExtGState<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageC/ImageI]/XObject<>>>/Rotate 0/StructParents 0/Tabs/S/Thumb 6 0 R/TrimBox[0.0 0.0 612.0 1379.0]/Type/Page>> endobj 194 0 obj <> endobj 195 0 obj <> endobj 196 0 obj <> endobj 197 0 obj [/ICCBased 208 0 R] endobj 198 0 obj [/Indexed 197 0 R 32 209 0 R] endobj 199 0 obj <>stream Operation Clean Up June 2021 The Operation Clean Up Program is only for City of Fresno residents who pay for the City of Fresno curbside garbage pickup. I envision a huge lawsuit against the city coming from this. Residents of multi-family residences with four or more units are currently not eligible to receive Operation Clean Up services. If you have questions or problems related to your refuse collection, please call the Solid Waste Division at (559) 324-2604. 0000013661 00000 n 191 0 obj <> endobj xref The City of Clovis has announced its fall community clean-up program, including the dates that waste trucks will serve particular neighborhoods. 0000038481 00000 n (559) 621-1452, Start Serviceor Make a Change in Service Skip Fee Thanks to the crew for their professionalism and hard work! (559) 621-8400. Debris may be placed at the curb no more than 2 weeks prior to your scheduled pick-up day. You can also submit a report through FresGO. Wood preservatives or treated utility poles, including railroad ties. All items picked up for Operation Clean Up are delivered to the Cedar Avenue Recycling and Transfer Station (CARTS) receiving center for separation and recycling. Pesticides and chemicals, including pool acid and propane tanks. Materials resulting from private contract work and major remodeling work done by contractor or owner including: Roofing, major remodeling projects, or landscaping projects. The City of Fresno adopted a container in view regulation over 15 years ago to encourage proper storage of carts and to beautify our community (Fresno Municipal Code 6-205(10)). 0000010864 00000 n Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Gated Communities Our drivers will roll out carts and return them to their original location for residential customers with disabilities or medical conditions that prevent them from handling their carts. IMPORTANT NOTE: The dates provided by the lookup tool are subject to change. FresnoOperationCleanUp 2022ScheduleMap. Property Owner Responsibility vrQ\)^\OHS tgWu:~XrMc. 0000074205 00000 n 0000091048 00000 n 0000002890 00000 n This is a bulk curbside pick-up that is provided at no cost twice per year (once in spring and once in fall). Our office is located in Building S next to the guard shack and is open Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. 4:00 p.m.,by appointment only. For further information, please call the One Call Center at 311. The Residential Collection Schedule DOES NOT change for the following holidays: The Residential Collection Schedule DOES change for the following holidays, as outlined below: Pickup schedules for these holidays vary depending upon which day of the week the holiday falls. 0000029516 00000 n 0000015425 00000 n 0000067650 00000 n 17. r/fresno. Please check back as your pickup date nears. 191 42 Community Clean-Up Program. Although all materials from pickup locations are loaded into a single truck, materials remain fairly separated within the trucks themselves. Community Clean-Up Program Some debris may be picked up earlier than your scheduled day but the trucks will return on the scheduled day to pick up the rest of the debris. 0000001591 00000 n Join. This in-truck separation helps to make process more efficient at the receiving facility once loads are delivered to the CARTS facility. 0000025793 00000 n Once a year, residents are allowed to place items too large for regular trash collection at the curb. 0000013919 00000 n 0000001412 00000 n On May 17, 2022, City Hall Departments reopened three days a week for walk-in service. To report a missed pickup on your service day, please wait until after 6:30 p.m. to allow for service to be completed in your area. Keeping our neighborhoods clean and beautiful begins in our own front yards. Trash placed out earlier than 7 days before the scheduled pick up creates a hazard and will be referred to code enforcement for possible citation and/or legal action. 0000080774 00000 n 0000015197 00000 n %PDF-1.7 % City of FresnoOperationClean Up:Fresno: 2600 FresnoSt. This yearly clean-up needs investigation before someone is hit by passing vehicles that travel this road daily. 0000007313 00000 n Carts are clear of any obstructions (i.e., mailboxes, basketball hoops, vehicles). 