scala sancta blood stains

(LogOut/ Why do you think that Hezekiah was commended for destroying (see 2 Kings 18:1-6) the bronze snake that Moses had made? The Holy Stairs have been closed for over a year for restoration of the frescoes on the walls surrounding the steps and leading up to a once-private papal chapel, the Church of St. Lawrence. If this staircase is indeed producing mystical heebie-jeebies then you can be sure it is NOT of G-d. We are not to worship ANY created thing. First, mix one tablespoon of dish detergent with two cups of cold water. People who serve Lord Jesus of the Bible, with all their heart, soul and strength. Do you have to go to Paris to know it exists? After this round, you get the much needed expertise in needed arenas. Stop the spread of blood at the site. I have spammed a couple of your messages. Catholic Encyclopedia. View all posts by ivarfjeld, One thing everyone should never forget in their life time is that IT IS NOT BY WORKS, BY GRACE WE ARE SAVED. God has one way He wants you to approach Him and that can be found in Torah and was expounded upon by Yeshua when He walked among us (approx.) You might also be surprised, if you read your bible carefully and COMPLETELY, which evangelicals dont actually do, that lots of things you call mumbo jumbo are actually found in Scripture. HAVE YOU EVER CLIMBED THE HOLY STEPS??? 19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. I discovered this site about an hour ago. Jesus, who knew the heart of Peter, was not saying that Peter, the movable and unstable stone, would be the immovable rock upon which the Church would be built. Try Using Hydrogen Peroxide. Mix this with an equal amount of cold water, then dab onto the stain. Step #1: Wipe up any excess blood on the carpet. The pagans claimed to be Christians has built a religion around a copy-cat Jesus, and religious rituals based on fabricated stories that perverts the truth. In 325 A.D there were multiple synods in the Middle East that did not accept the Bishop of Rome as anything but a puppet for the Emperor of Rome. The Sancta Sanctorum also contains the celebrated . The Pope and his children, has created their own religion with a Jesus copy in the center. Be prepared that there are always a lot of tourists in Rome. Most importantly, HELEN MADE CHRISTIANITY THE OFFICIAL RELIGION OF ROME IN 325 AD. The Scala Sancta brings more than pilgrims who are willing to bruise their kneesthe claim of being the steps Christ ascended when he was condemned by Pilate bring skeptics, too. Let sit 15-30 minutes, then blot with a clean towel. . I dont know if the author of this narrative has a faith in which they have places that bring them closer to the god of their understanding. tony. He ordered the Holy Stairs be reconstructed in their present location, before the Sancta Sanctorum (Holy of Holies), named for the many precious relics preserved there. Next to the Scala Sancta is the Basilica San Giovanni Laterano which compares favorably with St. Peter's . A couple hundred years prior to the birth of the one called the Christ, there was an attempt to free humanity from the bonds of Roman tyranny, led by a man called Spartacus. Us Catholics love our traditions including our sacred steps. No where in the Bible does it say Scripture ALONE or Sole Authority!! One last note for those who deride us for our position of Sola Scriptura. Do your RESEARCH!!!!!!!! This is when I learned of the history behind the stairs. 3. Our human minds cant possibly comprehend things like Jesus can. But dont try to convince me that Christ is a fraud as Jewish did more than 2000 years ago. The 28 steps were believed to be part of Pontius Pilate's palace in Jerusalem and were moved to Rome in the fourth century AD by Helena, mother of Emperor Co. Helen converted to Christianity and had a great deal of influence over her son, Roman Emperor Constantine the Great. There were rich, powerful scum manipulating society back then, and there are still rich, powerful scum manipulating society today. The marble under the wood has not been seen since then, he stated, and their "re-uncovering" during the end of Lent and Easter is a "highpoint.". Step 1: Flush fresh blood in cold water as soon as possible. On 11 August 2015, the Apostolic Penitentiary granted a plenary indulgence to all who, "inspired by love", climbed the Stairs on their knees while meditating on Christ's passion, and also went to Confession, received Holy Communion, and recited certain other Catholic prayers, including a prayer for the Pope's intentions. These pilgrims come to honor the Passion of Jesus. God Bless you mr. diamond. My attitude at the time was, I admit, more tourist than pilgrim: Might as well give it . Humm. And caring for others. All he has managed to do is spread a bunch of lies, I bet hes never even been to this place. In The Catholic Encyclopedia. Ive read all of your aforementioned responses, so please give some substance to your response. "Scala Sancta (Holy Stairs)." Ruach haKodesh will walk you through it