what are the signs and symptoms of agent orange?

We advocate for the disabled. Today the U.S. Veterans Administration recognizes that exposure to Agent Orange or other herbicides during military service is the probable cause of these types of cancer in Vietnam veterans: Soft tissue sarcomas (but not osteosarcoma, chondrosarcoma, Kaposis sarcoma or mesothelioma) Four years ago, I was enlightened by another Vietnam Vet that there are benefits available. Healthy as an ox until age 79, came down with acute leukemia and died a year later. Please call for an appointment before visiting: Mail Processing Center: P.O. A .gov website belongs to an official government organization in the United States. I lost 2 babies before conceiving my oldest who just turned 6. Surviving spouse are eligible to receive benefits. 2, History of the Controversy Over the Use of Herbicides. He was a navigator on a KC135. Is there a test to show if you are an Agent Orange victim? Payments for children of women Vietnam veterans born with certain birth defects. Had all sorts of trouble in school , but when I tell people it was passed to me from my father because of agent Orange they tell me Im stupid, or Im crazy. WebExposure to Agent Orange could have occurred when the chemicals were breathed in, ingested in contaminated food or drinks, or absorbed through the skin. My family lifes not the same anymore are situations is getting more worst effecting more my daughters lifes. The Agent Orange sprayed in Vietnam during what the U.S. military called Operation Ranch Hand was a mixture of 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) and other dioxins. I know too many adult chilren of Vietnam Veterans that suffer from similar diseases passed on by their Dads bad genes. Please refer to the appropriate style manual or other sources if you have any questions. I would go again if told again. I dont understand why males are not given the same consideration for passing on birth defects as women are. The most common birth defect caused by Agent Orange is spina bifida. I have been in the VA system for several years. Im very sorry for your loss as well. Symptoms could include the following: Acne on your face, including blackheads. When I told the VA Agent Orange representative from the Hampton Virginia VA Hospital about my exposure and that I had pictures to prove my claim he replied I dont care if you have pictures of you drinking Agent Orange, if you werent assigned to a Vietnam APO you have NO CLAIM! As a retired ultra-endurance triathlete turned medical writer, Chris brings the same passion and commitment to science-based journalism as he did to running, biking, and swimming extraordinary distances. Thousands of U.S. service members were directly exposed to high concentrations of Agent Orange. The affected child must have been conceived after the Veteran entered Vietnam or the Korean demilitarized zone during the qualifying service period. Do to 2nd generation exposure of Agent Orange, cause there is no help in the government system for us to get. Sure, he will never be cured of his ailments BUT compensation would be gratitude by our government of taking care of OUR vets. Tim Discher. Finally awarded 100% unemployability in sept 04. This condition is on the Agent Orange presumptive list for Vietnam War veterans because veterans who were exposed to the toxins in this herbicide are likely to develop this condition. Clarify how you will be screened for any potential problem. Thankfully it was caught and treated, and she has gone on to have 3 children. Thank You. In Iraq & Afghanistan, the military had low ranking troops handle the burn pits (whats new) including burning plastic bottles (illegal in the US to burn) and now many troops are showing up with lung problems. minimum 30 percent rating for the disease itself or the combined rating of the symptoms) Examples of symptoms/residuals of Parkinsons disease that VA can evaluate when assigning a disability rating include the following: Difficulty swallowing (dysphagia) DC 7203. If your service-connected condition is disabling, you may be entitled to VA disability compensation. Post WW 11, it was the Atomic veterans that heard the denials. I live in Maryland and my representitive is the Maryland Veterans Assistance. apply for complications of diabetes and for diabetes. He has filed for VA benefits in New Orleans, Louisiana.We are waiting. I think so. Contact a VA Environmental Health Coordinatorfor details. WebLeft untreated, the COPD sufferer finds that breathing becomes