0000017178 00000 n ad`P V Qex# 0000073362 00000 n Fresno's Tower District neighborhood frustrated that city's annual 0000066905 00000 n Ryan was born in Pennsylvania, has lived in four states, and thinks the Yankees need to be more creative with the design of their batting practice hats. Batteries. fresno operation clean up2021 schedule map. Unacceptable Items & Loads The following items will not be accepted: Household chemicals or liquids of any kind Oil waste or automotive fluids Heavy equipment or tractor tires For the first two incidents, there will be no charge to the customer. If you have questions about the program, alley closure procedures, or want to report a damaged gate, or to schedule an appointment, please contact our offices at (559) 621-1811for assistance. If you prefer to store containers in the front yard, a 4-foot high enclosure or shrubbery should meet the necessary screening requirements. Multi-Family Residences Apartment Buildings, Reports of illegal dumping can be made through FresGO, No earlier than 7 days prior to your scheduled pickup day, No later than 6:00 a.m. on your scheduled pickup day, Hot tub or spas: No larger than 8 x 8 and cut into 4 x 4 sections, Wood fencing No longer than 4 feet and stacked neatly; stack separate from other debris, Hot water heater, sink, or toilet Drain all water before setting out for pickup, Furniture and appliances No refrigerators or freezers, Glass and/or sliding glass doors Tape with duct tape to help reduce the residue broken glass can leave behind, Boxes and cardboard These can also be disposed in your blue recycling cart, Cabinets Disassemble into individual components, Trees, shrubs, and other yard debris Debris must be cut to a length of no more than 4 feet. 0000022248 00000 n Collection Schedule HWYo#~@ YW?8~# 9ydgi3KA3?mj>yn/I for the completion of the Operation Clean Up. A $16.27 fee will be assessed on the third incident and each incident thereafter in a fiscal year (period running from July June each year). A service request will be generated and your location will be serviced within 2 business days. This year, Operation Clean Up routes were overhauled as a result of the hiatus last year due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Due to a staffing shortage, residential solid waste collection may occur later in the day than usual. Broken television screens or computer monitors. 0000013624 00000 n A place to find out what's going on in the greater Fresno Metro area. hb```g``d`e`AX,Cay@,0U@,V qc%\_G38Vqdd[ce.'o[0. 0000080512 00000 n 0000001136 00000 n 0000009692 00000 n PAGE 4 Q3 - See Page 5 Q2 - See Page 8 Q4 - See Page 6 Q1 - See Page 7 Quadrant 3 See Page 5 Quadrant 2 See Page 8 Quadrant 4 See Page 6 Quadrant 1 See Page 7 The Community Clean-Up Program is available to single-family residences that receive City refuse services. Mid Valley Disposal can you tell me the 12/28 & 12/29 streets? 0000003026 00000 n 6 days ago. 0000024052 00000 n They will return to your location if pickup is not completed on the date scheduled. 0000110930 00000 n Tree trimmings or stumps resulting from major tree pruning or removal of trees down to their stump. Community Clean-up Schedule Community Clean-Up Program The Community Clean-Up Program is available to single-family residences that receive City refuse services. 0000032391 00000 n Earl Martin, Fresno Please note: The City picks up refuse on all holidays. 0000015625 00000 n (Trucks over 1 ton and trailers over 8 feet will notbe accepted, no exceptions. 0000081142 00000 n 0000025456 00000 n Maps; Fresno Green Incentives; Zoning; Starting a New Business; Applications, Forms & Fees; . I would rather it be dumped off in a pickup zone than along a neglected road where it might remain a hazard and eyesore for a year(s). 0000088209 00000 n If you have a 0000029199 00000 n "The Community Clean-Up Program is available to single-family residences that receive City refuse services. 0000013468 00000 n 0000075656 00000 n Recycling & Refuse (559) 324-26048 AM 3 PM Mon Fri, City of Clovis 1033 Fifth Street Clovis, CA 93612 TTY 711, Follow Us! Operation Clean Up May 2021 The Operation Clean Up Program is only for City of Fresno residents who pay for the City of Fresno curbside garbage pickup. 0000015677 00000 n It just make people dump their shit in areas they're not suppose. Residential Collection Holiday Schedule General. Smaller single-axle trailers less than 8 feet will be charged $3.00, while 8-foot trailers and 1-ton trucks will be charged $4.00. The day of your collection is determined by your location: Pickup Information Holiday Schedules Alley Locks Assistance for Customers with Disabilities or Medical Conditions Containers in View Helpful Contact Numbers Pickup Information (559) 275-1551, Customers south of Ashlan Avenue contact: Operation Clean Up pickup is limited to 10 cubic yards equal to 2 piles measuring approximately 8 x 4 x 4 or the size of 2 pickup truck beds loaded to the top of the cab. 0000021710 00000 n 0000013040 00000 n Why do I have to separate my materials? Any explosive materials, including ammunition. 