if you are sincere in your quest for Truth. Purgatory is a doctrine of demons. One thing fundamentalists dont seem to grasp is that God in the fullness of time sent his son. [1] Officially, the edifice is titled the Pontifical Sanctuary of the Holy Stairs (Pontificio Santuario della Scala Santa), and incorporates part of the old Papal Lateran Palace. Who the Hell do you think you are??? Also, when Jesus said at the last supper: do this in memory of me he wasnt saying it for nothing, then or now. Ivarfjeld, In the Middle Ages they were known as the Stairs of Pilate and led to a corridor of the Lateran Palace, near the Chapel of St. Sylvester. It is said that orange light in the room of the dying helps the awareness-principle to maintain consciousness so that it would Based in the New York City vicinity, she writes about travel for a variety of publications. Finding the Basilica of the Holy Stairs: Address: Piazza di S. Giovanni in Laterano, 14, 00185 Roma RM, Italy. Even if Jesus hadnt actually set foot on those particular steps, wouldnt the fact that thousands of Catholics have rediscovers or immensly strengthened their faith while on those very steps make it a very holy place?? She grew up in Omaha, Nebraska, and has a degree in English from Truman State University in Missouri. With you, it seems, a little prejudice is a dangerous thing. Website of the Sanctuary. Scala Santa. For common use, the staircase is flanked by four additional staircases, two on each side, constructed circa 1589. 16:16). Personally I find you to be an ass but thank you for the wonderful picture. It doesnt matter if you believe it or not Catherine, it still is the truth. pull the other one-its got bells on. 4 areas of the stairs are covered with a gold casing and glass protector. They are located next to a church which was built on ground brought from Mount Calvary. I pray for the author and naysayers here. Are you saying that you can be part of the Catholic church without faith? Just part of RCC mysticism. It does NOT matter if you are Catholic or Protestant. I assure you, they brought much larger and more awesome things to rome than some stairs. Grab a clean white cloth, and start sponging the stain with the liquid cleaning solution. Instead, the stain should be blotted off . If any of the stain remains, repeat the process or put it through the washing machine. The truth is the truth. The Holy Stairs lead to the Church of Saint Lawrence in Palatio ad Sancta Sanctorum (Chiesa di San Lorenzo in Palatio ad Sancta Sanctorum) or simply the "Sancta Sanctorum" (English: Holy of Holies), which was the personal chapel of the early Popes. May we only claim in God we trust. I do not particularly believe in the power of the Dome or the Golden Gate in Jerusalem but I respect those who do. But when in the Word of God I read that Jesus died and arose again for me, I figured I could take God at His word. Nestled in a sleepy neighborhood in the hills rising over Pittsburgh lies a small chapel. On Sunday, the opening time is 7:00 am. Ivar, you said, This staircase in Rome is religious fraud. How do you know this? Thats if you accept the premise that CHristianity is a historical religion. According to the Christian . Leave peaceful people to do what they enjoy. Nowadays, the Scala Sancta is one of the most popular points of pilgrimage among Christians, because climbing the 28 steps on their knees grants the pilgrims a full indulgence of their sins. Walt, Proof positive you dont know what youre talking about. Finally, just because somethings not described in the good book doesnt mean it didnt happen. Pilgrims will be able to get a close look at the Scala Sancta (Image: Alamy) . The fact is the Steps, Golden Gate, The Dome and many other symbols of faith give comfort to many people who are not a threat to anyone. "The furrow in the center was caused by the tip of the shoe that, resting on the step below, served to give the push to climb the next step.". According to tradition, the stairs, known as the "Scala Sancta," were part of Pontius Pilate's palace in Jerusalem and brought to Rome in 326 by St. Helen, the mother of Roman emperor Constantine . I dont remember getting riled with Ivar over anything? A visit to the Scala Santa is like meditation but a bit harder on your knees. In Mathew 28 you can read how the chief priests and the Jewish elders tried their best to blot out any traces and evidences of a risen Messiah, a cover-up that was supposed to have pleased Pilate. You know guys, to each his own. Rom 9:32 Wherefore? The Israelis would probably sell it for $10 billion or so. Point being you dont have to be in a location to know it exists. The comment field is meant to used as a debate field. I ask God to touch and soften your heart and bless each of you in a very special way. This helps to explain the plethora of false teachings that Rome continues to propagate and why she cannot change them without completely dismantling the entire religion. And if there ever was such a staircase, how did it end up as a pagan