increasingly labored and experiences symptoms such as wheezing, constant coughing and recurring upper respiratory infections. Durant JT, Boivin TG, Pohl HR, Sinks TH. There are two ways to find a VSO: For general inquiries, you can call the Agent Orange helpline at800-749-8387 (TTY: 711)or send an email to GW/AOHelpline@vba.va.gov. Son has undersized testicles and probably not be able to have children either. I did all the research and we filled out forms, filed them ourselves and called directly to follow up. CA: A Cancer Journal for Clinicians. Thank you. I was at Ka shaun when 3 C-123s came flying right out the perimetere spraying. we represent clients nationwide. Symptoms often affect the arms, breathing muscles, and even the face, reflecting more widespread nerve damage. Patterson AT, Kaffenberger BH, Keller RA, Elston DM. I was rated 30% upon retirement after 30 years for Advancd Atherosclorisis. Agent Orange is an herbicide. Omissions? Even my parents, family, relatives. There isn't a specific test to show if you are an Agent Orange victim. Occasionally symptoms start in the upper body and move down to the legs and Want to be upgraded to 100%. Despite carefully monitoring my Diabetes, it has progressed. World Health Organization (WHO). Cleveland, OH: 600 Superior Ave. East, Fifth Third Building, Suite 1300, Cleveland, OH, 44114 Monsanto, once a major manufacturer of Agent Orange, denies that the herbicide mix has long-lasting health impacts. 1988, Under SAM ROBERT History. He currently has Type II diabetes and treated for prostate cancer in which now has spread somewhere else in his body (test are not conclusive at this time). To access the menus on this page please perform the following steps. Im a USAF Veteran 1958-1962, working and living/working on all the major Military bases in VN (1966-1968,169-1971), plus time on US Navy Carriers and other ship of the coast. Our uniforms were washed in it. About 50 million litres (13 million gallons) of Agent Orangecontaining about 170 kg (375 pounds) of dioxinwere dropped on Vietnam. Get help from state VA offices. I was diagnosed with the Multiple Myeloma about 7 years ago by a private doctor and it took me two years for the VA to finally acknowledge that it, as well as the other ailments were all related to Agent Orange and the experiences of combat. Tomorrow is not a promise, only a gift. My husband got it, you can too. For no one mention the agent till just these past couple of year. Treatment could include: Your healthcare provider will diagnose and treat the effects of Agent Orange if you had exposure to the herbicide. Former President Reagan, Honored them a Medal, To what they than in battle ship, yrs. Lesions related to prostate cancer metastasis and multiple myeloma! severe vomiting and diarrhea. do it now. I just flew helicopters for two years. 2015;25(3):254-264. doi:10.1080/09603123.2014.938026. He was healthy one day and found full body cancer the next. There are several other medical conditions that appear to be strongly linked to Agent Orange exposure, but which have not yet been added to the presumptive list: Again, if you have any symptoms that are severe or that worry you, you should seek medical attention, either through the VA health care system or your own providers. One of the primary long-term effects of Agent Orange is that it can accumulate in fatty tissue and remain there for decades. Tragically, exposure to Agent Orange and TCDD dioxins is associated with birth defects in exposed veterans children. 1989;27(2):165-171. doi:10.1080/15287398909531288. Dioxins are fat-soluble. Thus, common symptoms include dizziness, headaches, numbness, Hefelt that he contacted Agent Orange while training there all the years he was in the guard. that`s why some soldiers say a bronze star and a quarter will get you a cup of coffee anywhere. Agent Orange herbicides used tested on Vieques Island , off the coast of Puerto Rico. Some children of Vietnam veterans may be eligible for VA benefits if they're living with a permanent mental or physical disability linked to their parents' Agent Orange exposure. My sister and I both had reproductive issues and had to have hysterectomy. I never knew about prostate cancer or multiple myeloma being related to agent orange. Im a Vietnam veteran from 1970 thy 1971 I got 70% plus unemployed which made it 100% for PTSD now my Heath is very bad and my allergies are very bad those a lot of food I cant eat because of the allergies and I know it because of the AO very soon I be livening in bubble because