148. City of Clovis Announces Fall Community Clean-up Program, Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), CUSD Holds Public Meetings to Discuss Superintendent Hire, Parents ask CUSD School Board to provide transportation for Exceptionally Disabled, Patterson Picks Up Valentines for Vets from Garfield Elementary Students, Parents assisted by Lorettas Little Miracles to petition CUSD at School, CUSD holds School Safety Meeting evening prior to Clovis West Receiving, Clovis West Boys Basketball Falls in Valley Championship, Clovis West Girls Basketball Downs Clovis High for 11th Straight Valley, Clovis North Boys Soccer Match Girl Contemporaries; Win Valley Championship, Clovis North Girls Soccer Wins Valley Championship, Clovis North & Buchanan High Schools Announce Letters of Intent Signings, African-American Historical & Cultural Museum of the San Joaquin Valley Honored by Clovis City Council, Nordstrom Rack opening in Clovis now hiring, Sierra National Forest issues Winter Travel Safety Alert, DSACCs Step Up for Down Syndrome Held at Clovis Rodeo Grounds, Meet Clovis City Council Candidate Drew Bessinger, Meet Clovis City Council Candidate Kyle Chaney, Clovis Votes to Lift the Citys Stay in Place Orders. Carts left out on non-service days not only create an unsightly appearance in our neighborhoods, but they can also be a safety hazard or can be stolen if left out. In order to offset the cost of the annual cleanup events, there will be a small charge for most items. 0000000016 00000 n 0000004119 00000 n Please call the Resources Division at (559) 600-4259 if you have any questions or need information about the topics listed above. Operation Clean Up; Construction & Demolition; Fats, Oils & Grease; Hazardous Waste and Sharps Disposal; Used Motor Oil & Oil Filter Recycling; 0000004156 00000 n Please check back as your pickup date nears. 0000031430 00000 n Customers north of Ashlan Avenue contact: All Community Cleanups will start at 8:30 a.m. and conclude at 2:00 p.m. sharp, no exceptions! The following items are allowed to be placed out for Operation Clean Up: How much debris can I put out? BY LAW, YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE for any dangerous conditions you create due to the amount and/or the location of the trash placed out for pick up. Printable versions of the Residential Collection Holiday Schedule can be found below. How do I place materials for pickup? Customers who leave their carts out beyond the approved hours are subject to citations and fines, as outlined below: For questions or to discuss solutions, call the Solid Waste Management Division at(559) 621-1452. Operation Clean Up Lookup Tool 0000043513 00000 n The last clip was taken 2 days before this and thought I'd just throw it in. The following items will not be accepted: Also, trucks over 1 ton and trailers over 8 feet will notbe accepted, no exceptions. Collection Schedule Your green, gray, and blue carts are all collected on the same day, 5:30 a.m. - 8:00 p.m. To obtain a key or lock, customers must bring a copy of their City of Fresno utility bill to the Solid Waste Management Division located at 1325 El Dorado Street in the City of Fresno Municipal Service Center. trailer <<0E6CF46098484D108DF48CA3ACA7CB98>]/Prev 433818/XRefStm 1204>> startxref 0 %%EOF 174 0 obj <>stream HVMo8W>T&)K@c'.{zjhG$ 0000039699 00000 n 0000001784 00000 n FRESNO, California (KSEE/KGPE) - The city of Fresno announced the "Operation Clean Up" program is suspended until further notice due to the uncertainty of the COVID-19 pandemic and the. 0000008330 00000 n 0000075241 00000 n Only residences that currently pay for solid waste service on their utility bill will be serviced. Call the Recycling Program Hotline at. Where do I place materials for pickup? I feel spoiled! Thank you for the Platinum award! Your green, gray, and blue carts are all collected on the same day, 5:30 a.m. 8:00 p.m. Call the Fresno County Resources Division at, Used motor oil, brake, and transmission fluids. 0000012715 00000 n You can find your neighborhoods scheduled date at: https://cityofclovis.com//recycling-an/community-clean-up/ If you have questions on the Community Clean-up Program or any other question related to refuse or recycling please call (559) 324-2604. 0000067650 00000 n a place to find out what 's going on in the yard... Preservatives or treated utility poles, including pool acid and propane tanks They! 0000075241 00000 n 17. r/fresno at ( 559 ) 324-2604 your scheduled pick-up day Responsibility! In order to offset the cost of the hiatus last year due to a shortage... Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Do not put out be delays in clean-up dates scheduled to! On may 17, 2022, City Hall Departments reopened three days a week for walk-in service 1. 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