Roman Queens possession, more than 300 years after the life of Jesus? There are 28 steps. The fact is Jesus Christ, our Saviour entered into time not something that many evangelicals seem to pay much cognisance to. It takes about 20 minutes to get to the top where there is a beautiful mosaic of Jesus to greet you. Among the most sacred Catholic sites in Rome, the Scala Santa (or Holy Stairs) is a solemn destination for believersfrom pilgrims to popeswho would climb the 28 marble steps on their knees in devotion. Its 18 million articles (over 3.6 million in English) have been written collaboratively by volunteers around the world, and almost all of its articles can be edited by anyone with access to the site. Please dont follow the traditions and teachings of men that stand against the word of G-d. Be good Bereans and search the Scriptures for yourselfyoull be glad you did. No matter what they are or believe. Yeshua observed in Matthew 7:15-20 that we will be known as true believers by our acts. For what? As the mountains surround Jerusalem, so the LORD surrounds his people both now and forevermore. 2. Rom 6:10 For in that he died, he died unto sin once: but in that he liveth, he liveth unto God. Plus another fact is that a praetorium in the Roman Empire before there was Christianity had stairs to see the riegning governor of the region they rule!!!! https://www.whatsup. Amptelik is die gebou getiteld Pontificio Santuario della Scala Santa, en inkorporeer dit 'n deel van die ou pouslike Lateraanse . Jesus did not redeem mankind in the presence of Pilate, and any penance in such a staircase that will redeem the dead Catholics from purgatory is not-Biblical non sense. After that, I am a Baptist by denomination. The Scala Sancta (Holy Stairs) are steps that can be found in what used to be the old Lateran Palace. Those who were physically impeded from climbing the stairs could obtain the plenary indulgence by meditating on Christ's passion while at the Stairs and completing the other conditions. And there are 4 places on the stairs that are encased in gold-framed glass, supposed to be places where drops of Jesus blood fell. Scala Sancta (Holy Stairs) Piazza di San Giovanni in Laterano, 14. Our trip to Italy was amazing, especially Rome. Clean the Blood Away with Cornstarch. Such an ascension allows pilgrims to meditate on Christ's fate and to observe the spots of the Savior's blood on the marble steps. What About Scala Sancta Blood Stains? Replica stairs flank the original staircase, which may only be climbed on one's knees. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. According to Roman Catholic tradition, the Holy Stairs were the steps leading up to the praetorium of Pontius Pilate in Jerusalem on which Jesus Christ stepped on his way to trial during his Passion. He took the carved Asherah pole he had made and put it in the temple, of which the LORD had said to David and to his son Solomon, In this temple and in Jerusalem, which I have chosen out of all the tribes of Israel, I will put my Name forever. Made their own temple in a pagan city, and claim that their leader is The Holy father. Inside St. Anthonys Chapel lies a piece from the Crown of Thorns, a tooth of St. Anthony of Padua, and more than 5,000 other verified relics, or remains, of saints from around the world. Maybe it isnt the stairs of Christ, but it is the Faith IN Christ that I climbed both times. However they believe I will respect, but dont tout disrespect without proof. He described the scene of pilgrims ascending the staircase on their knees as a "dangerous reliance on outward observances".[5][14]. Please explain this article on wikipedia!! It comes down to respecting each other beliefs which may not be the same as yours, and the world will be a better place. He offers you this giftPeace to you, His peace. . I support your statement that the stairs are fraud, but you really need to think about your supporting claims before you just throw them out there. Every day: 6.30 - 18.30 (summer 19.00) Naysayers everywhere, keep in mind that people worship God in their own way. Arthur. They were a society who built buildings and ect. Scala Sancta (Holy Stairs). Click here for the official La Scala Santa Website. When Sixtus V in 1589 destroyed the old papal palace and built the . Only one person will judges us all and that is the LORD Jesus! Climbing the 28 stairs is considered penitential because by tradition you can only go up them on your knees. 1. its own. They were beheaded, boiled, flayed alive. Do not trust what men saygo to the Scriptures yourself and search out these things! Jesus said that he (or she) whom the Son sets free is free indeed! Not that much has changed, aside from semantics. Let us as human beings do what we can to honor the earth for as long as we can,and the best way that we can, the universe,and praise God,helping each other in the process. of theology, etc. . Praise God, for your faith-filled insights! this was, presumably, the same woman who identified the BURNING BUSH in Sinai. 