my allergies and I was told that where I was In Nam there didnt spary but I use to see a plane every morning spraying the area I was station at. Visit USA.gov, This will take you to the MyHealtheVet website, This will take you to the Suicide Prevention website, This will take you to the VA Find a Form page, This will take you to the VA Publications page, 10 things every Veteran should know about Agent Orange, diseases related to Agent Orange exposure, exposure to Agent Orange or other herbicides, Spina bifida (except spina bifida occulta), Birth defects in children of women Veterans, Herbicide Tests and Storage Outside Vietnam, Agent Orange Residue on Airplanes Used in Vietnam War, http://www.publichealth.va.gov/exposures/agentorange/research-studies.asp, 100 years of advancing health care for women Veterans, Multiple Sclerosis: I plan to complete a marathon, Call TTY if you Learn more about healthy living. Swelling ENEMY OR YOUR ADVERSARY.LET THEM KNOW ABOUT YOUR CONDITIONS. https://www.hillandponton.com/agent-orange-and-your-body-symptoms An official website of theU.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, Looking for U.S. government information and services? Deland, FL: 1607 South State Road 15A Suite 12 Deland, FL 32720, Satellite Offices Read our. My father died from amlyodosis. Moreover, TCDD in natural environments can last for many years. >You were exposed to herbicides in a location other than Vietnam or the DMZ, such as by loading, transporting, or storing them while serving in the U.S. Armed Forces. Richmond, VA: 7400 Beaufont Springs Drive, Suite 300, Richmond, VA, 23225 WebThe following is a list of reported Agent Orange symptoms and effects: 1. I am a womens health nurse at a VA Medical Center. I was stationed at Camp Ranger outside Bien Hoa 1965-66. I served as a commo man with the 27 engr. It contains dioxin, a toxic chemical that can cause a, Service connection may be presumed for residuals of exposure to Agent Orange for veterans who, during active military, naval, or air force, served in the Republic of Vietnam (The Vietnam, Agent Orange was an herbicide that the United States military used during the Vietnam War. Thank you, {{form.email}}, for signing up. Coincidence or consequence of Ft. 2022;12(08):363-426. doi:10.4236/ojss.2022.128016. Denied VA Benefits? facilities Washington, D.C., East Orange, NJ, and Palo Alto, CA. My Husband Paul G. his Veteran Disabled For young ages, he was only 34yrs old. He died in 1986 when I was 7 due to cancer. Appreciate any info. I agree. One surgery already, more to come. Sincerely, Jackie Stewart. Learn more about us, Veterans Disability Claim He has Diabetes Type 2, was recently diagnosis with Prostrate Cancer ( 6 months ago). I believe it came from my exposure to Agent Orange in Vietnam. Peripheral neuropathy, early onset: An illness of the nervous system that causes numbness, tingling, and motor (or muscle) weakness. I have never had to wait more then 8 months for a claim to be processed. What Are the Long-Term Effects of Agent Orange? Skin diseases associated with Agent Orange and other organochlorine exposures. Voice of America (VOA). Thank You for your time and service. But Dod and VA ha.ve only treated the symptoms. She has constant pain in her lower back. In 2018, a systematic review of the long-term health effects of Agent Orange exposure in the Vietnam War concluded that there wasn't sufficient scientific evidence to confirm a link between tactical herbicide exposure and birth defects in the descendants of Vietnam veterans. He served in Vietnam from 1968-1969 (drafted in 1967). If you served in the military in Vietnam or on the Korean DMZ between specific dates of Vietnam Era, or you are otherwise known to have been exposed to thedefoliantduring your military service,andyou are diagnosed with certain health problems, the VA will presume that your condition has service connection due to exposure to the Agent Orange contaminant. Just this week she was diagnosed with multiple herniations in her lower back. My dad was a veteran who served in Vietnam between those years, was exposed to Agent Orange, died of lung cancer on January 13th, 2011, and never received a dime of compensation. While every effort has been made to follow citation style rules, there may be some discrepancies. That is that my claim is still in progress. This compound is a particularly toxic form of dioxin. 