2. It continues to be venerated in Rome, in the Basilica of St. John Lateran. Trusting fully in doing what is just Theres no doubt in my mind the stairs are a fraud, as most religious relics are, but you act like the romaans couldnt have moved these steps without resorting to black magic. The bare, white marble of Rome's 'Scala Sancta,' which are believed to be the stairs trod by Christ on the day of his trial and death, are exposed and visible . The Jewish Cannon was completed 1.500 years before there was a Roman Catholic Church, with its center in pagan Rome.. [6] In the Middle Ages, they were known as "Scala Pilati" ("Stairs of Pilate"). Rome, Italy A world without Jesus is doomed. Jesus Christ never told his followers to persecute or kill any one. "The moment we saw what was underneath, the idea came to open them publicly for the devoted, even for a brief period and for what is possible, obviously, for the conservation of the marble.". [7], The Scala Sancta may only be ascended on the knees. Psalm 125:2 Thanks for sharing your thoughts about bankruptcy case. Thank you, thank you, I do hope you have more time to answer to some of the naysayers. I am not Jewish, but my Lord and Risen Savior Jesus Christ is Jewish. APA citation. Actually it basically comes down to this: John 8:24 Therefore I said to you that you will die in your sins; for if you do not believe that I AM He, you will die in your sins.. Then Jesus came to them and said, All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Ever wonder why that is? But, I climbed in honest faith my prayers were heard on each step by the Holy Trinity! Hannah Brockhaus is Catholic News Agency's senior Rome correspondent. In other words, the Christian religion is essentially a historical religion, as in the Old Testament: the God of your fathers Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. "Scala Sancta (Holy Stairs)". Our religion is based on Faith. Pick up the Word of God. Holy steps in Rome claims to have blood stains ofJesus, Catholics in Belgium in procession with The Holy blood News that matters, A 25th Anniversary Pilgrimage: Limited Photos or No Flash | MyCatholicJourneyBlog. So just because its not in the bible, that automatically seems it as not true, or didnt happen? When the Angel told her that she would give birth to the Son of God through the power and overshadowing of the Holy Spirit she said, My soul does magnify THE LORD and I rejoice in God MY SAVIOR. Tel: +39 06 77 26 641 (open 08:00 - 13:00) Fax: +39 06 77 26 64 219. email: Natalie is a food and travel writer who has been living in Rome full time since 2010. The stain has already set, so the goal here is to avoid damaging the carpet fibers under and surrounding the dried blood. But you see St John relishing this is 1 John 1:1. I myself dont particularly believe * 7 9 * years plenary indulgence, for what is time to God? Small crosses embedded in the marble mark the spots where drops of Jesus's blood were said to have landed; many people . The New testament is basically a confirmation of the Old Testament, where Jesus confirms the scriptures. WE ARE TO WORSHIP GOD ALONE! Its as if he wants us to touch Jesus. Before you start trying to explain your opinion on something, you may want to do a little research first. Frantiknsky kostol Nepokvrnenho Poatia Panny Mrie. Faith is forever. The others were Sola Gratia (by grace alone) Sola fide (through faith alone) Solo Christo (in Christ alone) Sola Scriptura (by the teachings of Scripture alone) Soli Deo Gloria (to the glory of God alone). There is enough ignorance to go around whether Protestant, Catholic, Jewish or what ever here. Not a few popes are recorded to have performed this pious exercise; Pius IX, who in 1853 entrusted the Passionist Fathers with the care of the sanctuary, ascended the Holy Stairs on 19 September 1870, the eve of the entrance of the Piedmontese into Rome. But Rome fell, as all oppressive and haughty civilizations eventually do, (Take note of this, my fellow Americans!) Scala Sancta Tours and Tickets. When good Catholic monks visited Rome, they would often visit a place called Scala Sancta, which means "holy stairs" in the Latin. GranmaMayr. In God we trust In the Catholic Church, plenary indulgence can be granted for climbing the stairs on the knees. You might need something stronger than water for more set-in period stains. Think about it. E eu te darei as chaves do reino dos cus; e tudo o que ligares na terra ser ligado nos cus, e tudo o que desligares na terra ser desligado nos cus. Love the lord God with all your heart, soul and love another has I have loved you two simple commandments he left, No old nonsense of any of the above that my brothers and sisters is what is wrong with the religion of today tainted to the core and the priests, vicars, Religion with a gold casing and glass protector Jesus Christ never told his followers to persecute or kill any.... Steps????????????! Your RESEARCH!!!!!!!!!!!. 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scala sancta blood stains