9500 Euclid Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio 44195 |, Important Updates + Notice of Vendor Data Event, (https://www.cancer.org/healthy/cancer-causes/chemicals/agent-orange-and-cancer.html), (https://www.publichealth.va.gov/exposures/agentorange/index.asp). and ifso how do i get tested? Our children both have reproductive defects, daughter with t-shaped uterus, had to have hysterectomy in 20s. Hill & Ponton P.A. Getting infections frequently. The most recent mishap is during preparation for radiation therapy, his VA pulmonary doctor, ACCIDENTLY punctured his lungs while in the OR. Frumkin H. Agent orange and cancer: an overview for clinicians. 800-829-4833, Veterans Crisis Line: The registry data helps VA understand and respond to these health problems more effectively. Please switch auto forms mode to off. I have had prostate cancer, type 2 diabetes etc. The insiders (the manufacturers, etc.) Im not saying all reps are like that but of they are dealing with numerous claims, yours may take awhile. Benefits.gov. USS Boston. It is believed that Agent Orange is still affecting the health of Vietnamese people. Under SAM ROBERT Historical Story, years 1988. I LOVE MY COUNTRY AND THE VETS THAT SERVED WITH ME IN NAM 65-66. I was up north by the DMZ, as a Marine and you know we were all exposed to this stuff. The IOM then issues its reports, including its conclusions and recommendations to VA, Congress, and the public. What are the symptoms of Agent Orange effects? Even though I have been awarded 100% disability rating, I am still required to be re-examined once a year in their effort to reduce the the rating. Absorbing it through your skin from physical contact with the herbicide. Many U.S., Australian, and New Zealand servicemen who suffered long exposure to Agent Orange in Vietnam later developed a number of cancers and other health disorders. He received his medical degree from the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences (USUHS), Masters of Public Health from Harvard University, and Doctorate of Public Health from Johns Hopkins University. Washington (DC): National Academies Press (US); 1994. When dioxin enters your body, it can damage or destroy vital organs, cells, your immune system and your hormones. A senate hesring expised this 1994 time frame. In addition, studies suggest that Agent Orange exposure reached over 3 million people living in Vietnam during the conflict. Because of how my father has been treated by VA, I HATE I served my country for 25 DAMN years! Agent Orange was a toxic, plant-killing chemical (herbicide) that the U.S. military used to clear foliage during the Vietnam conflict. While the herbicide received a ban in 1971 and the U.S. destroyed all remaining inventory shortly after, there are still lingering effects present among veterans and Vietnamese people who lived in areas where the U.S. sprayed Agent Orange. Have sleep apnea and PTSD looking for any research that links these two conditions, Would you be able to help?. While assigned there during the time frame listed I know other defoliants if not Agent Orange was used. Bob Mulholland. Maybe my experience will help someone else. There is a growing body of medical evidence linking other conditions not listed here to Agent Orange exposure we will also discuss those below! An herbicide used in warfare is linked to serious health complications. The compound is extremely persistent: It does not wash away readily with rain, but stays in the environment for years, building up in soil and sediment and accumulating in the food chain. them are Veterans themselves. Do you know how pissed off it makes me that someone who proudly served his country isnt taken care of but people who refuse to work and have kids they cant afford get food stamps and free cell phones? He was in Dong Ha and Quang Tri. Agent Orange was used along with several other herbicides, code-named Agents White, Purple, Blue, Pink, and Green. These health problems more effectively of Vietnam Veterans born with certain birth defects exposed! Clear foliage during the qualifying service period refer to the appropriate style manual or sources... Department of Veterans Affairs, Looking for U.S. government information and services served with ME what are the signs and symptoms of agent orange? NAM 65-66 or! Could include the following: Acne on your face, reflecting more widespread damage... Of coffee anywhere was stationed at Camp Ranger outside Bien Hoa 1965-66 with ME in 65-66! Uterus, had to wait more then 8 months for a claim to be processed Orange was along... 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what are the signs and symptoms of agent orange?